25 research outputs found

    HOTS-Based Learning Management in the Process of Improving Student Academic Quality in Inclusive Schools

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    HOTS-based learning management is an activity that includes the process of planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating. This study aims to describe HOTS-based learning management in improving the Academic Quality of Students. The research method used in this research is qualitative with case study method. The data collection process was carried out using observation and interview techniques conducted at SDN Sendangadi 2. Interviews were conducted with the principal and several upper class teachers (grades 4, 5 and 6) and observations were made by observing the learning carried out by classroom teachers. The results of this study indicate that the achievement of HOTS-based learning management is successful with the support of many parties, including: teachers, students, principals and the learning environment

    Pengaruh Penyuluhan Pajak Terhadap Sikap Mahasiswa di Jakarta

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    The purpose of this research was to analyze the effect of tax education conducted by the Director General of Taxes on student attitudes. This research used explanatory quantitative research methods by using a survey to 134 respondents. Theories used are Schiffman & Kanuk's basic communication theory / model, counseling theories, persuasive communication theory from Petty & Otcioppo and Attitude theory from Hovland and Janis & Kelley. The results of data processing used the Path Analysis method. The results showed that the source factor did not significantly influence the internal intermediary process. The message factor has a significant effect on the internal intermediary process. The internal intermediary process significantly influences attitude. This research also found that respondents' statements about the credibility of extension workers were quite good. This can be seen from the statements of respondents that the instructor has complete knowledge, masters the material presented, has experience in taxation, can be trusted, andĀ  objective in delivering the material. The message factor influences the internal intermediary process. In counseling conducted by the Director General of Taxes, the message factor which consists of the validity of the message contents, the actualization of the message contents, this package of messages affect the attitude of students. The more valid and actual the material presented, the more it gets the attention of students. Tax counseling conducted by the Director General of Taxes can affect student attitudes.Ā Ā AbstrakĀ Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengaruh penyuluhan pajak yang telah dilakukan oleh Dirjen Pajak terhadap sikap mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif eksplanatif dengan menggunakan survey terhadap 134 responden. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori/model komunikasi dasar Schiffman & Kanuk, teori-teori penyuluhan, teori komunikasi persuasif dari Petty & Otcioppo dan teori Sikap dari Hovland serta Janis & Kelley. Hasil pengolahan data menggunakan metode Path Analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa faktor sumber tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap proses perantara internal. Faktor pesan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap proses perantara internal. Proses perantara internal berpengaruh signifikan terhadap sikap. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa pernyatan-pernyataan responden terhadap kredibilitas penyuluh cukup baik. Ini terlihat dari pernyataan-pernyataan responden bahwa penyuluh memiliki pengetahuan yang lengkap, menguasai materi yang disampaikan, memiliki pengalaman di bidang perpajakan, dapat dipercaya, dan objektif dalam penyampaian materi. Faktor pesan berpengaruh terhadap proses perantara internal. Pada penyuluhan yang dilakukan oleh Dirjen Pajak, faktor pesan yang terdiri dari validitas isi pesan, aktualisasi isi pesan, kemasan ini pesan berpengaruh terhadap sikap mahasiswa. Semakin valid dan aktual materi yang disampaikan, semakin mendapat perhatian mahasiswa. Penyuluhan pajak yang dilakukanĀ  oleh Dirjen Pajak dapat memengaruhi sikap mahasiswa

    How Experience Quality, Prior Knowledge and Perceived Value Affect Revisit Intention to Batavia Jakarta

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    Heritage tourism at Old City of Jakarta is still far behind from the Old City in Singapore and Shanghai, so this research was conducted to see the opportunity that revisit intention to Kota tua Jakarta can be increased through the right business strategy. This study aims to determine the effect of the experience quality and prior knowledge variables on revisit intention through perceived value. Primary data was obtained from the results of 406 tourist domestic questionnaires who visited the Jakarta Old Town. Data were collected from February to March 2022. Ā The data is processed using SEM-PLS with SmartPLS application. By using purposive sampling method, it was concluded that the variables of experience quality and prior knowledge had a positive and significant effect

    POLAKOMUNIKASIANTARAORANGTUADANANAKDALAM MENCEGAH TAWURAN REMAJA (Studi Kasus di Kawasan KelurahanTanahTinggi,KecamatanJoharBaru,JakartaPusat)

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    Communicationpatternscancreateabetterrelationshipandbuildclosenessbetweenparentsandchildreniftheprocessofcommunication patterns goes well. Lack of interpersonalcommunicationbetweenparentsandchildreninpreventingbrawlsbetweenteenagerswasfoundintheJoharBarusubdistrict,CentralJakarta.Lackofinteractionandsupervisionbyparentsandchildren,andlackofchildren'sethicsaresomeoftheproblemsinseveralfamilies,whicharesomeofthefactorscausingtheriseofbrawlsbetweenteenagersintheJoharBarusubdistrict,CentralJakarta.ThepurposeofthisstudywastoexaminethepatternofcommunicationbetweenparentsandchildreninpreventingjuvenilebrawlsintheJohar Barusubdistrict,CentralJakarta.The theoryusedinthis studyisthepatterncommunicationbyDeVito,namely,sendingandreceivingmessages,competence,messages,communication channels,noise,context,impact,andethics.Theresearchmethodusedisdescriptivequalitativeresearch,withinterviewandobservationmethodsasdatacollectiontechniques.Theresultsshowthatthepattern of communication betweenparentsandchildreninpreventingjuvenilebrawlsintheJoharBarusubdistrict,CentralJakartahasbeen going well in the aspect of messages, namely effectiveness in delivering messages, and media communication channels in communicating. While in the aspect of sending and receiving messages,theintensityoftheprocessofexchanginginformation,competence,namelyopennessincommunication,noisefromdisturbancesinthecommunicationprocess,theenvironmentalcontextinthecommunicationprocess,theimpactofeffectsthatoccurafterthecommunicationprocess,andethicalattitudesincommunicating,arestillnotwellestablishedsothathinderthecommunicationprocess

    Digital Communication Management Bandung City Government in Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Recovery in Bandung City

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has occurred in the world since 2020, not only in Indonesia but also in all countries in the world. The economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has been felt by the Indonesian people since the implementation of the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) on March 15, 2020. Community activities are forced to be carried out through digital transformation in services, transactions and work, for example the Bandung City Government. This research was conducted to determine the Digital Communication Management of the Bandung City Government in an inclusive and sustainable Economic Recovery in Bandung City. The object of this research is the Bekasi City Government. This study uses the method of Phenomenology of Edmund Husserl. Having the concept of phenomenology as a scientific method that does not start with doubt, direction, and the truth of an experience. Data collection techniques in this study by means of observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques in this study use data reduction, data display, and verification of Miles and Huberman. Based on the Data Findings, Data Results and Discussions that the researchers have submitted, it can be concluded that the Bandung City Government has implemented Digital Communication Management in helping inclusive and sustainable economic recovery by through digital platforms, it is more helpful for small entrepreneurs, especially the current focus on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. One of them is Digital Transformation by continuing to encourage the implementation of smart cities through digital transformation in various aspects of public services

    Strategi Komunikasi Oza Rangkuti Dalam Meningkatkan Personal Branding @Podcastkeselaje

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    The concept of personal branding involves creating and maintaining a positive public perception of oneself. This study aimed to examine Oza Rangkuti's communication strategy for improving their personal branding on TikTok, where they have 1.5 million followers and create content on South Jakarta language terms. The study employed a descriptive qualitative approach and utilized interviews, observation, and documentation as data collection techniques. Results revealed that Oza Rangkutiā€™s implemented the concept from Regina Luttrell's communication strategy on social media, which involves aspect sharing content on other social media platforms to attract more followers and keep them updated. Then, aspects optimize interactions with other users by responding to messages and comments, aspects manage their accounts by monitoring conversations and aspects engage, Oza to create content with other content creators to benefit both parties. Oza Rangkuti's personal branding was successful based on the characteristics, relevance, and consistency aspects of McNally & Speak's framework. Oza linked his content to events or issues in South Jakarta, made it relevant to everyday life, and consistently uploaded content twice a week for over a year


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    Penelitian ini menggambarkan tentang konstruksi realitas sosial perempuan tentang gender dalam membentuk karakteristik anak. Pemahaman perempuan mengenai gender menjadi hal mendasar bagi proses pendidikan dan penanaman nilai kepada anak. Ketika perempuan berbicara persamaan gender, harus dilandasi pemahaman gender, karena menjadi rancu ketika perempuan membahas tentang gender, tetapi pemahaman tentang gender tidak ada. Jika perempuan yang tidak paham gender menjadi pendidik dalam keluarga, akan bias nilai yang didapat anak ketika anak terjun dalam publik atau berada dalam ranah domestik (rumah tangga), maka nilai gender yang tidak sama ditanamkan kepada anak akan menjadi pemahaman dan berdampak kepada kebijakan anak dalam kehidupannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis bagaimana kontruksi realitas sosial perempuan tentang gender dalam pembentukan karakteristik anak

    Changes of Learning Communication Models in New Normal Adaptation: From Classroom Learning to Distance Learning Environment

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    Covid-19 pandemic has a significant impact on various aspects of life, both individually, organizationally and nationally. The decision of various countries in the world to do a "lockdown" in order to limit the transmission of the plague has an impact on continuity of economic wheels to education. Educational institutions began to close because of scarcity of students and difficulties in covering operational costs so that many teachers and management were laid off. For educational institutions that still survive must play a strategy to stay afloat and maintain their students able to learn, with the policy ā€˜Work from Homeā€™ and ā€˜School from Homeā€™. The pandemic to this day is not over yet and it is predicted that it will last long until the antivirus is found. However, in anticipation of bankruptcy, the government adopted adaptation of new habits (New Normal), habits that emphasize the implementation of health protocols in every activity. To carry out health protocols, educational institutions change the learning patterns from learning in classrooms to online learning. This has an impact on lecturers with demands to adapt quickly to existing changes. This study tries to analyze and examine the ability of lecturers to adapt learning communication models from classroom-based learning to online-based learning. With hope that this research will become a reference for the developed communication model and its application in adaptation of new habits (New Normal). The study was conducted by examining the results of previous study and in-depth interviews with lecturers to get a diverse picture so that generic conclusions can be drawn

    E-Commerce Tax Regulatory Instructions in the Indonesian Government's Business Communication to Supports Social Justice

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    This research is a qualitative study that produces a conceptual understanding of how the government tries to conduct business communication in supporting the justice of conventional traders and digital entrepreneurship such as e-commerce. This study examines the efforts made in the study of e-commerce tax instructions to see the government's competence in social care, as well as making recommendations on how the instructions are carried out in order to achieve effective messages to all levels of society, especially the internal management of the government itself. It is possible, the large opportunity for digital entrepreneurship in the future to become a business alternative, if not managed properly, the subject of this research speaks through business communication theory in informative, persuasive, regulatory, and integrative to urge all parties to be aware of and comply with taxes. E-commerce taxes are a level playing field solution for the sake of harmony in the world of digital and conventional trade. The results of this study are a set of values of tax-abiding business communication on digital entrepreneurship to achieve a better socio-economic life, as well as increase the government's positive image in recognition of justice

    The Character Of Social Media Of The Dki Jakarta Provincial Government To Help Inclusive And Sustainable Economic Recovery In Jakarta

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has occurred in the world since 2020, not only in Indonesia but also in all countries in the world. The economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has been felt by the Indonesian people since the implementation of the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) on March 15, 2020. Community activities are forced to be carried out through digital transformation in services, transactions and work, for example DKI Jakarta Provincial Government . This study aims to determine the Social Media Character of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in assisting an inclusive and sustainable economic recovery. The object of this research is the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. This study uses the method of Phenomenology of Edmund Husserl. Having the concept of phenomenology as a scientific method that does not start with doubt, direction, and the truth of an experience. Data collection techniques in this study by means of observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques in this study use data reduction, data display, and verification of Miles and Huberman. Based on the Data Findings, Data Results and Discussions that the researchers have conveyed, it can be concluded that The Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta has optimized the character of social media. From a qualitative point of view, the quality is good because the information is quite referential. This means that from various sides the policies of the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta were conveyed. The information submitted by DKI Jakarta Provincial Government's Social Media has been well and optimally represented. The information side is then also to minimize areas of ignorance then areas where there are intersections that actually can be overcome with good social media management. DKI Jakarta Provincial Government's social media has been able to help economic recovery. Archives that are generally uploaded are in the form of public service advertisements, regional regulations, counseling, creative ideas, inspirational and informative stories in the form of good opportunities for residents