4 research outputs found

    Collaborative Management of Rice Field for Household Food Security: The Case of Santri Tani Sukabumi Regency

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    The collaborative rice field management that has been carried out in Ciracap Village, Ciracap District, Sukabumi Regency, aims to achieve the level of food security of farmer households. The stakeholders have roles as capital providers, facilitators, and off-takers. This study aims to analyze the extent to which the effectiveness of collaboration can provide positive changes to the level of food security of farmer households in Ciracap Village. This research started from February to August 2021, using mixed methods. The data collected was obtained based on a survey method with a questionnaire instrument for quantitative methods, as well as observations and in-depth interviews for qualitative methods. Quantitative data were processed using a multivariate test with MANOVA analysis, while qualitative data is processed by data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The results showed that the collaborative process of rice field management was based on a high level of trust between the closest stakeholders. However, based on the administrative data that is not on field conditions, the effectiveness of the collaboration process on the level of household food security is less effective. The effectiveness of collaboration tends to be weak because the program implementation has not yet fully guaranteed the fulfillment of food for farmer households. This is indicated by the socio-economic conditions of farmers that have not changed positively because the quality and quantity of rice production are not in line with the target

    Identifikasi Peran Modal Sosial Terhadap Tingkat Kesejahteraan Pelaku Industri Rumahan Sepatu Bayi di Desa Sukadamai

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    The home industry is a form of business activity to create a level of community welfare. Inpractice, every baby shoe industry has its way of developing its business. The role of social capital isconsidered as an important part to know how the process of transfer of knowledge obtained by thebaby shoe industry and to analyze the history and constraints that have been felt by the businessmanof baby shoe industry. Therefore, this study aims to identify the role of social capital in the welfarelevel of the baby shoe industry. The method in this research was carried out in a descriptivequalitative manner, interview techniques. The results showed that the role of social capital carriedout by the businessman of baby shoe industry is bounding, bridging, and linking. The analysis showsthat they have a high level of trust and are compliant with social norms, have a fairly good level ofnetwork and participation in, and have a high level of dependency with baby shoe handkerchief.The role of social capital carried out by the businessman as an effort to improve their welfare. Themovement showed the businessman of baby shoe industry made the Sukadamai village known asthe baby shoe craftsman village

    Karakteristik Individu, Pola Komunikasi, dan Efektivitas Kinerja Kelompok Ternak Ngudirejeki

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    Animal husbandry is a form of business activity to create prosperity. In practice, each breeder has its own way of building a vision that is sharing knowledge with others. A communication pattern is considered to be a very important part of knowing how the knowledge transfer process can proceed properly. Therefore, the study aims to analyze the characteristics of breeder group members, patterns of communication between livestock group members, and the effectiveness of livestock group performance. The research method was carried out in a quantitative survey through a questionnaire and data collection by interview techniques. The results obtained are: 1) a general description of the characteristics of members of the Ngudirejeki livestock group dominated by middle-aged men with the last education of high school graduates and have low experience of raising livestock and moderate livestock ownership (4–7 cattle); 2) more often apply interpersonal communication patterns; and 3) have a high level of effectiveness in performance with a group alert status of 93.3%. Keywords: animal herds, communication patterns, performance effectivenes


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    Beberapa studi mengenai persoalan sampah di negara global-selatan masih banyak menyerukan suara pesimistis tentang pengelolaan sampah. Belum banyak ditemukan warga global-selatan yang memandang sampah bukan sebagai barang kotor semata melainkan sumber daya sisa yang berharga. Single case study ini mengungkap hal yang berbeda. Praksis pengolahan sampah yang dilakukan oleh dua kelompok masyarakat urban di Kota Jakarta Timur, Indonesia, yakni Kelompok Tani Hutan (KTH) Rumah Kaum Jayakarta dalam Program Agroeduwisata Jayakarta menunjukkan bahwa kelompok tersebut telah memiliki pandangan dan praktik pengelolaan sampah yang tidak saja menguntungan secara lingkungan, namun juga secara ekonomi dan budaya. Program tersebut diterapkan dan dikembangkan melalui kerjasama dengan CSR PT ANTAM Tbk UBPP Logam Mulia. Dalam temuan studi ini, selain sampah diperlakukan bukan sebagai barang kotor dan rusak, namun sampah justru dapat dikonversikan menjadi emas. Praksis yang telah dilakukan kelompok dalam program tersebut selaras dengan konsep pembangunan kota berkelanjutan