102 research outputs found

    Manevi Yönelimli Çift, Evlilik ve Aile Terapileri

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    In this review, it is aimed to focus on the integration of spirituality into familyoriented psychological help processes. To conceptualize the reflection of spirituality on the family system more clearly and to make sense of the spirituality-family relationship, the issue of spirituality was examined in specific processes such as in the relationship between parents and children, between spouses and in the transition process from adolescence to late age. The paradoxical nature of spirituality in family relationships was emphasized. For this purpose, spirituality was discussed both as a source of problems and as a source for solutions in family relations. Spiritually oriented psychological clinical help is an emerging field in Turkey. Seeing that spirituality is such an important issue in family relations and marriage, it is aimed to bring a family-focused approach to the spiritually oriented psychological help process. So, by addressing ethical issues, this review aims to offer a new perspective to field practitioners working with couples and families in clinical practice.Bu çalışmada, maneviyat konusunun aile odaklı psikolojik yardım süreçlerine entegre edilmesine odaklanılmıştır. Maneviyatın aile sistemine yansımasını daha net bir şekilde kavramsallaştırabilmek ve maneviyat-aile ilişkisini anlamlandırabilmek için bu konu ebeveyn-çocuk ilişkisi, eşler arası ilişki, yaşlılık dönemine geçiş gibi spesifik süreçler içerisinde incelenmiştir. Maneviyatın, bu süreçlerdeki paradoksal doğası vurgulanmış ve maneviyat konusu hem sorunların kaynağı olabilme hem de sorunlara çözüm olabilme özelliğiyle tartışılmıştır. Manevi yönelimli psikolojik danışma ve terapi Türkiye’de son zamanlarda çalışılan, güncel bir alandır. Maneviyatın, aile ve evlilik ilişkilerindeki önemi göz önünde bulundurularak, bu bölümde manevi yönelimli psikolojik yardım süreçlerinde, aile odaklı bir yaklaşımın tanıtılması hedeflenmiştir. Bu nedenle, etik konulara değinilerek, klinik uygulamada çiftler ve ailelerle çalışan alan uygulayıcılarına yeni bir bakış açısının sunulması amaçlanmıştır

    The effect of motivation of success of university students on personal-professional competence: Mediation role of lifelong learning tendency

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    In this study, the relationship between motivations for success, personal-professional competencies and lifelong learning tendencies of university students were investigated. The study group consists of 344 University students from Turkey and Kosovo. In this research, the collection of data was done by “Personal-Professional Competencies Perception Scale, “Success Oriented Motivation Scale” and “Lifelong Learning Tendency Scale”. In order to determine the relationship between variables in the analysis of the data, correlation analysis was performed and tested with the structural equation model. According to the results of the research; there was a positive significant correlation between motivation for success and personal professional competence, and a positive significant relationship between lifelong learning and personal-professional competence. Motivation for success positively affects personal-professional competencies and lifelong learning tendencies. It has been determined that lifelong learning tendency is a partial tool in this relationship

    The Predictive Role of Innovation Management with Lifelong Learning on Individual Innovativeness: An Examination on Teachers

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationships among innovation management competencies of school administrators, teachers' lifelong learning tendencies, and individual innovativeness levels of teachers and to determine the predictive value of innovation management competencies of school administrators and teachers' lifelong learning tendencies have on their individual innovativeness levels. The sample of the study consist of 302 teachers from 38 public schools in Güngören province of Istanbul city.A relational survey model has been used and the data have been obtained utilizing three scales: “Innovation Management Scale in Schools”, “Individual Innovativeness Scale”, and “Lifelong Learning Tendency Scale”. The data have been analyzed using correlation and regression analyses. According to the research results, a positive correlation has been found among perceived innovation management competencies of school administrators, teachers' lifelong learning tendencies, and individual innovativeness levels of teachers. It has been determined that perceived school administrators 'innovation management competencies predicted teachers' individual innovation levels by 5% and lifelong learning tendencies of teachers by 3%. Teachers' lifelong learning tendencies predicted their individual innovativeness level by 17%. Besides, perceived school administrators 'innovation management competencies and lifelong learning tendencies of teachers have been determined to explain 19 % of the variance in the individual innovativeness level of teachers. This effect size is "medium".The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationships among innovation management competencies of school administrators, teachers' lifelong learning tendencies, and individual innovativeness levels of teachers and to determine the predictive value of innovation management competencies of school administrators and teachers' lifelong learning tendencies have on their individual innovativeness levels. The sample of the study consist of 302 teachers from 38 public schools in Güngören province of Istanbul city. A relational survey model has been used and the data have been obtained utilizing three scales: “Innovation Management Scale in Schools”, “Individual Innovativeness Scale”, and “Lifelong Learning Tendency Scale”. The data have been analyzed using correlation and regression analyses. According to the research results, a positive correlation has been found among perceived innovation management competencies of school administrators, teachers' lifelong learning tendencies, and individual innovativeness levels of teachers. It has been determined that perceived school administrators 'innovation management competencies predicted teachers' individual innovation levels by 5% and lifelong learning tendencies of teachers by 3%. Teachers' lifelong learning tendencies predicted their individual innovativeness level by 17%. Besides, perceived school administrators 'innovation management competencies and lifelong learning tendencies of teachers have been determined to explain 19 % of the variance in the individual innovativeness level of teachers. This effect size is "medium"


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    Bu araştırmanın amacı, mesek yüksek okullarında öğrenim görmekte olan öğrencilerin yaşam doyumu ile benlik saygısıarasındaki ilişkiyi incelemek. Araştırmanın çalışma grubu 385’i erkek 177’si kız olmak üzere toplam 562 öğrenciden oluşmaktadır. Araştırma verileri benlik saygısıölçeği Arıcak, 1999 , yaşam doyum ölçeği Diener, Emmons, Larsen ve Griffin, 1985 Araştırma sonucunda yaşam doyumu ile benlik saygısıarasında bir ilişkiye rastlanmıştır. Öğrencilerin benlik saygılarıöğrenim görmüşsınıflara göre de anlamlıbir farklılık gösterme ktedir. Ayrıca analiz sonuçlarıincelendiğinde öğrencilerin sosyo-ekonomik düzeylerinin, yaşam doyumunun anlamlıbir açıklayıcısıolduğu görülmektedir

    Korrupció és pénzügyi fejlettség : Kelet-európai és közép-ázsiai országokról szóló értékelés

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    A korrupció és a pénzügyi piacok közötti kapcsolat tanulmányozása és annak pénzügyi rendszerre gyakorolt hatásainak vizsgálata sok kutatót vonzott az elmúlt években. A pénzügyi piacokra gyakorolt hatás megértése különösen a feltörekvő országok számára fontos. Ez a cikk 19 kelet-európai és közép-ázsiai országban vizsgálta meg - az általánosított momentumok módszerének (GMM) megközelítésével - a 2012-től 2017-ig terjedő időszakra a korrupcióészlelési index (CPI), a kormány mérete, a nyitottság és a GDP pénzügyi fejlettségre gyakorolt hatását. Az eredmények arra utalnak, hogy nincs kapcsolat a korrupció szintje és a pénzügyi fejlettség között

    Corruption and Financial Development : Evidence from Eastern Europe and Central Asia Countries

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    Studying the relation between corruption perception and financial markets and examining its consequences for the financial system have attracted many researchers in recent years. To understand the effect of it’s to financial markets is important for especially emerging countries. This paper examined the impact of Corruption Perception Index (CPI), government size, openness, and GDP on the financial development using the Generalized Method of Moment (GMM) approach of 19 Eastern Europe and Central Asia countries for the period 2012 to 2017 as yearly dates. Our findings suggest that there is not a relationship between the level of corruption perception and financial development

    Credit growth and non-performing loans: evidence from Turkey and some Balkan countries

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    In this paper, endogenous and exogenous factors that affect the credit growth rate of some Western Balkan countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia) and the credit policy in Turkey will be investigated through a multiple regression analysis. The credit growth rate will be used as the dependent variable while the rate of the non-performing loans along with the growth rate of the deposit, the return of equity and the real growth rate of the gross domestic product will be used as independent variables. In this paper the STATA 13.0 software package will be used. This data analysis will include a quarterly basis data for the period: 2007q1 – 2017q2 due to its higher significance. The result of the regression analysis showed that there is a reverse relationship between the rate of the non-performing loans and the credit growth rate for all the observed countries. The high share of problematic loans in total loans relatively reflects in a negative way the overall tendency of the banks towards taking risks and credit growth. It reduces the profitability of the banking sector and increases the systemic risk as well. The basic results of the regression analysis also showed a positive relationship between economic growth and the credit growth of banks. On the one hand, the economic growth of the region insufficiently follows the credit growth due to the stagnation of the real sector, and the recovery of the economy on the other hand. Similarly, there is a positive relationship between the growth rate of the deposits and credit growth, since the deposits sources are the basis for performing credit nomination. Except for Croatia where a negative correlation was recorded, there is a positive relationship in terms of the return on equity and credit growth

    Psikolojik Doğum Sırası İle Yetersizlik Duygusunun Yetişkin Bağlanma Stillerini Yordama Düzeyinin İncelenmesi

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    ÖZ. Bu araştırmanın amacı yetişkin bağlanma stillerinin psikolojik doğum sırası ve yetersizlik duygusu açısından yordanma düzeyinin incelenmesidir. Bu doğrultuda araştırmaya Marmara Üniversitesi’nde öğrenim gören 73’ü (%27,7) erkek 191’i (%72,3)  kadın toplam 264 üniversite öğrencisi katılmıştır. Veriler White-Campbell Psikolojik Doğum Sırası Envanteri, Yetersizlik Duygusu Ölçeği ve Yetişkinler İçin Yaşantılar Envanteri kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Verilerin analizinde Pearson analizi, Bağımsız Gruplar T testi ve Çoklu Regresyon analizleri kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre BÇPDS (Büyük Çocuk Psikolojik Doğum Sırası), KÇPDS (Küçük Çocuk Psikolojik Doğum Sırası) ve yetersizlik duygusu puanları birlikte yetişkin bağlanma stillerinden kaçınmacı bağlanma alt boyutunun yaklaşık %11’ini açıklarken TÇPDS (Tek Çocuk Psikolojik Doğum Sırası) ve yetersizlik duygusu puanları birlikte yetişkin bağlanma stillerinden kaygılı bağlanma alt boyutunun %21’ini açıklamaktadır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre bireyin kendisine ve yeterliliklerine yönelik değerlendirmeleri ile birlikte aile içerisinde geliştirmiş olduğu bağlanma örüntülerinin yanı sıra aile içerisindeki psikolojik konumunu algılayışı yetişkin hayatındaki  ilişkilerin niteliğinde belirleyici etkisinin olduğunu söyleyebiliriz.Anahtar Kelimeler: Psikolojik doğum sırası, yetişkin bağlanma stilleri, yetersizlik duygusu


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    Bir işletmenin varlığını devam ettirebilmesi ve büyümesi rakipleriyle mücadele edebilme yeteneğine, yani rekabet gücüne bağlıdır. İşletmenin rekabet gücünün sağlıklı biçimde tespit edilebilmesi de söz konusu işletmenin finansal performansının ölçülmesi ve analiz edilmesi ile gerçekleşmektedir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, BIST Ana Metal Endeksinde (XMANA) yer alan işletmelerin finansal performanslarının değerlendirilmesidir. Çalışmanın uygulamasında BIST Ana Metal Endeksinde yer alan firmaların likidite oranları, faaliyet oranları, finansal yapı, kârlılık ve borsa-performans oranlarından sık kullanılan oranlar belirlenerek TOPSİS Analizi ile karşılaştırma yapılmıştır. Uygulanan analiz sonucunda sektörde faaliyet gösteren firmaların finansal performanslarının farklılık gösterdiği ve işletmelerin 2011-2015 dönemleri arasında performanslarında değişkenlik olduğu görülmüştür. Anahtar Kelimeler: Finansal Performans, Rasyolar, TOPSİS Analizi