24 research outputs found

    Emociones y salud

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    En este articulo se plantea la relación entre las emociones humanas y la salud. Se explica que las emociones no influyen en la salud a través de un unico mecanisrno, sino quepueden ejercer esta influencia de varias maneras distintas que, además, inciden en diferentes momentos delproceso de enfermar. De esta manera se muestra que: a) las emociones negativas constituyen un riesgo para la salud; b) los estados emocionales crònicos afectan a los hábitos de salud; c) los episodios emocionales agudos pueden agravar ciertas enfermedades; y d) las emociones pueden distorsionar la conducta de los enfermos. Finalmente, se expone la necesidad de la investigación sistemática sobre los procesos psicológicos de las emociones y sepropone un modelo de laboratori0 basado en el concepto de interrupción de conducta para el estudio de los cambios en potenciales evocados cerebrales, expectativas, respuestas vegetativas y conducta que configuran los estados emocionalesThis article examines the relationship between human emotions and health. It is argued that emotions do not influence health in a single way but in many different ways. What is more, this health-emotion connection can occur in different moments along the illness process. Four points are mentioned a) negative emotions can be an important health risk; c) chronic emotional states change health practices; c) acute emotions could affect illness' severity and chronicity; and d) emotions, specially anxiety, can alter sick paple behaviour. Finally we claim the need of progress in research on psychological processes of emotions and suggest a laboratory model based on behaviour break-in to study changes in brain evokedpotentials, expectations, vegetative responses and behaviour which form emotional state

    Emocions i estratègies davant l'estrès

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    L'estat d'ànim amb què ens enfrontem a situacions d'estrès té una influència decisiva en les estratègies que preparem per superar-les i no és, tal com s'havia pensat fins ara, una conseqüència de les mateixes. Així ho ha determinat un grup d'investigadors de la UAB després de realitzar un seguiment d'estrès a més de 300 universitaris per a conèixer de quina forma feien front el seu primer examen de carrera.El estado de ánimo con que nos enfrentamos a situaciones de estrés tiene una influencia decisiva en las estrategias que preparamos para superarlas y no es, tal como se pensaba hasta ahora, una consecuencia de las mismas. Así lo ha determinado un grupo de investigadores tras realizar un seguimiento a más de 300 universitarios para conocer de qué forma afrontaban su primer examen de carrera

    A systematic review of the ecological and longitudinal methods to study daily stress

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    The objective was to review the methods used to assess daily stress, focusing on the types records used, as well as the methods used to describe daily stressors, the ways to operationally define stress, and the different research approaches. A search for quantitative research articles published between January 2008 and December 2017 was carried out on indexed entries of four electronic databases. Of the 254 publications found in the search after duplicates were removed, eft 57 articles were selected to analyse. A large diversity of recording methods was detected, a single daily record for a week being the most frequently used. The different ways to operationalize stress highlight the different implicit definitions of stress: the number or intensity of stressful event refers to stress as an external factor, negative feelings refer to the individual's responses, and reactivity or "pile-up" are related to the process by which stress develops over time. Such variation suggests that stress is not a precise concept that can be assessed by a single measure, stress is rather a generic label for the complex process of adaptation to specific situations. The first one is that it can be concluded that stress is a process that explains the short- and long-term effects of exposure to stressors on health and wellbeing through a complex chain of mediators and moderators. The second point is that although it is known that the changes produced in stressful situations are adaptive at first, studies of the negative side of stress prevail. And the third point is that the studies analysed were not reduced to the analysis of the stress process or of any particular aspect of stress but rather, the evaluation of daily stress served to study other processes with marked social and affective components

    A brief version of the implicit positive and negative affect test (IPANAT-18)

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    As self-reports of affect are limited in several regards, an indirect measure of affect, the Implicit Positive and Negative Affect Test (IPANAT; ) has previously been developed and adapted to more than 10 languages (), showing adequate reliability and validity. Based on a sample of 242 Spanish adults (111 males), we evaluate a trimmed 18 items version of the IPANAT (IPANAT-18). Item reductive procedures consisted in a random selection of the stimuli words used in the IPANAT. Psychometric properties of the IPANAT-18 were evaluated via Confirmatory Factor Analysis. In addition, correlational analyses were used to determine the relationship between the brief and the full version of the IPANAT, and with explicit measures of affect. We replicated a two-factors structure of positive affect versus negative affect and found a good fit for the IPANAT-18 model (CFI = 1; TLI = 1; RMSEA =.00; SRMR =.03). Reliability was adequate (implicit PA, α =.86; implicit NA, α =.77) and the pattern of relationships with explicit affect measures were congruent and consistent with previous findings. Differences between the mean scores of implicit affect assessed with 18 items or 36 items were statistically non-significant, and showed strong correlations (PA, r =.92, p <.01; NA, r =.88, p <.01). In sum, the IPANAT-18 showed satisfactory psychometric properties and constitutes a useful tool for economically measuring affective processes such as in experimental and economical multiple assessment (e.g., daily diary) settings

    Cuestionario PASA (Primary Appraisal Secundary Appraisal) para la evaluación del estrés. Adaptación al español e instrucciones de uso

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    Dada la escasez de instrumentos que midan la valoración cognitiva siguiendo el modelo de estrés transaccional de Lazarus y Folkman (1984) e identificando claramente tanto la evaluación primaria como la secundaria con todos los componentes propuestos por el modelo de estrés. El presente estudio pretende validar y traducir al español el cuestionario Primary Appraisal Secondary Appraisal (PASA) de Gaab et al. (2004). Así pues, se realiza la traducción del instrumento al español y se incorpora la escala de daño/pérdida que no consta en la versión original. Asimismo, se adaptan los ítems para poder aplicar el instrumento tanto en situaciones anticipatorias de estrés como en situaciones pasadas recientes. Se pasa la nueva versión del instrumento a una muestra de 397 participantes, considerando los dos tipos de situaciones y se analizan los datos a partir de dos análisis factoriales, uno exploratorio y otro confirmatorio que proponen la solución de 5 dimensiones, relacionadas con las escalas de la Evaluación Cognitiva: 3 escalas de Evaluación Primaria (Amenaza, Reto y Pérdida) y 2 de Evaluación Secundaria (Autoeficacia y Expectativa de Control). Se obtienen índices de fiabilidad de a = 0.674 a=0.765. Se concluye que la nueva versión del instrumento en versión española y con la incorporación de la escala de daño/pérdida presenta propiedades psicométricas adecuadas para su uso

    Influencia de la inteligencia emocional percibida en el afrontamiento del estrés cotidiano

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    Introducción y objetivos: El presente estudio investiga la influencia de cada una de las dimensiones de la inteligencia emocional percibida (IEP) sobre las estrategias de afrontamiento ante situaciones de estrés cotidiano. Material y métodos: La muestra estuvo formada por 50 personas entre 18 y 25 años. La inteligencia emocional se evaluó a través de la escala TMMS-24 que contiene 3 dimensiones: atención emocional, claridad emocional y reparación emocional. Se realizó una evaluación ecológica momentánea durante 4 días en la que se registraron los estresores diarios con el DISE, el estado afectivo con el PANAS y el afrontamiento del estrés cotidiano mediante la escala MoCope. Se evaluaron 4 tipos de afrontamiento: afrontamiento centrado en el problema, búsqueda de apoyo social, aceptación de las emociones y rechazo. El diseño fue cuasiexperimental con medidas repetidas y los datos se analizaron mediante regresiones múltiples. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que: a) las personas con alta claridad emocional usaron más el afrontamiento centrado en el problema, la aceptación de las emociones y menos el rechazo, b) las personas con alta reparación emocional usaron más el afrontamiento centrado en el problema, la búsqueda de apoyo social y menos el rechazo; y c) las personas con alta atención emocional usaron más la aceptación de emociones y la búsqueda de apoyo social. Conclusiones: Estos resultados apoyan la hipótesis de que la inteligencia emocional favorece el bienestar emocional al promover el afrontamiento adaptativo frente al estrés cotidianoBackground and aims: The purpose of the present study is to investigate the influence of each perceived emotional intelligence dimension on coping strategies in the face of daily stress. Material and methods: The sample was comprised of 50 people aged 18 to 25 years. PEI was assessed through the TMMS-24 that evaluates three dimensions: emotional attention, emotional clarity and emotional repair. A momentary ecological assessment was carried out in which the daily stressors were recorded with the DISE; the affective state with the PANAS; and the coping with the daily stress using the MoCope scale. The assessment lasted four days. Four types of coping were evaluated: Problem-focused coping, seeking social support, acceptance of emotions, and rejection. The design was quasi-experimental with repeated measures. The data were analysed by multiple regressions. Results: The results showed that: a) People with high emotional attention used more acceptance of emotions and seeking social support; b) people with high emotional clarity used more problem-focused coping and acceptance of emotions but less rejection; and c) people with high emotional repair used more problem-focused coping and seeking social support but less rejection. Conclusions: These results support the hypothesis that PEI strengthens emotional well-being because it promotes adaptive coping ability of daily stres

    When and how do hospital nurses cope with daily stressors? A multilevel study

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    During their workday, nurses face a variety of stressors that are dealt with using different coping strategies. One criticism of the contextual models of work stress is that they fail to focus on individual responses like coping with stress. Neverthless, little is know about the momentary determinants of coping in nurses. To identify the momentary predictors of problem-focused approaching coping and emotion-focused approaching coping, as well as those for seeking social support and refusal coping strategies, during the working day in nurses. This study uses descriptive, correlational, two-level design with repeated measures. Wards of two University hospitals. A random cohort of 113 nurses was studied. An ecological momentary assessment was made of demand, control, effort, reward, nursing task, coping, mood and fatigue, and of coping style by questionnaire. Multilevel two-level statistical analyses were performed in order to identify both within person and between person relationships. Different momentary types of coping were associated with different tasks. The problem-focused coping could be explained by the direct care and medication tasks, demand, planning coping style, mood, and negatively by acceptation coping style. Emotion-focused coping could be explained by documentation and medication tasks (negatively), mood, demand, distraction, and disengagement coping styles. Seeking social support coping could be explained by the task of communication, mood, fatigue (negatively), and seeking emotional support as a coping style. Refusal coping could be explained by mood, and the coping style of focusing and venting emotions. Refusal coping is not specific to any task. The choice of the coping strategy depends on the task, of their appraisal and on the different styles of coping

    How does emotional exhaustion influence work stress? Relationships between stressor appraisals, hedonic tone, and fatigue in nurses' daily tasks : a longitudinal cohort study

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    Background: Work-related stress is a prevalent condition in the nursing profession, and its influence may vary according to changeable individual and situational factors. It is, therefore, important to investigate the real-time momentary changes in these factors and their relationship to emotional exhaustion experienced by nurses. Objectives: We aim to analyse how their perceptions of demand, control, effort and reward change according to the task performed through real-time assessment and interact with the emotional exhaustion level of ward nurses. Design: The research design was longitudinal. Method: A three-level hierarchical model with a repeated measures design was used to assess the momentary self-reports of 96 hospital ward nurses, completed using a smartphone programmed with random alarms. Results: Findings show that demand, effort, and control appraisals depend on the task performed. The task appraised as most demanding, effortful, and controllable was direct care. Reward appraisal depends on the task performed and personal variables, i.e. emotional exhaustion. The situations perceived as more rewarding were rest and direct care. Momentary hedonic tone can be explained by the task performed, demand, reward, emotional exhaustion and by the interaction between emotional exhaustion and demand appraisal. Momentary fatigue can be explained by the task performed, demand, reward, and the emotional exhaustion. Conclusions: This study highlights the importance of using momentary measures to understand complex and changeable inter-relationships. While also clarifying the targets of intervention programmes aimed at preventing burnout within the nursing profession

    Experiences of patients with chronic low back pain plus comorbid depressive symptoms in a videoconference group acceptance and commitment therapy or behavioral activation treatment for depression : a qualitative study

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    PURPOSE: To explore the experiences of patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP) plus comorbid depressive symptoms who received a remote synchronous videoconference group form of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) or Behavioral Activation Treatment for Depression (BATD). METHODS: A qualitative study (IMPACT-Q) was nested within a randomized controlled trial (RCT) designed to assess the efficacy and the cost-utility/cost-effectiveness of two therapies in the management of CLBP and depression. Fifty-five patients with CLBP plus depression were selected from the RCT. Twelve focus group sessions, each approximately 60-90 min long, were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed by six coders through a thematic analysis (deductive and inductive) based on a descriptive phenomenological approach. RESULTS: Patients perceived behavioral, affective, and cognitive improvements after completing group sessions. Overall, psychotherapy was perceived as a safe and non-judgmental place to express emotions and feel understood. The main barriers reported were lack of human contact and loss of social interaction. In contrast, ease of access, flexibility in the ability to connect from anywhere, avoidance of the need to travel, and savings in time and money were key facilitators to increase attendance and adherence to therapy. CONCLUSION: This study provided support for the acceptability of videoconference-delivered ACT or BATD in patients with CLBP plus comorbid depressive symptoms

    Emociones y salud

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    En este articulo se plantea la relación entre las emociones humanas y la salud. Se explica que las emociones no influyen en la salud a través de un unico mecanisrno, sino quepueden ejercer esta influencia de varias maneras distintas que, además, inciden en diferentes momentos delproceso de enfermar. De esta manera se muestra que: a) las emociones negativas constituyen un riesgo para la salud; b) los estados emocionales crònicos afectan a los hábitos de salud; c) los episodios emocionales agudos pueden agravar ciertas enfermedades; y d) las emociones pueden distorsionar la conducta de los enfermos. Finalmente, se expone la necesidad de la investigación sistemática sobre los procesos psicológicos de las emociones y sepropone un modelo de laboratori0 basado en el concepto de interrupción de conducta para el estudio de los cambios en potenciales evocados cerebrales, expectativas, respuestas vegetativas y conducta que configuran los estados emocionalesThis article examines the relationship between human emotions and health. It is argued that emotions do not influence health in a single way but in many different ways. What is more, this health-emotion connection can occur in different moments along the illness process. Four points are mentioned a) negative emotions can be an important health risk; c) chronic emotional states change health practices; c) acute emotions could affect illness' severity and chronicity; and d) emotions, specially anxiety, can alter sick paple behaviour. Finally we claim the need of progress in research on psychological processes of emotions and suggest a laboratory model based on behaviour break-in to study changes in brain evokedpotentials, expectations, vegetative responses and behaviour which form emotional state