188 research outputs found

    Uphill Motion of Active Brownian Particles in Piecewise Linear Potentials

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    We consider Brownian particles with the ability to take up energy from the environment, to store it in an internal depot, and to convert internal energy into kinetic energy of motion. Provided a supercritical supply of energy, these particles are able to move in a ``high velocity'' or active mode, which allows them to move also against the gradient of an external potential. We investigate the critical energetic conditions of this self-driven motion for the case of a linear potential and a ratchet potential. In the latter case, we are able to find two different critical conversion rates for the internal energy, which describe the onset of a directed net current into the two different directions. The results of computer simulations are confirmed by analytical expressions for the critical parameters and the average velocity of the net current. Further, we investigate the influence of the asymmetry of the ratchet potential on the net current and estimate a critical value for the asymmetry in order to obtain a positive or negative net current.Comment: accepted for publication in European Journal of Physics B (1999), for related work see http://summa.physik.hu-berlin.de/~frank/active.htm

    Brownian Particles far from Equilibrium

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    We study a model of Brownian particles which are pumped with energy by means of a non-linear friction function, for which different types are discussed. A suitable expression for a non-linear, velocity-dependent friction function is derived by considering an internal energy depot of the Brownian particles. In this case, the friction function describes the pumping of energy in the range of small velocities, while in the range of large velocities the known limit of dissipative friction is reached. In order to investigate the influence of additional energy supply, we discuss the velocity distribution function for different cases. Analytical solutions of the corresponding Fokker-Planck equation in 2d are presented and compared with computer simulations. Different to the case of passive Brownian motion, we find several new features of the dynamics, such as the formation of limit cycles in the four-dimensional phase-space, a large mean squared displacement which increases quadratically with the energy supply, or non-equilibrium velocity distributions with crater-like form. Further, we point to some generalizations and possible applications of the model.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figure

    Self-Organization, Active Brownian Dynamics, and Biological Applications

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    After summarizing basic features of self-organization such as entropy export, feedbacks and nonlinear dynamics, we discuss several examples in biology. The main part of the paper is devoted to a model of active Brownian motion that allows a stochastic description of the active motion of biological entities based on energy consumption and conversion. This model is applied to the dynamics of swarms with external and interaction potentials. By means of analytical results, we can distiguish between translational, rotational and amoebic modes of swarm motion. We further investigate swarms of active Brownian particles interacting via chemical fields and demonstrate the application of this model to phenomena such as biological aggregation and trail formation in insects.Comment: 22 pages, 9 multipart figures (minor changes after vers.1), For related papers see http://www.ais.fraunhofer.de/~frank/papers.htm

    Directed motion of Brownian particles with internal energy depot

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    A model of Brownian particles with the ability to take up energy from the environment, to store it in an internal depot, and to convert internal energy into kinetic energy of motion, is discussed. The general dynamics outlined in Sect. 2 is investigated for the deterministic and stochastic particle's motion in a non-fluctuating ratchet potential. First, we discuss the attractor structure of the ratchet system by means of computer simulations. Dependent on the energy supply, we find either periodic bound attractors corresponding to localized oscillations, or one/two unbound attractors corresponding to directed movement in the ratchet potential. Considering an ensemble of particles, we show that in the deterministic case two currents into different directions can occur, which however depend on a supercritical supply of energy. Considering stochastic influences, we find the current only in one direction. We further investigate how the current reversal depends on the strength of the stochastic force and the asymmetry of the potential. We find both a critical value of the noise intensity for the onset of the current and an optimal value where the net current reaches a maximum. Eventually, the dynamics of our model is compared with other ratchet models previously suggested.Comment: 24 pages, 11 Figs., For related work see http://summa.physik.hu-berlin.de/~frank/active.htm

    Statistical Mechanics of Canonical-Dissipative Systems and Applications to Swarm Dynamics

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    We develop the theory of canonical-dissipative systems, based on the assumption that both the conservative and the dissipative elements of the dynamics are determined by invariants of motion. In this case, known solutions for conservative systems can be used for an extension of the dynamics, which also includes elements such as the take-up/dissipation of energy. This way, a rather complex dynamics can be mapped to an analytically tractable model, while still covering important features of non-equilibrium systems. In our paper, this approach is used to derive a rather general swarm model that considers (a) the energetic conditions of swarming, i.e. for active motion, (b) interactions between the particles based on global couplings. We derive analytical expressions for the non-equilibrium velocity distribution and the mean squared displacement of the swarm. Further, we investigate the influence of different global couplings on the overall behavior of the swarm by means of particle-based computer simulations and compare them with the analytical estimations.Comment: 14 pages incl. 13 figures. v2: misprints in Eq. (40) corrected, ref. updated. For related work see also: http://summa.physik.hu-berlin.de/~frank/active.htm

    Phase transitions in social impact models of opinion formation

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    We study phase transitions in models of opinion formation which are based on the social impact theory. Two different models are discussed: (i) a cellular--automata based model of a finite group with a strong leader where persons can change their opinions but not their spatial positions, and (ii) a model with persons treated as active Brownian particles interacting via a communication field. In the first model, two stable phases are possible: a cluster around the leader, and a state of social unification. The transition into the second state occurs for a large leader strength and/or for a high level of social noise. In the second model, we find three stable phases, which correspond either to a ``paramagnetic'' phase (for high noise and strong diffusion), a ``ferromagnetic'' phase (for small nose and weak diffusion), or a phase with spatially separated ``domains'' (for intermediate conditions).Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, submitted for publication in Physica

    Monte Carlo Procedure for Protein Design

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    A new method for sequence optimization in protein models is presented. The approach, which has inherited its basic philosophy from recent work by Deutsch and Kurosky [Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 323 (1996)] by maximizing conditional probabilities rather than minimizing energy functions, is based upon a novel and very efficient multisequence Monte Carlo scheme. By construction, the method ensures that the designed sequences represent good folders thermodynamically. A bootstrap procedure for the sequence space search is devised making very large chains feasible. The algorithm is successfully explored on the two-dimensional HP model with chain lengths N=16, 18 and 32.Comment: 7 pages LaTeX, 4 Postscript figures; minor change

    Coordination of Decisions in a Spatial Agent Model

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    For a binary choice problem, the spatial coordination of decisions in an agent community is investigated both analytically and by means of stochastic computer simulations. The individual decisions are based on different local information generated by the agents with a finite lifetime and disseminated in the system with a finite velocity. We derive critical parameters for the emergence of minorities and majorities of agents making opposite decisions and investigate their spatial organization. We find that dependent on two essential parameters describing the local impact and the spatial dissemination of information, either a definite stable minority/majority relation (single-attractor regime) or a broad range of possible values (multi-attractor regime) occurs. In the latter case, the outcome of the decision process becomes rather diverse and hard to predict, both with respect to the share of the majority and their spatial distribution. We further investigate how a dissemination of information on different time scales affects the outcome of the decision process. We find that a more ``efficient'' information exchange within a subpopulation provides a suitable way to stabilize their majority status and to reduce ``diversity'' and uncertainty in the decision process.Comment: submitted for publication in Physica A (31 pages incl. 17 multi-part figures
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