899 research outputs found

    Avatar: A Time- and Space-Efficient Self-Stabilizing Overlay Network

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    Overlay networks present an interesting challenge for fault-tolerant computing. Many overlay networks operate in dynamic environments (e.g. the Internet), where faults are frequent and widespread, and the number of processes in a system may be quite large. Recently, self-stabilizing overlay networks have been presented as a method for managing this complexity. \emph{Self-stabilizing overlay networks} promise that, starting from any weakly-connected configuration, a correct overlay network will eventually be built. To date, this guarantee has come at a cost: nodes may either have high degree during the algorithm's execution, or the algorithm may take a long time to reach a legal configuration. In this paper, we present the first self-stabilizing overlay network algorithm that does not incur this penalty. Specifically, we (i) present a new locally-checkable overlay network based upon a binary search tree, and (ii) provide a randomized algorithm for self-stabilization that terminates in an expected polylogarithmic number of rounds \emph{and} increases a node's degree by only a polylogarithmic factor in expectation

    Natural Notation for the Domestic Internet of Things

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    This study explores the use of natural language to give instructions that might be interpreted by Internet of Things (IoT) devices in a domestic `smart home' environment. We start from the proposition that reminders can be considered as a type of end-user programming, in which the executed actions might be performed either by an automated agent or by the author of the reminder. We conducted an experiment in which people wrote sticky notes specifying future actions in their home. In different conditions, these notes were addressed to themselves, to others, or to a computer agent.We analyse the linguistic features and strategies that are used to achieve these tasks, including the use of graphical resources as an informal visual language. The findings provide a basis for design guidance related to end-user development for the Internet of Things.Comment: Proceedings of the 5th International symposium on End-User Development (IS-EUD), Madrid, Spain, May, 201

    Formal specification of a self-sustainable holonic system for smart electrical micro-grids

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    Stand-alone micro-grids have emerged within the smart grids field, facing important challenges related to their proper and efficient operation. An example is the self-sustainability when the micro-grid is disconnected from the main utility, e.g., due to a failure in the main utility or due to geographical situations, which requires the efficient control of energy demand and production. This paper describes the formal specification of a holonic system architecture that is able to perform the automation control functions in electrical stand-alone micro-grids, particularly aiming to improve their self-sustainability. The system aims at optimizing the power flow among the different electrical players, both producers and consumers, to keep the micro-grid operating even under adverse situations. The behaviour of each individual holon and their coordination patterns were modelled, analysed and validated using the Petri net formalism, allowing the complete verification of the system correctness during the design phase.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Preventing Advanced Persistent Threats in Complex Control Networks

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    An Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) is an emerging attack against Industrial Control and Automation Systems, that is executed over a long period of time and is difficult to detect. In this context, graph theory can be applied to model the interaction among nodes and the complex attacks affecting them, as well as to design recovery techniques that ensure the survivability of the network. Accordingly, we leverage a decision model to study how a set of hierarchically selected nodes can collaborate to detect an APT within the network, concerning the presence of changes in its topology. Moreover, we implement a response service based on redundant links that dynamically uses a secret sharing scheme and applies a flexible routing protocol depending on the severity of the attack. The ultimate goal is twofold: ensuring the reachability between nodes despite the changes and preventing the path followed by messages from being discovered.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Resilient Optimistic Termination Detection for the Async-Finish Model

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    International audienceDriven by increasing core count and decreasing mean-time-to-failure in supercomputers, HPC runtime systems must improve support for dynamic task-parallel execution and resilience to failures. The async-finish task model, adapted for distributed systems as the asynchronous partitioned global address space programming model, provides a simple way to decompose a computation into nested task groups, each managed by a ‘finish’ that signals the termination of all tasks within the group.For distributed termination detection, maintaining a consistent view of task state across multiple unreliable processes requires additional book-keeping when creating or completing tasks and finish-scopes. Runtime systems which perform this book-keeping pessimistically, i.e. synchronously with task state changes, add a high communication overhead compared to non-resilient protocols. In this paper, we propose optimistic finish, the first message-optimal resilient termination detection protocol for the async-finish model. By avoiding the communication of certain task and finish events, this protocol allows uncertainty about the global structure of the computation which can be resolved correctly at failure time, thereby reducing the overhead for failure-free execution.Performance results using micro-benchmarks and the LULESH hydrodynamics proxy application show significant reductions in resilience overhead with optimistic finish compared to pessimistic finish. Our optimistic finish protocol is applicable to any task-based runtime system offering automatic termination detection for dynamic graphs of non-migratable tasks

    Hierarchic interactive path planning in virtual reality

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    To save time and money while designing new products, industry needs tools to design, test and validate the product using virtual prototypes. These vir- tual prototypes must enable to test the product at all Product Life-cycle Management (PLM) stages. Many operations in PLM involve human manipulation of product com- ponents in cluttered environment (product assembly, disassembly or maintenance). Virtual Reality (VR) enables real operators to perform these tests with virtual proto- types. This work introduces a novel path planning architecture allowing collaboration between a VR user and an automatic path planning system. It is based on an origi- nal environment model including semantic, topological and geometric information, and an automatic path planning process split in two phases: coarse (semantic and topological information) and fine (semantic and geometric information) planning. The collaboration between VR user and automatic path planner is made of 3 main aspects. First, the VR user is guided along a pre-computed path through a haptic device whereas he VR user can go away from the proposed path to explore possible better ways. Second the authority of automatic planning system is balanced to let the user free to explore alternatives (geometric layer). Third the intents of VR user are predicted (on topological layer) to be integrated in the re-planning process. Exper- iments are provided to illustrate the multi-layer representation of the environment, the path planning process, the control sharing and the intent prediction

    A resource usage efficient distributed allocation algorithm for 5G Service Function Chains

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    International audienceRecent evolution of networks introduce new challenges for the allocation of resources. Slicing in 5G networks allows multiple users to share a common infrastructure and the chaining of Network Function (NF)s introduces constraints on the order in which NFs are allocated. We first model the allocation of resources for Chains of NFs in 5G Slices. Then we introduce a distributed mutual exclusion algorithm to address the problem of the allocation of resources. We show with selected metrics that choosing an order of allocation of the resources that differs from the order in which resources are used can give better performances. We then show experimental results where we improve the usage rate of resources by more than 20% compared to the baseline algorithm in some cases. The experiments run on our own simulator based on SimGrid

    Correctness by construction for probabilistic programs

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    The "correct by construction" paradigm is an important component of modern Formal Methods, and here we use the probabilistic Guarded-Command Language pGCL\mathit{pGCL} to illustrate its application to probabilistic\mathit{probabilistic} programming. pGCL\mathit{pGCL} extends Dijkstra's guarded-command language GCL\mathit{GCL} with probabilistic choice, and is equipped with a correctness-preserving refinement relation ()(\sqsubseteq) that enables compact, abstract specifications of probabilistic properties to be transformed gradually to concrete, executable code by applying mathematical insights in a systematic and layered way. Characteristically for "correctness by construction", as far as possible the reasoning in each refinement-step layer does not depend on earlier layers, and does not affect later ones. We demonstrate the technique by deriving a fair-coin implementation of any given discrete probability distribution. In the special case of simulating a fair die, our correct-by-construction algorithm turns out to be "within spitting distance" of Knuth and Yao's optimal solution

    An Efficient Index for Reachability Queries in Public Transport Networks

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    Computing path queries such as the shortest path in public transport networks is challenging because the path costs between nodes change over time. A reachability query from a node at a given start time on such a network retrieves all points of interest (POIs) that are reachable within a given cost budget. Reachability queries are essential building blocks in many applications, for example, group recommendations, ranking spatial queries, or geomarketing. We propose an efficient solution for reachability queries in public transport networks. Currently, there are two options to solve reachability queries. (1) Execute a modified version of Dijkstra’s algorithm that supports time-dependent edge traversal costs; this solution is slow since it must expand edge by edge and does not use an index. (2) Issue a separate path query for each single POI, i.e., a single reachability query requires answering many path queries. None of these solutions scales to large networks with many POIs. We propose a novel and lightweight reachability index. The key idea is to partition the network into cells. Then, in contrast to other approaches, we expand the network cell by cell. Empirical evaluations on synthetic and real-world networks confirm the efficiency and the effectiveness of our index-based reachability query solution

    Refinement algebra for probabilistic programs

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    We identify a refinement algebra for reasoning about probabilistic program transformations in a total-correctness setting. The algebra is equipped with operators that determine whether a program is enabled or terminates respectively. As well as developing the basic theory of the algebra we demonstrate how it may be used to explain key differences and similarities between standard (i.e. non-probabilistic) and probabilistic programs and verify important transformation theorems for probabilistic action systems.29 page(s