36 research outputs found

    MARS Bulletin Vol 18 No 1

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    The annexed document is the template for the bulletin that will be issued on the 9th March. This bulletin covers meteorological analysis and crop yield forecasts for the period 1st November 2009 to 28 February 2010JRC.DG.G.3-Monitoring agricultural resource

    MARS Bulletin 2011 Vol.19 No.7

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    Despite rainfall in Western Europe yields are revised down At the beginning of June the dry period in western Europe ended. Countries most affected by the dry spell received some beneficial rainfall and more rain is forecast in the coming 10 days bringing the precipitation since 1st June to average or even surplus values in the United Kingdom, France, Germany and northern Italy. This rainfall will not entirely compensate, especially in France, for the long lasting dry spell depleting soil reservoirs. Ukraine appears as a new area of concern with lacking precipitation while crops have a high water demand. Compared to our last forecasts from 17th May yield expectations for all cereals except spring barley decreased at EU 27 level due to the unfavourable weather conditions mainly in United Kingdom, France and Germany affecting yield prospects in these countries. Spain is experiencing a very promising year and yields have been revised up.JRC.DDG.H.4-Monitoring agricultural resource

    Contribution à la caractérisation du bois de douglas par la simulation de la qualité de la ressource et la quantification anatomique du bois juvénile

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    Doctorat en Sciencesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

    MARS Bulletin - Vol.19 - Special issue No. 1 - Crop monitoring in Morocco

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    Crop monitoring and yield forecast using CGMS is presented for barley, soft wheat and durum wheat in Morocco. The 2010-2011 crop season started with favourable confitions during the sowing period. The agroweather conditions were also positive during the winter and the begining of spring with significant and well distributed rainfall.JRC.DDG.H.4-Monitoring agricultural resource

    MARS Bulletin - Vol.19 - Special issue No. 1 - Crop monitoring in Morocco

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    Crop monitoring and yield forecast using CGMS is presented for barley, soft wheat and durum wheat in Morocco. The 2010-2011 crop season started with favourable confitions during the sowing period. The agroweather conditions were also positive during the winter and the begining of spring with significant and well distributed rainfall.JRC.DDG.H.4-Monitoring agricultural resource

    Valorisation des bois de petites dimensions (douglas et hĂŞtre) par lamellation. Programme INTERREG II - EUROWOOD

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    État d’avancement des travaux concernant la période du 01/01/1999 au 30/06/1999: 35 p.État d’avancement des travaux concernant la période du 01/07/1999 au 31/12/1999: 33 p.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Crop monitoring and yield forecasting at global level: The GLOBCAST project from the European Commission

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    Recent trends in global agriculture prices have brought a new scenario for agricultural policies worldwide. Increased world demand for agricultural products combined with inter-annual fluctuations of global production mostly caused by climate variability have been an important cause for price volatility in agricultural markets, and social unrest in many parts of the world. In this context, crop monitoring and yield forecasting play a major role in anticipating supply anomalies, thus allowing well-informed timely policy action and market adjustment, preventing food crises and market disruptions, reducing market speculation, and contributing to overall increased food security. This is the objective of international initiatives such as AMIS (Agricultural Market Information System) at global level established in 2011 after the request of G-20 (http://www.amis-outlook.org/) or MED-Amin (https://med-amin.ciheam.org/en/) in the Mediterranean, launched in 2014 and coordinated by CIHEAM. The European Commission (EC) DG AGRICULTURE launched and financed a three-phase project named GLOBCAST in 2011, an initiative to demonstrate the feasibility and operationalization of a project for crop monitoring and forecasting in the world’s main grain producing areas. This project includes the set-up of two main systems. The first system, is dedicated to the estimation of crop areas through the integration of area sampling and remote sensing methods (Carfagna and Gallego, 2005). The second one, presented in this paper, is about forecasting yields. The global yield forecasting system represents an extension of the current European system (the MARS Crop Yield Forecasting System, or M-CYFS) to other world regions with a high relevance on agricultural market prices. The main output of the current European system, run since 1992 by the Monitoring Agricultural Resources Unit (MARS) of the EC Joint Research Centre, is a monthly bulletin on crop monitoring and yield forecasting in Europe (http://mars.jrc.ec.europa.eu/mars/Bulletins-Publications) with quantitative yield forecasts and country analysis reports on crop development. This article presents the basic principles of this new global crop yield forecasting system: the conceptual design of the system, the regions of the world to be covered, and the specific technical solutions to be implemented.JRC.H.4-Monitoring Agricultural Resource