575 research outputs found

    State export support in foreign countries

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    The given article represents the peculiarities of export and its support from the side of the government and some measures for it’s stability in foreign countriesye


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    The article analyzes the current state and world experience of the waste management sphere, identifies the reasons for incinerators development, identifies and classifies the main mechanisms for returning investments in their construction. The necessity of building incineration plants in Russia is demonstrated.Has been given a critical analysis of the plan of new waste incineration plants development in Russia. Has been made an inference about their environmental safety and the possibility of equating this type of generation theoretically and legislatively.to renewable.A qualitative and quantitative analysis of the planned method of return on investment was carried out. It was established that the use of power supply agreements as a mechanism for the return on investment is impractical. Rational methods of return on investment were identified: the mechanism of free bilateral agreements, inclusion in the structure of regime facilities and combining the selling of electricity in the balancing market and the day-ahead market with the selling of utilization services. The combination method turned out to be optimal, recommendations for its usage are given.Thus, the article developed recommendations on the usage of mechanisms for the return on investment in the incinerators development in Russia by selling electricity and power


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    Purpose: The purpose of this article is to study the issues of legislative regulation of innovation clusters in the system of financial and tax law. Methods: The authors proceeded from an interdisciplinary approach since the problem of the legal status of innovation clusters inevitably affects the subject of regulation of various branches of law and has both constitutional and legal, financial and legal, civil, administrative, and other aspects. Results: The article notes the underdevelopment of the legislative and legal field of clustering of the economy and the negative impact of the legislative factor on its full development. Legislation in the field of innovation (clustering) is not systemic, it is dominated by numerous disparate subordinate regulatory legal acts, including at the regional level. Conclusion: The main directions of financial and legal regulation of investment clusters include the budget vector, implemented through the effectiveness of the state as an investor through budget allocations. The tax regulation of innovation clusters, characterized by incentive-stimulating and mobilization orientation. The practical experience of the application of legislation in the field under consideration, as well as the most effective methods of stimulating innovation clusters, have been investigated

    Spin-orbital Conversion of Bessel Light Beams By Liquid Crystal Elements

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    For the first time, the spin-orbital conversion of the linearly polarized Bessel beams in the process of their propagation in the electrically-controlled liquid crystal cell has been realized experimentally. Variations in the polarization, phase, and spatial structure of the beam have been analyzed. It has been shown that, when a Bessel beam is propagating along the liquid crystal director, the generated beam is orthogonally polarized, whereas the topological charge is varied by two unities. Keywords: Bessel light beams, spin-orbital conversion; liquid crystal

    The application of an assisting gas plasma generator for low-temperature magnetron sputtering of Ti-C-Mo-S antifriction coatings on titanium alloys

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    The positive effect of assisting influence of high-density gas plasma formed by an independent plasma generator PINK on mechanical and tribological characteristics of Ti-C-Mo-S magnetron coating on titanium alloys at lowered to 350°С temperature of coating regardless of alloy structural condition was revealed by methods of calotest, nanorecognition, scratch testing and frictional material tests. The coating formed by means of a combined magnetron plasma method reduces titanium alloys friction coefficient in multiple times and increases wear resistance by two orders of magnitude. At the same time the mechanical properties of ultra-fine-grained titanium alloys obtained by nanostructuring do not deteriorate

    Long-term storage of C-141 reference strain of melioidosis agent (<i>Burkholderia pseudomallei</i>)

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    Melioidosis is a highly dangerous infectious disease caused by Hazard Group II bacteria Burkholderia pseudomallei, against which specific prevention and treatment tools have not been developed yet. Both humans and animals suffer from the disease. Previously the disease was prevalent in Southeast Asia regions, but currently is reported almost in all continents of the globe. Potential possibility of the agent introduction to the Russian Federation as well as the risk of malevolent use of this agent as a tool of bioterrorism dictates the need for storage of this pathogen in the microorganism collections to study its properties, develop and test diagnostic, detection and identification means. Microorganism Collection Laboratory of the FSBSI “FCTRBS-ARRVI” is responsible for storage and preservation of Burkholderia pseudomallei С-141 reference strain, submitted by Federal State Scientific Institution “Russian Research Anti-Plague Institute “Microbe” under the Rospotrebnadzor (Saratov city) for research purposes in 1983 and as a back-upstrain in case of its loss by other collections. The purpose of the work was to study the preservation of biological properties of freeze-dried Burkholderia pseudomallei С-141 strain after 11 years of storage. It was established that under optimal storage conditions (temperature of 4–8 °С, skimmed milk as a cryoprotectant) the strain remained viable and retained its biological properties during the wholeo bservation period. С-141 strain showed saccharolytic, oxidase, catalase and proteolytic activities, did not generate hydrogen sulphide, which is consistent with the melioidosis agent biochemical features. The strain was refreshed by passaging in golden hamsters and Burkholderia culture was isolated and freeze-dried. Burkholderia pseudomallei С-141 freeze-driedstrain was tested for quality parameters, records were made and the strain was deposited

    Advanced Therapy Medicines Based on Oncolytic Viruses (Part II: Development and Authorisation of IMLYGIC®)

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    The only oncolytic virus-based product authorised in the US and EU—IMLYGIC®, a genetically modified herpes simplex virus type 1 (by BioVex Inc., a subsidiary of Amgen, Inc.)—was developed and approved for clinical use as monotherapy for recurrent unresectable melanoma. The aim of the study was to analyse materials on IMLYGIC® development and authorisation in order to be able to use the data on specific aspects of preclinical and clinical trials of oncolytic virus-based products in the development of regulatory framework for Russia and the EAEU. The publicly available preclinical and clinical trial results demonstrate a decrease in the size of both tumours being injected and remote tumours/skin lesions, which supports the local and systemic effects of IMLYGIC® due to the lysis effect of the virus on the tumour cells. The clinical trials of IMLYGIC® were the first to use the durable response rate, and not the overall survival, as the primary endpoint of the efficacy of the anticancer drug. Benefits of IMLYGIC® therapy were observed across all the secondary endpoints, except overall survival. Significant efficacy of the drug therapy was demonstrated only in patients without visceral lesions, which resulted in limitations of indications for use. There have been no serious or severe adverse effects associated with IMLYGIC®. If symptoms of viral infection develop, they can be neutralized thanks to the product’s sensitivity to acyclovir. At present, advanced therapy medicinal products derived from an oncolytic virus may be authorised in Russia for clinical use as monotherapy or combination therapy, according to the EAEU regulations