874 research outputs found

    First experiences in the application of biopreparations against the cherry fruit fly in Southern Russia in 2007

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    On the Russian market there are no currently registered biological preparations for the control of Rhagoletis cerasi (cherry fruit fly, CFF), and therefore the effects of natural products against this pest were studied. In laboratory, semi-field and field experiments a range of botanicals (NeemAzal-T/S and Quassia-MD) were tested alone and in combination with comparison product Phytoverm and chemical standard insecticides for their effectiveness against R. cerasi in commercial orchards. These products showed a high biological effectiveness against R. cerasi comparable with chemical insecticides

    The Welfare and Public Health of the Population of Russia: Adaptation To Economic Volatility

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    In the article, the results of the research of correlation of welfare and public health of the population of Russia in the conditions of economic instability are presented. The review of performance indicators of development of public sentiments of society applied both in Russian and foreign practice is submitted. The concept content of the “social and psychological potential of a region” as an indicator of public health of the population is opened. On the basis of this concept, the potential pattern is created. The evaluation method of social and psychological potential of a region is developed, its main idea is an integrated assessment of both the potential of a region in general and its separate components. The assessment of the condition of potential in territorial subjects of the Russian Federation is given. Character and power of correlation between indicators of welfare and level of social and psychological potential of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation on the basis of development of correlation matrixes are revealed, also, the regional consistent patterns and tendencies are determined.The study was funded by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (project No. 14-18-00574, “Anti-crisis”, an Information Analysis System “: Diagnostics of the Regions, Estimation of Threats and Scenario Forecasting in Order to Maintain and Reinforce Economic Security and Enhance the Well-Being of Russia)

    Economic tomography: the possibility to anticipate and respond to socio-economic crises

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    The article discusses an approach based on an original hypothesis related to the peculiarities of Russia’s development (on the one hand, its scale, the Russian mentality and a certain closeness of the economy; on the other hand, a significant dominant resource and human potential, and, as a consequence, a genuine role in the global economic community), the diagnosis of which (at the level of the well-being of individuals and inhabited areas) can be used to identify crises, provide an early assessment of threats to socio-economic development of regions as well as help to evaluate the state of the region over a 3 to 5 year period. In other words, in order to ensure that executives have enough time to mount a sufficiently rapid response to the crises and administrative errors and to reduce the impact of emerging threats. The aim of this paper is to present theoretical and methodological tools for the recognition of the early stages of emerging threats, allowing fewer losses to be experienced during the crisis period. Simulation experiments were carried out for the purpose of classifying previously occurring social and economic crises (9 possible variants were reviewed) and mathematically processed trajectories of change in the main indicators for the well-being of individuals and inhabited areas, taking the influence of various factors into account. On the basis of the authors’ proposed approach (referred to as economic tomography) an attempt is made to comprehensively assess the state of sample representative regions of Russia.The research has been supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project № 14–18–00574 'Information-analytical system "Anticrisis:" diagnostics of the regions, threat assessment and scenario forecasting for the preservation and strengthening of economic security and well-being of Russia')

    Comparative analysis of medical students` evaluating in Russia and France

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    The article has raised the question of the need to find an optimal model of the state examination of graduates of Russian medical schools. The experience of the national examination of graduates of medical faculties of France and the basic direction of the search of a new model have been presented.В статье поднимается вопрос о необходимости разработки оптимальной модели проведения государственного экзамена выпускников медицинских вузов в России. Представлен опыт проведения национального экзамена выпускников медицинских факультетов Франции и показаны основные направления поиска новой модели

    Immediate Elaborated Feedback Personalization in Online Assessment

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    Providing a student with feedback that is timely, most suitable and useful for her personality and the performed task is a challenging problem of online assessment within Web-based Learning Systems (WBLSs). In our recent work we suggested a general approach of feedback adaptation in WBLS and through a series of experiments we demonstrated the possibilities of tailoring the feedback that is presented to a student as a result of her response to questions of an online test, taking into account the individual learning styles (LS), certitude in a response and correctness of this response. In this paper we present the result of the most recent experimental field study where we tested two feedback adaptation strategies in real student assessment settings (73 students had to answer 15 multiple-choice questions for passing the midterm exam). The first strategy is based on the correctness and certitude of the response, while the second strategy takes student LS into account as well. The analysis of assessment results and students’ behaviour demonstrate that both strategies perform reasonably well, yet the analysis also provide some evidence that the second strategy does a better job

    Towards the second order adaptation in the next generation remote patient management systems

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    Remote Patient Management (RPM) systems are expected to be increasingly important for chronic disease management as they facilitate monitoring vital signs of patients at their home, alerting the care givers in case of worsening. They also provide patients with educational content. RPM systems collect a lot of (different types of) data about patients, providing an opportunity for personalizing information services. In our recent work we highlighted the importance of using available information for personalization and presented a possible next generation RPM system that enables personalization of educational content and its delivery to patients. We introduced a generic methodology for personalization and emphasized the role of knowledge discovery (KDD). In this paper we focus on the necessity of the second-order adaptation mechanisms in the RPM systems to address the challenge of continuous on-line (re)learning of actionable patterns from the patient data

    Derivational Potential, or Word-Formation Possibilities of a Word: Problem of Defining the Term

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    The article is devoted to the understanding of the term derivational potential of a word or word-formation possibilities of a lexical unit . The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that the authors of modern works on derivatology do not always draw the reader’s attention to the difference between such concepts as derivational potential and implemented derivational potential , especially in the cases of description of constraints on the implementation of derivational potential. With the aim of identifying variants of interpretation of the term in the article a review of the research is made, the authors of which pay attention to the derivational features of words and problems of realization of these possibilities. The results of the analysis of scientific works indicate that there can be several interpretations of the term word-formation possibilities . Some researchers understand derivational potential as possibility of a specific word to form lexical units, others - as a set of word-formation possibilities that characterize a particular class of words. It is assumed that the reason for different understanding of derivational potential is that there are two ways to interpret the composition of the derivational paradigms of the lexical units in determining word-formation possibilities of producing word. The author, basing on the previous experience of researchers, formulates an elaborated definition of the term derivational potential

    Young Researchers in the Labour Market in Russian Regions

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    Currently, significant efforts are being made to attract and retain young people in science. However, based on the statistics of academic staff, these efforts have not yet yielded the desired results. The article aims to examine the demand for academic staff and their supply. It is hypothesised that the exclusive focus of state policy on attracting young scientists is not a sufficient condition for capacity building of academic staff in Russia. The paper presents an approach to the study of demand factors for academic staff, including young researchers, and their supply. Correlation analysis shows that, according to the current dynamics of indicators, the economic and social demand for academic staff, especially young researchers, is not articulated. At the same time, the analysis revealed a close relationship between the number of young researchers and indicators of supply of academic staff, and even practically functional relationships between individual indicators. This connection is explained by demographic reasons, the lack of an effective system for ensuring the inflow of young researchers and the growing prestige of science as a career. The obtained results demonstrate that researchers aged 20-29 years significantly differ from those aged 30-39 years in terms of demand factors for academic staff and their supply. In order to comprehensively solve the problem of capacity building of academic staff in Russia, it is important to support not only young researchers, but also scientific schools. © 2023 Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, MinobrnaukaKeywords: young researchers, scientists, academic staff, demand, supply, science, industrially developed regions Acknowledgments: The article has been prepared with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Ural Federal University Program of Development within the Priority-2030 Program). For citation:Vasilyeva,E.V.(2023).Young Researchers in the Labour Market in Russian Regions.Ekonomika regiona / Economy of regions, 19(4), 1062-1076. https://doi.org/10.17059/ekon.reg.2023-4-