29 research outputs found

    Včelařství v ekologickém zemědělství

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    Předpisy pro ekologické zemědělství pamatují i na chov včel, zpracování jejich produktů a jejich nezastupitelnou úlohu při opylování rostlin, včetně vlivů včel na krajinotvorbu a ekologii obecně. Ekologický chov včel je v evropských předpisech EZ detailně rozpracován – NK (ES) č. 889/2008. Doba přechodu na ekologické včelařství trvá minimálně 12 měsíců. Ekologická kvalita včelařských výrobků je definována především požadavky na ošetření včelstev, životní prostředí, jakož i na zpracování a skladování

    Bio kozí mléko je na trhu žádané

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    Kozy se v současné době u nás stejně jako ve většině evropských států chovají za účelem ekologického a ekonomického udržování trvalých travních porostů, produkce mléka a masa nebo pro svoje osobité vlastnosti jako tzv. hobby zvířata. Vzhledem ke specifickým vlastnostem koz, především schopnosti okusovat dřeviny, jsou kozy vhodným druhem zvířat k udržování některých biotopů

    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on selected areas of a management system in SMEs

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    The current pandemic, that has wider economic and social impacts, will put to the test all enterprises, which will be forced to search for new survival strategies and to create existential prognoses of business operations during great economic and social uncertainty and new crises whose impacts are hard to predict. This fact motivated the team of authors to realise the study that aims at researching and quantifying the impacts of the pandemic COVID-19 on selected areas of management in SMEs in the Czech Republic (CR) and the Slovak Republic (SR). The research sample consisted of 1502 SMEs, 822 SMEs before the pandemic, 680 SMEs during the pandemic, 814 from CR, and 688 from SR. Attitudes between SMEs according to nationality and period of research were verified with a chisquared test and Kruskal-Wallis tests. The results of both countries confirmed that the pandemic has a negative impact on the financial performance of SMEs. The government economic measures may help the enterprises to recover, said 40.0% of Czech entrepreneurs, but only 30% of Slovak entrepreneurs. However, the entrepreneurs in SMEs equally perceive other aspects of corporate governance and business risk management during the pandemic

    Ekologické zemědělství - informační bulletin č.11: Přímý prodej

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    Jednotným tématem informačního bulletinu č. 11 je Přímý prodej biopotravin: Předpoklady pro přímý prodej. Přímý prodej produktů rostlinného původu. Jakost ovoce z ekologického pěstování. BIO na tržnici v St.Gallenu. Přímý prodej produktů živočišného původu. Marketing v přímém prodeji. Jednotlivé způsoby přímého prodeje ekologických produktů. Příklady ekologicky hospodařících zemědělců s přímým prodejem. Společné ztržňování bioproduktů

    The level of business ethics of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Visegrad group

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    The aim of the paper is to define and compare the significant attributes in the field of business ethics according to the size of the firm, gender and education of entrepreneurs in the SME segment in sum in the V4 countries. The empirical research, which was aimed at identifying the attitudes of small and medium-sized firms, was conducted in June 2022 in the Visegrad Four countries (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary). The data collection was carried out by the external firm. Statistical hypotheses were tested through descriptive statistics, chi-square and Z-score at α = 5% significance level. The attitudes of SMEs towards the following statements were examined: ST1: I consider ethics in business important; ST2: I consider the ethical implications of my decisions when managing my business; ST3: I feel good when I behave ethically in business; and ST4: Our company enforces rules of ethical conduct in business. We find that the level of agreement with these statements is high. We did not find statistically significant differences in responses based on defined demographic characteristics

    Assessing the importance of market risk and its sources in the SME of the Visegrad Group and Serbia

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    The main goal of the paper is to assess the market risk sources of small and medium-sized enterprises in the V4 and Serbia according to the business environment of the countries analyzed. To achieve this goal, a questionnaire-based survey was carried out involving 1,905 small and medium-sized enterprises in these countries. Market risk sources include: losing customers, strong competition in the area of business, stagnation of the market, and unreliability of suppliers. Mathematical statistics tools (PivotTables, Relative Frequency, goodness of fit and Z-Score) were used to compare the evaluation of selected market risk sources. According to the entrepreneurs’ evaluation, the partial results of this research show that the most serious source of market risk is losing customers (22%). The country of operation of the entrepreneurs is a statistically significant factor when evaluating all sources of risk. There are statistically significant differences between entrepreneurs in the countries analyzed when evaluating - the high and very high intensity of - the following market risk sources: “losing customers”, “stagnation of the market” and “unreliability of suppliers”

    An Individual Participant Data Meta-analysis: Behavioral Treatments for Children and Adolescents With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

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    Objective: Behavioral interventions are well established treatments for children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, insight into moderators of treatment outcome is limited.Method: We conducted an individual participant data meta-analysis [IPDMA], including data of randomized controlled behavioral intervention trials for individuals with ADHD[less than]18 years. Outcomes were symptoms of ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), and conduct disorder (CD) and impairment. Moderators investigated were symptoms and impairment severity, medication use, age, IQ, sex, socioeconomic status, and single parenthood. Results: For raters most proximal to treatment, small to medium sized effects of behavioral interventions were found for symptoms of ADHD, inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity (HI), ODD and CD, and impairment. Blinded outcomes were only available for small preschool subsamples and limited measures. CD symptoms and/or diagnosis moderated outcome on ADHD, HI, ODD, and CD symptoms. Single parenthood moderated ODD outcome, ADHD severity moderated impairment outcome. Higher baseline CD or ADHD symptoms, a CD diagnosis, and single parenthood were related to worsening of symptoms in the untreated, but not in the treated group, indicating a protective rather than an ameliorative effect of behavioral interventions for these children.Conclusion: Behavioral treatments are effective for reducing ADHD symptoms, behavioral problems, and impairment as reported by raters most proximal to treatment. Those with severe CD or ADHD symptoms, a CD diagnosis, or single parents, should be prioritized for treatment, as they may evidence worsening of symptoms in the absence of intervention