549 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de la morfología y la natación en las larvas de un pez de arrecifes de coral, grama real, Gramma loreto (Grammatidae: Teleostei)

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    We used reared larvae of Gramma loreto sized 5.5 to 10.5 mm to study ontogeny of morphology and swim- ming. The larvae are slender to moderate in depth, with laterally compressed bodies, about 28 myomeres, a coiled gut that is not compact, extending to 50% to 60% of body length, an inconspicuous gas bladder, head spination limited to tiny preopercular spines, no pectoral-girdle spination, more spines than soft rays in the dorsal fin, and fins without elongate or early-forming elements. The limited pigment is most prominent along the base of the dorsal and anal fins. The development of critical speed (Ucrit) in G. loreto larvae was similar to that of other warm-water species, but speed ranged from 0.2 to 13.5 cm s-1 (mean 7.3, SE 0.7, body lengths s-1), which is relatively slow. Increase in speed with size was linear at 2.7 cm s-1 per mm increase in size. The actual and relative Ucrit of G. loreto were low, and only the four largest, fastest larvae would have been swimming in an inertial hydrodynamic environment. Therefore, for most of their pelagic larval duration the ability of G. loreto larvae to influence their dispersal by horizontal swimming is likely to be low compared with that of many other warm-water fish species.Hemos utilizado larvas cultivadas de Gramma loreto, 5.5-10.5 mm, para estudiar el desarrollo ontogénico en morfología y natación. Las larvas son delgadas o moderamente gruesas, con cuerpos comprimidos lateralmente, con 28 miómeros, un tubo digestivo en espiral, no compacto y que se extiende hasta el 50-60% de la longitud del cuerpo, con una vejiga natatoria inconspicua, espinas en la cabeza limitadas a diminutas espinas preoperculares, sin espinas en la pectoral, mayor número de espinas que de radios blandos en la aleta dorsal, y aletas sin elementos alargados. La pigmentación es limitada, siendo más prominente a lo largo de la base de las aletas dorsal y anal. El desarrollo de la velocidad crítica (Ucrit) en las larvas de G. loreto fue similar al de otras especies de aguas cálidas, sin embargo la velocidad varió de 0.2 a 13.5 cm s-1 (promedio 7.3, ES 0.7, longitud del cuerpo s-1), lo que es relativamente lento. El incremento de velocidad con la talla fue lineal a 2.7 cm s-1 por mm de incremento en talla. La Ucrit real y la relativa de G. loreto fue baja, y solamente las cuatro larvas más grandes y más rápidas , hubieran nadado en un ambiente hidrodinámico inercial. Por tanto, durante la mayor parte de su periodo larvario pelágico la capacidad de las larvas de G. loreto para influir en su dispersión por la natación horizontal es probablemente baja en comparación con muchas otras especies de peces de aguas cálidas

    Single-step deposition of hexamethyldisiloxane surface gradient coatings with a high amplitude of water contact angles over a polyethylene foil

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    One interesting category of nano- and micro-engineered surfaces is surface gradients, which allow the controlled optimization of biointerfaces at a small scale in an extended area length. Plasma coatings offer a large diversity of functionalities at the nanoscale, accompanied by high chemical stability and adhesion on a variety of substrates at ambient temperature. Atmospheric-pressure plasma-assisted deposition could be employed for the generation of surface gradients on thermosensitive materials. In this study, a corona plasma jet is used to deposit polydimethylsiloxane/SiO2-like surface gradients on polyethylene foil by varying the O2 concentration in the discharge during the movement of the plasma source. We obtained, in a single-step approach, gradient coatings along a length of ∼10 cm, with a gradual variation of both chemistry and surface energy

    Earliest cranio-encephalic trauma from the Levantine Middle Palaeolithic: 3D reappraisal of the Qafzeh 11 skull, consequences of pediatric brain damage on individual life condition and social care.

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    The Qafzeh site (Lower Galilee, Israel) has yielded the largest Levantine hominin collection from Middle Palaeolithic layers which were dated to circa 90-100 kyrs BP or to marine isotope stage 5b-c. Within the hominin sample, Qafzeh 11, circa 12-13 yrs old at death, presents a skull lesion previously attributed to a healed trauma. Three dimensional imaging methods allowed us to better explore this lesion which appeared as being a frontal bone depressed fracture, associated with brain damage. Furthermore the endocranial volume, smaller than expected for dental age, supports the hypothesis of a growth delay due to traumatic brain injury. This trauma did not affect the typical human brain morphology pattern of the right frontal and left occipital petalia. It is highly probable that this young individual suffered from personality and neurological troubles directly related to focal cerebral damage. Interestingly this young individual benefited of a unique funerary practice among the south-western Asian burials dated to Middle Palaeolithic

    Single-step deposition of hexamethyldisiloxane surface gradient coatings with a high amplitude of water contact angles over a polyethylene foil

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    AbstractOne interesting category of nano‐ and micro‐engineered surfaces is surface gradients, which allow the controlled optimization of biointerfaces at a small scale in an extended area length. Plasma coatings offer a large diversity of functionalities at the nanoscale, accompanied by high chemical stability and adhesion on a variety of substrates at ambient temperature. Atmospheric‐pressure plasma‐assisted deposition could be employed for the generation of surface gradients on thermosensitive materials. In this study, a corona plasma jet is used to deposit polydimethylsiloxane/SiO2‐like surface gradients on polyethylene foil by varying the O2 concentration in the discharge during the movement of the plasma source. We obtained, in a single‐step approach, gradient coatings along a length of ∼10 cm, with a gradual variation of both chemistry and surface energy

    Small unilamellar liposomes as a membrane model for cell inactivation by cold atmospheric plasma treatment

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    International audienceCold atmospheric plasma is thought to be a promising tool for numerous biomedical applications due to its ability to generate a large diversity of reactive species in a controlled way. In some cases, it can also generate pulsed electric fields at the zone of treatment, which can induce processes such as electroporation in cell membranes. However, the interaction of these reactive species and the pulse electric field with cells in a physiological medium is very complex and still need a better understanding in order to be useful for future applications. A way to reach this goal is to work with model cell membranes such as liposomes, with the simplest physiological liquid and in a controlled atmosphere in order to limit the number of parallel reactions and processes. In this work, where this approach has been chosen, 1,2-Dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DOPC) small unilamellar vesicles (SUV) has been synthesized in phosphate buffered aqueous solution and this solution has been treated by a nanosecond pulsed plasma jet under a pure nitrogen atmosphere. Only the composition of the plasma gas has been changed in order to generate different cocktails of reactive species. After the quantification of the main plasma reactive species in the PBS solution, structural, surface charge state, and chemical modifications generated on the plasma treated liposomes, due to the interaction with the plasma reactive species, has been carefully characterized. These results allow going further in the understanding of the effect of plasma reactive species on model cell membranes in physiological liquids. Permeation through the liposomal membrane and reaction of plasma reactive species with molecules encapsulated inside the liposomes has also been evaluated. New processes of degradation are finally presented and discussed, which come from the specific conditions of plasma treatment under pure nitrogen atmosphere

    Cadavres exquis

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    Cet entretien réalisé en mars 2013 est présenté ici sous forme d’extraits mais se retrouvera prochainement in extenso en version audio sur le site internet de la revue. Il retrace le parcours de ce chercheur emblématique des changements majeurs de l’archéologie et de l’anthropologie de terrain au cours des quarante dernières années Henri Duday Henri Duday étudiant les restes osseux brûlés d’une urne de la nécropole de la Porta Nocera à Pompéi, dans la domus de la ville antique que la Surinte..

    Advantage of terahertz radiation versus X-ray to detect hidden organic materials in sealed vessels

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    International audienceTerahertz imaging and conventional X-ray have been used to investigate a sealed Ancient Egyptian jar preserved at the Museum of Aquitaine (France). Terahertz radiation revealed an unknown content that could not have been visualized by X-ray. By comparison with a model object, we concluded that this content was composed of organic materials explaining their relative radiolucency

    La nécropole romaine de Porta Nocera à Pompéi

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    Nécropole romaine, monument funéraire, pratiques funéraires, tradition funéraire, Pompéi, gestes funéraires, néolithique Amorcé en 2014, le nouveau programme d’étude de la nécropole de Porta Nocera a pour première ambition de comprendre et de caractériser les processus de constitution d’un paysage funéraire aux abords de la ville entre la fondation de la colonie et l’éruption de 79, notamment l’implication des autorités publiques dans la planification et la gestion des aires funéraires. Il s’..

    Foissac – Perte de la Jonquière

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    Date de l'opération : 1978 - 1988 (FP) Inventeur(s) : Rouzaud François À l'issue de onze années de recherches codirigées par S. Cours, Henri Duday, M. Garcia et François Rouzaud, les opérations de fouilles ont été arrêtées en1988, avec l'aboutissement du programme initialement prévu. Découverte en 1965, la grotte de Foissac a été aménagée par les spéléologues inventeurs et ouverte au public en 1973. La partie accessible aux visiteurs correspond à celle investie par les Chalcolithiques, elle ..