48 research outputs found

    Insulating and Conducting Phases of RbC60

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    Optical measurements were performed on thin films of Rbx_{x}C60_{60}, identified by X-ray diffraction as mostly x=1x=1 material. The samples were subjected to various heat treatments, including quenching and slow cooling from 400K. The dramatic increase in the transmission of the quenched samples, and the relaxation towards the transmission observed in slow cooled samples provides direct evidence for the existence of a metastable insulating phase. Slow cooling results in a phase transition between two electrically conducting phases.Comment: Minor revisions. Submitted to PRB, RevTeX 3.0 file, 2 postscript figures included, ir_dop

    Hypervelocity impacts in the laboratory on hot rock targets

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    The variation of impact crater size in rock has been investigated as a function of target temperature in the range 150 K – 1150 K. Three rock types were used: limestone, sandstone and basalt. A total of thirty impacts were observed, at a typical impact speed of 5 km s-1 with a 0.8 mm diameter stainless steel spherical projectile. The three rocks behaved in two ways. The craters in limestone and sandstone initially grew in size, until a maximum was reached at around 500 K. Crater size then fell again as temperature increased further. For basalt however, crater size fell as temperature increased, reaching a constant level above 800 K. This strongly suggests that crater sizes seen in experiments on Earth, should not be taken as typical, rather they are a function of rock temperature. It proved difficult to relate crater size to target strength, as data in the literature on rock strength vs. temperature were in some cases contradictory

    Observation and Assignment of Silent and Higher Order Vibrations in the Infrared Transmission of C60 Crystals

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    We report the measurement of infrared transmission of large C60 single crystals. The spectra exhibit a very rich structure with over 180 vibrational absorptions visible in the 100 - 4000 cm-1 range. Many silent modes are observed to have become weakly IR-active. We also observe a large number of higher order combination modes. The temperature (77K - 300K) and pressure (0 - 25KBar) dependencies of these modes were measured and are presented. Careful analysis of the IR spectra in conjunction with Raman scattering data showing second order modes and neutron scattering data, allow the selection of the 46 vibrational modes C60. We are able to fit *all* of the first and second order data seen in the present IR spectra and the previously published Raman data (~300 lines total), using these 46 modes and their group theory allowed second order combinations.Comment: REVTEX v3.0 in LaTeX. 12 pages. 8 Figures by request. c60lon

    Embryonic dormancy in seeds of Bactris gasipaes Kunth (peach-palm)

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    Bactris gasipaes is a domesticated palm whose fruits are of great importance for the Amazonian people and whose heart of palm is also receiving economic interest in other brazilian and Latin America regions. The aim of this study was verify embryonic dormancy and its correlation with first cataphyll emergence in B. gasipaes seeds collected from four plants at Manaus city and four others at Coari city, both in the Amazonas state, Brazil. After extraction and cleaning, some of the seeds (4 replications of 25 per plant) were sown in a seedbed with a sawdust and sand mixture as substrate, and embryos (4 replications of 10 per plant), after extraction, were inoculated into half strength Murashige and Skoog cultures. Were used 100 seeds and 40 embryo per treatment. Whole seed and embryo germination varied between the different source plants and locations, with the greatest difference observed for the emergence of first cataphyll from seeds in the seedbed. For the most part of variables, results of seed and embryo were positively associated, namely, as one went up the other also, and vice versa. These results suggesting that, at least in part, seed dormancy in Bactris gasipaes is associated with embryonic dormancy. © 2017, Associacao Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes. All rights reserved

    The ability of genetically lean or fat slow-growing chickens to synthesize and store lipids is not altered by the dietary energy source

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    The increasing use of unconventional feedstuffs in chicken's diets results in the substitution of starch by lipids as the main dietary energy source. To evaluate the responses of genetically fat or lean chickens to these diets, males of two experimental lines divergently selected for abdominal fat content were fed isocaloric, isonitrogenous diets with either high lipid (80 g/kg), high fiber (64 g/kg) contents (HL), or low lipid (20 g/kg), low fiber (21 g/kg) contents (LL) from 22 to 63 days of age. The diet had no effect on growth performance and did not affect body composition evaluated at 63 days of age. Glycolytic and oxidative energy metabolisms in the liver and glycogen storage in liver and Sartorius muscle at 63 days of age were greater in chicken fed LL diet compared with chicken fed HL diet. In Pectoralis major (PM) muscle, energy metabolisms and glycogen content were not different between diets. There were no dietary-associated differences in lipid contents of the liver, muscles and abdominal fat. However, the percentages of saturated (SFA) and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) in tissue lipids were generally higher, whereas percentages of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) were lower for diet LL than for diet HL. The fat line had a greater feed intake and average daily gain, but gain to feed ratio was lower in that line compared with the lean line. Fat chickens were heavier than lean chickens at 63 days of age. Their carcass fatness was higher and their muscle yield was lower than those of lean chickens. The oxidative enzyme activities in the liver were lower in the fat line than in the lean line, but line did not affect energy metabolism in muscles. The hepatic glycogen content was not different between lines, whereas glycogen content and glycolytic potential were higher in the PM muscle of fat chickens compared with lean chickens. Lipid contents in the liver, muscles and abdominal fat did not differ between lines, but fat chickens stored less MUFA and more PUFA in abdominal fat and muscles than lean chickens. Except for the fatty acid composition of liver and abdominal fat, no interaction between line and diet was observed. In conclusion, the amount of lipids stored in muscles and fatty tissues by lean or fat chickens did not depend on the dietary energy source

    Volailles d’hier et d’aujourd’hui : le patrimoine au service d’un Ă©levage durable

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    Article sur ECHOSCIENCES - Centre-Val de LoireLa volaille fait l’objet d’une demande forte, satisfaite par un commerce international intense, alors que les consommateurs français demandent des produits locaux, issus de chaĂźnes de productions durables et ancrĂ©es sur leur territoire. Ainsi, un consortium multidisciplinaire de chercheurs (VOLAILLES, Valorisation de l’Origine, Liens entre Acteurs, IdentitĂ©s LocaLes, Evolution du Secteur avicole) alliant des archĂ©ologues, des historiens, des sociologues et des biologistes, s’est attachĂ© Ă  dĂ©crire et comprendre les relations entre cette production et le territoire en RĂ©gion Centre-Val de Loire, sur le long terme. La dimension patrimoniale doit contribuer Ă  renforcer l’image et le dĂ©veloppement des pratiques contemporaines durables et sous signes de qualitĂ©.Il s’agissait dans une premiĂšre partie d’établir la chronologie d’apparition des diffĂ©rentes espĂšces de volailles en RĂ©gion Centre-Val de Loire. Les archĂ©ologues ont effectuĂ© ce travail Ă  partir de restes disponibles sur les sites de fouilles, ossements et fragments de coquilles d’Ɠufs. Pour les premiers, il est possible d’établir une dĂ©termination prĂ©cise par rapport Ă  une collection de rĂ©fĂ©rence. Pour les seconds, l’identification repose sur des dĂ©terminations molĂ©culaires basĂ©es sur l’analyse des traces de protĂ©ines, en dĂ©veloppement dans le cadre du projet. L’étude des ossements a permis de publier une Ă©tude dĂ©taillĂ©e, qui montre la prĂ©sence de restes de poules dĂšs la pĂ©riode 500-400 avant J.-C. Pour les pĂ©riodes plus rĂ©centes, les historiens peuvent s’appuyer sur des Ă©tudes de documents, qui montrent comment l’aviculture a Ă©voluĂ© depuis le XIXe siĂšcle avec une organisation de plus en plus structurĂ©e de la production et de son commerce, associĂ©e Ă  une spĂ©cialisation territoriale. L’ensemble de ces travaux indique une prĂ©sence ancienne des volailles en RĂ©gion attestant de la contribution de cette production au patrimoine rĂ©gional.Actuellement, les productions de volailles de qualitĂ© sur le territoire rĂ©gional sont de plusieurs types avec des systĂšmes de production et de distribution organisĂ©s en circuit court ou en filiĂšres valorisant un Signe Officiel de QualitĂ© et d’Origine (Label Rouge, LR, Indication GĂ©ographique ProtĂ©gĂ©e, IGP). Le lien au territoire semble intrinsĂšque en circuit-court, associĂ© Ă©ventuellement Ă  la valorisation d’une race locale, il peut s’objectiver par la reconnaissance LR et/ou IGP. Les travaux de sociologie ont portĂ© surtout sur les Ă©leveurs en filiĂšre LR. Bien que leur ancrage territorial soit explicite dans leur cahier de production, ceux-ci mettent plus en avant la qualitĂ© de leur travail d’éleveur et des soins apportĂ©s Ă  leurs animaux, que la qualitĂ© du produit ou son ancrage au territoire. L’usage de races anciennes qui n’est pas prĂ©vu dans leurs cahiers est plutĂŽt perçue comme une difficultĂ© supplĂ©mentaire.Dans un contexte global oĂč l’élevage est l’objet d’attentes sociĂ©tales fortes, les filiĂšres s’interrogent sur leur capacitĂ© Ă  rĂ©pondre aux multiples enjeux de la durabilitĂ© et Ă  renforcer leurs liens au territoire. Ainsi, afin de rĂ©aliser un Ă©tat des lieux et proposer des pistes d’amĂ©lioration, une grille d’évaluation a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©e sur quatre dimensions (Ă©conomie, social, environnement et territoire) et renseignĂ©e avec le Syndicat des Volailles de l’OrlĂ©anais. Sur le plan Ă©conomique, cette filiĂšre prĂ©sente de bonnes performances. Sur le plan social, elle apparait bien organisĂ©e en interne, mais peut encore progresser pour mieux communiquer et rĂ©pondre aux nouvelles attentes sociĂ©tales. Par ailleurs, elle pourrait intĂ©grer davantage les questions environnementales dans ses cahiers de charges. Enfin, sur le plan territorial, il apparait que sa taille modeste lui confĂšre un impact modĂ©rĂ© et qu’elle souffre d’un dĂ©ficit de notoriĂ©tĂ© dans la rĂ©gion.Les rĂ©sultats du programme VOLAILLES, Ă  visĂ©e finalisĂ©e, fournissent Ă  la filiĂšre LR des Ă©lĂ©ments de rĂ©flexion et des outils d’évaluation pour ancrer plus fortement leur production au territoire et Ă  son patrimoine. Ceux-ci pourront leur servir Ă  rĂ©flĂ©chir aux Ă©volutions Ă  mettre en place, en particulier dans le cadre du renouvellement de leur IGP. Ils constituent aussi une base de rĂ©flexion adaptable Ă  d’autres systĂšmes de production territoriaux

    Typologie et ontogenĂšse des fibres musculaires chez les oiseaux

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    National audienceCet article fait partie du Dossier Typologie et ontogenĂšse des fibres musculaires chez diffĂ©rentes espĂšces d’intĂ©rĂȘt agronomique

    Diversité des productions de volailles de chair, en France

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    La viande la plus consommée au niveau mondial provient actuellement des volailles, avec une production dominante, celle du poulet. Cette note décrit l'organisation de la filiÚre volailles de chair en France, et fait état de ses particularités par rapport à celle de ses voisins européens