18 research outputs found

    Resonant spin polarization and spin current in a two-dimensional electron gas

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    We study the spin polarization and its associated spin-Hall current due to EDSR in disordered two-dimensional electron systems. We show that the disorder induced damping of the resonant spin polarization can be strongly reduced by an optimal field configuration that exploits the interference between Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction. This leads to a striking enhancement of the spin susceptibility while the spin-Hall current vanishes at the same time. We give an interpretation of the spin current in geometrical terms which are associated with the trajectories the polarization describes in spin space.Comment: (5 pages), updated references, corrected typo

    Signatures of topological phase transitions in mesoscopic superconducting rings

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    We investigate Josephson currents in mesoscopic rings with a weak link which are in or near a topological superconducting phase. As a paradigmatic example, we consider the Kitaev model of a spinless p-wave superconductor in one dimension, emphasizing how this model emerges from more realistic settings based on semiconductor nanowires. We show that the flux periodicity of the Josephson current provides signatures of the topological phase transition and the emergence of Majorana fermions situated on both sides of the weak link even when fermion parity is not a good quantum number. In large rings, the Majorana fermions hybridize only across the weak link. In this case, the Josephson current is h/e periodic in the flux threading the loop when fermion parity is a good quantum number but reverts to the more conventional h/2e periodicity in the presence of fermion-parity changing relaxation processes. In mesoscopic rings, the Majorana fermions also hybridize through their overlap in the interior of the superconducting ring. We find that in the topological superconducting phase, this gives rise to an h/e-periodic contribution even when fermion parity is not conserved and that this contribution exhibits a peak near the topological phase transition. This signature of the topological phase transition is robust to the effects of disorder. As a byproduct, we find that close to the topological phase transition, disorder drives the system deeper into the topological phase. This is in stark contrast to the known behavior far from the phase transition, where disorder tends to suppress the topological phase.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, minor changes in the text, published versio

    Andreev reflection from non-centrosymmetric superconductors and Majorana bound state generation in half-metallic ferromagnets

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    We study Andreev reflection at an interface between a half metal and a superconductor with spin-orbit interaction. While the absence of minority carriers in the half metal makes singlet Andreev reflection impossible, the spin-orbit interaction gives rise to triplet Andreev reflection, i.e., the reflection of a majority electron into a majority hole or vice versa. As an application of our calculation, we consider a thin half metal film or wire laterally attached to a superconducting contact. If the half metal is disorder free, an excitation gap is opened that is proportional to the spin-orbit interaction strength in the superconductor. For electrons with energy below this gap a lateral half-metal--superconductor contact becomes a perfect triplet Andreev reflector. We show that the system supports localized Majorana end states in this limit.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Mesoscopic fluctuations in the spin-electric susceptibility due to Rashba spin-orbit interaction

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    We investigate mesoscopic fluctuations in the spin polarization generated by a static electric field and by Rashba spin-orbit interaction in a disordered 2D electron gas. In a diagrammatic approach we find that the out-of-plane polarization -- while being zero for self-averaging systems -- exhibits large sample-to-sample fluctuations which are shown to be well within experimental reach. We evaluate the disorder-averaged variance of the susceptibility and find its dependence on magnetic field, spin-orbit interaction, dephasing, and chemical potential difference.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Topological superconducting phases in disordered quantum wires with strong spin-orbit coupling

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    Zeeman fields can drive semiconductor quantum wires with strong spin-orbit coupling and in proximity to s-wave superconductors into a topological phase which supports end Majorana fermions and offers an attractive platform for realizing topological quantum information processing. Here, we investigate how potential disorder affects the topological phase by a combination of analytical and numerical approaches. Most prominently, we find that the robustness of the topological phase against disorder depends sensitively and non-monotonously on the Zeeman field applied to the wire.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; published versio

    Dynamic spin-Hall effect and driven spin helix for linear spin-orbit interactions

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    We derive boundary conditions for the electrically induced spin accumulation in a finite, disordered 2D semiconductor channel. While for DC electric fields these boundary conditions select spatially constant spin profiles equivalent to a vanishing spin-Hall effect, we show that an in-plane ac electric field results in a non-zero ac spin-Hall effect, i.e., it generates a spatially non-uniform out-of-plane polarization even for linear intrinsic spin-orbit interactions. Analyzing different geometries in [001] and [110]-grown quantum wells, we find that although this out-of-plane polarization is typically confined to within a few spin-orbit lengths from the channel edges, it is also possible to generate spatially oscillating spin profiles which extend over the whole channel. The latter is due to the excitation of a driven spin-helix mode in the transverse direction of the channel. We show that while finite frequencies suppress this mode, it can be amplified by a magnetic field tuned to resonance with the frequency of the electric field. In this case, finite size effects at equal strengths of Rashba- and Dresselhaus SOI lead to an enhancement of the magnitude of this helix mode. We comment on the relation between spin currents and boundary conditions.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, added references, corrected typos, extended section V, VI

    Probability distribution of Majorana end-state energies in disordered wires

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    One-dimensional topological superconductors harbor Majorana bound states at their ends. For superconducting wires of finite length L, these Majorana states combine into fermionic excitations with an energy Ļµ0\epsilon_0 that is exponentially small in L. Weak disorder leaves the energy splitting exponentially small, but affects its typical value and causes large sample-to-sample fluctuations. We show that the probability distribution of Ļµ0\epsilon_0 is log normal in the limit of large L, whereas the distribution of the lowest-lying bulk energy level Ļµ1\epsilon_1 has an algebraic tail at small Ļµ1\epsilon_1. Our findings have implications for the speed at which a topological quantum computer can be operated.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Spin Accumulation in Diffusive Conductors with Rashba and Dresselhaus Spin-Orbit Interaction

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    We calculate the electrically induced spin accumulation in diffusive systems due to both Rashba (with strength Ī±)\alpha) and Dresselhaus (with strength Ī²)\beta) spin-orbit interaction. Using a diffusion equation approach we find that magnetoelectric effects disappear and that there is thus no spin accumulation when both interactions have the same strength, Ī±=Ā±Ī²\alpha=\pm \beta. In thermodynamically large systems, the finite spin accumulation predicted by Chaplik, Entin and Magarill, [Physica E {\bf 13}, 744 (2002)] and by Trushin and Schliemann [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 75}, 155323 (2007)] is recovered an infinitesimally small distance away from the singular point Ī±=Ā±Ī²\alpha=\pm \beta. We show however that the singularity is broadened and that the suppression of spin accumulation becomes physically relevant (i) in finite-sized systems of size LL, (ii) in the presence of a cubic Dresselhaus interaction of strength Ī³\gamma, or (iii) for finite frequency measurements. We obtain the parametric range over which the magnetoelectric effect is suppressed in these three instances as (i) āˆ£Ī±āˆ£āˆ’āˆ£Ī²āˆ£ā‰²1/mL|\alpha|-|\beta| \lesssim 1/mL, (ii)āˆ£Ī±āˆ£āˆ’āˆ£Ī²āˆ£ā‰²Ī³pF2|\alpha|-|\beta| \lesssim \gamma p_{\rm F}^2, and (iii) |\alpha|-|\beta| \lesssiM \sqrt{\omega/m p_{\rm F}\ell} with ā„“\ell the elastic mean free path and pFp_{\rm F} the Fermi momentum. We attribute the absence of spin accumulation close to Ī±=Ā±Ī²\alpha=\pm \beta to the underlying U (1) symmetry. We illustrate and confirm our predictions numerically

    Electrically controlled spin dynamics in disordered semiconductors

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    The spin of electrons in a semiconductor environment couples not only to magnetic ļ¬elds, but also to the orbital motion of the electron. As a consequence, transport in semiconductors includes a class of phenomena in which electrically induced charge motion inļ¬‚uences the electron spin. The intricate interplay of spin and charge makes this type of eļ¬€ects a diverse research ļ¬eld of fundamental interest, but is also of practical relevance: Spin-orbit interaction (SOI) provides a mechanism to control the spin with electric ļ¬elds. Being available in tailored materials, that are routinely used in microelectronics, SOI has therefore attracted intense interest for its potential in applications to use the electron spin alternatively to the charge in new types of electronic devices. In this thesis we investigate the interplay of spin and charge transport in disordered electron systems, where random impurities not only determine the electrical resistance but also the spin dynamics through spin-orbit interaction. A focus of this work is electric-dipole-induced spin resonance (EDSR), a versatile scheme of spin control using electric ļ¬elds. Similar to standard paramagnetic resonance where a combination of static and ac magnetic ļ¬elds drive spin rotations, in EDSR ac electric ļ¬elds couple resonantly to the spin. Appropriately chosen pulses of these electric ļ¬elds, which can be generated easier on-chip than ac magnetic ļ¬elds, allow to achieve arbitrary spin rotations. In a diagrammatic analysis we ļ¬nd that the presence of disorder broadens the line-shape of EDSR and determines the maximal achievable polarization. We identify random internal magnetic ļ¬elds as the origin of this line-broadening, which limits the eļ¬ƒciency of EDSR, and show that these limitations can be overcome in an optimal geometry where the internal ļ¬elds are suppressed by the interference of diļ¬€erent spin-orbit mechanisms. This leads to a substantial enhancement of the spin polarization at resonance. We moreover link these ļ¬ndings to spin currents giving rise to the spin-Hall eļ¬€ect. We interpret these spin currents in terms of spin polarization components. The behavior of the spin depends sensitively on whether the orbital motion is diļ¬€usive or phase coherent. Indeed, qualitatively diļ¬€erent ā€“ mesoscopic ā€“ eļ¬€ects occur in the spin when electrons ļ¬‚ow through phase-coherent systems. Whereas in charge transport such mesoscopic eļ¬€ects are well known, for the spin they have attracted interest only more recently in the context of spintronics. We ļ¬nd that the spin polarization, that arises due to dc transport and SOI, shows large mesoscopic ļ¬‚uctuations that exceed the polarization in incoherent samples with self-averaging. Since this average polarization has been successfully measured we expect this mesoscopic ļ¬‚uctuations to be within experimental reach as well