11 research outputs found

    Mesh and simulation results of multicycle dynamics of the southern San Andreas and the northern San Jacinto faults

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    The dataset contains the simulation results by the finite element software EQdyna and the finite element mesh of the models presented in the article Observation-constrained multicycle dynamic models of the southern San Andreas and the northern San Jacinto Faults: addressing complexity in paleoearthquake extents and recurrences with realistic 2D fault geometry by Dunyu Liu, Benchun Duan, Katherine Scharer and Doug Yule. The compressed file mesh_simulation_result.zip contains four directories. First, the directory ./mesh/ contains the finite element mesh of the models. Second, three directories ./work_vis7_fs0.5/, ./work_vis4.2_fs0.3/, and ./work_vis12_fs0.7/ contain simulation results of Models A, B, and C, respectively, in the article. The simulations are done on TERRA at Texas A&M University High Performance Research Center (https://hprc.tamu.edu/) in 2020. The simulation data are collected to reproduce the results presented in the article. The software EQdyna that is used for numerical simulations and MATLAB scripts that are used to post-process the data and to reproduce the figures in the article are provided in the GitHub repository https://zenodo.org/badge/latestdoi/416427264. In the directory ./mesh/, FE*.txt files contain general information used to generate the finite element mesh. fac.txt and vert.txt are node-element topography and coordinates of the nodes in the finite element mesh. nsmp* files are master-slave node relation by the split-node method to simulate fault discontinuity; x(1,2,3)_1.txt files are locations of controlling points for the San Jacinto fault Claremont and Clark strands, and the southern San Andreas fault geometry derived from the SCEC Community Fault Model version 5.2 (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4651667). The controlling points are used by EQdyna to generate the mesh that comply with the complex fault geometry in the models. Rate_direction.txt contains on-fault loading strain rates derived from the geodetic dataset by Smith-Konter and Sandwell (2009, doi:10.1029/2009gl037235). Plot_Normal_Vector.m and Show_Mesh.m are MATLAB scripts used to visualize the normal vectors to the fault strikes and the whole mesh, respectively. For each directory of model results, ./0figs/ contain figures to show dynamics of all rupture scenarios in that model. cyclelog.txt(No.) contain the starting and ending earthquake cycle numbers for the corresponding totalop.txt(No.), which contain results of slips and stresses on the fault after each earthquake. interval.txt(No.) contain the intervals in years between earthquakes defined in cyclelog.txt(No.)