989 research outputs found

    Extra Spin-Wave mode in Quantum Hall systems. Beyond the Skyrmion Limit

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    We report on the observation of a new spin mode in a quantum Hall system in the vicinity of odd electron filling factors under experimental conditions excluding the possibility of Skyrmion excitations. The new mode having presumably zero energy at odd filling factors emerges at small deviations from odd filling factors and couples to the spin-exciton. The existence of an extra spin mode assumes a nontrivial magnetic order at partial fillings of Landau levels surrounding quantum Hall ferromagnets other then the Skyrmion crystal.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Electron energy relaxation under terahertz excitation in (Cd1−xZnx)3As2 Dirac semimetals

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    We demonstrate that measurements of the photo-electromagnetic effect using terahertz laser radiation provide an argument for the existence of highly conductive surface electron states with a spin texture in Dirac semimetals (Cd₁-xZnx)₃As

    Trait peculiarities of diabetic retinopathy individuals

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    The purpose of the research was to study proliferative and non-proliferative retinopathy diabetes’ traits. It was examined 30 diabetic retinopathy patients (Type I – 12 persons and Type II – 18 persons) during an open-label controlled study. 20 patients were diagnosed with a non-proliferative stage of diabetic retinopathy, and 10 patients were diagnosed with a proliferative stage. The peculiarities of retinopathy diabetes’ traits were determined by the method of R. Ketell. All diabetic retinopathy patients were characterized by independence, suspicion, anxiety, uncertainty, concern, timidity, lack of motivation, self-confidence, conservatism, discipline. Non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy patients’ traits were carelessness, suspicion, independence, insensitivity, conflict, developed self-control, self-confidence, callousness, conservatism, low motivation, skepticism, rigidity of thinking. The serious problems for these individuals were their conservatism, doubts about new ideas, skepticism, cynicism, pragmatism; the moderate ones were seclusion, distrust, silo mentality, difficulty in mastering new material, low motivation, laziness, ease, a tendency to comply with the rules, the desire to introduce oneself “in a favourable position”. The leading traits of proliferative diabetic retinopathy people were suspicion, self-confidence, developed self-control, responsibility, conservatism, self-confidence, anxiety, irritability and pessimism. Conservatism and doubts about new ideas were the most difficult problems for these individuals; the moderate ones are seclusion, distrust, silo mentality, difficulty in mastering new material, low tolerance for emotional factors, self-doubt, irritability, frequent manifestation of excitement, increased caution, discretion, restraint, sometimes pessimism desire to be in the shadows, preference for a limit of close friends, excessive selfconfidence, subjectivism, hypertrophied desire for independence, stubbornness, skepticism, sometimes cynicism, pragmatism, low motivation and laziness. Prospects for further research are the need to determine the impact of emotional, motivational and intellectual characteristics of diabetic retinopathy patients and their impact on quality of life and the formation of compliance. Дроздов В.О., Сакович В.М., Сакович Є.М., Фокіна С.М. Особливості характеру осіб з діабетичною ретинопатією. Метою дослідження було вивчення особливостей характеру хворих із проліферативною та непроліферативною стадіями діабетичної ретинопатії. Відкритим контрольованим дослідженням було охоплено 30 хворих із діабетичною ретинопатією, з них: у 12 і 18 було діагностовано цукровий діабет І і ІІ типу, у 20 осіб діагностовано непроліферативну стадію діабетичної ретинопатії, у 10 – проліферативну. Особливості характеру осіб з діабетичною ретинопатією визначено за методикою Р. Кетелла. Усім хворим з діабетичною ретинопатією були притаманні незалежність, підозрілість, тривожність, невпевненість, заклопотаність, боязкість, недостатня мотивація, самовпевненість, консерватизм, дисциплінованість. Особливостями характеру пацієнтів з непроліферативною діабетичною ретинопатією були безтурботність, підозрілість, незалежність, нечутливість. Конфліктність, розвинений самоконтроль, самовпевненість, консерватизм, низька мотивація, скептицизм, ригідність мислення. Найвиразнішими в них були консерватизм, сумніви щодо нових ідей, скептицизм, цинізм, прагматизм; менш виразними – замкнутість, недовіра, обмежене мислення, труднощі щодо засвоєння нового матеріалу, низька мотивація, лінощі, незворушність, схильність до усвідомленого дотримання норм, бажання уявити себе «у вигідному світлі». До особливостей характеру осіб з проліферативною діабетичною ретинопатією можна зарахувати підозрілість, самовпевненість, розвинений самоконтроль, відповідальність, консерватизм, самовпевненість, тривожність, роздратованість, песимізм. Найвиразнішими у них були консерватизм, сумніви щодо нових ідей; менш виразними – замкненість, недовіра, обмежене мислення, труднощі в засвоєнні нового матеріалу, низька толерантність до емоціогенних чинників, невпевненість у собі, роздратованість, часті прояви хвилювання, підвищена обережність, розсудливість, стриманість, іноді песимізм, сировість, виразна сором’язливість, боязкість, обережність, перевага вузького кола людей, надмірна самовпевненість, цинізм, прагматизм, лінощі. Перспективами подальших досліджень є необхідність вивчення впливу емоційних, мотиваційних та інтелектуальних особливостей хворих з діабетичною ретинопатією та їх впливу на якість життя та формування комплайєнсу

    High-Energy Approach for Heavy-Ion Scattering with Excitations of Nuclear Collective States

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    A phenomenological optical potential is generalized to include the Coulomb and nuclear interactions caused by the dynamical deformation of its surface. In the high-energy approach analytical expressions for elastic and inelastic scattering amplitudes are obtained where all the orders in the deformation parameters are included. The multistep effect of the 2+^+ rotational state excitation on elastic scattering is analyzed. Calculations of inelastic cross sections for the 17^{17}O ions scattered on different nuclei at about hundred Mev/nucleon are compared with experimental data, and important role of the Coulomb excitation is established.Comment: 9 pages; 3 figures. Submitted to the Physics of Atomic Nucle

    Conventional superconductivity at 203 K at high pressures

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    A superconductor is a material that can conduct electricity with no resistance below its critical temperature (Tc). The highest Tc that has been achieved in cuprates1 is 133 K at ambient pressure2 and 164 K at high pressures3. As the nature of superconductivity in these materials has still not been explained, the prospects for a higher Tc are not clear. In contrast, the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) theory gives a guide for achieving high Tc and does not put bounds on Tc, all that is needed is a favorable combination of high frequency phonons, strong electron-phonon coupling, and a high density of states. These conditions can be fulfilled for metallic hydrogen and covalent compounds dominated by hydrogen4,5. Numerous calculations support this idea and predict Tc of 50-235 K for many hydrides6 but only moderate Tc=17 K has been observed experimentally7. Here we studied sulfur hydride8 where a Tc~80 K was predicted9. We found that it transforms to a metal at pressure ~90 GPa. With cooling superconductivity was found deduced from a sharp drop of the resistivity to zero and a decrease of Tc with magnetic field. The pronounce isotope shift of Tc in D2S is evidence of an electron-phonon mechanism of superconductivity that is consistent with the BCS scenario. The superconductivity has been confirmed by magnetic susceptibility measurements with Tc=203K. The high Tc superconductivity most likely is due to H3S which is formed from H2S under its decomposition under pressure. Even higher Tc, room temperature superconductivity, can be expected in other hydrogen-based materials since hydrogen atoms provide the high frequency phonon modes as well as the strong electron-phonon coupling

    Pancreatic fistula risk assessment after distal pancreatectomy: a retrospective controlled study

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    Background. Despite declining mortality, postoperative pancreatic fistula (PPF) remains a common complication of distal pancreatic resection surgery challenging to clinical prediction.Objectives. Prognostic analysis of the postoperative pancreatic fistula risk factors in patients with previous distal pancreatectomy.Methods. A retrospective controlled assay enrolled 107 patients, including 63 (58.9%) male and 44 (41.1%) female patients. All patients underwent distal pancreatectomy followed by a morphological examination of resected material. All patients had a general and biochemical blood panel profiling. Pancreatic tissue density at a putative resection zone was assessed with computed tomography. The patients were allocated to two cohorts: (1) not developing PPF (77 patients) and (2) having postoperative PPF complications (30 patients.Results. No statistically significant differences by age, gender, ASA and BMI scores were observed in study cohorts. Multivariate analysis revealed a statistically significant correlation of the PPF rate with the following factors: main pancreatic duct diameter <3 mm (odds ratio (OR) 1.02, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.01–1.05, p = 0.01), pancreatic density at putative resection zone <30 HU in CT (OR 3.18, 95% CI 1.38–7.74, p < 0.01) and differential albumin of postoperative day 1 vs. pre-surgery >14 g/L (OR 3.13, 95% CI 1.19–8.24, p < 0.01).Conclusion. A main pancreatic duct diameter <3 mm, pancreatic density at putative resection zone <30 HU in CT and differential albumin of postoperative day 1 vs. pre-surgery >14 g/L are independent risk factors of postoperative fistulae

    Creation of a training and test dataset with the disposition and transposition of overlaying electrocardiographic electrodes when recording electrocardiograms-12

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    BACKGROUND: Electrocardiography is one of the simplest, most widely used, inexpensive, and informative methods in functional diagnostics; yet, if performed poorly, its diagnostic value is sharply reduced. Several attempts were made to systematize errors and deviations in electrode application, but all concerned the most common options (rearrangement of red and yellow electrodes, yellow and green electrodes, and chest electrodes above or below the standard scheme). AIM: To create an electrocardiogram dataset with different options for transpositions and dispositions of electrodes during electrocardiogram recording. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included patients aged 1875 years (27 males and 22 females). All patients provided informed consent for electrocardiogram registration. During one visit, the cardiogram was recorded on the device Modular system for recording and remote transmission of electrocardiograms (EASY ECG) for each patient. RESULTS: In all, 488 electrocardiograms were recorded in 49 patients. The results obtained indicate a significant variability of the electrocardiogram pattern. Visual analysis of the electrocardiograms revealed no difficulties in determining the transposition associated with rearranging the leads on the arms (RY) in the thoracic C1C2. The placement of thoracic electrodes in contact cheek-to-cheek dispositions with the transfer of thoracic leads above or below two intercostals was reliably determined compared with the Wilson scheme. The transpositions of the yellow and green limb electrodes and the change in the position of the thoracic ones when they are lined up in a straight line, bullied between the ribs (curved), and confused in places C5 and C6 are difficult to determine even when comparing two cardiograms next to each other, with the correct and transpositional superposition of the electrodes. The initial changes on the electrocardiograms, physique type, breast size, or the presence of an implant most likely determine it. CONCLUSION: An electrocardiography dataset was obtained using various electrode dislocation variants. The dataset consists of a series of electrocardiograms obtained for each patient with several electrode placement options and contains both normal and pathological electrocardiograms