124 research outputs found

    Weaving a Dark Tale of Violence and Cruelty: Post Colonial Review of the Notion of Nation in Rupa Bajwa's The Sari Shop

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    The Indian Novel is English is chiefly a Western genre but has adapted itself very well to the Indian cultural and social ethos. In the first stage, novels presenting the lives of protagonists and other historical characters governed the literary scene, in the second stage the novels was mainly concerned with political and social issues in a realist genre and psychological novels were concentrated more on the individual and probed their tensions and inner operations. The three phases could not be clearly different from one another rather they overlapped at several point. The novel under reading had characteristics of social realism as well as psychological scrutinizing. Rupa Bajwa's novel The Sari Shop was long listed 2004 Orange Prize for fiction. He dealt with the place of Amritsar, the busy and vibrant city of Punjab

    The Proliferation of Gandhian Impact on the Deep Interiors of South India in Raja Rao's Kanthapura

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    Gandhian ideology is rooted in the everlasting human values handed down to us over centuries such as truth, non-violence, righteousness, tolerance and love. Gandhi only reiterated these values taught by Upanishads, the Buddha and the Gita. Gandhian ideology also corresponds a number of contemporary issues like rural poverty, untouchability, plight of women and communal violence. Gandhian thought engineered a mass-based social and political revolution in India. Gandhian movements made an extraordinarily deep impact on literacy writers of Indian writing in English. It provided the writers, for the first time, a vision of a society on the move towards socio-economic reconstruction and political independence. Spiritually and intellectually, it instigated them to seek a new identity: a sensitive blend of the traditional and the modern. This revealed itself in the emergence of a number of Indian Novelist in English

    Life and the World Around: Theme of Subjugation of the Downtrodden and Approaches in Indian culture as Revealed in My India

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    This paper is a descriptive work and is an attempt to study Jim Corbett’s approach, as an Indo-Anglian writer, towards the theme of caste related subjugation in the colonial era. Jim Corbett is one of the few Anglo-Indian writers, who through his non-fictional narrative reveals minute observation of the customs, traditions and rituals of Indian culture. Short stories based on real-life characters offer, as one of the major themes, a glimpse of the suffering and subjugation and taboo associated with the life of the untouchables. He understands the role of caste system in India and is aware of its relevance in shaping the destiny of a person. Corbett’s concern is not only class and caste conscious, but also socially relevant and the delineation of the anguish of the underprivileged is poignant and significant. He is sensitive towards their struggle and gives the message of equality and humanity. He is a moralist, who preaches the lesson of humanity

    Prevalence of Bronchogenic carcinoma in the North Indian Population

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    Aim: This original research article aims to study the Prevalence of Bronchogenic carcinoma in the North Indian Population. Material & Method: The present study includes 150 patients with intrathoracic space-occupying lesions, of which 42 patients with bronchogenic carcinoma were seen at SS hospital Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, UP. Most of the patients studied were from the thoracic surgery section, while few patients were taken from other departments of SS hospital. The age of those patients varied widely, starting from 10 years to 60 years. The bulk of the patients were young adults and middle-aged persons, with 35 males and seven females. During this study, patients were investigated in systemic order with the progression of symptoms from the onset, development of latest symptoms and treatment taken before if any, history of tuberculosis, chronic cough, smoking, and contact with were recorded. The patient's vitals were recorded, and routine pathological investigation including blood count, hemoglobin and specific procedure like radiological method, sputum and bronchoscopy were performed. Result: Maximum patients were in the age group of 41 to 50 years. Forty-two patients were diagnosed with Bronchogenic carcinoma, a definitive diagnosis was confirmed by Clinical & Radiological (chest X-ray & CT Scan) in 24 (16%), by Bronchoscopic examination & Biopsy in 15 (10%) and by thoracotomy in 03(2%). The maximum age group among the cases were 41-60. The most common symptom was Cough with expectoration in 33 patients (78.5%), followed by Haemoptysis and Dyspnea in 30 cases (71.4%). Fever was least common with 6 cases. It was observed that 18 patients (43%) had the habit of smoking for more than 18 years. Conclusion: This study provides a framework for assessing the prevalence of bronchogenic carcinoma in the North Indian population and proves that smoking is a potential risk factor in bronchogenic carcinoma. Prevalence of Bronchogenic Carcinoma among all cases of Intrathoracic Lesions Cases 28 % and among all subjects who undergone for screening in one year – 2.84

    Role of Ayurveda in prevention of Covid-19 pandemic - An Integrative Overview

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    Introduction: Recently all world is suffering from Pandemic Covid 19. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) that is novel corona virus. First case was detected in Wuhan, China. The symptoms are similar as like flu. Most common symptoms are fever, dry cough, breathlessness, sore throat, weakness, bodyaches. These symptoms vary according to individuals. COVID 19 is declared as Pandemic. In Ayurveda, Pandemic is explained in Charaka Samhita Viman Sthana under Janpadodhwansniya Adhyaya. There is no medication for Covid 19. So, we can prevent and defend this disease by boosting own immunity. Ayurveda explained immunity under the heading of Vyadhikshamatwa. In Ayurveda various types of regimens like Dinacharya, Ritucharya, Aharavidhi, Rasayana Chikitsa, Vyayama, Yoga, Pranayama. These all are very much helpful to enhance the immunity. Methods: In this article, information from contemporary texts of Ayurveda in view of Vyadhikshamatva and immunity have been documented to understand treatment approach of Ayurvedic science. Result: The Pandemic like Covid 19 is difficult to manage in current days. But it is possible to prevent and manage by boosting the immunity. Conclusion: This pandemic of Corona virus disease SARS COV2 has no treatment and vaccination available till now. Only prevention is the way by adoption of social distancing as the contaminating rate is very high. So one should understand the importance of healthy life style, good diet habits and daily exercise etc. to acquire immunity. Immunity can be acquired with some herbs and medicines, by following regimen, Proper Rasayana etc. Hence, it is necessary to aware people about health hygine, following healthy regimen, boosting the immunity which is explained in Ayurveda. In the present review article, an attempt has been made to present concept of Vyadhikshamatva specially in current Pandemic COVID 19

    VLSI Realization of Switched Hamming Neural Network for 3-Bit Digit Recognition

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    This paper aims at analyzing neural network method in pattern recognition. HSPICE level 49 simulation of switched current mode hamming neural network is able to recognize any threebit digit provided its template is stored using current mirror. It determines highest input current signal and output it based on time division basisusing Winner Take All circuit (WTA) based on time division basis. The DC simulation shows power dissipation of 1.8517mW and rise time delay of 3.2318E-09
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