10 research outputs found


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    The Rudice swallow hole (Rudické propadání) National Nature Monument is a locality affected by occasional mass movements and landslides. During exceptional rainfall events, the slag material from the slopes of a small valley called “Ve struskách” (“In the Slags”) slides into an episodic stream, which enters the local karst system near the swallow hole of the Jedovnice Creek (Jedovnický potok).The slag was dumped in the locality in consequence of the past processing of iron ore in blast furnaces, which had been built near Jedovnice by the princely Salm family in the 19th century. Even though the blast furnaces were closed down a hundred years ago, the slag components leaking into the Rudice stream sink cave system still demonstrably damage the speleothems. This was the majorimpulse for us to have a closer look at the geochemical properties of the slag.The chemical composition was determined by silicate analyses carried out in the Institute of Geological Sciences at the Faculty of Sciences of the Masaryk University in Brno and in the ACME laboratories in Canada. The ACME laboratories determined heavy metal contents by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) and by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The petrographic characterization of the slag and its enclosures was conducted based on point analyses by a wavelength dispersive X ray (WDX) electron microprobe. Predictions regarding the geochemical behavior of the slag components in an aqueous environment were made using the sequential extraction analysis (SEA) according to Tessier (1979).We have found the expected spatial variability of the basic chemical composition of the slag dumps, as well as the presence of heavy metals (cadmium and especially zinc are present at high concentrations).The slag material exhibits a glassy amorphous structure containing occasional mineral crystals, droplets of pure or oxidized iron and fragments of other materials (such as charcoal or blast furnace bricks). The ongoing weathering of the slag is accompanied by oxidation of crude iron and formation of limonite. Apart from that, the material is not subject to signifi cant secondary transformations. The results of the sequential extraction analyses of slag and soil samples suggest that Cd and Zn are chemically bound to the “carbonate fraction”, which, in general, tends to dissolve under acidic conditions. Even though the environment of the carbonate rock cave systems is typically alkaline, there is a persisting risk of mobilization of heavy metals by acid soil solutions. From the environmental point of view, the slag deposition primarily represents a source of clastic material, which contaminates the cave system and damages speleothems by mechanical abrasion

    Spínaný laboratorní zdroj

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky. Katedra (448) výkonové elektroniky a elektrických pohon

    Process Documentation

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    The goal of this project is the identification with management, analysis and documentation of processes which are used in software development and creating prototype which support these processes. It explains why is important to create new working processes, measure their efficiency and improve them subsequently. Next, it describes the methods which help with the integration of these processes at work and, manage them, especially the Rational Unified Process from the IBM company. Then, I describe the ways how to develop www applications and, consequently, how to work with these applications. The thesis also involves the specification of the requirements and the scheme for the program support application of the process documentation and the description of this application. Another part of the thesis is the system in the active web side form serving to the utilization of a process library in the software projects developing

    Comparison of Resistance Expression of Horizontal Mine Workings with the Results of Geophysical Modeling

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    Import 05/08/2014V této studii je řešena problematika odporového projevu horizontálních důlních děl, při měření geoelektrickou odporovou metodou elektrická rezistivitní tomografií (ERT). Výsledky a závěry této práce jsou založeny na provádění praktického geoelektrického odporového měření metodou ERT na vybraných lokalitách a na porovnání výsledků tohoto měření s výsledky geoelektrického modelování v programu Res2dinv a Res2dmod. Předložená diplomová práce také ověřuje vliv rozestupu měřících elektrod na rozlišovací schopnost dvou nejčastěji používaných zvolených uspořádání. Tak je ověřován vliv různých geologických a petrografických podmínek, a také různých geometrických parametrů samotného SDDPresented thesis deals with the manifestation of the electrical resistivity anomalies induced by the presence of underground horizontal mine workings during the Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) measurements. The results and conclusions are based on field geoelectrical resistivity profiling (ERT method) on selected sites and comparison of their outcomes with geoelectrical modelling with Res2dinv and Res2dmod software. The influence of the electrodes spacing during the experiments on the identifying ability of the two most common electrode arrays is also discussed. Eventually the outcomes of this thesis are summarizing the influence of various geological and petrological conditions as well as of the properties of the horizontal underground mine workings on geoelectrical profiling.Prezenční541 - Institut geologického inženýrstvívýborn

    Inteligentní senzory proudu s využitím DSP

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    Import 04/02/2009Prezenční448 - Katedra elektronikyNeuveden

    Process Documentation

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    The goal of this project is the identification with management, analysis and documentation of processes which are used in software development and creating prototype which support these processes. It explains why is important to create new working processes, measure their efficiency and improve them subsequently. Next, it describes the methods which help with the integration of these processes at work and, manage them, especially the Rational Unified Process from the IBM company. Then, I describe the ways how to develop www applications and, consequently, how to work with these applications. The thesis also involves the specification of the requirements and the scheme for the program support application of the process documentation and the description of this application. Another part of the thesis is the system in the active web side form serving to the utilization of a process library in the software projects developing

    Geometric factors limiting of horizontal mines workings using the ERT method

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    Import 11/07/2012Martin Dostalík, Geometrické faktory limitující lokalizaci horizontálních důlních děl, použitím metody ERT V předložené práci je zpracována problematika možností použití elektrické rezistivitní tomografie (ERT) při vyhledávání SDD. Tato studie také ověřuje geometrické faktory limitující lokalizaci horizontálních důlních děl použitím metody ERT. Práce je založena na provádění praktického geoelektrického měření metodou elektrické rezistivitní tomografie na vybraných lokalitách, na interpretaci výsledků geoelektrických pseudořezů z těchto lokalit a posouzení vlivu rozestupu měřících elektrod na rozlišovací schopnost zvoleného uspořádání. Rovněž je založena na posouzení vlivu konfigurace elektrod při měření v závislosti na hloubce hledaného horizontálního starého důlního díla (SDD).Martin Dostalík, Geometric factors limiting the localization of old horizontal mines using the method ERT This thesis analyzes the possibility of using electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) in the localization of old horizontal mines. This study also verifies how the geometric factors limit the localization of the old horizontal mines using the method ERT. The work is based on the practical implementation of geoelectrical measurements, the interpretation of the results of geoelectrical pseudosections and the evaluation of the spacing electrodes on the resolution selected arrangement. It is also based on an assessment of the influence of electrode configuration for measuring the depth of the old horizontal mines.Prezenční541 - Institut geologického inženýrstvívýborn

    Predictive factors for non-sentinel lymph nodes affection in breast carcinoma--outcomes of a Czech multicenter study of sentinel lymph nodes

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    The aim of the study was to assess positivity nonsentinel lymph nodes in patients with macro, micro and submicrometastases in sentinel lymph nodes and find predictive factors of positivity nonsentinel lymph nodes. Study was conducted at the Department of Surgery in Pardubice, Pilsen, Ostrava and Zlín. Sentinel lymph nodes were assessed based on standards of Czech Pathological Society. Detection of sentinel lymph nodes was performed based on radionavigation or combination of radionavigation and blue dye method. In group N1 (macrometastases) there was found positivity of nonsentinel lymph nodes in 50% (45 from 90 patients). In group N1 Mi (micrometastases) there was found positivity of nonsentinel lymph nodes in 26.7% (16 from 60 patients). In group NO I+ (sub-micrometastases) there was found positivity of nonsentinel lymph nodes in 6.7% (1 from 15 patients). Predictive factors were size of metastasis, number of positive sentinel lymph nodes and grading. Size of tumor was not found to be a predictive factor of positivity nonsentinel lymph nodes. High positivity of nonsentinel lymph nodes in pacients with macro and micrometastases in sentinel lymph nodes advocates to perform axillary lymph nodes dissection. Due to small number of patients with submicrometastases it is not possible to assess if axillary dissection is necessary or not. Predictive factors of positivity of nonsentinel lymph nodes are size of metastasis in sentinel lymph nodes, number of positive sentinel lymph nodes and grading. Size of tumor was not found to be a predictive factor due to small tumors in the study. In spite of this it is necessary to consider it like a predictive factor of positivity nonsentinel lymph nodes. In patients with macro and micrometastases it is necessary to perform axillary dissection. In patients with submicrometastases in sentinel lymph nodes it is necessary to consider predictive factors

    Predictive factors for non-sentinel lymph nodes affection in breast carcinoma--outcomes of a Czech multicenter study of sentinel lymph nodes

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    The aim of the study was to assess positivity nonsentinel lymph nodes in patients with macro, micro and submicrometastases in sentinel lymph nodes and find predictive factors of positivity nonsentinel lymph nodes. Study was conducted at the Department of Surgery in Pardubice, Pilsen, Ostrava and Zlín. Sentinel lymph nodes were assessed based on standards of Czech Pathological Society. Detection of sentinel lymph nodes was performed based on radionavigation or combination of radionavigation and blue dye method. In group N1 (macrometastases) there was found positivity of nonsentinel lymph nodes in 50% (45 from 90 patients). In group N1 Mi (micrometastases) there was found positivity of nonsentinel lymph nodes in 26.7% (16 from 60 patients). In group NO I+ (sub-micrometastases) there was found positivity of nonsentinel lymph nodes in 6.7% (1 from 15 patients). Predictive factors were size of metastasis, number of positive sentinel lymph nodes and grading. Size of tumor was not found to be a predictive factor of positivity nonsentinel lymph nodes. High positivity of nonsentinel lymph nodes in pacients with macro and micrometastases in sentinel lymph nodes advocates to perform axillary lymph nodes dissection. Due to small number of patients with submicrometastases it is not possible to assess if axillary dissection is necessary or not. Predictive factors of positivity of nonsentinel lymph nodes are size of metastasis in sentinel lymph nodes, number of positive sentinel lymph nodes and grading. Size of tumor was not found to be a predictive factor due to small tumors in the study. In spite of this it is necessary to consider it like a predictive factor of positivity nonsentinel lymph nodes. In patients with macro and micrometastases it is necessary to perform axillary dissection. In patients with submicrometastases in sentinel lymph nodes it is necessary to consider predictive factors