7 research outputs found

    Influence of intervention program to improve the flat foot of junior footballers

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    Title: Influence of intervention program to improve the flat foot of junior footballers Objective: The aim of the bachelor thesis is to improve the condition of the flat foot of junior female football players for 3 months. Further inform respondents about the subsequent prevention of this disorder. The goal will be realized by a set intervention program, which the respondents will fulfill three times a week under my supervision and twice a week in their home. Methods: The measurement was based on the footprint on the plate. The intervention plan includes methods such as sensorimotor stimulation, exteroceptive and proprioceptive facilitation, the Bobaths concept, dermo-neuro muscular therapy and lower limb massage with the greatest focus on the sole of the foot, ankle joints and muscles in the lower leg area. After completing the 3-month intervention, the final measurement will be carried out again with the help of the footprint on the plate and the subsequent survey. Results: The results are presented in the form of graphs and tables. The Chippaux-Šmirák method will be used to obtain accurate data. After evaluating the results it was found, that after the first measurement, twelve out of thirteen footballers tested have flat foot. After the intervention, only two girls have a flat foot and only...Název práce: Vliv intervenčního programu na zlepšení ploché nohy u juniorských fotbalistek. Cíl práce: Cílem bakalářské práce je zlepšení stavu ploché nohy u juniorských fotbalistek za dobu 3 měsíců. Dále informovat respondentky o následné prevenci této poruchy. Cíl se bude realizovat sestaveným intervenčním programem, který budou respondentky plnit 3x týdně pod mým dozorem a 2x týdně v domácím prostředí. Vyšetřovací metody: Měření probíhalo na základě otisku nohy na desce. V intervenčním plánu budou použity metody jako senzomotorická stimulace, exteroceptivní a proprioceptivní facilitace, koncept manželů Bobathových, dermo-neuro muskulární terapie a masáž dolní končetiny s největším zaměřením na plosku nohy, oblast hlezenních kloubů a svalů v oblasti bérce. Po ukončení 3 měsíční intervence bude následovat závěrečné měření opět za pomoci otisku nohy na desce a následné vyplnění ankety. Výsledky: Výsledky jsou prezentovány formou grafů a tabulek. K získání přesných dat byla využita metoda Chippaux-Šmirák. Po vyhodnocení výsledků bylo zjištěno, že po prvním měření trpělo deformitou pes planus dvanáct z třinácti testovaných fotbalistek. Po intervenci se deformita pes planus vyskytovala pouze u 2 dívek a to pouze na jedné dolní končetině. Z výsledků měření vyplývá, že je patrné zlepšení u všech...Zdravotní TV a tělovýchovné lékařstvíFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuFaculty of Physical Education and Spor

    Influence of intervention program to improve the flat foot of junior footballers

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    Title: Influence of intervention program to improve the flat foot of junior footballers Objective: The aim of the bachelor thesis is to improve the condition of the flat foot of junior female football players for 3 months. Further inform respondents about the subsequent prevention of this disorder. The goal will be realized by a set intervention program, which the respondents will fulfill three times a week under my supervision and twice a week in their home. Methods: The measurement was based on the footprint on the plate. The intervention plan includes methods such as sensorimotor stimulation, exteroceptive and proprioceptive facilitation, the Bobaths concept, dermo-neuro muscular therapy and lower limb massage with the greatest focus on the sole of the foot, ankle joints and muscles in the lower leg area. After completing the 3-month intervention, the final measurement will be carried out again with the help of the footprint on the plate and the subsequent survey. Results: The results are presented in the form of graphs and tables. The Chippaux-Šmirák method will be used to obtain accurate data. After evaluating the results it was found, that after the first measurement, twelve out of thirteen footballers tested have flat foot. After the intervention, only two girls have a flat foot and only..

    Characterizace proteinových interakcí gamma-tubulinu a jejich funkce v acentrozomálních buňkách

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    The long term goal of the Laboratory of Functional Cytology is to characterize the roles of γ-tubulin in acentrosomal plant model. Besides characterizing γ-tubulin interactions with plant homologues of proteins of γ-tubulin complexes (GCPs) and determination of their canonical role in microtubule nucleation, we also collect the evidence for γ-tubulin association with proteins that are not directly involved in microtubule nucleation. These γ-tubulin interacting proteins have been of high interest since their characterization might provide a platform for understanding the novel, yet not fully understood functions of γ-tubulin. The major aim of the laboratory is to determine signalling that regulates γ-tubulin complexes and their role in multiple processes in plants. Specifically, the cell cycle regulatory signalling in regulation of microtubular cytoskeleton nucleation and organization is of high interest.Dlouhodobým cílem Laboratoře funkční cytologie je studium γ-tubulinu v acentrozomálním rostlinném modelu. Vedle vlastní charakterizace γ-tubulinu se zaměřujeme i na hledání jeho interakčních partnerů, a to jak proteinů přispívajících k funkci γ-tubulinu v nukleaci mikrotubulů, tak proteinů podílejících se spolu s γ-tubulinem na jeho jiných než nukleačních funkcích. Charakterizace interakčních partnerů γ-tubulinu je předmětem intenzivních studií, jejichž výsledky mohou přispět k bližšímu poznání γ-tubulinu v jeho jiných než nukleačních funkcích. K hlavním cílům laboratoře patří nalezení signalizačních mechanizmů, které regulují γ-tubulinové komplexy, a popsání úloh těchto komplexů v acentrozomálních buňkách.Department of Cell BiologyKatedra buněčné biologieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    A case study of physiotherapeutic care of a patient after anterior cruciate ligament repair in the knee joint.

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    Author: Bc. Anna Doskočilová Supervisor: Mgr. Svatava Neuwirthová Title: A case study of physiotherapeutic care of a patient after anterior cruciate ligament repair in the knee joint Objectives: The aim of this bachelor thesis is to provide complex information about the knee joint, its examination, injuries, and then treatment options. Furthermore, it is a summary of the information concerning the problems of recovery after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction from the physiotherapy point of view, elaboration of a case report of physiotherapeutic care of the patient after this operation and to propose a therapy based on the initial examination, monitoring of its course and evaluation of the effect of this therapy. Methods: The theoretical part of the bachelor thesis summarizes information concerning the knee joint in terms of anatomy and biomechanics, its examination, injuries and treatment options. It also describes the findings of the rehabilitation process of this diagnosis from the perspective of physiotherapy. In this part of the thesis, I based on the available literature. The list of literature used is given at the end of the thesis. The special part of the thesis is devoted to the case report of physiotherapy care in a patient after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. The..

    Characterization of gamma-tubulin protein interactions and their functions in acentrosomal cells

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    The long term goal of the Laboratory of Functional Cytology is to characterize the roles of γ-tubulin in acentrosomal plant model. Besides characterizing γ-tubulin interactions with plant homologues of proteins of γ-tubulin complexes (GCPs) and determination of their canonical role in microtubule nucleation, we also collect the evidence for γ-tubulin association with proteins that are not directly involved in microtubule nucleation. These γ-tubulin interacting proteins have been of high interest since their characterization might provide a platform for understanding the novel, yet not fully understood functions of γ-tubulin. The major aim of the laboratory is to determine signalling that regulates γ-tubulin complexes and their role in multiple processes in plants. Specifically, the cell cycle regulatory signalling in regulation of microtubular cytoskeleton nucleation and organization is of high interest