252 research outputs found

    Extensive intraspecific polymorphism detected by SSCP at the nuclear C-mos gene in the endemic Iberian lizard Lacerta Schreiberi

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    C-mos is a highly conserved intronless gene that has proved useful in the analysis of ancient phylogenetic relationships within vertebrates. We selected the Iberian endemic Schreiber’s green lizard (Lacerta schreiberi) that persisted in allopatric refugia since the late Pliocene to investigate the utility of the Cmos nuclear gene for intraspecific phylogeographic studies. Our combination of DNA sequencing with the high resolving power of single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) effectively discriminated four common alleles showing strong population structuring (FST = 0.46). In addition, reconstruction of allele phylogenetic relationships further improved our understanding of Cmos spatial patterns of variation and allowed a comparison with previously described mitochondrial DNA data. Finally, limited sequencing of an extended Cmos fragment in six additional Lacerta species showed extensive polymorphism, to our knowledge representing a rare example of variation in a highly conserved nuclear gene

    Shortened first-line TB treatment in Brazil: potential cost savings for patients and health services.

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    BACKGROUND: Shortened treatment regimens for tuberculosis are under development to improve treatment outcomes and reduce costs. We estimated potential savings from a societal perspective in Brazil following the introduction of a hypothetical four-month regimen for tuberculosis treatment. METHODS: Data were gathered in ten randomly selected health facilities in Rio de Janeiro. Health service costs were estimated using an ingredient approach. Patient costs were estimated from a questionnaire administered to 126 patients. Costs per visits and per case treated were analysed according to the type of therapy: self-administered treatment (SAT), community- and facility-directly observed treatment (community-DOT, facility-DOT). RESULTS: During the last 2 months of treatment, the largest savings could be expected for community-DOT; on average USD 17,351-18,203 and USD 43,660-45,856 (bottom-up and top-down estimates) per clinic. Savings to patients could also be expected as the median (interquartile range) patient-related costs during the two last months were USD 108 (13-291), USD 93 (36-239) and USD 11 (7-126), respectively for SAT, facility-DOT and community-DOT. CONCLUSION: Introducing a four-month regimen may result in significant cost savings for both the health service and patients, especially the poorest. In particular, a community-DOT strategy, including treatment at home, could maximise health services savings while limiting patient costs. Our cost estimates are likely to be conservative because a 4-month regimen could hypothetically increase the proportion of patients cured by reducing the number of patients defaulting and we did not include the possible cost benefits from the subsequent prevention of costs due to downstream transmission averted and rapid clinical improvement with less side effects in the last two months


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    Studies on balance while quiet standing are frequently conducted through the measurement of the Center of Pressure (COP). Usually, a triaxial force platform is used in such studies, where the horizontal forces can be considered negligible. However, the cost of such instrument is a high limitation for research in this field. Considering that vertical reactions are significant they can be used to measure COP oscillations. This work describes the development of an inexpensive uniaxial dynamometric system to be used in balance studies

    O 5º ano das licenciaturas em ensino: algumas reflexões e uma proposta de reorganização

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    Neste texto apresenta-se um conjunto de reflexões e uma proposta de reorganização do 5º ano das Licenciaturas em Ensino da Universidade do Minho. Esta proposta refere-se quer a aspectos de supraestrutura do estágio pedagógico (estatuto do aluno/estagiário, orgãos de coordenação, etc.) quer a aspectos relativos aos conteúdos e contextos de formação e respectivas formas de organização

    A localized outbreak of Chikungunya virus in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

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    A localized Chikungunya virus (CHIKV; East/Central/South African genotype) outbreak (50 cases, 70% laboratory-confirmed; attack rate: 5.3 confirmed cases/100 people) occurred in a Salvador, Brazil neighborhood, between Apr-Jun/2017. Highly clustered cases in space and time, mostly along a single street, highlight an increased risk of CHIKV transmission among pockets of susceptible populations. This finding underscores the need for ongoing local level surveillance for arboviral outbreaks.Fil: Tauro, Laura Beatriz. Fundación Oswaldo Cruz; Brasil. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Puerto Iguazú | Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Puerto Iguazú; ArgentinaFil: Cardoso, Cristiane W.. Secretaria Municipal da Saúde de Salvador; BrasilFil: Souza, Raquel L.. Fundación Oswaldo Cruz; BrasilFil: Nascimento, Leile Cj. Fundación Oswaldo Cruz; BrasilFil: Santos, Daniela R Dos. Secretaria Municipal da Saúde de Salvador; BrasilFil: Campos, Gubio S.. Universidade Federal da Bahia; BrasilFil: Ferro Sardi, Silvia Natalia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidade Federal da Bahia; BrasilFil: Reis, Olivete B Dos. Secretaria Municipal da Saúde de Salvador; BrasilFil: Reis, Mitermayer G.. Fundación Oswaldo Cruz; Brasil. Universidade Federal da Bahia; Brasil. University of Yale; Estados UnidosFil: Kitron, Uriel D.. Fundación Oswaldo Cruz; Brasil. University of Emory; Estados UnidosFil: Ribeiro, Guilherme S.. Universidade Federal da Bahia; Brasil. Fundación Oswaldo Cruz; Brasi

    Synthesis of beta-phenylchalcogeno-alpha, beta-unsaturated esters, ketones and nitriles using microwave and solvent-free conditions

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    A simple, clean and efficient solvent-free protocol was developed for hydrochalcogenation of alkynes containing a Michael acceptor (ester, ketone and nitrile) with phenylchalcogenolate anions generated in situ from the respective diphenyl dichalcogenide (Se, Te, S), using alumina supported sodium borohydride. This efficient and improved method is general and furnishes the respective (Z)-beta-phenylchalcogeno-<FONT FACE=Symbol>a,b</FONT>-unsaturated esters, ketones and nitriles, in good yield and higher selectivity, compared with those that use organic solvent and inert atmosphere. The use of microwave (MW) irradiation facilitates the procedure and accelerates the reaction

    Variabilidade, Custo De Resposta E Extinção Em Humanos

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    Two experiments with elementary school childreninvestigated the variability found in extinction using a choice procedure.Variability was analyzed based on response cost, schedule ofreinforcement, and number of sessions in operant strengthening.Extinction and operant strengthening were analyzed as part of the sameprocess. It is suggested that the variables of past history whichinfluenced the response should be identified.RESUMO — Dois experimentos foram feitos com crianças de escolas de primeiro grau, usando-se um procedimento de escolha, para estudar a variabilidade encontrada em extinção. Variabilidade nestes estudos foi analisada com base no custo de respostas, esquema de reforço e número de sessões de exposição ao fortalecimento operante. Extinção e fortalecimento operante são analisados como partes de um mesmo processo. Sugere-se ainda que, ao invés de se afirmar que a variabilidade é causada pela "história passada", que sejam identificadas quais variáveis da história passada são as responsáveis por esta variabilidade

    Evaluation of mutagenicity and antimutagenicity of different fractions of Pterogyne nitens (Leguminosae), using Tradescantia pallida micronuclei assay

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    Pterogyne nitens (Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae) é uma árvore nativa da América do Sul, onde é empregada na medicina popular para o tratamento da ascaridíase. Recentemente, descrevemos o efeito mutagênico do extrato etanólico das folhas de P. nitens. Dessa forma, o presente estudo teve por objetivo aprofundar a avaliação do potencial mutagênico das frações isoladas das folhas de Pterogyne nitens, acetato de etila (AcOEt), n-butanólica (BuOH) e hidroalcóolica (HA). Quando o efeito mutagênico foi observado somente nas maiores concentrações testadas, o potencial antimutagênico também foi avaliado. Os ensaios mutagênicos e antimutagênicos foram realizados utilizando ensaio de micronúcleo em Trandescantia pallida. Na avaliação de mutagenicidade, observou-se o efeito nas frações AcOEt (0,460 mg/mL), BuOH (0,142, 0,285, 0,570 e 1,14 mg/mL) e HA (0,050, 0,100, 0,200 e 0,400 mg/mL). Considerando que o efeito mutagênico da fração AcOEt foi observado somente na concentração mais elevada (0,460 mg/mL), o potencial antimutagênico da mesma foi avaliado. As concentrações de 0,115 e 0,230 mg/mL da fração AcOEt demonstraram atividade antimutagênica. A partir dos resultados do presente estudo, conclui-se que determinadas frações de P. nitens apresentam mutagenicidade (BuOH e HA), enquanto a fração AcOEt apresentou efeito antimutagênico nas maiores concentrações. Esses resultados tornam o estudo da P. nitens bastante promissor, considerando que esta planta possui distribuição geográfica ampla e tem sido pouco estudada.Pterogyne nitens (Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae) is a tree native to South American, where it is used in folk treatment of ascaridiasis. Recently, we have been describing the mutagenic effect of the ethanol extract of leaves of P. nitens. Thus, the present study aimed at evaluating the mutagenic potential of the ethyl acetate (EtOAc), n- butanol (BuOH) and hydroalcoholic (HA) fractions. When the mutagenic effect was observed only in the highest tested concentrations, the antimutagenic activity was also evaluated. Both mutagenic and antimutagenic assays were performed using T. pallida micronuclei assay. Mutagenicity was observed between different concentrations of the P nitens fractions, EtOAc (0.460 mg/mL), BuOH (0.142, 0.285, 0.570 and 1.14 mg/mL) and HA (0.050, 0.100, 0.200 and 0.400 mg/mL). Whereas the mutagenic effect of the EtOAc fraction was observed in the highest concentration (0.460 mg/mL), its antimutagenic potential was evaluated. The 0.115 and 0.230 mg/mL concentrations of the EtOAc fraction demonstrated antimutagenic activity. Based on the results of the present study we can conclude that some P. nitens fractions (BuOH and HA) demonstrated mutagenic effects whereas the EtOAc fraction shown low mutagenicity and amtimutagenicity in the two higher concentrations. Those results stimulate the studies with P. nitens, which possess spread geographic distribution and it is still low studied

    Cobertura vacinal em crianças de até dois anos de idade beneficiárias do Programa Bolsa Família, Brasil

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    Objective: Evaluate the vaccinal coverage in agreement with the Brazilian National Immunization Program, among children benefiting from the Bolsa Familia Program, Brazil, according to the family's socioeconomic level and maternal characteristics. Methods: 3242 children were assessed between August/2018 and April/2019, of which 3008 were reassessed between September/2019 and January/2020. Multilevel models (level 3, state; level 2: municipality, level 1, children) were employed. Results: Coverage was 2.5 times higher in the first (61.0% – 95%CI 59.3;62.6%) than in the second follow-up (24.8% – 95%CI 22.8;25.9%) (p&lt;0.001). In the first follow-up, coverage was higher in children in the richest quintile (67.9%) and whose mothers had ≥9 years of schooling (63.3%). There were no differences in the second follow-up. The highest coverage occurred between 0.5-2.5 months (93.5%) and 12.5-15.5 months (34.4%), respectively in the first and second follow-ups. Conclusion: The coverage of adequate vaccination was low, both in the first and second year of life.Objetivo: Avaliar a cobertura vacinal, conforme o calendário do Programa Nacional de Imunizações, entre crianças beneficiárias do Programa Bolsa Família, Brasil, segundo nível socioeconômico da família e características maternas. Métodos: Foram avaliadas 3.242 crianças menores de 12 meses de vida entre agosto/2018 e abril/2019, sendo 3.008 delas reavaliadas entre setembro/2019 e janeiro/2020. As análises foram realizadas utilizando-se modelos multiníveis (nível 3, Unidade da Federação; nível 2, município; nível 1, crianças). Resultados: A cobertura vacinal foi 2,5 vezes maior no primeiro (61,0% – IC95% 59,3;62,6%), comparado ao segundo acompanhamento (24,8% – IC95% 22,8;25,9%) (p&lt;0,001). No primeiro acompanhamento, a cobertura foi maior no quintil mais rico (67,9%) e nas crianças cujas mães tinham ≥9 anos de escolaridade (63,3%). No segundo acompanhamento, não houve diferenças. As maiores coberturas ocorreram entre 0,5-2,5 (93,5%) e 12,5-15,5 meses (34,4%), respectivamente primeiro e segundo acompanhamentos. Conclusão: Encontrou-se baixa cobertura, tanto no primeiro quanto no segundo ano de vida
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