70 research outputs found

    A socio-ecological approach for identifying and contextualising spatial ecosystem-based adaptation priorities at the sub-national level

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    Climate change adds an additional layer of complexity to existing sustainable development and biodiversity conservation challenges. The impacts of global climate change are felt locally, and thus local governance structures will increasingly be responsible for preparedness and local responses. Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) options are gaining prominence as relevant climate change solutions. Local government officials seldom have an appropriate understanding of the role of ecosystem functioning in sustainable development goals, or access to relevant climate information. Thus the use of ecosystems in helping people adapt to climate change is limited partially by the lack of information on where ecosystems have the highest potential to do so. To begin overcoming this barrier, Conservation South Africa in partnership with local government developed a socio-ecological approach for identifying spatial EbA priorities at the sub-national level. Using GIS-based multi-criteria analysis and vegetation distribution models, the authors have spatially integrated relevant ecological and social information at a scale appropriate to inform local level political, administrative, and operational decision makers. This is the first systematic approach of which we are aware that highlights spatial priority areas for EbA implementation. Nodes of socio-ecological vulnerability are identified, and the inclusion of areas that provide ecosystem services and ecological resilience to future climate change is innovative. The purpose of this paper is to present and demonstrate a methodology for combining complex information into user-friendly spatial products for local level decision making on EbA. The authors focus on illustrating the kinds of products that can be generated from combining information in the suggested ways, and do not discuss the nuance of climate models nor present specific technical details of the model outputs here. Two representative case studies from rural South Africa demonstrate the replicability of this approach in rural and peri-urban areas of other developing and least developed countries around the world

    The use of ecosystem-based adaptation practices by smallholder farmers in Central America

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    There is growing interest in promoting the use of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) practices to help smallholder farmers adapt to climate change, however there is limited information on how commonly these practices are used by smallholder farmers and what factors influence their use. Using participatory mapping and field surveys, we examined the prevalence and characteristics of EbA practices on 300 smallholder coffee and maize farmers in six landscapes in Central America and explored the socioeconomic and biophysical factors associated with their use. The prevalence of individual EbA practices varied across smallholder farms. Common EbA practices included live fences, home gardens, shade trees in coffee plantations, and dispersed trees in maize fields. We found a mean of 3.8 EbA practices per farm. Factors that were correlated with the total number of EbA practices on farms included the mean area of coffee plantations, farmer age, farmer experience, the farm type and the landscape in which farms were located. Factors associated with the presence or characteristics of individual EbA practices included the size of coffee plantations, farmer experience, farmer education, land tenure, landscape and farm type. Our analysis suggests that many smallholder farmers in Central America are already using certain EbA practices, but there is still scope for greater implementation. Policy makers, donors and technicians can encourage the broader use of EbA by smallholder farmers by facilitating farmer-to-farmer exchanges to share knowledge on EbA implementation, assessing the effectiveness of EbA practices in delivering adaptation benefits, and tailoring EbA policies and programs for smallholder farmers in different socioeconomic and biophysical contexts. (Résumé d'auteur

    La agricultura de Guatemala y el cambio climático: ¿Dónde están las prioridades para la adaptación?

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    Con la Ley Marco para Regular la Reducción de la Vulnerabilidad, la Adaptación Obligatoria ante los efectos del Cambio Climático y la Mitigación de Gases de Efecto Invernadero (LMCC) aprobada en el año 2013, el Gobierno de Guatemala definió un importante instrumento para la participación y el trabajo conjunto del sector gubernamental y púbico para la reducción de la vulnerabilidad al cambio climático, incluyendo la del sector agropecuario. Guatemala cuenta además con una importante experiencia de prevención de riesgos climáticos, como el Sistema Nacional de Información, Monitoreo y Alerta de la Inseguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional, dada la amenaza que representa la alta variabilidad climática (como las sequías y huracanes) al sector agropecuario

    La agricultura de Costa Rica y el cambio climático: ¿Dónde están las prioridades para la adaptación?

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    Costa Rica lidera en América Central los esfuerzos de mitigación del cambio climático en el sector ambiental y la agricultura de exportación, el campo de la adaptación está menos desarrollado (MAG y CCAFS, 2013). El país estableció el primer sistema en la región de Pagos por Servicios Ambientales en 1997 y en 2004 aprobó la Ley 8408 que reconoce beneficios ambientales en el sector agropecuario para el fomento de inversiones con efecto ambiental positivo y que contribuyen a la mitigación y adaptación ante el cambio climático de los sistemas de producción. En el 2013 aprobó la Acción de Mitigación Nacionalmente Apropiada (NAMA, por sus siglas en inglés) para el sector cafetalero, como base para reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y generar experiencias útiles para otros cultivos y sectores

    La agricultura de Honduras y el cambio climático: ¿Dónde están las prioridades para la adaptación?

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    Honduras tiene la mayor vulnerabilidad al cambio climático en Centroamérica, pero también cuenta con un marco normativo e institucional favorable para trabajar en su reducción; en particular en el sector agroalimentario, como lo demuestra el contenido del Plan de Nación (2010-2022), la Estrategia Nacional al Cambio Climático (2010) y la Estrategia de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional (2010-2022). Varias iniciativas del gobierno, como el Comité de Seguros Agrícolas o el Proyecto Fondo de Adaptación, apoyan la inclusión de beneficios sociales y económicos a nivel local como parte de la agenda de adaptación, complementándose con los esfuerzos de la sociedad civil y la cooperación técnica
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