801 research outputs found

    A study on the reproducibility of counting vesicles in volcanic rocks

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    Vesicle size distributions in two and three dimensions of two samples were independently measured by three different researchers to investigate whether or not such measurements are reproducible. Additionally, two different software programs were used to measure the three-dimensional vesicle size distributions: the 3D Object Counter plugin for ImageJ and Blob3D. Manual thresholding by each of the authors produced similar results for both samples using both programs; however, use of the automatic, maximum entropy technique for thresholding produced measurably different results because it did not discriminate between vesicles and plagioclase crystals in one case and between vesicles and some cracks in another. Use of asymmetric erosion and dilation processes on the images is shown to affect the vesicle size distribution, but it does not have a significant effect on the power-law exponent that describes intermediate-sized vesicles or on the vesicle number density in these samples. However, such a technique is not recommended

    The Approximate Invariance of the Average Number of Connections for the Continuum Percolation of Squares at Criticality

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    We perform Monte Carlo simulations to determine the average excluded area ofrandomlyorientedsquares,randomlyorientedwidthlesssticksandalignedsquaresintwodimensions.Wefindsignificantdifferencesbetweenourresultsforrandomlyorientedsquaresandpreviousanalyticalresultsforthesame.Thesourcesofthesedifferencesareexplained.Usingourresultsfor of randomly oriented squares, randomly oriented widthless sticks and aligned squares in two dimensions. We find significant differences between our results for randomly oriented squares and previous analytical results for the same. The sources of these differences are explained. Using our results for and Monte Carlo simulation results for the percolation threshold, we estimate the mean number of connections per object BcB_c at the percolation threshold for squares in 2-D. We study systems of squares that are allowed random orientations within a specified angular interval. Our simulations show that the variation in BcB_c is within 1.6% when the angular interval is varied from 0 to π/2\pi/2

    A crystal/melt partitioning study for sulfur and halogens: pyroxenes as probes for assessing gas loads in LIP magmas

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    A link between magmatism from Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) and mass extinctions has been observed at leastin five occasions in the Phanerozoic. Volatile species such as S, C and halogen compounds severely impactedthe global environment, released both from melts and thermal metamorphism of volatile-rich sediments. It is stillchallenging to obtain quantitative estimates of the degassed volatiles for ancient magmatic systems, particularly inthe absence of melt inclusions. We propose to fill the gap of knowledge on sulfur partitioning between mineralsand melts, at the aim of using phenocrysts as probes of volatile contents in the melts from which they crystallized.Measuring a volatile concentration in natural minerals (chiefly clinopyroxene) and combining it with an experi-mentally determined partition coefficient (KD), the volatile load in basaltic equilibrium melts can be calculated.We measured a clinopyroxene/melt sulfur KD of 0.0009\ub10.0001 for basaltic experiments performed at conditionstypical of LIP basalts (FMQ-2; 800-1000 MPa; 1000 \u30a-1350 \u30aC), through ion microprobe (Nordsim). Basaltic ex-periments were also simultaneously analyzed for Cl and F. For these elements the measured clinopyroxene/meltKDs were more variable, 0.0071\ub10.0052 and 0.1985\ub10.087, respectively. Compatibility of sulfur, chlorine andfluorine in clinopyroxene from basaltic systems is markedly different (F>Cl>S), in agreement with what observedby previous studies, and the partition coefficient is well constrained around 0.001 for S. Application of the newlymeasured sulfur KD to samples from thoroughly-dated lava piles from the Deccan Traps and from the SiberianTraps sills reveal that most of the basalts were at or near sulfide saturation (up to ca. 2000 ppm for low fO2melts)

    Sulfur and fluorine degassing from Deccan Traps lavas inferred from pyroxene chemistry: potential for end-Cretaceous volcanic winters

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    The Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) mass extinction was a pivotal event in Earth's history and is attributed to the interplay of two major events—the Deccan Traps volcanism and the Chicxulub asteroid impact. We contribute to refine of our understanding of the volcanic stressor for this extinction by investigating the sulfur and fluorine budgets of Deccan lavas from the Western Ghats (India), spanning the K-Pg boundary. Sulfur and fluorine concentrations were analyzed in clinopyroxene phenocrysts from Deccan Traps lavas, by Synchrotron-light X-ray fluorescence (beamline I18, Diamond Light Source, U.K.), and ion probe (CAMECA IMS 1280 at Nordsim Laboratory, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, SE), respectively. The results were divided by experimentally determined partition coefficients to calculate melt concentrations. Our analyses reveal variable magmatic volcanic fluorine concentrations ranging from 400 to 3000 parts per million, suggesting the potential for regional environmental impact. The highest sulfur concentrations, reaching up to 1800 parts per million, are observed in Deccan lavas emplaced just prior to the extinction interval, within a timeframe of 0.1 million years. In contrast, later basalts generally exhibit lower sulfur concentrations, only up to 750 parts per million. Independent evidence supports that eruption of the Deccan flood basalts occurred in multiple voluminous eruptive pulses each lasting on the order of centuries, as typical of continental flood basalts. Our findings propose that the volcanic sulfur degassing associated with such activity may have led to repeated, short-lived global temperature drops, too short to be recorded by global paleotemperature record, albeit coupled with a global cooling trend. Sulfur-induced cold snaps likely imposed stress on ecosystems long before the decisive impact of the Chicxulub bolide at the end of the Cretaceous

    Nonlinearity and Multifractality of Climate Change in the Past 420,000 Years

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    Evidence of past climate variations are stored in ice and indicate glacial-interglacial cycles characterized by three dominant time periods of 20kyr, 40kyr, and 100kyr. We study the scaling properties of temperature proxy records of four ice cores from Antarctica and Greenland. These series are long-range correlated in the time scales of 1-100kyr. We show that these series are nonlinear as expressed by volatility correlations and a broad multifractal spectrum. We present a stochastic model that captures the scaling and the nonlinear properties observed in the data.Comment: 4 revtex pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Volatile diffusion in silicate melts and its effects on melt inclusions

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    A compendium of diffusion measurements and their Arrhenius equations for water, carbon dioxide, sulfur, fluorine, and chlorine in silicate melts similar in composition to natural igneous rocks is presented. Water diffusion in silicic melts is well studied and understood, however little data exists for melts of intermediate to basic compositions. The data demonstrate that both the water concentration and the anhydrous melt composition affect the diffusion coefficient of water. Carbon dioxide diffusion appears only weakly dependent, at most, on the volatilefree melt composition and no effect of carbon dioxide concentration has been observed, although few experiments have been performed. Based upon one study, the addition of water to rhyolitic melts increases carbon dioxide diffusion by orders of magnitude to values similar to that of 6 wt% water. Sulfur diffusion in intermediate to silicic melts depends upon the anhydrous melt composition and the water concentration. In water-bearing silicic melts sulfur diffuses 2 to 3 orders of magnitude slower than water. Chlorine diffusion is affected by both water concentration and anhydrous melt composition; its values are typically between those of water and sulfur. Information on fluorine diffusion is rare, but the volatile-free melt composition exerts a strong control on its diffusion. At the present time the diffusion of water, carbon dioxide, sulfur and chlorine can be estimated in silicic melts at magmatic temperatures. The diffusion of water and carbon dioxide in basic to intermediate melts is only known at a limited set of temperatures and compositions. The diffusion data for rhyolitic melts at 800°C together with a standard model for the enrichment of incompatible elements in front of growing crystals demonstrate that rapid crystal growth, greater than 10-10 ms-1, can significantly increase the volatile concentrations at the crystal-melt interface and that any of that melt trapped by the formation of melt inclusions may not be representative of the bulk melt. However, basaltic melt inclusions trapped at 1300°C are more likely to contain bulk melt concentrations of water and carbon dioxide

    Time-related variation of volatile contents of Western Ghats volcanic formations, Deccan, India

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    Deccan volcanism in India covered more than 1 million square km and reached a maximum thickness of about 3 km, as presently preserved in the Western Ghats volcanic lava piles. Volcanic activity started at about 66.4 Ma (Jawhar formation) and ended at about 65.5 Ma (Mahabaleshwar unit; Renne et al., 2015). Deccan volcanism straddled the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary (ca. 66.0 Ma) and possibly contributed to the end-Cretaceous mass extinction event through emission of gases such as SO2, CO2, Cl, F that may have triggered global climate changes. Severe pollution by volcanic gases is supported by the high S and Cl contents (up to 1400 and up to 900 ppm, respectively; Self et al., 2008) measured in a few olivine- and plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions from the Jawhar, Neral, and Thakurvadi Formations (early lava flows, ca. 66.3-66.4 \ub1 0.1 Ma; Renne et al., 2015) and by magmatic S contents (up to 1800 ppm; Callegaro et al., 2014) calculated from S measurements in clinopyroxenes from the Mahabaleshwar unit (ca. 65.5 \ub1 0.1; Schoene et al., 2015). Here, we present new analyses of S, Cl, and F, obtained by ion-probe and synchrotron light micro-fluorescence analyses on clinopyroxenes and plagioclase phenocrysts from ?al? lava flow units of the Western Ghats. The volatile contents of the host magmas have been calculated from recently published clinopyroxene/basalt partition coefficients. These new data will describe the time-related variation of volatile elements hosted and eventually emitted by Deccan lavas and shed light on their environmental impact. References: Callegaro S. et al. (2014). Geology 42, 895-898. Renne P.R. et al. (2015). Science 350, 76-78. Schoene B. et al. (2015). Science 347, 192-184. Self S. et al. (2008). Science 319, 1654-1657

    Sulfur and chlorine in nakhlite clinopyroxenes: Source region concentrations and magmatic evolution

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    The volatile concentrations of the martian mantle and martian magmas remain important questions due to their role in petrogenesis and planetary habitability. The sulfur and chlorine concentrations, and their spatial distribution, in clinopyroxenes from nakhlites MIL 03346, Nakhla, and NWA 998 were measured to provide insight into these volatiles in the parental melts and source regions of nakhlites, and to constrain the evolution of the nakhlite melts. Sulfur and chlorine in four clinopyroxene crystals from MIL 03346, four from Nakhla, and five from NWA 998 were measured in crystal cores and rims by synchrotron X-ray fluorescence using beamline I18 at the Diamond Light Source. Portions of two crystals from MIL 03346 and one from Nakhla were mapped for S and Cl; a few reconnaissance analyses of Cl and F in MIL 03346 and Nakhla were made by ion microprobe. Clinopyroxene cores in Nakhla and NWA 998 contain ~ 10 ppm S, ~ 10 ppm Cl and ~ 74 ppm F (only Nakhla analyzed), whereas the cores of MIL 03346 contain ~ 10 ppm S, ~ 5 ppm Cl and ~ 53 ppm F. Using the volatile concentrations in the cores combined with previously determined partition coefficients we calculate that these clinopyroxenes crystallized from evolved basaltic melts containing ~ 500 ppm S, ~ 500 to 1900 ppm Cl, and 160 to 420 ppm F. These evolved melts can be used to calculate primitive melts in equilibrium with martian peridotite and the concentrations of S, Cl and F in the mantle source region of the nakhlite melts. Depending upon the extent of melting (5 to 30 %) necessary to produce the primary melts associated with nakhlites, our calculations indicate that the nakhlite source region has a S concentration between 20 (5 % melting) to 120 ppm (30 % melting), Cl between 16 to 97 ppm, and F between 14 to 48 ppm. These concentrations in the nakhlite magma source region are similar to previous estimates for the martian mantle; our calculated source region concentrations of F and Cl agree best with previous estimates if the martian mantle undergoes 10 to 20% melting to produce primary magmas that evolve to be parental to nakhlites. However, our maximum estimated sulfur concentration of the source (calculated for 30 % melting) is near previous minimum estimates for the martian mantle, suggesting the possibility that the nakhlite source region is depleted in sulfur relative to much of Mars’ mantle. Mapping the spatial distribution of volatiles in three clinopyroxene crystals demonstrates that S and Cl concentrations of the evolving melts changed significantly from the core to the rim, particularly those in MIL 03346. Increasing S and Cl concentrations between the core and rim of MIL 03346 crystals are attributed to incorporation of additional volatiles through assimilation, but the Nakhla crystal shows no such evidence. However, concentrations of Cl and S at some outer crystal rims of one MIL 03346 crystal decrease, most probably due to volatile degassing during the final stages of clinopyroxene growth
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