303 research outputs found

    Assessment of phenotypic variability among EEA INTA Pergamino sunflower lines: Its relationship with the grain yield and oil content

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    The aims of the present study were to assess the phenotypic diversity among 221 sunflower accessions of INTA Pergamino Sunflower Breeding Program, to obtain discriminant functions that allow the classification of new accessions in similar groups and to evaluate the relationship between genetic distance pairwise accessions and hybrid performance for grain yield and oil content. We used 19 quantitative descriptors to evaluate phenotypic and morphological variability. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) were used to evaluate simultaneously all the variables and to describe phenotypic variation patterns of the germplasm. The distribution of germplasm in the dendrogram did not follow a clear pattern with regard to the predefined groups. This study revealed the variability observed among the lines that form the INTA Pergamino breeding program despite the highly selective forces applied to obtain inbred lines that produce superior hybrids for the Argentinean sunflower area. This work demonstrates the need for more in-depth study of genetic variability to be used as a predictor of heterosis in sunflower.EEA PergaminoFil: Dominguez, Matías. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Pergamino. Sección Girasol; ArgentinaFil: Dominguez, Matías. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnicas; ArgentinaFil: Herrera, Stefanía. Universidad Nacional del Noroeste de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Gonzalez, Julio Horacio. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Pergamino. Sección Girasol; Argentin

    Quantifying image distortion based on Gabor filter bank and multiple regression analysis

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    Image quality assessment is indispensable for image-based applications. The approaches towards image quality assessment fall into two main categories: subjective and objective methods. Subjective assessment has been widely used. However, careful subjective assessments are experimentally difficult and lengthy, and the results obtained may vary depending on the test conditions. On the other hand, objective image quality assessment would not only alleviate the difficulties described above but would also help to expand the application field. Therefore, several works have been developed for quantifying the distortion presented on a image achieving goodness of fit between subjective and objective scores up to 92%. Nevertheless, current methodologies are designed assuming that the nature of the distortion is known. Generally, this is a limiting assumption for practical applications, since in a majority of cases the distortions in the image are unknown. Therefore, we believe that the current methods of image quality assessment should be adapted in order to identify and quantify the distortion of images at the same time. That combination can improve processes such as enhancement, restoration, compression, transmission, among others. We present an approach based on the power of the experimental design and the joint localization of the Gabor filters for studying the influence of the spatial/frequencies on image quality assessment. Therefore, we achieve a correct identification and quantification of the distortion affecting images. This method provides accurate scores and differentiability between distortions

    Aplicación de lean manufacturing en el proceso de microinyección en plastisol y empaquetado en la empresa Revulmaq S.A.C.

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo mejorar los procesos de microinyección y empaquetado de la empresa REVULMAQ S.A.C. Para lograr esto, se busca aplicar herramientas de manufactura esbelta. En el capítulo 1, se presenta la descripción de la empresa, sus principales actividades y procesos; así como también, la identificación del problema, mediante indicadores. En el capítulo 2, se plantea el objetivo general, acompañado de objetivos específicos y las justificaciones. En el capítulo 3, se realiza el análisis externo de la empresa, utilizando el análisis PESTEL; mientras que, para el análisis interno, se utilizará el FODA, y las matrices EFI y EFE. En el capítulo 4, se describe la selección del sistema o proceso de estudio, donde se detalla el proceso de microinyección y empaquetado. En el capítulo 5, se realiza el análisis del proceso de microinyección, acompañado de sus principales indicadores, para luego acompañarlo con el diagrama de espina de pescado y encontrar las causas raíz de los problemas. En el capítulo 6, se plantean las alternativas de solución. Con la ponderación y análisis de estas, se selecciona una metodología basada en la filosofía de Lean Manufacturing. En el capítulo 7, se realiza el planeamiento de la implementación del proyecto, que consiste en una combinación de 5Ss y mantenimiento autónomo. Se finaliza este capítulo mostrando los principales indicadores de producción y rentabilidad. Finalmente, el capítulo 8 relata las conclusiones y recomendaciones.The purpose of this research work is to improve microinjection and packaging process in the REVULMAQ company through lean manufacturing tools. Chapter 1 presents the description of the company, its main activities and processes; as well as identifying the problem using indicators. In Chapter 2, the general objective is presented, accompanied by specific objectives and the justifications. In Chapter 3, the external analysis of the company is carried out using the PESTEL analysis, while the SWOT and the EFI and EFE matrices will be used for the internal analysis. Chapter 4 describes the selection of the study system or process, which details the microinjection and packaging process. In Chapter 5, the microinjection process analysis will be carried out accompanied by its main indicators, and then accompanied with the fishbone diagram and finding the root causes of the problems. In Chapter 6, the alternative solutions will be considered, with their weighing and analysis, a methodology based on the Lean Manufacturing philosophy is selected. In Chapter 7, the planning of the implementation of the project will be carried out, which consists of a combination of 5Ss and autonomous maintenance. It will be finalized showing the main production and profitability indicators. Finally, Chapter 8 recounts the conclusions and recommendations

    Relación entre periodontitis crónica y la obesidad en pacientes atendidos en una clínica estomatológica

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    El objetivo de la presente investigacion fue determinar la relacion entre periodontitis cronica y la obesidad en pacientes atendidos en la Clinica de la Facultad de Estomatologia de la Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega en el ano 2017.The objective of the present investigation was to determine the relationship between chronic periodontitis and obesity in patients treated at the Clinic of the Faculty of Stomatology of the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University in 201

    Perfil profesional y desempeño laboral en los servicios asistenciales del Hospital III Chimbote del Seguro Social de Salud, 2021

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre Perfil profesional y desempeño laboral en los servicios asistenciales del Hospital III Chimbote del Seguro Social de Salud, 2021. La investigación es de tipo básica, de enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental, transversal y correlacional. La muestra de estudio estuvo conformada por 130 profesionales asistenciales del Hospital III Chimbote de ESSALUD, se aplicó como técnica, la encuesta y como instrumento un cuestionario cerrado de 16 preguntas referente a la variable perfil profesional y 16 para la variable desempeño laboral, el instrumento fue validado por 3 expertos, asimismo se determinó la confiabilidad mediante una muestra piloto, con el resultado de un valor del alfa de Cronbach, de 0,835, para la variable perfil profesional y de 0,831, para desempeño laboral. Y como método de análisis de los datos se utilizó la prueba estadística de Spearman para determinar la correlación, luego de analizar los datos, obtuvimos como conclusiones: Existe un correlación directa, positiva y significativa (Rho=0, 485 p<0,01), de grado moderado entre el perfil profesional y el desempeño laboral en los servicios asistenciales del Hospital III Chimbote del Seguro Social de Salud, 2021; también, se obtuvo, que el 85,4% de los servidores asistenciales mencionan que el nivel del perfil profesional es muy bueno y respecto al desempeño el 100% indican que el nivel es muy bueno

    Determination of individual concentrator tolerances from full-array I-V curve measurements

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    When dealing with CPV manufacturing process, tolerances are critical in order to obtain a low cost massproduction system. Usually the efficiency attained by a whole module array is smaller than the average efficiency of every single module. This downside is due to the well-known mismatch losses introduced by the cell series connection. For this reason, we present a novel mathematical method to calculate photocurrent versus pointing angle curves for the single-cell modules, with the only information of photocurrent versus pointing angle measurements for the whole module array. In this way we can estimate the mismatch losses for a given array just by analyzing its full-array I-V curve. Thus, the great breakthrough about this method lies in no single-cell module measurement is needed. The application of this method allows the measurement of the real tolerances of any CPV system

    Heredabilidad, correlaciones genéticas, análisis de sendero e índices de selección en una población de girasol (Helianthus annuus) de la EEA INTA Pergamino

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    El primer paso en un programa de desarrollo de cultivares es formar una población con variabilidad genética para los caracteres de interés. La selección de progenies provenientes de poblaciones constituye una valiosa herramienta para el mejoramiento genético. El germoplasma estudiado proviene del cruzamiento del compuesto Bulk Vert, formado por la recombinación de líneas endocriadas de buen comportamiento frente a Verticillium dahliae, por el compuesto Bulk AO originado por la recombinación de líneas endocriadas de alto contenido de ácido oleico. Constituyendo la población Bulk Vert x Bulk AO de la EEA INTA Pergamino de citoplasma mantenedor de la fertilidad compuesta por diversas fuentes de germoplasma de origen local y exótico. El objetivo principal de la mejora de esta población es derivar líneas endocriadas para la obtención de híbridos y los objetivos específicos fueron evaluar la heredabilidad y las asociaciones entre caracteres de interés agronómico en familias S0:1 de la población Bulk Vert x Bulk AO de la EEA Pergamino, el avance genético esperado por selección, determinar la influencia de los caracteres estudiados sobre el rendimiento y evaluar el uso de índices de selección para el mejoramiento de la población. Los caracteres evaluados fueron contenido de aceite, altura de planta, días para floración, diámetro del tallo, diámetro del capítulo, número de aquenios/capítulo, peso de 100 aquenios y rendimiento de aquenios por planta. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la variabilidad existente en la población, observándose diferencias entre familias para todos los caracteres. El carácter número de aquenios por capítulo debe ser considerado como criterio de selección para la obtención de genotipos con mayor rendimiento. La utilización de índices de selección en dicha población lograría obtener respuestas mayores a las esperadas por selección de caracteres individuales. La aplicación de estrategias de selección sobre esta población permitiría lograr avances en el mejoramiento de caracteres relacionados con rendimiento de aquenio y contenido de aceite.The first step in a breeding program is to develop a population with genetic variability for the traits of interest. The selection of progenies from populations is a valuable tool for breeding. The germplasm studied comes from the cross of the Bulk Vert Composite, formed by the recombination among maintainers inbred lines resistant to Verticillium dahliae, and the Bulk AO Composite, originated by the recombination among maintainers inbred lines of high oleic acid content. This cross developed the Bulk Vert x Bulk AO population of the National Institute for Agriculture Research (INTA) Pergamino formed by local and exotic germplasm. The main goal of the breeding of the population is to derive inbred lines to obtain hybrids and the specific aims were to evaluate the heritability and associations between agronomic traits in families S0:1 of Bulk Vert x Bulk AO population, the genetic progress expected by selection, determine the influence of the traits studied on yield and evaluate the use of selection indices for the improvement of the population. The traits evaluated were oil content, plant height, days to flowering, stem diameter, capitulum diameter, number of achenes per capitulum, weight of 100 achenes and yield of achenes per plant. The results show the variability existing in the population, observing differences between families for all the traits. The number of achenes per capitulum should be considered as selection criteria for obtaining genotypes with higher yield. The use of selection indices in this population would obtain greater responses than expected by selection of single traits. The application of selection strategies on this population would allow progress in the breeding of traits related to yield and oil content.EEA PergaminoFil: Dominguez, Matías. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Pergamino. Sección Girasol; ArgentinaFil: Dominguez, Matías. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnicas; ArgentinaFil: Gonzalez, Julio Horacio. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Pergamino. Sección Girasol; Argentin

    Digitization model for costs and operating times reduction in Peruvian Banks

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    Deforestation is one of the problems that is producing a significant impact on the environment in countries that have large extensions of forests such as Peru, caused by different factors such as paper consumption, whose increase in recent years has also generated an increase in the costs and times related to the management and transportation of physical documents. These physical processes were further affected due to the COVID-19 restrictions, having a significant negative impact on customer satisfaction due to some processes that required their presence at bank branches. According to recent research, 90% of financial institutions continue to maintain a traditional document management system that consists of printing, storing and consulting physical documents, due to the lack of culture and activities aimed at digitizing processes; however, this change is possible with a model oriented to the transformation of said processes and the organizational culture; our main motivation to carry out this research was the change that the digitization of processes offers to companies and the environment. Our management model consists of 4 stages: collection of necessary requirements, identification of the main problem and improvement objectives, execution of the 3 management tools selected from our model and validation of the results obtained. The result obtained thanks to the application of the model in our validation case, shows a reduction of 65% of the costs related to document management in the first 3 months, in the following 3 months the reduction suffers an increase to 95.37%. In addition to this, the time to search and obtain documents will be reduced by approximately 99%. In conclusion, we determined that Change Management and Organizational and Infrastructure Management are necessary to be able to transform physical processes into digital ones since these three complement each other

    Tecnología de banda ancha: comunicación a través de la red de distribución eléctrica

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    The power-line communications (PLC) has been applied as a data transfer method in both public electricity distribution networks and indoor distribution networks. The profile of these applications has been different. The devices developed for domestic use are mainly designed for the purpose of controlling electric devices at home. For example, the current and most common functions are: control of lights, fire alarming system and heating controlling. The systems and devices used by distribution companies are mainly meant for automatic meter reading (AMR), tariff changing, energy consumption monitoring and load management applications. During the last years the conception of providing broadband Internet access through a low voltage distribution network has aroused a hot discussion. The characteristics of power-line channels and the applicability of different digital modulation techniques have been widely researched. Due to technical and regulatory problems, the idea of providing Internet services through the distribution network was at least partly buried. Despite of this drawback, the power-line channel is still an appropriate channel for to control devices and transfer data that do not require a wide bandwidth or critical data transfer. An example for this kind of application is data transfer related to the condition monitoring of industrial low voltage electric motors