89 research outputs found

    Animism as Relational Epistemology and Ontology

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    Indigenous knowledges have traditionally been treated as a field of research for anthropologists and as ‘mistaken epistemologies’, that is, un-scientific and irrational folklore. Within the framework of the environmental humanities, however, a strong interest in non-anthropocentric approaches and epistemic injustice has emerged, with a focus on animism  as a powerful critique of modern epistemology and an alternative to a Western worldview. The lecture argues that treating indigenous knowledges and ways of knowing as a (potentially) decolonizing and liberating practice could help build a more inclusive and holistic knowledge of the past. Following recent works by anthropologists and archaeologists such as Nurit Bird-Rose, Graham Harvey, and Tim Ingold, ‘New Animism’ will be considered as an alternative (relational) ontology that allows for a radical rethinking of the problem of matter and agency and that goes beyond human exceptionalism. Ewa Domańska is professor of human sciences at the faculty of history, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań and, since 2002, visiting professor at the Department of Anthropology/Archeology Center/DLCL at Stanford University. Her research focuses on the methodology of history, contemporary theory and history of historiography, comparative theory of the humanities and social sciences, new trends in the humanities, as well as the environmental humanities, ecocide and genocide studies. Domańska’s recent publications include: ‘The Paradigm Shift in the Contemporary Humanities and Social Sciences’, in Philosophy of History: Twenty-First-Century Perspectives, ed. by Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen (2020); ‘Unbinding from Humanity: Nandipha Mntambo’s Europa and the Limits of History and Identity’, Journal of the Philosophy of History, 14 (2020), ‘The Environmental History of Mass Graves’, Journal of Genocide Research, 22,.2 (2020), and ‘Prefigurative Humanities’, History and Theory, 60.4 (2021).Ewa Domańska, ‘Animism as Relational Epistemology and Ontology’, lecture presented at the workshop Intra/ Sections: Post-Anthropocentric Concepts of Multiplicity, ICI Berlin, 25 March 2022, video recording, mp4, 51:53 <https://doi.org/10.25620/e220325-1

    Mikrohistorie : spotkania w międzyświatach

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    Wyd. 2, uzupełnione i uaktualnione.Książka ta nie jest monografią kierunku istniejącego we współczesnym pisarstwie historycznym zwanego "mikrohistorią". Proponuje natomiast metodę jego analizy i interpretacji, którą nazwałam krytyką historiografii. Krytyka ta ujawnia dialog toczący się w pisarstwie historycznym pomiędzy przeszłością a teraźniejszością, którego odniesieniem jest przyszłość. W Mikrohistoriach historiografia staje się krytyką kultury rozumianą jako refleksja nad człowiekiem (filozofia), jako opowieść pokazująca kim jest człowiek (antropologia) i jak to jest być człowiekiem (etyka). Książka ta włącza się w "etyczny zwrot", który dosięgnął historię. Przenika ją tak ważne obecnie pytanie o dobro historii": gdzie jest owo dobro? i co nim jest?Agnieszka Uziębł

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    Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polski

    W MiędzyDoświadczeniu (fragmenty rozmowy)

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    Design guidelines for multi-service centre in municipality Wilkowic

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    The transition period in Poland has allowed to establish a new segment of investors which are small towns and municipalities. This new group of investors undertake the task of new investment building new objects and elements of infrastructure. services, many of which manages to successfully finalize. New investments are usually successful in case of favorable location of the town in the region, its tourism attractiveness and good communication links. Already existing services and development also enable to start the new ventures as well as a precise vision and mission of the local government competently translates into strategic objectives then expressed by the idea of investment. This study presents a method of creating an information system for investment decisions in a small town - a seat of the municipality. It is related to the service buildings development. This paper shows the method of analysing and evaluating the location of the planned investment options in the context of the local master plan and the characteristics of the land. A method of a questionnaire survey was used to measure the level of acceptance for the planned investment by the future users. Selected segments of stakeholder groups were interviewed to get the opinions on the future program and architecture of the planned buildings

    Student Organisations: State of the Art and Perspectives for Future Research

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    Theoretical background: The management of student organisations is still unexplored and full of issues requiring an in-depth analysis. Along with the development and unification of management processes at universities, matters related to students’ pro-academic activities assume new significance and often require revision and proper ordering. Purpose of the article: This article presents the results of the bibliometric analysis of developing issues related to student organisations. Research methods: The primary reference points are journals and publications released in the Web of Science database in 1900–2022. The obtained data were used to perform bibliometric analysis, including the number of publications, authorship and co-authorship, citations, publishing journals, thematic categories, institutions, countries and keywords. The research drew from 506 publications related to the analysed subject, whose citation frequency amounted to 4,548. Main findings: The bibliometric analysis performed showed that the priority of the issues addressed about student organisations is not only the development and improvement of their classifications but also broadly defined ethnic groups and their membership in relevant bodies. There was also no shortage of issues related to LGBT-oriented groups as centres for self acceptance. However, other essential elements, such as the management of student organisations, are missing from the topics covered. This research gap in the administrative field reveals the extent to which the topic of student organisations is a topic and area that is underexplored and unexplored

    In situ simulation training in First Aid. Pilot study. First aid in a dangerous workplace

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    Abstract Purpose The aim of the study was to evaluate the newly develop course prepared for the employees working in the forest and mountain environmentMethodology 31 people participated in the course. They were employees of Roztocze National Park and the Forestry Commission Lutowiska. A diagnostic survey was implemented in a form of a questionnaire. The respondents were provided with two original questionnaires and a telephone survey. Surveys were anonymous and voluntary.Findings The average assessment of First Aid knowledge before the workshop was 2.48 and majority of participants assesed First Aid as difficult. After the workshop, the respondents assessed the knowledge on average as 3.87 and as much as 58% declared that definitely would provide First Aid to a stranger; 81% to a close person. Over 80% of respondents noticed the need of  regular training in First Aid.Research implication The analysis showed that regular improvement of First Aid skills is required by the participants. The training should be adjusted to the group’s needs in terms of the program, teaching techniques and the place of training. There is a need to implement such training on a wider scale among forestry and mountain workers.OriginalityUncovering the gaps in First Aid training in mountain and forest workers in their professional training

    Necrotising enterocolitis in preterm infants : epidemiology and antibiotic consumption in the polish neonatology network neonatal intensive care units in 2009

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    The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiology of necrotising enterocolitis (NEC), antibiotic consumption and the usefulness of microbiological tests in very low birth weight (VLBW) Polish newborns. METHODS: Prospective surveillance was performed in the year 2009 by local infection control teams. The study covered 910 infants hospitalized in six Polish neonatal intensive care units. Two kinds of indicators were used for the description of antibiotic usage: the duration of treatment (days of treatment, DOTs) and the defined daily dose (DDD). RESULTS: NEC incidence was 8.7% and fatality rate was 19%. Chorioamnionitis, late gestational age and low birth weight were identified as risk factors for NEC. Catheterization, mechanical ventilation and other selected procedures were used considerably longer in newborns with NEC than in the remaining neonates. Total usage of antibiotics reached 2.9 DDDs or 1.437 days; the average use of drugs per case of NEC amounted to 0.47 DDD or 23.2 DOTs. The level of antibiotic usage was analysed with correlation to microbiological tests performed and it was non-significantly greater in the group of children with NEC in whom the tests were performed. CONCLUSIONS: A high risk of developing NEC is closely associated with VLBW and with inflammation of the amnion during labour. We observed no relationship between the consumption of antibiotics in neonates with NEC and positive results of microbiological testing indicating sepsis accompanying NEC or gut colonization with pathogens

    Late-onset bloodstream infections of Very-Low-Birth-Weight infants: data from the Polish Neonatology Surveillance Network in 2009–2011

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    BACKGROUND: Late-Onset Bloodstream Infections (LO-BSI) continue to be one of the most important complications associated with hospitalization of infants born with very low birth weight (VLBW). The aims of this study were to assess the epidemiology of LO-BSI together with the risk factors and the distribution of causative pathogens at six Polish neonatal intensive care units that participated in the Polish Neonatology Surveillance Network from January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2011. METHODS: The surveillance covered 1,695 infants whose birth weights were <1501 grams (VLBW) in whom LO-BSI was diagnosed >72 hours after delivery. Case LO-BSI patients were defined according to NeoKISS. RESULTS: Four hundred twenty seven episodes of LO-BSI were diagnosed with a frequency of 25.3% and an incidence density of 6.7/1000 patient-days (pds). Results of our multivariate analysis demonstrated that surgical procedures and lower gestational age were significantly associated with the risk of LO-BSI. Intravascular catheters were used in infants with LO-BSI significantly more frequently and/or for longer duration: Central venous cathters (CVC) (OR 1.29) and Peripheral venous catheters (PVC) (OR 2.8), as well as, the total duration of total parenteral nutrition (13 vs. 29 days; OR 1.81). Occurrence of LO-BSI was significantly associated with increased the length of mechanical ventilation (MV) (OR 2.65) or the continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) (OR 2.51), as well as, the duration of antibiotic use (OR 2.98). The occurrence of more than one infection was observed frequently (OR 9.2) with VLBW with LO-BSI. Microorganisms isolated in infants with LO-BSI were dominated by Gram-positive cocci, and predominantly by coagulase-negative staphylococci (62.5%). CONCLUSIONS: Independent risk factor for LO-BSI in VLBV infants are: low gestational age and requirement for surgery. The incidence rates of LO-BSI especially CVC-BSI were higher in the Polish NICUs surveillance than those of other national networks, similar to the central- and peripheral utilization ratio

    The analysis of Oak pollen count in selected Polish cities in 2008

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    Praca przedstawia przebieg sezonu pylenia dębu w wybranych miastach Polski w 2008 r. Pomiary wykonano w Białymstoku, Bydgoszczy, Krakowie, Lublinie, Łodzi, Olsztynie, Sosnowcu, Szczecinie, Warszawie i we Wrocławiu. Badania prowadzono metodą objętościową przy wykorzystaniu aparatów firmy Burkard i Lanzoni 2000. Sezon pyłkowy wyznaczono jako okres, w którym w powietrzu wystąpiło 95% rocznej sumy ziaren pyłku. Początek sezonu pyłkowego wyznaczono również metodą 30 ziaren. Indeks SPI obliczono jako sumę średnich dobowych stężeń pyłku w danym sezonie. Najwcześniej sezon pylenia dębu rozpoczął się we Wrocławiu (25 kwietnia). Najwyższe wartości średniodobowych stężeń pyłku dębu odnotowano w Lublinie, gdzie 5 maja stężenie wyniosło 212 z/m3 powietrza.This paper presents the course of oak pollination season in selected cities of Poland in 2007. The measurements were performed in Bialystok, Bydgoszcz, Krakow, Lublin, Lodz, Olsztyn, Sosnowiec, Szczecin, Warsaw and Wroclaw. Volumetric method with the use of Volumetric Spore Trap (Burkard, Lanzoni 2000) was implemented. Pollen season was defined as the period in which 95% of the annual total catch occurred. The start of the season was also determined by the 30 grains method. Seasonal Pollen Index (SPI) was estimated as the annual sum of daily average pollen concentrations. Pollen season of oak in 2008 started first in Lublin (25 April). The highest 24-hour average pollen count was recorded in Lublin on 5 May (212 oak pollen grains/m3)