13 research outputs found

    Ballistocardiogram artifact removal from EEG signal

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá hybridním vyšetřením fMRI-EEG. V EEG signálu jsou přítomny dva základní artefakty, gradientní a balistokardiografický. Po odstranění gradientního artefaktu a detekce R vln v kanálu EKG byl navržen postup pro odstranění balistokardiografického artefaktu, pomocí metody odečtu artefaktového vzoru, pomocí metody ICA (metody nezávislých proměnných) a metody spojující obě uvedené. Byla vyhodnocena úspěšnost všech metod a jejich vliv na evokované potenciály v signálu EEG.Master´s thesis deals with hybrid examination fMRI-EEG. Two main artifacts are present in EEG, imaging (gradient) and ballistocardiographic. After gradient artifact removal and R wave detection in ECG channel, approach for ballistographic artifact removal was proposed, with help of artifact template subtraction method, ICA and combined method. Efficiency and influence on evoked potentials of all methods were evaluated.

    A comprehensive rehabilitation of pupils with disabilities as a basis for a successful schooling

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    The thesis is focused on the issue of comprehensive rehabilitation of pupils with physical or multiple disabilities upon entering school. The theoretical part of the thesis is divided into three sections. The first section is devoted to the situation of a child with physical and multiple disabilities. The second section covers education and specifics of students with physical and multiple disabilities. The third section is devoted to the concept of comprehensive rehabilitation. I takes into consideration the components of comprehensive rehabilitation for younger school age children. The research part of the thesis addresses the question of whether comprehensive rehabilitation in early schooling is a help or a burden. Data was obtained by questionnaire and structured interview. The interviewed were parents of children with physical and multiple disabilities in the South bohemian region. There were two files made. One consisted of parents of children from a regular Elementary school, the second consisted of parents of children who attend a special Elementary school. The results of the investigation indicated that all parents consider rehabilitation to be necessary. The rehabilitation of their child is already a permanent part of their family life. The differences are in the conditions for..

    A comprehensive rehabilitation of pupils with disabilities as a basis for a successful schooling

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    The thesis is focused on the issue of comprehensive rehabilitation of pupils with physical or multiple disabilities upon entering school. The theoretical part of the thesis is divided into three sections. The first section is devoted to the situation of a child with physical and multiple disabilities. The second section covers education and specifics of students with physical and multiple disabilities. The third section is devoted to the concept of comprehensive rehabilitation. I takes into consideration the components of comprehensive rehabilitation for younger school age children. The research part of the thesis addresses the question of whether comprehensive rehabilitation in early schooling is a help or a burden. Data was obtained by questionnaire and structured interview. The interviewed were parents of children with physical and multiple disabilities in the South bohemian region. There were two files made. One consisted of parents of children from a regular Elementary school, the second consisted of parents of children who attend a special Elementary school. The results of the investigation indicated that all parents consider rehabilitation to be necessary. The rehabilitation of their child is already a permanent part of their family life. The differences are in the conditions for..

    The Process of Admitting Vietnam to the ASEAN

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    1 Abstract In this bachelor thesis, the topic of Vietnam's admission to ASEAN in 1995 is explored. The decision to accept Vietnam into the organization was peculiar given Vietnam's history and the reasons for the organization's creation. The essay aims to answer the question of why the ASEAN members decided to admit Vietnam. Possible reasons for the decision include mutual economic benefit, common security risks, and social or cultural issues. The thesis uses selected theories in international relations to analyze the topic through a chronological-descriptive analysis of various sources, including book sources, articles in periodicals, legislative documents of the organization, and internet sources. The introductory part of the thesis discusses the origin, reasons for formation, and organizational structure of ASEAN. Additionally, three selected theories of international relations are briefly described to examine the possible reasons for and against the admission of Vietnam into the organization. The thesis determines whether these theories are appropriate for this case. The results of this research could provide insight into the admission of other members, such as Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar, or explain why East Timor should be admitted in the future, which has unsuccessfully sought membership since its...1 Abstrakt Práce se bude zabývat tématem přijetí Vietnamu do Sdružení národů jihovýchodní Asie (ASEAN), které proběhlo v roce 1995. Téma práce bylo vybráno především proto, že vzhledem k minulosti Vietnamu a důvodům vzniku organizace šlo svým způsobem o zvláštní paradox. Nabízí se tak otázka, co stálo za rozhodnutím tehdejších členů ASEAN Vietnam do společenství přijmout? Mohla to být vzájemná ekonomická výhodnost, či řešení společných bezpečnostních rizik? Nebo mohly za změnou názoru členů stát nějaké společenské či kulturní záležitosti? Na tyto otázky práce hledá odpovědi s pomocí vybraných teorií v mezinárodních vztazích formou chronologicko-deskriptivní analýzy knižních zdrojů, článků v periodikách, legislativních dokumentů organizace, či internetových zdrojů spojených s tématikou. V úvodní části práce popisuje vznik, důvody vzniku a mechanismy fungování ASEAN a organizační strukturu tohoto asijského sdružení. Dále stručně přibližuje tři vybrané teorie mezinárodních vztahů, s jejichž pomocí jsou ve finální výzkumné části zkoumány možné důvody jednotlivých členských států pro i proti přijetí Vietnamu do organizace. Zároveň tím práce prověřuje, zda je pro tento případ vhodné těchto teorií použít. Výsledek práce by mohl poskytnout odpověď na stejné otázky v případě přijetí dalších členů, kterými byly...Katedra mezinárodních vztahůDepartment of International RelationsFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě

    The Process of Admitting Vietnam to the ASEAN

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    1 Abstract In this bachelor thesis, the topic of Vietnam's admission to ASEAN in 1995 is explored. The decision to accept Vietnam into the organization was peculiar given Vietnam's history and the reasons for the organization's creation. The essay aims to answer the question of why the ASEAN members decided to admit Vietnam. Possible reasons for the decision include mutual economic benefit, common security risks, and social or cultural issues. The thesis uses selected theories in international relations to analyze the topic through a chronological-descriptive analysis of various sources, including book sources, articles in periodicals, legislative documents of the organization, and internet sources. The introductory part of the thesis discusses the origin, reasons for formation, and organizational structure of ASEAN. Additionally, three selected theories of international relations are briefly described to examine the possible reasons for and against the admission of Vietnam into the organization. The thesis determines whether these theories are appropriate for this case. The results of this research could provide insight into the admission of other members, such as Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar, or explain why East Timor should be admitted in the future, which has unsuccessfully sought membership since its..

    Detecting Coppice Legacies from Tree Growth

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    <div><p>In coppice-with-standards, once a common type of management in Central European lowland forests, selected trees (standards) were left to grow mature among the regularly harvested coppice stools to obtain construction wood. After the underwood was harvested, the forest canopy opened rapidly, giving standard trees an opportunity to benefit from reduced competition. Although this silvicultural system virtually disappeared after WWII, historical management cycles can still be traced in the tree-rings of remaining standards. Our research aims at answering the question whether tree-ring series of standard trees can be used to reconstruct past management practices. The study was carried out on 117 oak standard trees from five sites situated in formerly coppiced calcareous oak-hornbeam and acidophilous oak forests in the Bohemian Karst Protected Landscape Area, Czech Republic. The evaluation was based on the analysis of growth releases representing the response of the standards to coppicing events, and comparison to the archival records of coppice events. Our results showed that coppicing events can be successfully detected by tree-ring analysis, although there are some limitations. Altogether 241 releases were identified (49% of major releases). Large number of releases could be related to historical records, with the major ones giving better results. The overall probability of correct detection (positive predictive power) was 58%, ranging from 50 to 67%, probability for major releases was 78%, ranging from 63 to 100% for different sites. The ability of individual trees to mirror past coppice events was significantly affected by competition from neighboring trees (their number and the sum of distance-weighted basal areas). A dendro-ecological approach to the study of forest management history can serve as an input for current attempts of coppice reintroduction and for conservation purposes.</p></div

    Species composition within a 10 m radius of the cored standards, divided into single- and multi-stemmed (a), and by study site (b).

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    <p>Sites were dominated by hornbeam and oak except the sandstone-based Mramor III site, where hornbeam was missing and pine formed 3% of the neighbours.</p

    Competition from neighbouring trees within a 10 m distance from cored standard trees expressed by distance-weighted basal area (a), and number of neighbouring stems (b), mean growth rate (c), and mean growth change identified by GA method.

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    <p>KO = Koda, KB = Kobyla, M1–3 = Mramor I–III. Significance tests are summarized in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0147205#pone.0147205.s005" target="_blank">S4 Table</a>.</p

    Moderate (blue) or major releases (red columns) detected using the GA method displayed in 5-year intervals.

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    <p>Years of coppicing recorded in archives are marked by black arrows. The green line indicates sample depth.</p

    Study area (left) and a detailed view of the Koda stand with a year of the last coppice harvest marked (right part).

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    <p>Study area (left) and a detailed view of the Koda stand with a year of the last coppice harvest marked (right part).</p