14 research outputs found

    Analysis of Analog Neural Network Model with CMOS Multipliers

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    The analog neural networks have some very useful advantages in comparison with digital neural network, but recent implementation of discrete elements gives not the possibility for realizing completely these advantages. The reason of this is the great variations of discrete semiconductors characteristics. The VLSI implementation of neural network algorithm is a new direction of analog neural network developments and applications. Analog design can be very difficult because of need to compensate the variations in manufacturing, in temperature, etc. It is necessary to study the characteristics and effectiveness of this implementation. In this article the parameter variation influence over analog neural network behavior has been investigated

    Duration of ammonite zones and characteristic Jurassic fossil taxa from the Pliensbachian–Aalenian successions of Bulgaria

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    The relative durations of ammonite biozones and selected ammonite taxa, as well as some bioevents associated with coeval Lower–Middle Jurassic benthic taxa are represented herein. Based on linked Sr-isotope data, we found a notable difference in the time spans of the zones and in the relative longevity of the guiding ammonite genera around the Pliensbachian/Toarcian (P/T) boundary. The last occurrences of the well-known late Pliensbachian bivalve taxa Gryphaea gigantea and Pseudopecten aequivalvis were dated at 184 Ma and 183.8 Ma, respectively. Recently defined Toarcian–Aalenian autochtonous brachiopod taxa (Bulgariarhynchia and Capillirhynchia brezenensis) were found to have significant taxonomic durations (2 Ma and 5 Ma). The Sr-isotope data also revealed ~2 Ma duration of seawater warming and 0.2 Ma fossil hiatus around the P/T boundary