37 research outputs found

    Contemporary paradigm of sustainable development: the evolution of formation and development

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    The research reveals the peculiarities of shaping the sustainable development paradigm since the publication of the first studies on the human activity impact on the environment to date. Three main stages of development with the focus on the key goals and tasks through an analysis of the main documents regulating activities in this area are determined. The results showed a change in the vector for further development and identification of the financial component as an independent element

    Theoretical and methodological principles of integrating CLIL and ESP in educational establishments in Ukraine

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    The article issues the questions of effective teaching both content and second language by integrating CLIL and ESP within the process of professional competence formation at Ukrainian universities – the challenges, prerequisites and perspectives of teaching content and professionally oriented skills through the English language. The authors provide a comparative analysis of the definitions and characteristics of content and language integrated learning (CLIL) and English for specific purposes (ESP) at the present stage of linguodidactics. The investigation is theoretically granted and issues the question of CLIL and ESP integrated principles application, and reflects the main scientific ideas and stages of implementation, the application of which makes it possible to modernize the system of professional training according to European standards. Regarding the integration of the CLIL and ESP approaches in the process of professional training at non-language specialties, the authors state that process of immersion into professional oriented environment facilitates the increase of learning outcome standards. Theoretical and methodological review of contemporary teaching approaches, its principles, advantages, challenges and effective ways of CLIL and ESP in Europe and Ukraine are analyzed. The usage of the methods of CLIL and ESP approaches are rational at different stages of professional education

    Institutional support for the organic farming development – a conceptual framework

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    Realization of agricultural production complying with the sustainable development principles has resulted in a separate direction – organic farming. Its big difference from all other economy sectors is in its dependence on the natural and climatic conditions. Therefore, agricultural production has a dual nature, namely it depends on the environment health on the one hand, and, on the other hand, directly affects this health through the use of technologies that can both improve and substantially worsen the environmental situation. The institutional support for the organic farming is of great importance. This issue is relevant for scientists from countries, where organic farming is actively developing. In Ukraine, this is also a topical issue. The paper presents a conceptual framework of institutional support for the organic farming development, which includes elements such as state regulation, self-regulation, objects and subjects of organic farming, as well as an organic product market. Legal, informational, infrastructure and financial directions of ensuring the development of organic farming are also defined. The essence of each element is revealed. The main indicators of the organic farming development in Ukraine are analyzed, i.e. the organic farming areas, their proportion in agricultural lands, the number of producers, the volume of the organic market, the volume of organic consumption per capita, as well as the share of domestic organic land in the world's territory. A correlation analysis based on data from the largest world market of the USA made it possible to determine the factors that have the greatest impact on the development of the organic agricultural sector. The number of organic producers is statistically significant, and the share of land in the organic farming does not have a significant impact on the organic product consumption. At the same time, this can be seen from the point of view that the more producers will offer their products, the more saturated the market will be, and therefore the level of the organic products coverage can be greater

    What are the organizational and economic principles of organic farming in the context of sustainable development? Case of Ukraine

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    The development of organic agriculture is a long-term global trend; with different local factors that affect the development rate. Ukraine is one of the largest food suppliers in the world and this also applies to organic production. The evaluation of organic production at Skvyra Organic Research Station was conducted in 2015-2020 on 40 ha land; focusing on the economic performance of the enterprise and the specialization of production. The systematic approach and dialectical method of cognition were used to identify the key factors in the development of organic farming. The purpose of the study is an organizational and economic analysis of a state enterprise that is making a gradual transition from intensive to organic production, in order to determine the main principles that stimulate the development of organic production, and to overcome the challenges faced by the enterprise on the way to the introduction of organic production. The results indicate that the enterprise is profitable but does not operate up to its potential. The key issues were identified in the lack of focus on marketable crops, efficiency of labour, crop production, and management. The enterprise is negatively affected by the current legal framework and insufficient financial stability. The enterprises income consists of selling crops (i.e. cereals, legumes) and service-to-business (i.e. laboratory testing), with no state funding. Further results show the relation of the production and specialization with climatic, natural, biological and socio-economic factors. To improve the organisational and economic framework for the development of organic production, Ukrainian enterprises should focus on cost-effective products. Furthermore, competition between agricultural enterprises should support deeper specialization and production of competitive products, contributing to the profitability and economic stability of producer

    Economic growth and environmental health: a dual interaction

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    In most countries of the world, realizing the sustainable development concept has caused a lively discussion in the scientific environment regarding the mutual influence of the economic growth and the environmental health. Is the economic growth even possible without environmental damage? The answer is still unknown. Research studies both confirm and refute this interaction. The U-shaped curve (Environmental Kuznets Curve) hypothesis is the most popular in this regard. Scientists from different countries analyze the impact of the economic climate on the environmental health taking the hypothesis into account. At the same time, these studies use gross national income as a base indicator, which reflects only the economic dimension of the research, but does not consider the depletion of natural capital on the path of economic growth. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that have the most significant impact on the adjusted net savings in Ukraine and a number of selected countries, and also take into account the agrarian sector development, which is important in terms of substantiation of the expediency of a significant increase in natural agricultural production in the Ukrainian agrarian sector. The paper presents the results of constructing a model based on World Bank data for the period from 2009 to 2017, for Ukraine and 13 other countries that are neighbors of Ukraine and belong to the lower middle-income group. From the list of indicators provided by the World Bank to characterize the state of the environment in the world, 13 indicators are chosen that most fully characterize the situation in the selected countries. Based on the analysis of the panel data formed, the result is that agricultural land (% of land area), energy use per capita (kg oil equivalent), and agricultural productivity (value added per worker) have the most significant impact on the adjusted net savings. With that, the first two indicators show a positive impact, while the third one has a negative impact, indicating that the increase in productivity in the agrarian sector of the economy results in the environmental deterioration. All this allows us to conclude about the necessity to introduce natural agroproduction technologies in order to improve the environment, especially considering the fact that in Ukraine, the share of the agrarian sector in GDP increases every year

    Structural modeling of the financial support for the Ukrainian agrarian sector

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    Financial support for the agrarian sector is the priority of economic policy in many countries of the world, as it plays a key role in achieving the goals of sustainable development, in particular poverty reduction, food security, environmental improvement, including reducing CO2 emissions, reducing water pollution, etc. In the main, the financial support for the agrarian sector of the various countries is multi-channel and combines budget financing and financial market opportunities. At the same time, for many countries, including Ukraine, the issue of the ratio of these sources of financing and their influence on the development of agricultural production remains unresolved. The analysis of budget financing has shown a lack of stability in the implementation of financial support programs for the agrarian sector of Ukraine, which affects the financial sustainability of enterprises and their ability to attract market financing. In the article, using the structural modeling, the necessary amount of financing for the agrarian sector was determined through budget financing, bank lending and agro-insurance. The results of the calculations showed that the actual size of bank lending to agrarian enterprises is significantly lower than the simulated values. At the same time, budget financing creates conditions for ensuring financial sustainability of agrarian enterprises and encourages them to use bank lending, while increasing budget financing reduces the need for agro-insurance operations, which is a negative consequence of its use

    Поняття та розвиток "одностатевих шлюбів" в Україні у зв’язку з євроінтеграцією

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    Добровольська О. В. Поняття та розвиток "одностатевих шлюбів" в Україні у зв’язку з євроінтеграцією / О. В. Добровольська // Від римського приватного права до права Європи : матер. 15-ої міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Одеса, 15 трав., 2017 р.) / за заг. ред. д.ю.н., проф. Є. О. Харитонова. – Одеса : Фенікс, 2017. – С. 125-127

    Knowledge creation, knowledge impact and knowledge diffusion: how do they connect with higher education?

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    Knowledge-based economy causes changes in the higher education system: university graduates must have the ability to constantly learn and improve their skills, generate and disseminate new knowledge, form and multiply the knowledge capital of business. This paper aims to investigate a pairwise interconnection between higher education indicators and sets of parameters characterizing knowledge creation, impact, and diffusion. The following higher education indicators are used: expenditure on education, tertiary enrollment, graduates in science and engineering, tertiary inbound mobility, researcher, gross expenditure on R&D, top 3 global corporate R&D investors, top 3QS university ranking. Knowledge creation indicators are patents by origin, PCT patents by origin, utility models by origin, scientific and technical articles, citable documents, H-index. Knowledge impact is characterized through labor productivity growth, new businesses, software spending, ISO 9001 quality certificates, high-tech manufacturing. Knowledge diffusion parameters include intellectual property receipts, production and export complexity, high-tech exports, ICT services exports. The information base of the study is the data of the Global Innovation Index Report from the World Intellectual Property Organization for 40 European countries (selected depending on the availability of statistics) for 2022, research method – Canonical Correlation Analysis. The strongest positive correlation was found between higher education indicators and knowledge creation parameters. The second position takes connection between higher education indicators and knowledge diffusion parameters, the third – between higher education indicators and knowledge impact indicators. Among the higher education indicators, the most significant were gross expenditure on R&D, top 3 global corporate R&D investors, top 3 QS university ranking