60 research outputs found

    Connecting the Centre of Belgrade with the Danube and Sava Riverfronts to Increase Attractiveness

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    Although Belgrade is set on the confluence of two rivers, its riverfronts have never been an integral part of the city, due to the barriers between its historical urban core and the waterfronts. Over the last decade, these areas have come into focus because of their potential for becoming one of the most attractive and important ambient urban environments. In this research, a method for the inclusion of the Sava riverfronts into the urban life of its users was established through an analysis of the quality and intensity of open public spaces and the possibility for improving the pedestrian networks. The area known as Kosančićev Venac has been chosen as a case study, being an important connection between these two sites with its cultural values, tradition and identity. The methods used were observation and content analysis of existing literature, strategies and planning documents. In accordance with a participatory approach, direct surveying of selected stakeholders was developed through interviews and questionnaires and a method of mapping users on social maps. Two main groups of users were included in this research: citizens and tourists. Furthermore, the results were presented in the form of a SWOT analysis showing the main obstacles and barriers, but also the strengths and of open public spaces and a pedestrian network. In conclusion, this paper could serve as a knowledge base for developing future strategies containing specific guidelines for revival and inclusion of riverfront areas, in order for city waterfronts to live up to their full potential

    Retrofitting of multifamily housing: life-cycle costing aspects

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    This Life-Cycle Costing (LCC) analysis deals with the feasibility of measures taken to improve thermal performance of building envelope in order to reduce energy demands for space heating. LCC analysis is carried out on one exemplary apartment in multifamily buildings with recently refurbished facades in Karaburma, a settlement in Belgrade. Results of the analysis show that by improving properties of envelope with poor thermal U value, the reduction of electricity consumed for heating in Belgrade climate is 28 %. Considering Serbian system for electricity charging, reduction of monthly costs for electricity can be doubled


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    In the Public Eye: Toward the Electronic Transparency of Planning Process

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    The numerous technological possibilities have significantly improved the performances of contemporary planning. The open access to information and continuous upgrading of data bases have certainly raised the level of interaction between planners/professionals and public audience/users, leading to a better understanding of sensitive urban mechanisms, anticipated development options and available spatial resources. The digitization of planning process has also become an important issue in developing countries, especially related to problems of public participation and visibility of information. Similar problems were detected in Serbia, causing delayed implementation of plans, but also blurring investment possibilities. However, during the last decade a number of planning institutions have been using web platforms to present different planning documents to the public, facilitating communication with different groups of users and providing valuable information about planned transformations. The paper discusses a relationship between contemporary cities, their digital skeleton and planning trends, focusing on the expected and achieved transparency of planning process. The case of Serbia is emphasized, considering the possibilities of digitization in the field of planning/urban development. The selected examples (Pozarevac, Belgrade and Zrenjanin) will be presented, the main elements of the applied enetworking will be analyzed and the possible obstacles in a process of upgrading will be identified

    Fill in the Blanks: Challenging the Modernism, Satisfying the Users’ Needs?

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    The contemporary transformations, caused by frictions between local and global forces, have to provide comprehensive answers to numerous questions – from urban efficiency, environmental challenges, social (in)equality, to urban history, identity and future sustainability. However, the processes which shape our environment sometimes do not respond to actual needs of users, creating a gap between ambitious visions of professionals and politicians and our everyday life patterns. Considering all recent challenges the paper will analyze the case of New Belgrade and its current urban metamorphosis which has an impact on the character of open public spaces. The focus of the research will be Block 21, which was built during the 1970s and 1980s, after the national architectural competition. Following the guidelines of the Master plan it was conceived as a mono-functional residential block, but its reconstruction, conducted in two phases (during the 1990s and 2000s), instigated some typological changes. New functions were added (for ex. commercial and office spaces), as well as new residential structures, which were quite different from existing ones. Open community spaces were also transposed to another type, different in size, function, pattern of communication and accessibility. Following the thesis that successful public spaces should be responsive to the needs of their users, the paper will present a research which has been done on needs and conflicts in open space. Based on a survey and interviews of end users, along with observation and behavior mapping of activities, this paper should provide answers on how recent changes of Block 21 meet users’ needs and to what extent they collide with the original modernist outline

    Tweeting in open public space : case study Belgrade

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    Public spaces represent essential elements of vibrant, inclusive, and smart cities. Being attractive, safe, comfortable, active and sociable, open public spaces play the main role in revitalizing communities, supporting their sense of identity and culture and triggering their economic development. Considering the current trends and demands in design and use of open public spaces, the role of ICT becomes more important. This paper will present and analyze the connections which are established and intensified between users and open spaces via online social networks. The emphasis will be on Twitter which currently has around 300 million active users. The case study is a network of several open public spaces placed in the historical urban core of Belgrade. The analyzed network presents one of the most attractive and important urban route for pedestrians with the squares as nodes. The method that was used in analysis is the method of mapping users on the social maps (via social networks) and through the other ICT tools. It was based on a new software application – Twitter search engine – developed at the University of Nis, Faculty of Electronic engineering, during the PhD course “Advanced topics in data and knowledge engineering”. The aim was measuring the concentrations of users in open public spaces. The obtained results have enabled the determination of the image of the open public spaces perceived by the users, as well as the intensity of users and tweets through the social networks, with the aim to measure the quality of open public spaces and concentration of users. This research has indicated the potential of the analyzed area for the formation of transverse and longitudinal pedestrian flows. On the one hand they could enable active use of a selected segment of the network as one of the most important urban pedestrian route of the city, as well as to improve the image of it.Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union.peer-reviewe

    Belgrade: Smart Solutions for the Climate Change Challenges?

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    Facing the multiplying challenges generated by contemporary processes, cities continuously redefine their physical and functional structure in order to improve their performances. The concept of smart city, targeting efficiency, liveability and sustainability of urban systems, has become one of preferred options for urban development based on the benefits of the latest technologies. However, the diversity of local circumstances often questions universal 'smartness' and applicability of the general model, demanding continuous modifications and high level of flexibility. Considering the environmental, socio-economic and technological elements of urban setting of Belgrade (Serbia), this paper will analyze the current state of 'smart' upgrading and suggest possibilities for its improvement, especially in the context of detected climate shift. The theoretical background of the problem, as well as the successful global examples, will be used as a starting point - both for the evaluation of the existing condition and the proposed guidelines for the 'smart' development

    Comfort of open public spaces: case study New Belgrade

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    Open public spaces are very important for sustainable contemporary cities as important generators of users and activities. The concentration both of users and activities produces livability and vitality of districts and city (Hass-Klau, 1993; Jacobs, 1972; Whyte, 1988). Recent research has shown that the microclimate of open public spaces is important for intensity of use, as thermal conditions affect people’s behaviour and usage of outdoor spaces On the other hand, the comfort of open public spaces depend on urban design and its morphological characteristics. The outdoor thermal environment, is impacted by the surrounding surfaces and objects (Ichinose et al. 1999), materialization of ground surface (Lin et al. 2007), evaporation and evapotranspiration of plants (Robitu et al. 2006), shading by trees or constructed objects (Lin et al. 2010). However, rain, wind, hot weather can greatly influence the comfort of users of open public spaces. In the paper, Block 21 in New Belgrade has been analyzed, before and after transformation, using ENVI-met simulations and direct survey of citizens. Such analysis could help designers to create comfort urban place, which could increase the number of users throughout the year, with the focus on hot summer periods

    Characteristics of the intensive places: Open public places in the towns of Vojvodina Province

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    Most of the towns in Vojvodina Province nowadays lack of “flourish” places or those where the public life is intensive. Even the places with cultural values or situated in central zones, are often obsolete and isolated. On the other hand, the place “intensity” that already exists in urban space can be spread around and new places of urban activity can be generated. This paper aims to enhance the public life of Vojvodina town and to increase the “intensity” of their urban space. At the same time, for the objective has the revealing of a towns identity, discovering the true meaning of place and location’s unique character. In order to achieve this, the circumstances and characteristics that make one place “intensive” and keep it “flourish” must be identified and analysed. The relevance of their analysis is that they can serve as a base on which guidelines for the enhancement of public life and place identity can be established. Open public space is a main carrier of urban life in Vojvodina towns. However, it could be considered as the locus of urbanity and town’s identity in a broader sense. From here derives the focus of the research presented in this paper, which is defining the characteristics of open public space which create the "intensive place". The theoretical background is developed on the “intensity” of place. The “intensity” as it is understood in this paper relays on the next basic conceptions: (1) intensity is not the same as density, although it is closely related with the presence of the people in open public space; (2) it is created through the everyday experience, but it is also determined by urban space construction during the time and cultural influences that this construction follow; (3) intensity means continuity and vitality of place achieved simultaneously, and in this regard, it is very important for urban identity and public life. In this context, the methodological framework that conducts this research is created, and it is composed of two parts. The first part investigates the historical and cultural transformation of place of Vojvodina towns and the characteristics of open public space as they are perceived today. The form and function of the open public space is analysed, as well as its influence and meaning. In the second part, the intensity of use, vitality and attractiveness of open public space are explored. The method of space syntax is used for the measuring of flows and concentrations of users. From the first part of investigation the elements of identity of open public spaces and their cultural value are identified. From the second part of investigation, the main pedestrian routes and point of users concentrations are registrated. By comparing and overlapping of all the data collected, the characteristics that make the open public space intensive, “lively” but also rooted in the “local” are identified. Their potential as tools for the “reinvention” of places and encouraging of intensity of open public space of Vojvodina towns is discussed, and the way of its possible application is suggested