4 research outputs found


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    The purpose of the preparation from this article is to give describing of the impact of ballast water on the coastal environment and try to give a solution how the administrative management should be done to the sustainability of coastal society. The method used in writing of this article that is library research from a variety of sources and based on field observations in some areas with the activity of high boat traffic. Ballast water is sucked by the pump into the tank ship ballasts are used to maintain the stability of the ship during the cruise, generally consists of water mixed with various types of marine microorganisms, sediments and rocks. Marine microorganisms are carried on and switched via ship ballasts tanks will be able to survive in new waters, but life will change and tend to be predatory. This can cause damage to the food chain and the environment in new waters. Impact caused by Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS ) on ballast water, Hull and others form part of the ship of the ecological impact, economic and human health is a common concern this moment especially scientists, therefore need for appropriate methods in management. Some approaches a comprehensive strategy in the operational procedures ship, port, ship monitoring inspection, certification, training and education as well as the roles and responsibilities are clear of the implementing the regulation is an integral part in the effort to reduce the alien species

    Distribution of Chlorophil-A and Sea Surface Temperature (SST) on Operation of Payang Catching Equipment in Gorontalo Bay Waters

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    This research was carried out in January - August 2020 with the aim of looking at the temporal and spatial distribution of Chlorophyll-a (CHL-a) and Sea Surface Temperature (SST) in the waters of Gorontalo Bay, their effect on payang catches. The data used in the form of field data and image data were analyzed by descriptive analysis and analysis of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Based on the results of the study, it was found that the existence of payang fishing gear in Gorontalo Bay is in an area that has a high chlorophyll content between the West Season, West-East Transition Season and East Season. The highest average payang catch was found in the West-East transition season compared to other seasons. The West-East transition season has sea surface temperatures between 30.64°C-30.99°C while the density of chlorophyll-a is 0.1701 mg/m3-0.1925 mg/m3


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di perairan Selatan Gorontalo tepatnya di daerah sekitar Teluk Gorontalo. Secara geografis Perairan Teluk Gorontalo merupakan bagian dari Teluk Tomini yang merupakan jalur migrasi ikan pelagis. Alat tangkap payang banyak tersebar di sekitar perairan Teluk Gorontalo dengan kapasitas mesin kurang dari 5 gross tonnage (GT). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis dan ukuran  ikan pelagis yang tertangkap pada alat tangkap payang serta mengetahui sebaran alat tangkap payang selama empat musim penangkapan di Perairan Teluk Gorontalo. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian survey, fokus pengambilan data diantaranya jenis ikan dan ukuran hasil tangkapan serta lokasi penangkapan ikan pelagis. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, terdapat keberagaman jenis ikan yang tertangkap pada alat tangkap payang diantaranya; ikan kuwe (Caranx sp), ikan lemuru (Sardinella sp), ikan kembung perempuan (Rastrelliger brachysoma), ikan kembung laki-laki (Rastrelliger kanagurta), ikan semar/tamako (Mene meculata), ikan layur (Trichiurus lepturus), dan ikan layang ekor merah (Decapterus sp). Jenis ikan yang dominan tertangkap pada Musim Barat berupa jenis ikan layur,  Musim Peralihan Barat-Timur dominan jenis ikan semar sedangkan pada Musim Timur dan Peralihan Timur-Barat dominan udang-udangan serta ikan layur. Sebaran alat tangkap payang selama empat musim penangkapan berada pada wilayah Teluk Gorontalo atau berada di bagian Muara Sungai Bone yang relatif berdekatan. This research was conducted in the Southern Waters of Gorontalo, precisely in the Gorontalo Bay area. Geographically, Gorontalo Bay is part of the Tomini Bay, which is the migration route for pelagic fish. Seine net is widely scattered around the waters of Gorontalo Bay with an engine capacity of less than 5 Gross Tonnage (GT). This study aims to determine the type and size of pelagic fish caught Seine net and to determine the distribution of Seine net during the four fishing Monsoons in the waters of Gorontalo Bay. Using survey research methods, the focus of data collection includes fish size, fish species and pelagic fishing locations. Based on the results of the analysis, there are various types of fish caught in the payang fishing gear including; giant trevally fish (Caranx sp), sardinella lemuru (Sardinella sp), short mackerel (Rastrelliger brachysoma),indiane mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta), moonfish (Mene meculata), sword fish (Trichiurus lepturus), and fis float (Decapterus sp). Caught in the west Monsoon is giant sword fish, in the West-East transitional Monsoon it is the dominant moonfish, while in the East and East-West transitional Monsoon crustaceans and sword fish are dominant in the Gorontalo Bay area or located at the mouth of the Bone River which is relatively close together


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    This study aims to examine the community structure of scleractinia corals in natural substrates with the appearance of total cover (%), number of species, diversity index, dominance index, density. The method to see the condition of corals uses the quadrant transect technique at three sampling points. The sampling point is outside the coastal tourism area. The results showed that there were 43 genera of 180 species of scleractinian coral. Percentage cover shows that at th e point of two percent coral cover is 40%. The level of density and diversity in each transect at the three points is relatively the same. For dominance, the colon indicates the lowest dominance value. Continuous monitoring of the structure of the Sleracti nia coral community in coastal tourism areas is very important, considering that this area is visited by many local tourists, as well as a fishing are