13 research outputs found

    Электрически перестраиваемая антенна для сотовых телефонов

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    First results of the development of a tunable antenna for cellular phones operating in the standard LTE are presented. The antenna consists of high- and low-frequency branches, the latter one is tuned by digital-controlled capacitor. Computer simulation of the antenna was conducted by using the RFS. Simulation results show that low-frequency antenna branch can be tuned without detuning high-frequency one. Radiation efficiency of the antenna in high-frequency band yields 60 % or more, while in low-frequency range efficiency drops to 20…30 %. The work on improving these results is now continuing.Представлены результаты разработки перестраиваемой антенны для сотовых телефонов, работающих в стандарте LTE. Перестройка осуществляется с помощью переменного конденсатора с цифровым управлением. Антенну перестраивают на один из четырех низкочастотных диапазонов, при этом сохраняя настройку на высокочастотный диапазон. Компьютерное моделирование антенны проведено с помощью программы RFS

    Financial market development, global financial crisis and economic growth : evidence from developing nations

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    Emerging and frontier markets in Africa have witnessed various economic and financial reforms aimed at integrating the domestic markets into the global financial market to attract investment. Whether these reforms promote high economic growth remains inconclusive. The paper applies the pooled mean group estimation technique to empirically re-investigate the link between financial market development, global financial crisis, and economic growth in selected African economies. The results strongly support our hypotheses that stock market and banking sector development promotes economic growth in the selected countries. Moreover, financial crisis reduce the positive effects of both the stock market and banking sector developments on economic growth. The study suggests that both the banking sector and stock market are important to deliver the long-run economic growth that the African region desired. Moreover, effort should be made to enact policy measures that would ensure development of the stock market which has received inadequate attention.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Electrically tunable antenna for mobile phones

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    First results of the development of a tunable antenna for cellular phones operating in the standard LTE are presented. The antenna consists of high- and low-frequency branches, the latter one is tuned by digital-controlled capacitor. Computer simulation of the antenna was conducted by using the RFS. Simulation results show that low-frequency antenna branch can be tuned without detuning high-frequency one. Radiation efficiency of the antenna in high-frequency band yields 60 % or more, while in low-frequency range efficiency drops to 20…30 %. The work on improving these results is now continuing

    Research of water flow measuring device based on Arduino platform

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    The article provides information about modern methods and devices for measuring water flow in pipes in the irrigation system. To create a device suitable for an automated system for calculating water flow in pipes, and sending information about water flow via Bluetooth and GPRS module, the possibility of using the base of the Arduino platform was considered. A YF-S201 transducer was used to determine the water flow in the pipe. The article presents the experiment results based on a laboratory stand. Based on the Arduino UNO board and laptop, the measurement results were processed, as well as the remote transmission of data and their visualization on a smartphone. The linearity and error of the static characteristic of the proposed water flow detection device were investigated


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    The article discusses the standards of medical informatics, the development of standards for medical informatics, types of  standards. As well as modern trends in the standardization of medical informatics

    Pediatric Surgical Sepsis: Diagnostics and Intensive Therapy

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    The aim: Optimization of diagnostics and schemes of pathogenetic intensive therapy of surgical sepsis in children based on clinical and laboratory criteria and bacteriological monitoring. Materials and methods: The research period is 2018-2020. The object of the study (n=73) – children with surgical pathology (widespread peritonitis, bacterial destruction of the lungs, post-traumatic brain hematomas, abdominal trauma, etc.). Research methods: microbiological monitoring to determine the sensitivity of the microorganism to antibiotics was carried out before and at the stages of treatment (sputum, urine, wound, bronchoalveolar lavage, tracheal aspirate, blood, contents from drainages, wound surface). Determination of the sensitivity of the isolated strains to antibiotics was carried out by the disk-diffusion method. To determine predictors of sepsis in surgical patients, clinical (mean arterial pressure (mAP), heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), SpO2, etc. and laboratory parameters on days 1–2 (up to 48 hours) of sepsis identification, days 4 and 8 of intensive therapy. Procalcitonin was determined by immunofluorescence on a Triage® MeterPro analyzer (Biosite Diagnostics, USA). Blood gases and electrolytes were analyzed using a Stat Profile CCX analyzer (Nova Biomedical, USA). Results: studies have shown the effectiveness of complex intensive care in 86.3 % of cases. Mortality was found in 13.7 % of cases. Patients with severe surgical pathology died: widespread peritonitis, severe TBI + coma with irreversible neurological disorders, urosepsis against the background of chronic renal failure, after repeated surgical interventions, due to the development of refractory septic shock (SS). Conclusions. Early diagnosis of sepsis, rational early ABT under the control of microbiological monitoring, non-aggressive infusion therapy with early prescription of vasopressors (SS) with constant monitoring of the child's main life support organs contribute to an improvement in sepsis outcomes and a decrease in mortalit