142 research outputs found

    Grid-enabling the Astra Gemini Laser Data

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    Astra Gemini is a dual beam Ti:Sapphire laser capable of delivering up to 0.5 PW in each of its two beams*. The system can fire once every 20 seconds (producing over 1000 shots per day) and has over 200 diagnostic channels, including spectra, pulse length, traces, near and far-field images. This combination of multiple diagnostics and high shot rate leads to an unprecedented amount of performance and diagnostic data to save and analyse. To cope with this demand a system has been developed to automatically capture and analysis laser data on every shot, store it in an Oracle database and retrieve it on demand. A graphical user interface has been written to extract, sort and display the data in a tabular form. Powerful functions have been implemented to allow any parameters to be selected and plotted against one another to analyse performance trends and fluctuations. Metadata about each diagnostic can also be input to build a holistic picture of the laser system and help with future analysis. To increase the value it is planned to incorporate the target area experimental diagnostics into the system and make the data available to participating experimenters anywhere around the world

    Design and testing of amplifiers for the CTF3 Photo-Injector Laser

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    Enhanced He-alpha emission from "smoked" Ti targets irradiated with 400nm, 45 fs laser pulses

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    We present a study of He-like 1s(2)-1s2p line emission from solid and low-density Ti targets under similar or equal to 45 fs laser pulse irradiation with a frequency doubled Ti: Sapphire laser. By varying the beam spot, the intensity on target was varied from 10(15) W/cm(2) to 10(19) W/cm(2). At best focus, low density "smoked" Ti targets yield similar to 20 times more He-alpha than the foil targets when irradiated at an angle of 45 degrees with s-polarized pulses. The duration of He-alpha emission from smoked targets, measured with a fast streak camera, was similar to that from Ti foils

    The PHIN photoinjector for the CTF3 Drive beam

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    A new photoinjector for the CTF3 drive beam has been designed and is now being constructed by a collaboration among LAL, CCLRC and CERN within PHIN, the second Joint Research Activity of CARE. The photoinjector will provide a train of 2332 pulses at 1.5 GHz with a complex timing structure (sub-trains of 212 pulses spaced from one another by 333 ps or 999 ps) to allow the frequency multiplication scheme, which is one of the features of CLIC, to be tested in CTF3. Each pulse of 2.33 nC will be emitted by a Cs2Te photocathode deposited by a co-evaporation process to allow high quantum efficiency in operation (>3% for a minimum of 40 h). The 3 GHz, 2 1/2 cell RF gun has a 2 port coupler to minimize emittance growth due to asymmetric fields, racetrack profile of the irises and two solenoids to keep the emittance at the output below 20 p.mm.mrad. The laser has to survive very high average powers both within the pulse train (15 kW) and overall (200 W before pulse slicing). Challenging targets are also for amplitude stability (<0.25% rms) and time jitter from pulse to pulse (<1ps rms). An offline test in a dedicated line is foreseen at CERN in 2007
