83 research outputs found

    Endogenous and exogenous stem cells: a role in lung repair and use in airway tissue engineering and transplantation

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    Rapid repair of the denuded alveolar surface after injury is a key to survival. The respiratory tract contains several sources of endogenous adult stem cells residing within the basal layer of the upper airways, within or near pulmonary neuroendocrine cell rests, at the bronchoalveolar junction, and within the alveolar epithelial surface, which contribute to the repair of the airway wall. Bone marrow-derived adult mesenchymal stem cells circulating in blood are also involved in tracheal regeneration. However, an organism is frequently incapable of repairing serious damage and defects of the respiratory tract resulting from acute trauma, lung cancers, and chronic pulmonary and airway diseases. Therefore, replacement of the tracheal tissue should be urgently considered. The shortage of donor trachea remains a major obstacle in tracheal transplantation. However, implementation of tissue engineering and stem cell therapy-based approaches helps to successfully solve this problem. To date, huge progress has been achieved in tracheal bioengineering. Several sources of stem cells have been used for transplantation and airway reconstitution in animal models with experimentally induced tracheal defects. Most tracheal tissue engineering approaches use biodegradable three-dimensional scaffolds, which are important for neotracheal formation by promoting cell attachment, cell redifferentiation, and production of the extracellular matrix. The advances in tracheal bioengineering recently resulted in successful transplantation of the world's first bioengineered trachea. Current trends in tracheal transplantation include the use of autologous cells, development of bioactive cell-free scaffolds capable of supporting activation and differentiation of host stem cells on the site of injury, with a future perspective of using human native sites as micro-niche for potentiation of the human body's site-specific response by sequential adding, boosting, permissive, and recruitment impulses

    Immunogenetics of Hashimoto's thyroiditis

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    Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) is an organ-specific T-cell mediated disease. It is a complex disease, with a strong genetic component. To date, significant progress has been made towards the identification and functional characterization of HT susceptibility genes. In this review, we will summarize the recent advances in our understanding of the genetic input to the pathogenesis of HT

    Lack of association between genetic markers on chromosome 16q22-Q24 and type 1 diabetes in Russian affected families

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    Aim To evaluate whether the T1D susceptibility locus on chromosome 16q contributes to the genetic susceptibility to T1D in Russian patients. Method Thirteen microsatellite markers, spanning a 47-centimorgan genomic region on 16q22-q24 were evaluated for linkage to T1D in 98 Russian multiplex families. Multipoint logarithm of odds (LOD) ratio (MLS) and nonparametric LOD (NPL) values were computed for each marker, using GENEHUNTER 2.1 software. Four microsatellites (D16S422, D16S504, D16S3037, and D16S3098) and 6 biallelic markers in 2 positional candidate genes, ICSBP1 and NQO1, were additionally tested for association with T1D in 114 simplex families, using transmission disequilibrium test (TDT). Results A peak of linkage (MLS = 1.35, NPL = 0.91) was shown for marker D16S750, but this was not significant (P = 0.18). The subsequent linkage analysis in the subset of 46 multiplex families carrying a common risk HLA-DR4 haplotype increased peak MLS and NPL values to 1.77 and 1.22, respectively, but showed no significant linkage (P = 0.11) to T1D in the 16q22-q24 genomic region. TDT analysis failed to find significant association between these markers and disease, even after the conditioning for the predisposing HLA-DR4 haplotype. Conclusion Our results did not support the evidence for the susceptibility locus to T1D on chromosome 16q22-24 in the Russian family data set. The lack of association could reflect genetic heterogeneity of type 1 diabetes in diverse ethnic groups

    Integrative genetic map of repetitive DNA in the sole Solea senegalensis genome shows a Rex transposon located in a proto-sex chromosome

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    Repetitive sequences play an essential role in the structural and functional evolution of the genome, particularly in the sexual chromosomes. The Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) is a valuable flatfish in aquaculture albeit few studies have addressed the mapping and characterization of repetitive DNA families. Here we analyzed the Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) and Transposable elements (TEs) content from fifty-seven BAC clones (spanning 7.9 Mb) of this species, located in chromosomes by multiple fluorescence in situ hybridization (m-BAC-FISH) technique. The SSR analysis revealed an average density of 675.1 loci per Mb and a high abundance (59.69%) of dinucleotide coverage was observed, being 'AC' the most abundant. An SSR-FISH analysis using eleven probes was also carried out and seven of the 11 probes yielded positive signals. 'AC' probes were present as large clusters in almost all chromosomes, supporting the bioinformatic analysis. Regarding TEs, DNA transposons (Class II) were the most abundant. In Class I, LINE elements were the most abundant and the hAT family was the most represented in Class II. Rex/Babar subfamily, observed in two BAC clones mapping to chromosome pair 1, showed the longest match. This chromosome pair has been recently reported as a putative sexual proto-chromosome in this species, highlighting the possible role of the Rex element in the evolution of this chromosome. In the Rex1 phylogenetic tree, the Senegalese sole Rex1 retrotransposon could be associated with one of the four major ancient lineages in fish genomes, in which it is included O. latipes

    T-cell protein tyrosine phosphatase: A role in inflammation and autoimmunity

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    AbstractA cDNA of PTPN2 encoding for T-cell protein tyrosine phosphate (TC-PTP) was isolated and characterized as long as 20years ago. However, findings suggesting a potentially exciting role of this enzyme in general autoimmunity have only recently been obtained. Genome-wide association scans of the human genome revealed the involvement of PTPN2 in susceptibility to a several autoimmune disorders such as Crohn’s disease, type 1 diabetes, and Graves’ disease. Functional studies in immune cells revealed a key role of this enzyme in down-regulation of cytokine expression and inflammatory response, which provides an essential background to explaining the pathophysiological role of TC-PTP in autoimmunity. Thus, in addition to PTPN22, PTPN2 is likely to represent a second member of the broad family of non-receptor PTPs contributing to general autoimmunity

    The role of miR-126 in embryonic angiogenesis, adult vascular homeostasis, and vascular repair and its alterations in atherosclerotic disease

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    Expression of microRNA (miR)-126 is enriched in endothelial cells (ECs) and endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs). MiR-126 is considered a master regulator of physiological angiogenesis. In embryonic vasculogenesis, this miRNA is involved in induction of angiogenic signaling, supports differentiation of embryonic stem cells to EPCs and ECs, and promotes EC maturation. However, in mature ECs and adult EPCs, miR-126 contributes to vascular homeostasis by inhibiting angiogenesis and maintaining the quiescent endothelial phenotype associated with increased vascular integrity and inhibited proliferation and motility. In a case of vessel injury and/or hypoxia, miR-126 up-regulation activates EPCs and ECs and contributes to vascular healing and neovessel formation. Indeed, miR-126 exhibits vasculoprotective and atheroprotective properties. The promising regenerative and proangiogenic potential of this miRNA will be helpful for development of cardioprotective strategies and cardiovascular repair therapies of myocardial infarction, heart failure, and other cardiovascular pathology

    Endothelial barrier and its abnormalities in cardiovascular disease

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    Endothelial cells (ECs) form a unique barrier between the vascular lumen and the vascular wall. In 33 addition, the endothelium is highly metabolically active. In cardiovascular disease such as 34 atherosclerosis and hypertension, normal endothelial function could be severely disturbed leading to 35 endothelial dysfunction that then could progress to complete and irreversible loss of EC functionality 36 and contribute to entire vascular dysfunction. Proatherogenic stimuli such as diabetes, dyslipidemia, 37 and oxidative stress could initiate endothelial dysfunction and in turn vascular dysfunction and lead 38 to the development of atherosclerotic arterial disease, a background for multiple cardiovascular 39 disorders including coronary artery disease, acute coronary syndrome, stroke, and thrombosis. 40 Intercellular junctions between ECs mediate the barrier function. Proinflammatory stimuli destabilize 41 the junctions causing the disruption of the endothelial barrier and increased junctional permeability. 42 This facilitates transendothelial migration of immune cells to the arterial intima and induction of 43 vascular inflammation. Proatherogenic stimuli attack endothelial microtubule function that is 44 regulated by acetylation of tubulin, an essential microtubular constituent. Chemical modification of 45 tubulin caused by cardiometabolic risk factors and oxidative stress leads to reorganization of 46 endothelial microtubules. These changes destabilize vascular integrity and increase permeability, 47 which finally results in increasing cardiovascular risk

    Heterogeneity of Tregs and the complexity in the IL-12 cytokine family signaling in driving T-cell immune responses in atherosclerotic vessels

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    The importance of immune inflammation in the development and progression of atherosclerotic lesions is well recognized. Accumulated evidence shows striking features of heterogeneity of regulatory T cells (Tregs) and the importance of the IL-12 cytokine family in regulation of Tregs in atherogenesis. The present review briefly summarized the current knowledge about the impact of the IL-12 cytokine family in regulation of immune processes in atherogenesis

    Effects of shear stress on endothelial cells : go with the flow

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    Haemodynamic forces influence the functional properties of vascular endothelium. Endothelial cells (ECs) have a variety of receptors, which sense flow and transmit mechanical signals through mechanosensitive signalling pathways to recipient molecules that lead to phenotypic and functional changes. Arterial architecture varies greatly exhibiting bifurcations, branch points and curved regions, which are exposed to various flow patterns. Clinical studies showed that atherosclerotic plaques develop preferentially at arterial branches and curvatures, that is in the regions exposed to disturbed flow and shear stress. In the atheroprone regions, the endothelium has a proinflammatory phenotype associated with low nitric oxide production, reduced barrier function and increased proadhesive, procoagulant and proproliferative properties. Atheroresistant regions are exposed to laminar flow and high shear stress that induce prosurvival antioxidant signals and maintain the quiescent phenotype in ECs. Indeed, various flow patterns contribute to phenotypic and functional heterogeneity of arterial endothelium whose response to proatherogenic stimuli is differentiated. This may explain the preferential development of endothelial dysfunction in arterial sites with disturbed flow
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