75 research outputs found

    NĂ­vel de atividade fĂ­sica em mulheres com cĂąncer de mama que realizaram treinamento combinado

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    Introdução. A prevalĂȘncia de pacientes com cĂąncer de mama cresce alarmantemente e os efeitos colaterais do tratamento influenciam na capacidade funcional das pacientes. Objetivo. Avaliar a influĂȘncia do treinamento combinado (TC) na atividade laboral, nĂ­vel de atividade fĂ­sica e efeitos adversos. MĂ©todos. Estudo piloto controlado com 28 pacientes em tratamento de cĂąncer de mama (30 a 59 anos), sendo alocadas em Grupo Experimental (GE), onde realizaram TC (aerĂłbico+resistido e flexibilidade) em 12 semanas e o Grupo Controle (GC) nĂŁo realizou TC. Resultados. As pacientes do GE apresentaram aumento no nĂ­vel de atividade fĂ­sica (p=0,0086), diferente do GC que nĂŁo obteve diferença significativa (p=0,1573). Os efeitos adversos apresentaram diferença significativa (p=0,0056) entre os grupos apĂłs 12 semanas de TC, contrĂĄrio da atividade laboral que nĂŁo apresentou diferença significativa (p=0,065). ConclusĂŁo. O TC foi eficaz para aumento do nĂ­vel de atividade fĂ­sica em pacientes com neoplasias da mama

    Efeito da incorporação de amaranto nas propriedades físicas e no valor nutritivo do pão de queijo

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    At the present celiac disease has no known cure, and its only treatment is a strict lifelong adherence to a gluten-free diet. Cheese bread is a traditional Brazilian product and a safe option for celiacs. However, like other gluten-free breads, it has inherent low levels of fibers and minerals. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of incorporation of whole amaranth flour on the physical properties and nutritional value of cheese bread. Amaranth flour was incorporated at 10, 15, and 20% proportions in different formulations. The increasing amaranth levels darkened the product, reduced specific volume, and increased compression force. Ten percent amaranth-content cheese breads exhibited slight differences in physical properties compared with the controls. These results demonstrated the possibility of incorporating 10% of whole amaranth flour in the formulation of cheese bread resulting in a product with higher dietary fiber and iron contents and the same level of acceptance as that of the conventional formulation. The aim of this approach is to increase the availability of gluten-free bakery products with added nutritional value contributing to increase the variety of the diet of celiac patients.A doença celĂ­aca nĂŁo tem cura e apresenta como Ășnico tratamento a dieta isenta de glĂșten. O pĂŁo de queijo, produto tradicional brasileiro, Ă© uma opção para pessoas com doença celĂ­aca. Entretanto, assim como os demais pĂŁes sem glĂșten, possui baixos teores de fibras e minerais. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da incorporação de farinha de amaranto integral nas propriedades fĂ­sicas e no valor nutritivo do pĂŁo de queijo. A farinha de amaranto foi incorporada em 10, 15 e 20% das formulaçÔes. O aumento dos nĂ­veis de amaranto ocasionou: escurecimento do produto, redução do volume especĂ­fico e aumento da força de compressĂŁo. PĂŁes contendo 10% de amaranto apresentaram ligeiras diferenças nas propriedades fĂ­sicas em relação ao controle. Os resultados mostram a possibilidade de incorporar 10% de farinha de amaranto integral na formulação de pĂŁo de queijo, resultando em um produto com maiores nĂ­veis de fibra alimentar e de ferro e com o mesmo nĂ­vel de aceitação quando comparado ao convencional. Este tipo de abordagem visa o aumento da disponibilidade de produtos de panificação sem glĂșten e com valor nutricional agregado, podendo contribuir para uma maior variação da dieta dos celĂ­acos.Fundação de Amparo Ă  Pesquisa do Estado de SĂŁo Paulo (FAPESP)Universidade de SĂŁo Paulo Faculdade de SaĂșde PĂșblica Departamento de NutriçãoUniversidade Federal de SĂŁo Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    Color stability evaluation of micro hybrid composite resins submitted to accelerated artificial aging

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    Objective: The aesthetics of dental materials is extremely important for the success of oral rehabilitation. Thus, in the present study we evaluated the color stability and the surface degradation of three micro hybrid composite resins after accelerated artificial aging process (AAA). Methods: Were prepared 24 specimens (n=8) for each material: Solidex, Artglass and Cesead, dimensions of Ø 15 mm by 2 mm in thickness. The samples were subjected to color analysis, before and after AAA, in a spectrophotometer according to the CIE L*a*b* parameters, and a sample of each material, was selected for morphological evaluation under scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The data were submitted to one-way ANOVA and Tukey test (α=0.05). Results: Artglass showed higher stability regarding the presence of red and yellow (p<0.05) when subjected to the AAA and fewer of these pigments (p<0.05) when compared to the Cesead and Solidex, which showed the highest luminance stability (p<0.05). ΔE Cesead was the most unstable (p<0.05). All resins analyzed by SEM showed superficial degradation when submitted to the AAA, mainly in resin Cesead. Conclusion: All materials analyzed demonstrate color change and surface degradation, Cesead resin showed the worse results

    Development of a novel resin with antimicrobial properties for dental application

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    The adhesion of biofilm on dental prostheses is a prerequisite for the occurrence of oral diseases. Objective: To assess the antimicrobial activity and the mechanical properties of an acrylic resin embedded with nanostructured silver vanadate (ÎČ-AgVO3). Material and Methods: The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of ÎČ-AgVO3 was studied in relation to the species Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853, and Candida albicans ATCC 10231. The halo zone of inhibition method was performed in triplicate to determine the inhibitory effect of the modified self-curing acrylic resin Dencor Lay - ClĂĄssicoÂź. The surface hardness and compressive strength were examined. The specimens were prepared according to the percentage of ÎČ-AgVO3 (0%-control, 0.5%, 1%, 2.5%, 5%, and 10%), with a sample size of 9x2 mm for surface hardness and antimicrobial activity tests, and 8x4 mm for the compression test. The values of the microbiologic analysis were compared and evaluated using the Kruskal-Wallis test (α=0.05); the mechanical analysis used the Shapiro-Wilk's tests, Levene's test, ANOVA (one-way), and Tukey's test (α=0.05). Results: The addition of 10% ÎČ-AgVO3 promoted antimicrobial activity against all strains. The antimicrobial effect was observed at a minimum concentration of 1% for P. aeruginosa, 2.5% for S. aureus, 5% for C. albicans, and 10% for S. mutans. Surface hardness and compressive strength increased significantly with the addition of 0.5% ÎČ-AgVO3 (p;0.05). Conclusions: The incorporation of ÎČ-AgVO3 has the potential to promote antimicrobial activity in the acrylic resin. At reduced rates, it improves the mechanical properties, and, at higher rates, it does not promote changes in the control

    Efeito da incorporação de amaranto nas propriedades físicas e no valor nutritivo do pão de queijo

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    At the present celiac disease has no known cure, and its only treatment is a strict lifelong adherence to a gluten-free diet. Cheese bread is a traditional Brazilian product and a safe option for celiacs. However, like other gluten-free breads, it has inherent low levels of fibers and minerals. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of incorporation of whole amaranth flour on the physical properties and nutritional value of cheese bread. Amaranth flour was incorporated at 10, 15, and 20% proportions in different formulations. The increasing amaranth levels darkened the product, reduced specific volume, and increased compression force. Ten percent amaranth-content cheese breads exhibited slight differences in physical properties compared with the controls. These results demonstrated the possibility of incorporating 10% of whole amaranth flour in the formulation of cheese bread resulting in a product with higher dietary fiber and iron contents and the same level of acceptance as that of the conventional formulation. The aim of this approach is to increase the availability of gluten-free bakery products with added nutritional value contributing to increase the variety of the diet of celiac patients

    Qualidade de vida de cuidadores de crianças com microcefalia / Quality of life of careers of children with microcephaly

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    A qualidade de vida (QV) compreende questĂ”es intrĂ­nsecas e extrĂ­nsecas da vida cotidiana tornando-as abrangentes e diferenciadas. Em crianças com microcefalia essas questĂ”es impactam na QV dos seus cuidadores e refletem nos aspectos clĂ­nicos das mesmas. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a qualidade de vida dos cuidadores de crianças com microcefalia. Trata-se de um estudo transversal descritivo, realizado com crianças com diagnĂłstico mĂ©dico de microcefalia, de 0 e 2 anos de idade atendidas em um Centro de ReferĂȘncia em Neurodesenvolvimento, AssistĂȘncia e Reabilitação. O QuestionĂĄrio de Avaliação de Qualidade de Vida Abreviado (WHOQOL-bref) e o InquĂ©rito nutricional de crianças menores de cinco anos de idade–SISVAN, adaptado pelos pesquisadores, foram utilizados nas coletas. Os dados foram tabulados no Excel 2010Âź e analisados no Stata 14.0. A QV dos cuidadores quanto a satisfação com a saĂșde (17,27%), percepção da QV (18,08%) e no DomĂ­nio Meio Ambiente (52,83%), apresentaram os menores percentuais. Prevaleceram cuidadores do gĂȘnero feminino (95,29%), sendo a mĂŁe a principal cuidadora (91,76%) e responsĂĄvel pelo domicilio (58,82%), equivalĂȘncia entre solteiros e casados (43,53%), da cor parda/mulata/morena (75,29%), com ensino mĂ©dio completo (69,41%), nĂŁo trabalhavam (79,52%) e recebiam BenefĂ­cio de Prestação Continuada (67,06%). Conclui-se que os cuidadores de crianças com microcefalia apontaram insatisfação com a saĂșde, com a autopercepção de qualidade de vida e com o meio ambiente

    Fitonematoides associados Ă  cultura do coentro / Phytonematodes associated with coriander culture

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    O coentro (Coriandrum sativum L.), pertencente Ă  famĂ­lia Apiaceae, Ă© uma hortaliça-condimento de ciclo anual vastamente consumida e utilizada na culinĂĄria do Brasil. O dano ocasionado pela ocorrĂȘncia de fitonematoides em ĂĄreas de produção agrĂ­cola Ă© bastante variĂĄvel, dependendo de diversos fatores. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo identificar os gĂȘneros de fitonematoides associados ĂĄ cultura do coentro Coriandrum sativum L no municĂ­pio de Lagoa Seca – PB e determinar se a densidade populacional de nematoides influencia no desenvolvimento das plantas de coentro. Foram feitas coletas de solo e parte aĂ©rea de plantas de coentro em 16 propriedades rurais localizadas no municĂ­pio de Lagoa Seca-PB. A extração dos nematoides foi conduzida no LaboratĂłrio de Nematologia da Universidade Federal da ParaĂ­ba – Campus II. Onde utilizou-se a tĂ©cnica de flotação centrĂ­fuga em solução de sacarose. Foram identificados trĂȘs gĂȘneros de nematoides nas anĂĄlises de solos coletadas nas propriedades. O nematoide do gĂȘnero Rotylenchulus sp. que foi encontrado nas 16 propriedades amostradas, o gĂȘnero Helicotylenchus sp., e o gĂȘnero Trichodorus sp.

    Primary care and vaccination: challenges and contributions for the Brazilian population

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    The present research delimited as objective to carry out an investigation on the challenges encountered by Primary Health Care and its Contributions with regard to vaccination for the control and immunization of the population. It is essential to consider contemporary narratives - national and international - that orbit around the central axis “Primary care and vaccination”, which consisted of: immunization; population management; quality of life; contributions; challenges and vaccine coverage, in a timeline from 2019 to 2022. As challenges, we deal with disinformation, or even fake news, which confuse the population, leading them to disbelieve in the vaccine potential. Finally, we analyze what have been the main contributions of primary care to improve the implementation of vaccine management. We resort to portals such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the Ministry of Health of Brazil and articles from the Vitrual Health Library to strengthen that, in Primary Health Care, vaccination services offer important evaluation indicators, which have been demonstrating, as over time, the contribution of vaccination actions to the health sector, characterizing them as one of the most rewarding, in view of the impact on disease control
