26 research outputs found

    QTL analysis of seed germination and pre-emergence growth at extreme temperatures in Medicago truncatula

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    Enhancing the knowledge on the genetic basis of germination and heterotrophic growth at extreme temperatures is of major importance for improving crop establishment. A quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis was carried out at sub- and supra-optimal temperatures at these early stages in the model Legume Medicago truncatula. On the basis of an ecophysiological model framework, two populations of recombinant inbred lines were chosen for the contrasting behaviours of parental lines: LR5 at sub-optimal temperatures (5 or 10°C) and LR4 at a supra-optimal temperature (20°C). Seed masses were measured in all lines. For LR5, germination rates and hypocotyl growth were measured by hand, whereas for LR4, imbibition and germination rates as well as early embryonic axis growth were measured using an automated image capture and analysis device. QTLs were found for all traits. The phenotyping framework we defined for measuring variables, distinguished stages and enabled identification of distinct QTLs for seed mass (chromosomes 1, 5, 7 and 8), imbibition (chromosome 4), germination (chromosomes 3, 5, 7 and 8) and heterotrophic growth (chromosomes 1, 2, 3 and 8). The three QTL identified for hypocotyl length at sub-optimal temperature explained the largest part of the phenotypic variation (60% together). One digenic interaction was found for hypocotyl width at sub-optimal temperature and the loci involved were linked to additive QTLs for hypocotyl elongation at low temperature. Together with working on a model plant, this approach facilitated the identification of genes specific to each stage that could provide reliable markers for assisting selection and improving crop establishment. With this aim in view, an initial set of putative candidate genes was identified in the light of the role of abscissic acid/gibberellin balance in regulating germination at high temperatures (e.g. ABI4, ABI5), the molecular cascade in response to cold stress (e.g. CBF1, ICE1) and hypotheses on changes in cell elongation (e.g. GASA1, AtEXPA11) with changes in temperatures based on studies at the whole plant scale

    Characterization and analysis of the genetic diversity in the core collection of red clover(Trifolium pratense L.) by morfhological, molecular and biochemical markers

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    O trevo vermelho é uma das leguminosas forrageiras mais utilizadas na agricultura mundial sendo adaptada a um grande número de condições edafo-climáticas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi de avaliar a diversidade genética presente na coleção nuclear de trevo vermelho usando marcadores morfológicos, moleculares e bioquímicos. Os acessos de trevo vermelho da coleção nuclear do NPGS-USDA foram analisados com 21 marcadores morfológicos, 14 loci microsatélites (SSR), 114 marcadores RAPD e 15 loci isoenzimáticos (esterase). Os marcadores moleculares, utilizados pela primeira vez na coleção nuclear, juntamente com os marcadores morfológicos e bioquímicos evidenciaram a alta diversidade genética presente na espécie, principalmente ao nível intrapopulacional. A análise de agrupamentos realizada com os dados morfológicos revelou cinco grupos distintos em relação ao florescimento precoce, médio e tardio, bem como grupos que mostraram maior persistência e produção nas condições do sul do Brasil. Um total de 78 fragmentos (SSR) foi analisado e um PIC variando de 0,70 a 0,91 com média de 0,86 foi obtido. A distância média de Rogers, baseada nos 78 fragmentos SSR, foi de 0,49. A similaridade média de Jaccard baseada nos 114 fragmentos RAPD foi de 0,21 e permitiu a identificação de todos os acessos. A heterozigosidade média (He) baseada nos dados isoenzimáticos foi de He = 0,238 e a distância média de Rogers foi de 0,14. Os dados isoenzimáticos classificaram os acessos em quatro grupos. Os grupos encontrados não separam os acessos conforme a origem geográfica ou tipo de população (cultivar, selvagem e variedade local). No entanto, algumas concordâncias foram encontradas entre as análises, uma vez que as cultivares do norte da Europa foram agrupadas em ambos os tipos de análise. Os resultados encontrados aqui evidenciaram uma grande e complexa diversidade genética na coleção nuclear de trevo vermelho. Além disso, mostraram algumas populações promissoras que podem ser usadas em programas de melhoramento de trevo vermelho no Brasil.Red clover is one of the most utilized leguminous forage species in the world agriculture being adapted to a great number of edaphic-climatic conditions. The objective of this work was to evaluate the genetic diversity in the core collection of red clover using morphologic, molecular and biochemical traits. The accessions of red clover from the core collection of NPGS-USDA were analyzed with 21 morphological characters, 14 microsatellite loci (SSR), with 114 RAPD markers and with 15 loci of isozyme (esterase) markers. The molecular markers, used for the first time in the core collection, together with the morphological and biochemical markers pointed out for the high genetic diversity present in the species, mostly at the intrapopulational level. The cluster analysis of the morphological data revealed five distinct clusters that separated early, medium and wild blooming types as well as groups with more persistence and high dry matter production in the Southern Brazilian conditions. A total of 78 fragments (SSR) were scored and the PIC ranged from 0.70 to 0.91 with 0.86 as mean value. The mean Rogers’ genetic distance based on the 78 SSR markers was 0.49. The Jaccard’s similarity based on 114 RAPD markers was 0.21 and allowed the identification of all accessions. The mean expected heterozygosity (He), based on isozyme data, was He = 0.238 and the mean Rogers’ genetic distance was 0.14. Isozyme data clustered the accessions of red clover in four groups. The clusters found with morphological and biochemical markers were not separated according to their geographic origin or type of populations (cultivar, wild or landrace). However, some coincidences between analyses were found once cultivars from north Europe were clustered in both types of analyze. The results found here evidenced the high and complex diversity in red clover core collection. Indeed, they highlighted some promising populations that could be used in the Brazilian breeding programs of red clover

    Caracterização de espécies brasileiras de Adesmia DC. por RAPD

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    Dentro do gênero Adesmia, as técnicas moleculares ainda não foram empregadas na caracterização de germoplasma e na análise da diversidade genética das espécies brasileiras que compôem o gênero. Portanto os objetivos deste trabalho foram: caracterizar, com a utilização de marcador molecular do tipo RAPD, as espécies brasileiras do gênero Adesmia DC; com base nestas informações estabelecer relações de diversidade genética entre as espécies e os acessos analisados; relacionar dados de diversidade com dados morfológicos e de reprodução