102 research outputs found

    A constituição da dimensão ética da identidade docente sob a lente da teoria disposicionalista

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    Tese (doutorado) — Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Instituto de Química, Instituto de Física, Faculdade UnB Planaltina, Faculdade de Educação, 2022.Boa parte das investigações sobre Ética Docente tem caráter normativo. Nossa investigação vai no caminho contrário, de identificar os princípios incorporados pelos indivíduos a partir de suas experiências socializantes que geram reflexões sobre as decisões de cunho moral realizadas por professores em seus contextos profissionais e, portanto, constituem a dimensão ética de suas identidades docentes. Para lançarmos um olhar diverso sobre esse assunto, nos servimos da teoria disposicionalista, partindo do conceito de habitus de Pierre Bourdieu, de disposição de Bernard Lahire. Associamos à essa teoria a noção de homem plural de Lahire e algumas características da identidade profissional docente. Utilizamos também como fundamentos o conceito de Ética como reflexão sobre a moral e apresentamos algumas teorias éticas que se mostraram pertinentes no decorrer da pesquisa. A metodologia utilizada em nossa investigação foi baseada em um dispositivo teóricometodológico inédito elaborado por Lahire, os Retratos Sociológicos. Construímos Retratos Sociológicos de três professores de Química do Ensino Médio: Antônio, Daniela e Marcos. Por meio desses, reconstruímos algumas disposições e princípios éticos inculcados por suas experiências socializadoras. A análise das relações entre essas disposições e princípios nos permitiu afirmar que eles são constituintes da dimensão ética da identidade docente de nossos investigados.A good part of the investigations on Teacher’s Ethics have a normative character. Our investigation goes in the opposite direction, identifying the principles incorporated by individuals from their socializing experiences that generate reflections on the moral decisions made by teachers in their professional contexts and, therefore, constitute the ethical dimension of their teaching identities. To take a distinctive look at this subject, we use the dispositionalist theory, starting from Pierre Bourdieu's concept of habitus and Bernard Lahire's disposition. We associate to this theory Lahire's notion of plural man and some characteristics of the teaching professional identity. We also used as foundations the concept of Ethics as a reflection on morality and we present some ethical theories that proved to be relevant during the research. The methodology used in our methodology was based on an unprecedented theoretical-methodological device developed by Lahire, the Sociological Portraits. We constructed Sociological Portraits of three High School Chemistry teachers: Antônio, Daniela and Marcos. Through these, we reconstructed some dispositions and ethical principles inculcated by their socializing experiences. The analysis of the relationships between these dispositions and principles allowed us to affirm that they are constituents of the ethical dimension of the teaching identity of our subjects

    Construção de uma matriz curricular integrada para o ensino médio : um caminho para a recontextualização consciente do currículo

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Instituto de Física, Instituto de Química, Faculdade UnB Planaltina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Ciências, Mestrado Profissionalizante em Ensino de Ciências, 2015.O currículo de grande parte das instituições educacionais de Ensino Médio encontra-se desconectado da realidade social da comunidade em que essas estão inseridas. Uma das causas desse distanciamento pode estar relacionada à passividade com que o corpo docente das instituições recebe e recontextualiza as orientações curriculares elaboradas em conjunto por grupos técnicos, governos federal e estaduais. Parte dos educadores de Ensino Médio possuem entendimento superficial dos conceitos de currículo e de integração curricular, o que restringe as discussões desses nas escolas e limita o alcance das diretrizes curriculares nacionais e estaduais. As orientações propostas nas mais recentes Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Médio (DCNEM) apontam a interação entre os conhecimentos formais como fundamental para a formação integral de jovens. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar o processo reflexivo coletivo da elaboração de pontos de integração curricular como passo inicial para a construção de uma matriz curricular integrada para o primeiro ano do Ensino Médio, baseada nas DCNEM e no Currículo em Movimento (diretrizes curriculares para o Ensino Médio do Distrito Federal) e contando com a participação do corpo docente e discente de uma escola pública de Ensino Médio do Distrito Federal. A metodologia utilizada durante o trabalho foi a pesquisa qualitativa colaborativa, pelo entendimento de que a voz do professor é valiosa e o diálogo, característica inerente dessa metodologia, essencial à efetividade do processo. O espaço/tempo da Coordenação Pedagógica foi o escolhido para a realização da pesquisa, visto ser o local apropriado para que o planejamento pedagógico coletivo seja desenvolvido. O trabalho foi realizado no decurso do segundo semestre de 2014 e primeiro semestre de 2015. O curso semanal de formação continuada do Pacto Nacional pelo Fortalecimento do Ensino Médio oferecido aos educadores da escola durante parte da pesquisa nos forneceu valioso aporte teórico. A metodologia foi desenvolvida por meio da aplicação de um questionário inicial sobre as percepções dos professores sobre conceitos como currículo e integração curricular cujas respostas foram transformadas em um texto colaborativo, um questionário para os estudantes sobre seus interesses de aprendizagem, a construção individual por parte dos professores de um quadro em que os possíveis pontos de integração foram identificados e a elaboração em grupo das ações integradoras com base nas respostas dadas por professores e estudantes às atividades propostas. Ressalto que o trabalho é apenas um passo inicial no caminho de uma matriz curricular integrada que valorize a opinião de educadores e educandos na busca de formação humana integral.The High School curriculum of a major part of the educational institutions is disconnected from the social reality of the community in which these are located. One of the causes of this gap may be related to the passivity which the faculty of these institutions receives and reframes the curriculum guidelines developed jointly by technical groups, federal and state governments and . Part of high school educators have superficial understanding of curriculum concepts and curriculum integration, which restricts these discussions in schools and limits the scope of national and state curriculum guidelines. The guidelines proposed in the latest Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Médio (DCNEM) show the interaction between the formal knowledge as fundamental to the integral formation of young people. The objective of this study is to report the collective reflective process involved in the construction of curriculum integration points as a first step to building an integrated curriculum for the first year of high school, based on DCNEM and the Currículo em Movimento (curriculum guidelines for the High School in the Distrito Federal) with the participation of teachers and students from a public high school in the Distrito Federal. The methodology used for the study was the collaborative qualitative research, based on the belief that the teacher's voice is valuable and dialogue, inherent characteristic of this methodology, essential to the effectiveness of the process. The space-time of Pedagogical Coordination was chosen for the research, since this is the appropriate place for the development of collective pedagogical planning. The study was conducted during the second half of 2014 and first half of 2015. The weekly course of continuous formation of the Pacto Nacional pelo Fortalecimento do Ensino Médio offered to schoolteachers during part of the research provided us with valuable theoretical contribution. The methodology was developed through the application of an initial survey on the perceptions of teachers about concepts like curriculum and curriculum integration whose answers were transformed into a collaborative text, a questionnaire for students learning about their interests, individual construction by the teachers of a framework in which the possible integration points have been identified and the elaboration of the integrative actions based on answers given by teachers and students to the proposed activities. I emphasize that the research is only an initial step towards an integrated curriculum that values the opinion of teachers and students in the pursuit of integral human formation

    Big data: questões éticas e legais emergentes

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    Este artigo apresenta e discute questões de cunho ético e legais associadas ao fenômeno do Big Data, contextualizando esse conceito. Introduz questões éticas pertinentes ao Big Data conforme discutido pelo autor Kord Davis na obra intitulada Ethics of Big Data. A metodologia da pesquisa caracteriza-se por ser bibliográfica, exploratória e de cunho qualitativo. Com relação às questões de ordem ética relacionadas ao Big Data, entende-se que podem ser abordadas através do alinhamento das necessidades dos usuários em conjunto com as das organizações. No que tange à discussão jurídica, apresenta os principais desafios para os governos e sociedades e, em particular, coteja esses desafios com o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Ao final, conclui-se que o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro e suas instituições devem se adequar melhor aos vários desafios impostos pela era da informação

    A case study on Cultural Tourism in Porto Nacional, Tocantins (Brazil)

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    Nesse estudo se propõe discutir as ações que embasam a prática e a existência do Turismo Cultural na cidade de Porto Nacional no estado do Tocantins (Brasil). Discute-se a prática do desenvolvimento do turismo cultural urbano com o fim de facilitar a promoção das atividades turísticas na cidade. A metodologia consistiu na aplicação de um questionário1 aos turistas que visitaram a Catedral Nossa Senhora das Mercês e o Museu Histórico e Cultural no período referente ao mês de julho e dezembro de 2013, com objetivo de conhecer o símbolo mais representativo considerado ponto turístico e/ou histórico para os turistas. Ao segundo grupo, os moradores do centro histórico da cidade de Porto Nacional, Tocantins, em especifico, a área tombada, foram feitas entrevistas2. Para esse grupo, foram realizadas entrevistas a respeito da participação dos moradores no processo de patrimonialização do Centro Histórico da cidade de Porto Nacional–TO e a opinião sobre a prática do turismo cultural na cidade. No decorrer da análise chegou-se conclusão do ponto de vista dos turistas quanto a existência do turismo cultural na cidade e o ponto de vista dos moradores quanto a participação do processo de tombamento e a existência do turismo cultural.This study aims to discuss the actions that support the practice and the existence of Cultural Tourism in Porto Nacional, a city in the state of Tocantins, Brazil. It discusses the development practice of urban cultural tourism in order to facilitate the promotion of tourist activities in the city. The methodology consisted in the application of a questionnaire to the tourists who visited the Nossa Senhora das Mercês Cathedral and the Historical and Cultural Museum in the period of July and December 2013, in order to know the most representative symbol considered tourist point and/or Historic for tourists. To the second group, the residents of the historic center in Porto Nacional were interviewed, specifically, those from the heritage-listed area. These interviews were about the participation of the residents in the patrimonialization process of the Historic Center of Porto Nacional, and what their opinion on the cultural tourism practice in this city. During the analysis, a conclusion was reached about the tourists’ opinion regarding the existence of cultural tourism in the city as well as the residents’ point of view concerning their participation in the heritage process, and the existence of cultural tourism

    CT-based diagnosis of bronchial stenosis after lung transplantation

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    Introduction: Among all types of transplant complications, that related to airway anastomosis, such as stenosis is still uncertain¹². Starting by the difficulty in diagnosis, such as the low precision of bronchoscopy, high cost and invasive test. This article purpose a precise and non-invasive diagnostic method of bronchial stenosis after lung transplantation based on three measures got from a reconstruction of thorax computerized tomography (CT) using a software called TeraRecon. Objective: The anastomosis index (AI), ratio of the area of the bronchial cross-section at the site of the anastomosis to the arithmetic mean of the cross-sectional areas 5 mm upstream and 5 mm downstream, obtained from reconstruction of a thorax CT has direct correlation with the bronchoscopic and clinical diagnosis of bronchial stenosis. Methods: Were obtained all cases of clinical and bronchoscopic diagnosed bronchial stenosis after lung  transplantation at Heart Institute of University of São Paulo, between 2003 and 2016 (n=8). Another 8 patients, without any signs of stenosis, were selected to the control group. After that, the closest CT from the diagnostic was obtained and reconstructed using the software Terarecon, which is capable to find the exact area of any point of a cylindrical structure chosen by the operator. Then, three areas were obtained: 5mm before, at the anastomosis and 5mm after. Were calculated the Anastomosis Index (AI), which is the ratio between the area of anastomosis, and the arithmetic average of the areas 5mm before and 5mm after the anastomosis. After that, the data was confronted to variation of best FEV1 from transplantation to chosen CT and the FEV1 closest to the chosen CT. Results: As expected, in patients without bronchial stenosis, the area of the bronchi cross- section decreases linearly as it moves from proximal to distal in the bronchial tree, the AI in these cases tends to 1. Whereas, when there is no decay linear, that is, there is bronchial stenosis at the anastomosis, the AI was less than 1. There was a significant difference between AI in stenosis group (n=8, M = 0.387, SD = 0.151) and control group (n=8, M = 0.850, SD = 0.091). t(16)= -7.893 p < 0.001. This findings were supported by mean reduction of FEV1 in 17.71% and median 19.81% on stenosis group and mean reduction of 5.45%, and median 5.35% on control group. Besides that, the values undergone in a t-test, which returned a t-value = 2.879 with a p-value = 0.0129. The result is significant at p < 0.05. Conclusion: The Anastomosis Index can be useful in diagnosis of bronchial stenosis after lung transplantation, it is harmless and subsequently may help as a basis for new studies involving treatments. It is worth mentioning that is also a rational use of resources, since lower costs are generated by the CT analysis than performing a bronchoscopy, besides not requiring hospitalization and sedation, taking into account that these patients presents greater risks by the immunosuppression and other comorbidities.Supplemental Material Figure 1. Shown in red, the three points of measure used to calculate the Anastomosis index Figure 2: Boxplot showing distribuition of Anastomosis Index in control and stenosis group Figure 3: Boxplot showing the diferences in percentages between FEV1 in stenosis and control group References Margreiter R. History of lung and heart-lung transplantation, with special emphasis on German-speaking countries. Transplant Proc. 2016;48(8):2779-81. Hardy The first lung transplant in man (1963) and the first heart transplant in man (1964). Transplant Proc. 1999;31:25-9. Derom F, Barbier F, Ringoir S, Versieck J, Rolly G, Berzsenyi G, Vermeire P, Vrints L.Ten-month survival after lung homotransplantation in man. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1971;61(6):835-46. Awori Hayanga JW, Aboagye JK, Shigemura N, Hayanga HK, Murphy E, Khaghani A,D;Cunha J. Airway complications after lung transplantation: Contemporary survival and outcomes. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2016;35(10):1206-11. Fonseca HV, Iuamoto LR, Minamoto H, Abdalla LG, Fernandes LM, Camargo PC, Samano MN, Pêgo-Fernandes PM. Stents for bronchial stenosis after lung transplantation: should they be removed? Transplant Proc. 2015;47(4):1029-32. Kraft BD, Suliman HB, Colman EC, Mahmood K, Hartwig MG, Piantadosi CA, Shofer SL. Hypoxic gene expression of donor bronchi linked to airway complications after lung transplantation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2016;193(5):552-60

    A comparison of two bronchial anastomotic techniques in lung transplantation by means of tridimensional tomographic analysis:: the bronchial anastomotic index

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    Background: The objective of this study was to compare two different techniques of bronchial anastomosis in lungtransplant, assessing differences in bronchial narrowing post-surgery.Methods: The surgical team at our center switched between simple stitches to continuous suture to anastomose the anterior bronchial wall in lung transplant procedures. CT scans of the patients obtained three months after the surgery were subject to analysis. The cross section area of the airway at the point of anastomosis was compared with an average of the cross sections of the bronchus 5mm proximal and distal to the point of anastomosis, determining the anastomotic index (AI). Data of 32 bronchi anastomosed with continuous suture from 19 patients were compared to data of 37 bronchi anastomosedwith interrupted suture from 20 patients.Results: Multivariate analysis showed significant difference in bronchial diameter reduction between patients subjected to the two techniques, with no difference between the two sides in any of the groups. The bronchi anastomosed with simple stitches had a significantly larger AI than those anastomosed with running suture (mean AI 0.98 vs 0.82, p < 0.001). A significantly larger number of bronchi subjected to this method had their AI greater than 1 comparing to bronchi anastomosed with a running suture (13 vs 1, p < 0.001).Discussion: The use of simple stitches to join the anterior bronchial wall surpasses a running suture in terms of bronchial narrowing. The interrupted suture technique seems to result in a mechanical widening at the point of anastomosis

    Are eucalyptus harvest residues a truly burden-free biomass source for bioenergy? A deeper look into biorefinery process design and Life Cycle Assessment

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    With the advent of RenovaBio, Brazil has cast a new light towards the life cycle of cellulosic ethanol. Once considered a resource intensive alternative pathway to achieve the same biofuel, second-generation approaches can now provide an economic advantage due to their potentially lower carbon footprint. The exploration of lignocellulosic harvest residues to this end can be beneficial, since productivity can be increased while not expanding cultivated areas. Eucalyptus forest residues are an example, result of logging and harvest procedures, being a low-cost and readily available biomass. Through an integrated biorefinery process simulation and a Life Cycle Assessment of the coproduction of ethanol and electricity, it was analyzed whether forestry burden is truly relevant when exploring this material, identifying technical and environmental bottlenecks. The biorefinery design implementation of anaerobic digestion and energy integration allowed a productivity boost of 20% for ethanol and 115% for electricity. With a 80 km collection radius, an annual production capacity of 30.3 ML could be achieved in the Campinas region. Enzymes were identified as the main environmental hotspot, but inconsistent published datasets and lack of transparency lead to inconclusive results regarding this input. While the burden associated with the lignocellulosic feedstock is relevant in most impact categories, the main bottleneck resides within the biorefinery itself, with inputs related to pretreatment and hydrolysis, boiler emissions and water consumption. Nevertheless, eucalyptus harvest residues cannot be considered a burden-free resource, since additional operations such as retrieval and transportation cannot be dismissed and often surpasses the impact potential of the aforementioned forestry activities.</p

    Wheat genotypes response to inoculation of diazotrophic bacteria in field conditions

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, em condições de campo, o efeito e a viabilidade econômica da inoculação de novos isolados homólogos de bactérias diazotróficas endofíticas, sob diferentes doses de nitrogênio, em dois genótipos de trigo, em duas localidades. Foram utilizados: três isolados de bactérias diazotróficas endofíticas (IAC-AT-8, Azospirillum brasilense; IAC-HT-11, Achromobacter insolitus; IAC-HT-12, Zoogloea ramigera), dois genótipos de trigo (ITD-19 e IAC-370) e três doses de N, na forma de uréia (0, 60 e 120 kg ha-1). No estádio de quatro folhas e no perfilhamento, foram avaliados a massa de matéria seca e o N acumulado na parte aérea. Na colheita, foram avaliados o teor de N, a massa de 1.000 sementes e a produtividade de grãos. A inoculação promoveu maior massa de matéria seca e N acumulado e aumentou a produtividade de grãos, principalmente na presença de adubo nitrogenado, com lucro para o agricultor. Entretanto, o maior aumento na produtividade de grãos foi obtido nas plantas do genótipo IAC-370, com o emprego do isolado IAC-HT-12, na ausência de N, que superou em 45% o tratamento testemunha. As respostas variaram em relação ao local de cultivo, o que sugere expressiva interação planta-bactéria-ambiente.The aim of this work was to evaluate, in field conditions, the effect and the economic viability of inoculation of new homologous strains endophytic diazotrophic bacteria, under different nitrogen doses on two wheat genotypes. Three strains of diazotrophic bacteria (IAC-AT-8, Azospirillum brasilense; IAC-HT-11, Achromobacter insolitus; IAC-HT-12, Zoogloea ramigera), two wheat genotypes (ITD-19 and IAC-370), and three levels of nitrogen fertilizer as urea (0, 60 e 120 kg ha-1) were tested. Shoot dry matter and total shoot nitrogen were evaluated, at four leaves and at tillering stages. Nitrogen concentration in the grain, 1,000 grains weight and yield were evaluated at harvest. Plants with inoculation presented increases in dry matter, N accumulation and grain yield, especially in combination with N fertilizer, bringing profit to the farmer. However, the genotype IAC-370 showed the highest increase in grain yield with the strain IAC-HT-12 in the absence of added N, exceeding the uninoculated control by 45%. Responses to inoculation varied according to location, suggesting a complex interaction of plant, bacteria and the environment