39 research outputs found

    Anti Fungal Activity Of Methanolic Extract Of Usnea SP. Against Malassezia Furfur

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    The antifungal activity of methanolic extract of Usnea sp. (MEU) against Malassezia furfur ATCC 14521, in terms of in vitro susceptibility, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum fungicidal concentrations (MFC) were investigated using broth microdilution method with endpointafter 48 h. Time-kill curves were determined at concentrations 0~, 1/2~, 1~, 2~, 4~ and 8~MIC. MEU was susceptible against M. furfur with diameter clear zone of 34 mm for 1 mg/ml. MIC and MFC values were 16 Ć’ĂŠg/ml and 64 Ć’ĂŠg/ml, respectively. Time-kill curve demonstrated that treatment with 4~MIC (64 Ć’ĂŠg/ml) and 8~MIC (128 Ć’ĂŠg/ml) of MEU for 4 h and 1 h, respectively, was able to kill 100 % of M. furfur. MEU shows potential as an antifungal agent for inhibiting the growth of M. furfur ATCC 14521 in vitro. MEU might be a useful alternative for treating dandruff, tinea versicolor, tinea capitis, and seborrhoeicdermatitis due to the growth inhibition of M. furfur

    Idrocarburi e aree ad alta diversit\ue0 culturale e biologica: un\u2019analisi geografica in Amazzonia

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    Le operazioni di esplorazione ed estrazione di idrocarburi in diversi contesti geografici sono ampiamente documentate tra le attivit\ue0 antropiche di maggiore impatto sui sistemi socio-ecologici e sul cambiamento climatico, cosi come \ue8 riconosciuta la necessit\ue0 di politiche pi\uf9 efficaci e l'uso di tecnologie pi\uf9 pulite. Lo studio presentato in questo contributo mira a: 1) analizzare e mappare le interazioni tra le attivit\ue0 legate agli idrocarburi e le aree che presentano un'elevata diversit\ue0 e sensibilit\ue0 culturale e biologica; 2) Discutere proposte di criteri geografici per individuare aree unburnable, ovvero dove lasciare gli idrocarburi sottoterra. La metodologia si basa sulla costruzione di un geodatabase open source dell'area di studio, che corrisponde all'Amazzonia dell'Ecuador e alla Region amazzonica di Loreto in Per\uf9, area riconosciuta per la sua elevata diversit\ue0 ecologica e culturale. \uc8 stata condotta un\u2019analisi in ambiente QGIS delle sovrapposizioni tra gli aspetti socio-ecologici (aree protette, territori indigeni) e le attivit\ue0 di esplorazione e produzione di idrocarburi (riserve, blocchi, pozzi, oleodotti), oltre alla revisione di documenti scientifici e non su questi aspetti. Alcuni risultati dell'analisi GIS mostrano che quasi l'intera area di studio fa parte della provincia geologica del Putumayo-Oriente-Mara\uf1on, con una stima di 7290 milioni barili di petrolio equivalente sottoterra, dove le concessioni di idrocarburi coprono il 33% della superficie e si trovano circa 1780 pozzi. Le aree protette ricadenti nelle concessioni risultano essere il 18% e importanti sono anche le sovrapposizioni con i territori indigeni, evidenziando cos\uec l'urgenza di politiche pi\uf9 efficaci per garantire la sostenibilit\ue0 ambientale e sociale e la definizione di criteri geografici per individuare aree unburnable


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    Objective:Program PengelolaanPenyakitKronis (PROLANIS) or Chronic Disease Management Program (CDMP) is a healthcare system that was conducted by Healthcare and Social Security Agency in Indonesia to improve patients' quality of life. The objective of this study was to analyze level satisfaction of patients, physicians, and private Primary Healthcare Centers (PHCs) with this program, focusing on hypertension care.Methods:This study was conducted in 7 private PHCs in Bandung City, Indonesia. A cross sectional study was performed to measure patient satisfaction with PSQ-18 on 143 PROLANIS patients with hypertension. A total number of 8 physicians and 7 private PHC managers were involved in this study. Level satisfaction of physicians and private PHC managers were observed by using in-depth interviews.Results:The results showed that patient satisfaction was estimated to be 68.52±8.54, which could be interpreted that patient satisfy with PROLANIS. In-depth interviews showed that physicians did not satisfy with PROLANIS due to several factors (e.g., unintegrated prescription systems, lack of medicines, uncompleted laboratory facilities, lack of physicians, unintegrated referral services, and lack of collaboration between primary and secondary healthcare system). On the other hand, private PHC managers were quite satisfied with PROLANIS due to its linearity with other activities in private PHCs.Conclusion:Level satisfaction of patients with PROLANIS is quite good, while physicians might not satisfy with this program. In particular, private PHC managers confirmed that they are satisfied with this progra

    Tagaeri Taromenane: popoli incontattati dell\u2019Amazzonia Ecuadoriana ed espansione della frontiera petrolifera, quali territori per l\u2019autodeterminazione e i diritti umani?

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    Nel 1999 l\u2019Ecuador, primo paese al mondo, istituiva una zona Intangibile riservata al diritto all\u2019autodeterminazione dei popoli incontattati Tagaeri- Taromenane. Nel 2007 la Zona Intangibile Tagaeri-Taromenane (ZITT) veniva finalmente delimitata occupando un\u2019area di 7500 km2 della regione amazzonica ai confini con il Peru, perpetuamente vietata ad ogni attivit\ue0 industriale. Contemporaneamente veniva istituita anche una buffer zone di 10 km per garantire una ulteriore area di rispetto. Tuttavia trattandosi di popolazioni nomadi che per secoli si sono mosse su un\u2019area di circa 20.000 km2 tra i fiumi Napo e Curaray (in direzione Nord sud) e tra i primi rilievi andini e la confluenza del Nashino con il Curaray (in direzione ovest est) la Zona Intangibile non risulta adeguata alla territorialit\ue0 Tagaeri-Taromenane. Accanto alla mobilit\ue0 dei popoli in isolamento si assiste alla mobilit\ue0 della frontiera petrolifera. Il lavoro utilizza il ruolo della scala (cartografica e geografica) e le sue implicazioni cognitive per osservare ci\uf2 che sta accadendo attorno, vicino e all'interno della zona intangibile, da una visione continentale al dettaglio della sua storia e della sua istituzione. Gli strumenti cartografici e geografici ci aiutano a visualizzare l\u2019oggi e immaginare il domani, sapendo che il destino di questo angolo dell'Amazzonia non \ue8 necessariamente definito: si tratta di una regione ad alta complessit\ue0 territoriale con la possibilit\ue0 di articolare una rete tra aree protette, territori indigeni e corridoi ecologici culturali, alla ricerca di percorsi alternativi di sviluppo locale

    The Role of Administrative and Secondary Data in Estimating the Costs and Effects of School and Workplace Closures due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    As a part of mitigation strategies during a COVID-19 pandemic, the WHO currently recommends social distancing measures through school closures (SC) and work closures (WC) to control the infection spread and reduce the illness attack rate. Focusing on the use of administrative and secondary data, this study aimed to estimate the costs and effects of alternative strategies for mitigating the COVID-19 pandemic in Jakarta, Indonesia, by comparing the baseline (no intervention) with SC + WC for 2, 4, and 8 weeks as respective scenarios. A modified Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Recovered (SEIR) compartmental model accounting for the spread of infection during the latent period was applied by taking into account a 1-year time horizon. To estimate the total pandemic cost of all scenarios, we took into account the cost of healthcare, SC, and productivity loss due to WC and illness. Next to costs, averted deaths were considered as the effect measure. In comparison with the baseline, the result showed that total savings in scenarios of SC + WC for 2, 4, and 8 weeks would be approximately 24billion,24 billion, 25 billion, and $34 billion, respectively. In addition, increasing the duration of SC and WC would increase the number of averted deaths. Scenarios of SC + WC for 2, 4, and 8 weeks would result in approximately 159,075, 173,963, and 250,842 averted deaths, respectively. A sensitivity analysis showed that the wage per day, infectious period, basic reproduction number, incubation period, and case fatality rate were found to be the most influential parameters affecting the savings and number of averted deaths. It can be concluded that all the mitigation scenarios were considered to be cost-saving, and increasing the duration of SC and WC would increase both the savings and the number of averted deaths


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    Phaleria macrocarpa, locally named mahkota dewa, is known as a medicinal plant in Indonesia. Fruits of this plant are traditionally used in treatment of cancer diseases. Several substances were isolated from mahkota dewa fruits. A benzophenone glucoside, 4,6`-dihydroxy-4`-methoxybenzophenone-2’-O-glucoside, has been isolated from an ethyl acetate fraction of mahkota dewa fruits. The structure of this compound was determined based on the analysis of UV, IR, NMR and MS spectral data. Antiproliferative activity was measured on human cervical cancer cells (HeLa and CasKi) and human esophageal cancer cells (TE-2, TE-8, and TE-14) by MTT assay. The result of this study showed that at concentration of 500 ìg/mL, benzophenone glucoside derived from mahkota dewa didn’t reach CPI50 to all tested cells. Those CPI50 were 34 ìg/mL (HeLa), 32 ìg/mL (CasKi), 33.91 ìg/mL (TE-2), 35.43 ìg/mL (TE-8), 43.04 ìg/mL (TE-14). There were no significantly differences (á=0.5) of this activity among HeLa, CasKi, TE-2, TE-8 and TE-14 cells.Key words : Benzophenone glucoside, Phaleria macrocarpa, HeLa, CasKi, TE-2, TE-8, and TE-14 cells, MTT assa

    Dati VIIRS-Nightfire per il monitoraggio del gas flaring in Amazzonia: il caso Yasun\ued

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    L\u2019estrazione di combustibili fossili \ue8 un\u2019attivit\ue0 che ha ormai raggiunto aree remote ad alta diversit\ue0 biologica e culturale, tra le quali desta gran preoccupazione l\u2019espansione della frontiera petrolifera in Amazzonia occidentale, specialmente nella Riserva della Biosfera Yasun\uec (YBR), uno dei luoghi pi\uf9 biodiversi del pianeta e casa ancestrale degli indigeni Waorani. In prossimit\ue0 di questa zona, gli impatti socio-ambientali diretti e indiretti delle varie fasi dell\u2019estrazione petrolifera sono ampiamente documentati. Tra queste attivit\ue0, la distribuzione spaziale e gli impatti ambientali del gas flaring non sono stati ancora investigati a fondo, anche a causa della mancanza di un sistema di monitoraggio e documentazione delle posizioni dei flare e dei volumi di gas bruciato. Negli ultimi anni si sta assistendo per\uf2 a un\u2019inversione di tendenza, grazie allo sviluppo di vari metodi di monitoraggio da remoto, attraverso l\u2019analisi multispettrale da satellite. Lo scopo di questo studio \ue8 mappare l\u2019attivit\ue0 di gas flaring nell\u2019area dello YBR, analizzando diacronicamente e valutando gli impatti potenziali sia sulla biodiversit\ue0 che sulle comunit\ue0 locali. I dati giornalieri prodotti dalla NOAA da gennaio 2017 a marzo 2018, basate sull\u2019elaborazione di immagini dal sensore \u201cVisible Infrared Imaging Radiometric Suite\u201d del satellite Suomi-SNPP per il monitoraggio delle attivit\ue0 di gas flaring, sono stati analizzati e geoprocessati con dati sulle aree protette e comunit\ue0 indigene. Per il corretto posizionamento dei flare, quando possibile, \ue8 stato fatto riferimento ai dataset annuali della NOAA, per i nuovi flare \ue8 stato usato il centroide delle rilevazioni. I risultati preliminari mostrano la presenza di un nuovo sito di flare nel campo petrolifero Tiputini vicino all\u2019 \u201cArea Nucleo\u201d della YBR; tre flare sono stati rilevati nella zona buffer e 19 nella zona di transizione della YBR. spaziale ha inoltre identificato 6 comunit\ue0 indigene in un raggio di 6 Km dai flare. Questo studio rivela l\u2019enorme potenziale degli open data come Nightfire della NOAA per il monitoraggio di aree remote ad elevata importanza per la conservazione della biodiversit\ue0 e dei territori indigeni

    Sustainable financing for new vaccines in Indonesia: challenges and strategies

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    Immunization is one of the most cost-effective interventions in global health and has a crucial role in achieving 14 of the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs). The issue of sustainable financing for new vaccines is particularly pertinent as Indonesia transitions away from extensive Gavi support towards a self-financing immunization system. As the current immunization system transitions, practical solutions must be found and applied to provide more flexibility in the budget for financing immunizations without sacrificing the current healthcare system’s needs. Despite the fact that economic evaluation studies are essential as an initial step to ensure financial readiness, the lack of reliable data is the first barrier to Indonesia’s journey toward a self-financing immunization system. To overcome this problem, standardization of data collection strategies and methodologies are required. In particular, Indonesia may have to explore other options to increase revenue for its immunization system, such as through general revenue from the central government, a sector-wide approach to financing, and a national trust fund. To deal with the tight immunization budget and its consequences, Indonesia also has to restructure its immunization system, which can be implemented through province block grants, insurance mandate and subsidy. Taking the potential of a COVID-19 vaccine into account, the Indonesian government should consider a number of costs and issues beyond the development and procurement of vaccines. The costs of delivering vaccines to the remote parts of Indonesia, implementing the necessary infrastructure, and modifying vaccine delivery are also important in this time of transition. These constraints must be addressed in the new self-financing system and other public health efforts must be increased to decrease the burden of infectious disease as Indonesia develops a stronger immunization system