13 research outputs found

    Structural intermediates in the assembly of taxoid-induced microtubules and GDP-tubulin double rings: time-resolved X-ray scattering

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    We have studied the self-association reactions of purified GDP-liganded tubulin into double rings and taxoid-induced microtubules, employing synchrotron time-resolved x-ray solution scattering. The experimental scattering profiles have been interpreted by reference to the known scattering profiles to 3 nm resolution and to the low-resolution structures of the tubulin dimer, tubulin double rings, and microtubules, and by comparison with oligomer models and model mixtures. The time courses of the scattering bands corresponding to the different structural features were monitored during the assembly reactions under varying biochemical conditions. GDP-tubulin essentially stays as a dimer at low Mg(2+) ion activity, in either the absence or presence of taxoid. Upon addition of the divalent cations, it associates into either double-ring aggregates or taxoid-induced microtubules by different pathways. Both processes have the formation of small linear (short protofilament-like) tubulin oligomers in common. Tubulin double-ring aggregate formation, which is shown by x-ray scattering to be favored in the GDP- versus the GTP-liganded protein, can actually block microtubule assembly. The tubulin self-association leading to double rings, as determined by sedimentation velocity, is endothermic. The formation of the double-ring aggregates from oligomers, which involves additional intermolecular contacts, is exothermic, as shown by x-ray and light scattering. Microtubule assembly can be initiated from GDP-tubulin dimers or oligomers. Under fast polymerization conditions, after a short lag time, open taxoid-induced microtubular sheets have been clearly detected (monitored by the central scattering and the maximum corresponding to the J(n) Bessel function), which slowly close into microtubules (monitored by the appearance of their characteristic J(0), J(3), and J (n) - (3) Bessel function maxima). This provides direct evidence for the bidimensional assembly of taxoid-induced microtubule polymers in solution and argues against helical growth. The rate of microtubule formation was increased by the same factors known to enhance taxoid-induced microtubule stability. The results suggest that taxoids induce the accretion of the existing Mg(2+)-induced GDP-tubulin oligomers, thus forming small bidimensional polymers that are necessary to nucleate the microtubular sheets, possibly by binding to or modifying the lateral interaction sites between tubulin dimers

    Two-dimensional time resolved X-ray diffraction of muscle: Recent results

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    This report provides a preliminary sketch of the results obtained in a two-dimensional time resolved X-ray diffraction study of “live” frog sartorius muscles undergoing isometric tetani. These results demonstrate the recently developed capability to record time resolved (10 msec time resolution), two-dimensional X-ray diffraction diagrams throughout the cycle of contraction. The correlation between the time courses of the diffraction features in the whole of the diffraction diagram establishes a sequence of structural events, which suggest that during the transition from rest to the plateau of tension and the subsequent recovery, the following sequence of events takes place: 1. a) Following the activation phase, which is best monitored by the increase of intensity on the second actin layer line at 18.0 nm spacing (5), there is the onset of three dimensional disorder due to the filaments losing their axial alignment and the myosin heads rotating azimuthally and moving radially outwards. A set of low-angle layer lines, following the actin based spacings seen in rigor (i.e., at spacings of ca. 36.5–37.5, 24.0 and 18.0 nm) become visible and those at ca. 24.0 and 18.0 nm appear to increase in intensity during this phase with a time course that cannot be determined accurately because of the proximity of the neighbouring first, second and third myosin layer lines and the weakness of these diffraction features. Whether the first of these layer lines increases or not is difficult to ascertain. Moreover, proper account of the loss in crystallinity during the development of tension must be made before the comparisons in intensity between the rest and peak of tension states have any significance. Nevertheless, these features together with the behaviour of the equatorial reflections and the meridional region of the third myosin layer line indicate that a sizeable fraction of the crossbridges may become axially disposed with an actin based periodicity. The formation of this complex does not immediately result in the generation of tension. The labelling of the thin filaments is also reflected in the main actin layer lines at 5.9 and 5.1 nm. 2. b) The tension generating phase is monitored by the intensity changes in the meridional region of the third myosin layer line, which are best explained by a change in the orientation/conformation of the tension bearing crossbridges, (which probably adopt a more perpendicular orientation to the filament axis). 3. c) At the end of stimulation, the crossbridges return to an axial spacing and axial orientation (although not yet azimuthal) similar to the one at rest. This is followed by a very slow return to the azimuthal equilibrium position typical of the rest pattern

    Time-resolved X-ray diffraction studies of myosin head movements in live frog sartorius muscle during isometric and isotonic contractions

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    Using the facilities at the Daresbury Synchrotron Radiation Source, meridional diffraction patterns of muscles at ca 8°C were recorded with a time resolution of 2 or 4 ms. In isometric contractions tetanic peak tension (P 0) is reached in ca 400 ms. Under such conditions, following stimulation from rest, the timing of changes in the major reflections (the 38.2 nm troponin reflection, and the 21.5 and 14.34/14.58 nm myosin reflections) can be explained in terms of four types of time courses: K 1, K 2, K 3 and K 4. The onset of K 1 occurs immediately after stimulation, but that of K 2, K 3 and K 4 is delayed by a latent period of ca 16 ms. Relative to the end of their own latent periods the half-times for K 1, K 2, K 3 and K 4 are 14–16, 16, 32 and 52 ms, respectively. In half-times, K 1, K 2, K 3 lead tension rise by 52, 36 and 20 ms, respectively. K 4 parallels the time course of tension rise. From an analysis of the data we conclude that K 1 reflects thin filament activation which involves the troponin system; K 2 arises from an order-disorder transition during which the register between the filaments is lost; K 3 is due to the formation of an acto-myosin complex which (at P 0) causes 70% or more of the heads to diffract with actin-based periodicities; and K 4 is caused by a change in the axial orientation of the myosin heads (relative to thin filament axis) which is estimated to be from 65–70° at rest to ca 90° at P 0. Isotonic contraction experiments showed that during shortening under a load of ca 0.27 P 0, at least 85% of the heads (relative to those forming an acto-myosin complex at P 0) diffract with actin-based periodicities, whilst their axial orientation does not change from that at rest. During shortening under a negligible load, at most 5–10% of the heads (relative to those forming an acto-myosin complex at P 0) diffract with actin-based periodicities, and their axial orientation also remains the same as that at rest. This suggests that in isometric contractions the change in axial orientation is not the cause of active tension production, but rather the result of it. Analysis of the data reveals that independent of load, the extent of asynchronous axial motions executed by most of the cycling heads is no more than 0.5–0.65 nm greater than at rest. To account for the diffraction data in terms of the conventional tilting head model one would have to suppose that a few of the heads, and/or a small part of their mass perform the much larger motions demanded by that model. Therefore we conclude either that the required information is not available in our patterns or that an alternative hypothesis for contraction has to be developed

    Correlation of Lattice Deformation with Macroscopic Strain for the Hexagonal-packed Cylinder Phase of a Triblock Copolymer

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    Climate change is a major threat to global biodiversity that will produce a range of new selection pressures. Understanding species responses to climate change requires an interdisciplinary perspective, combining ecological, molecular and environmental approaches. We propose an applied integrated framework to identify populations under threat from climate change based on their extent of exposure, inherent sensitivity due to adaptive and neutral genetic variation and range shift potential. We consider intraspecific vulnerability and population-level responses, an important but often neglected conservation research priority. We demonstrate how this framework can be applied to vertebrates with limited dispersal abilities using empirical data for the bat Plecotus austriacus. We use ecological niche modelling and environmental dissimilarity analysis to locate areas at high risk of exposure to future changes. Combining outlier tests with genotype-environment association analysis we identify potential climate-adaptive SNPs in our genomic dataset and differences in the frequency of adaptive and neutral variation between populations. We assess landscape connectivity and show that changing environmental suitability may limit the future movement of individuals, thus affecting both the ability of populations to shift their distribution to climatically suitable areas and the probability of evolutionary rescue through the spread of adaptive genetic variation among populations. Therefore a better understanding of movement ecology and landscape connectivity is needed for predicting population persistence under climate change. Our study highlights the importance of incorporating genomic data to determine sensitivity, adaptive potential and range shift potential, instead of relying solely on exposure to guide species vulnerability assessments and conservation planning

    Two-dimensional time-resolved X-ray diffraction studies of live isometrically contracting frog sartorius muscle

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    Results were obtained from contracting frog muscles by collecting high quality time-resolved, two-dimensional, X-ray diffraction patterns at the British Synchrotron Radiation Source (SERC, Daresbury, Laboratory). The structural transitions associated with isometric tension generation were recorded under conditions in which the three-dimensional order characteristic of the rest state is either present or absent. In both cases, new layer lines appear during tension generation, subsequent to changes from activation events in the filaments. Compared with the decorated actin layer lines of the rigor state, the spacings of the new layer lines are similar whereas their intensities differ substantially. We conclude that in contracting muscle an actomyosin complex is formed whose structure is not like that in rigor, although it is possible that the interacting sites are the same. Transition from rest to plateau of tension is accompanied by approximately 1.6% increase in the axial spacing of the myosin layer lines. This is explained as arising from the axial disposition of the interacting myosin heads in the actomyosin complex. Model calculations are presented which support this view. We argue that in a situation where an actomyosin complex is formed during contraction, one cannot describe the diffraction features as being either thick or thin filament based. Accordingly, the layer lines seen during tension generation are referred to as actomyosin layer lines. It is shown that these layer lines can be indexed as submultiples of a minimum axial repeat of approximately 218.7 nm. After lattice disorder effects are taken into account, the intensity increases on the 15th and 21st AM layer lines at spacings of approximately 14.58 and 10.4 nm respectively, show the same time course as tension rise. However, the time course of the intensity increase of the other actomyosin layer lines and of the spacing change (which is the same for both phenomena) shows a substantial lead over tension rise. These findings suggest that the actomyosin complex formed prior to tension rise is a non-tension-generating state and that this is followed by a transition of the complex to a tension-generating state. The intensity increase in the 15th actomyosin layer line, which parallels tension rise, can be accounted for assuming that in the tension-generating state the attached heads adopt (axially) a more perpendicular orientation with respect to the muscle axis than is seen at rest or in the non-tension-generating state. This suggests the existence of at least two structurally distinct interacting myosin head conformations. The results of comparing the meridional intensities between the myosin layer lines at rest and the actomyosin layer lines at the plateau of tension (measured to a resolution of approximately 2.6 nm) are interpreted to indicate that the majority of the myosin heads in the actomyosin complex do not perform random axial rotations with a mean value greater than approximately 3.0 nm. From this we conclude that the extent of axial order in the interacting heads must be at least as high as is that of resting heads. Fulltext Previe