37 research outputs found

    Probing membrane and interface properties in concentrated electrolyte solutions

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    This study deals with the membrane and interface electrical properties investigation by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The EIS is a powerful technique for characterizing electrical behavior of systems in which coupled electrical processes occur at different rates.A systematics tudy on the effect of solution concentration,temperature and velocity, on the electrical resistance of anion-and cation- exchange membranes (AEMs and CEMs) and their interfaces (electrical double layer and diffusion boundary layer), was carried out. At the best of our knowledge, for t he first time electrolyte concentrations up to 4 M were used for the study of membranes and interface by EIS. Moreover, Pulsed Gradient Spin Echo Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (PGSE-NMR)technique was used to measure the water self-diffusion coefficients in swelled membrane as a function of the solution concentration and temperature.These measurements gave additional important insights about the effect of the electrolyte solution and fixed charges concentration in membrane,on membrane microstructure and its transport and electrical properties. & 2014TheAuthors.PublishedbyElsevierB.V.ThisisanopenaccessarticleundertheCCBY This study deals with the membrane and interface electrical properties investigation by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)

    Chemically reactive membrane crystallisation reactor for CO2–NH3 absorption and ammonium bicarbonate crystallisation: Kinetics of heterogeneous crystal growth

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    The feasibility of gas-liquid hollow fibre membrane contactors for the chemical absorption of carbon dioxide (CO2) into ammonia (NH3), coupled with the crystallisation of ammonium bicarbonate has been demonstrated. In this study, the mechanism of chemically facilitated heterogeneous membrane crystallisation is described, and the solution chemistry required to initiate nucleation elucidated. Induction time for nucleation was dependent on the rate of CO2 absorption, as this governed solution bicarbonate concentration. However, for low NH3 solution concentrations, a reduction in pH was observed with progressive CO2 absorption which shifted equilibria toward ammonium and carbonic acid, inhibiting both absorption and nucleation. An excess of free NH3 buffered pH suitably to balance equilibria to the onset of supersaturation, which ensured sufficient bicarbonate availability to initiate nucleation. Following induction at a supersaturation level of 1.7 (3.3 M NH3), an increase in crystal population density and crystal size was observed at progressive levels of supersaturation which contradicts the trend ordinarily observed for homogeneous nucleation in classical crystallisation technology, and demonstrates the role of the membrane as a physical substrate for heterogeneous nucleation during chemically reactive crystallisation. Both nucleation rate and crystal growth rate increased with increasing levels of supersaturation. This can be ascribed to the relatively low chemical driving force imposed by the shift in equilibrium toward ammonium which suppressed solution reactivity, together with the role of the membrane in promoting counter-current diffusion of CO2 and NH3 into the concentration boundary layer developed at the membrane wall, which permitted replenishment of reactants at the site of nucleation, and is a unique facet specific to this method of membrane facilitated crystallisation. Free ammonia concentration was shown to govern nucleation rate where a limiting NH3 concentration was identified above which crystallisation induced membrane scaling was observed. Provided the chemically reactive membrane crystallisation reactor was operated below this threshold, a consistent (size and number) and reproducible crystallised reaction product was collected downstream of the membrane, which evidenced that sustained membrane operation should be achievable with minimum reactive maintenance intervention

    On the aggregation and nucleation mechanism of the monoclonal antibody anti-CD20 near liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS)

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    The crystallization of Anti-CD20, a full-length monoclonal antibody, has been studied in the PEG400/Na2SO4/Water system near Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation (LLPS) conditions by both sitting-drop vapour diffusion and batch methods. In order to understand the Anti-CD20 crystallization propensity in the solvent system of different compositions, we investigated some measurable parameters, normally used to assess protein conformational and colloidal stability in solution, with the aim to understand the aggregation mechanism of this complex biomacromolecule. We propose that under crystallization conditions a minor population of specifically aggregated protein molecules are present. While this minor species hardly contributes to the measured average solution behaviour, it induces and promotes crystal formation. The existence of this minor species is the result of the LLPS occurring concomitantly under crystallization conditions

    Optimization of vapor diffusion conditions for anti-CD20 crystallization and scale-up to meso batch

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    © 2019, MDPI AG. All rights reserved. The crystal form is one of the preferred formulations for biotherapeutics, especially thanks to its ability to ensure high stability of the active ingredient. In addition, crystallization allows the recovery of a very pure drug, thus facilitating the manufacturing process. However, in many cases, crystallization is not trivial, and other formulations, such as the concentrate solution, represent the only choice. This is the case of anti-cluster of differentiation 20 (anti-CD20), which is one of the most sold antibodies for therapeutic uses. Here, we propose a set of optimized crystallization conditions for producing anti-CD20 needle-shaped crystals within 24 h in a very reproducible manner with high yield. High crystallization yield was obtained with high reproducibility using both hanging drop vapor diffusion and meso batch, which is a major step forward toward further scaling up the crystallization of anti-CD20. The influence of anti-CD20 storage conditions and the effect of different ions on the crystallization processes were also assessed. The crystal quality and the high yield allowed the first crystallographic investigation on anti-CD20, which positively confirmed the presence of the antibody in the crystals

    Optimization of vapor diffusion conditions for anti-CD20 crystallization and scale-up to meso batch

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    © 2019, MDPI AG. All rights reserved. The crystal form is one of the preferred formulations for biotherapeutics, especially thanks to its ability to ensure high stability of the active ingredient. In addition, crystallization allows the recovery of a very pure drug, thus facilitating the manufacturing process. However, in many cases, crystallization is not trivial, and other formulations, such as the concentrate solution, represent the only choice. This is the case of anti-cluster of differentiation 20 (anti-CD20), which is one of the most sold antibodies for therapeutic uses. Here, we propose a set of optimized crystallization conditions for producing anti-CD20 needle-shaped crystals within 24 h in a very reproducible manner with high yield. High crystallization yield was obtained with high reproducibility using both hanging drop vapor diffusion and meso batch, which is a major step forward toward further scaling up the crystallization of anti-CD20. The influence of anti-CD20 storage conditions and the effect of different ions on the crystallization processes were also assessed. The crystal quality and the high yield allowed the first crystallographic investigation on anti-CD20, which positively confirmed the presence of the antibody in the crystals

    Increasing the source/sink ratio in Vitis vinifera (cv Sangiovese) induces extensive transcriptome reprogramming and modifies berry ripening

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cluster thinning is an agronomic practice in which a proportion of berry clusters are removed from the vine to increase the source/sink ratio and improve the quality of the remaining berries. Until now no transcriptomic data have been reported describing the mechanisms that underlie the agronomic and biochemical effects of thinning.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We profiled the transcriptome of <it>Vitis vinifera </it>cv. Sangiovese berries before and after thinning at veraison using a genome-wide microarray representing all grapevine genes listed in the latest V1 gene prediction. Thinning increased the source/sink ratio from 0.6 to 1.2 m<sup>2 </sup>leaf area per kg of berries and boosted the sugar and anthocyanin content at harvest. Extensive transcriptome remodeling was observed in thinned vines 2 weeks after thinning and at ripening. This included the enhanced modulation of genes that are normally regulated during berry development and the induction of a large set of genes that are not usually expressed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Cluster thinning has a profound effect on several important cellular processes and metabolic pathways including carbohydrate metabolism and the synthesis and transport of secondary products. The integrated agronomic, biochemical and transcriptomic data revealed that the positive impact of cluster thinning on final berry composition reflects a much more complex outcome than simply enhancing the normal ripening process.</p

    An insight on pharmaceutical crystallization process by using membrane technology: PVDF-based mixed matrix membranes and PP grafted membranes as new tools for controlling the supersaturation rate and the heterogeneous nucleation mechanism.

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    Dottorato di Ricerca in "Ingegneria Chimica e dei Materiali" Ciclo XXVI, a.a. 2013-2014Questo elaborato finale del progetto di dottorato tratta lo studio del processo di cristallizzazione a membrana finalizzato alla produzione di composti farmaceutici in forma cristallina. Lo studio ha come obiettivo quello di dare una visione globale del processo di cristallizzazione a membrana andando oltre lo stato dellate, bensì popoedo lipleetazione della tecnica di cristallizzazione a membrana di base. A tal proposito il progetto è stato sviluppato seguendo in due diverse direzioni: da una parte la tecnica di istallizzazioe a eaa di ase ha isto lappliazioe ad uo speifio settore dellidustia faaeutia, dallalta pate lo studio è poseguito investigando i meccanismi di cristallizzazione indotti dalla stessa membrana e successivamente ha visto una vera e propria progettazione di membrane opportunamente pensate per la cristallizzazione. Duue, il aloe aggiuto di tale studio osiste ellaee diostato la possibilità di ampliare il campo di applicazione del processo a membrana, di aver esteso la conoscenza di base dei meccanismi di nucleazione eterogenea sottesi dalla membrana e di aver progettato, prodotto e caratterizzato delle membrane con differenti materiali e strutture appositamente per essere testati nella tecnica di cristallizzazione. In dettaglio, il lavoro presenta uno studio iniziale sul processo di nucleazione eterogenea che parte da particelle libere in soluzione per poi continuare studiando il processo di nucleazione eterogenea sullle membrane stesse. Ua seoda sezioe tatta lappliazioe del processo a membrana alla cocristallizzazione farmaceutica. Successivamente inizia la parte di disegno e realizzazione di membrane eterogenee sia dal punto di vista chimico che strutturale: membrane fabbricate con tecniche e materiali differenti e membrane commerciali che sono state opportunamente funzionalizzate. Infine il lavoro si conclude con i tests di cristallizzazione condotti su tali membrane.Università degli Studi della Calabri

    Development of Tailored Hydrogel Composite Membranes for Application in Membrane Contactors

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    Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze ed Ingegneria dell'Ambiente, delle Costruzioni e dell'Energia (SIACE). Ciclo XXIXThis work was performed during the period from November 2013 to May 2015 in the Institute on Membrane Technology (ITM-CNR) at the University of Calabria (UNICAL), under supervision of Prof. Efrem Curcio, Dr. Gianluca Di Profio and Dr. Enrica Fontananova, from May 2015 to December 2015 at Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), under supervision of Prof. Joao Crespo and from March 2016 to September 2016 at the University of Chemistry and Technology (ICT) Prague, under supervision of Dr. Eng. Vlastmil Fila. The main objective of this study was to design and develop tailored hydrogel composite membranes for application in membrane contactors, in particular, membrane distillation and membrane crystallization. Among various methods for membrane surface functionalization, surface photo-initiated graft polymerization technique (at UNICAL) and surface coating by incorporating nanoparticles (at UNL) were investigated to fabricate tailored hydrogel composite membranes In the first year at the University of Calabria, various hydrogel composite membranes were prepared by using photo-initiated polymerization method. The possibility of fine tuning the porosity and the chemical nature of hydrogels, were implemented with the preparation of composites containing diverse hydrogel components (monomer and cross-linker) and ratio among them. The selection of hydrogel components was based on the possibility to obtain homogeneous and stable composites by using specific polymeric porous membranes as supports. The resulting composite membranes were characterized by electron scanning microscopy, surface chemistry analysis, swelling degree, ion exchange capacity and water contact angle measurements Furthermore, virgin and hydrogel composite membranes were used in membrane distillation and crystallization experiments and the performance improvement was evaluated. As a result, higher water-transfer flux and enhanced ion rejection than traditional MD membranes was observed in MD treatment of saline solutions. When such HCMs used in membrane assisted crystallization of carbonate calcium (biomineralization), a wide range of crystal morphologies, most of them displaying a polycrystalline or mesocrystalline structure, was obtained in a great variety of experimental conditions. We demonstrated that this composite provides the opportunity to fine control the delivery of additives to the gel network through the porous structure of both support membrane and hydrogel layer, thus affecting crystallization kinetics, and crystal morphologies In the second year of the study at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, hydrogel composite membranes with tailored surface roughness and patterning were designed to examine the influence of the topography of such composite membranes on the growth of protein crystals. Iron oxide nanoparticles (NPs) were used as topographical designers providing a good control of membrane surface roughness and patterning. Surface morphology and topography of the prepared membranes were characterized using electron scanning microscopy, profilometry analysis and contact angle measurements. Finally, their performance was evaluated in the crystallization of Lysozyme used as a model protein and the effect of surface chemistry and topography on the heterogeneous nucleation of lysozyme crystals was investigated. We demonstrated that roughness influences crystallization, but we also show that excessive roughness may be deleterious, since it increases the number of crystals formed at the expenses of crystal size. Therefore, there is an optimum value of roughness for the formation of a low number of well-faced crystals with a larger size In the third year at the University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, the modeling of membrane crystallization was studied. The main goal of this work was to develop general model of membrane crystallization process. The development of this model involved the fundamental theories and models in membrane process and crystallization engineering, especially the models described the mass and heat transfers in membrane module and the crystal size distribution (CSD) determined by both nucleation and crystal growth processes based on the concept of the population balance equation. The experimental results of this study, allows to achieve new insight to fabricate and develop the novel hydrogel composite membranes with proper properties and novel functionality for application in membrane distillation and membrane crystallization processesUniversità della Calabria

    Protein Crystallization in Ionic-Liquid Hydrogel Composite Membranes

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    Protein crystallization is a powerful purification tool. It is the first step for crystallographic structural investigations, and can be preparatory for biotechnological applications. However, crystallizing proteins is challenging and methods to control the crystallization process are needed. Ionic-liquid hydrogel composite membranes (IL-HCMs) have been used here as material capable of supporting protein crystallization and hosting grown crystals. We found that IL-HCMs affect the selection mechanism of glucose isomerase (GI) polymorphs and make GI crystals grow completely immersed into the hydrogel layer. X-ray diffraction studies show that IL ions do not bind to the protein, likely because IL molecules are constrained in the polymeric framework. Our GI crystal structures have been compared with many existing GI crystal structures using multivariate analysis tools, allowing a comprehensive overview of factors determining structural similarities, i.e., temperature variations and external stresses exerted during or after crystal growth, such as dehydration or presence of hydrogel of a different nature. GI crystals grown on IL-HCM fit perfectly in this framework, showing typical features induced by external forces. Overall, protein crystallization by IL-HCMs show potential for biotechnological applications, as it could constitute a natural means for containing crystallized enzymes in working conditions