1,445 research outputs found

    Human envenomation by an aglyphous colubrid snake, Liophis miliaris (Linnaeus, 1758)

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    In Brazil, some snakes of the family Colubridae usually regarded as not venomous, are responsable by serious and even so fatal accidents. Some opisthoglyphous snakes that occur in southern Brazil. as Philodrias olfersii (Lichtenstein, 1823), Boiruna maculata (Boulenger, 1896), Phalotris lemniscatus trilineatus Boulenger. 1889 and Thamnodynastes strigatus (Günther, 1858) deserve greatest attention because they have already caused human envenomation as reported by many authors (Hoge, 1952; Lema, 1978a; Salomao & Di-Bernardo, 1995; Santos-Costa et al., in press). There is at least one record of a fatal accident caused by Philodryas olfersii (Salomao & Di-Bernardo, 1995) and many or her records of serious accidents with the patients showing edema. pain and enlarged axillary lymphnodes (Nickerson & Henderson, 1976; Silva & Buononato, 1984: David & Ineich, 1999). Phalotris lemniscatus trilineatus, a fossorial snake, deserves attention by the gravity of its envenomalion, which may causes hemorrhagic manifestations, local pain, paresthesia and acute renal failure (Lema, 1978b).Asociación Herpetológica Argentin

    Human envenomation by an aglyphous colubrid snake, Liophis miliaris (Linnaeus, 1758)

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    In Brazil, some snakes of the family Colubridae usually regarded as not venomous, are responsable by serious and even so fatal accidents. Some opisthoglyphous snakes that occur in southern Brazil. as Philodrias olfersii (Lichtenstein, 1823), Boiruna maculata (Boulenger, 1896), Phalotris lemniscatus trilineatus Boulenger. 1889 and Thamnodynastes strigatus (Günther, 1858) deserve greatest attention because they have already caused human envenomation as reported by many authors (Hoge, 1952; Lema, 1978a; Salomao & Di-Bernardo, 1995; Santos-Costa et al., in press). There is at least one record of a fatal accident caused by Philodryas olfersii (Salomao & Di-Bernardo, 1995) and many or her records of serious accidents with the patients showing edema. pain and enlarged axillary lymphnodes (Nickerson & Henderson, 1976; Silva & Buononato, 1984: David & Ineich, 1999). Phalotris lemniscatus trilineatus, a fossorial snake, deserves attention by the gravity of its envenomalion, which may causes hemorrhagic manifestations, local pain, paresthesia and acute renal failure (Lema, 1978b).Asociación Herpetológica Argentin

    Examen único nacional para acceder a las residencias médicas. Un instrumento poco conveniente para el sistema de salud del NEA

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    El Examen Único de Ingreso a las Residencias Médicas (EUM) fue desarrollado a propuesta de las provincias patagónicas, que buscaban alternativas para mejorar la cobertura y la gestión de ese examen que hasta el año 2010 se tomaba aisladamente en las diferentes provincias en esa región donde había una sola facultad de medicina, las plazas de residencia estaban muy distantes entre sí y los candidatos a las mismas eran mayoritariamente del centro del país. En ese contexto, se realizó en 2011 la primera experiencia regional de EUM con los propósitos de promover una mayor cobertura de vacantes, mejorar la accesibilidad a los concursos, y simplificar la gestión de la prueba

    Diet of Thamnodynastes strigatus (Serpentes, Colubridae) in southern Brazil

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    We analyzed the gut content of 151 specimens of the colubrid snake Thamnodynastes strigatus from the state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. The recorded prey items were anurans (66%; n = 33), fish (28,0%; n = 14), mammals (4,0%; n = 2), and reptiles (2,0%; n = 1). There was no correlation between the snout-vent length (SVL) of the snakes and the total length (TL) of their prey, but the correlation between the snake SVL and the ratio prey TL / snake SVL was significant and negative. This negative correlation evidences that T. strigatus does not exclude proportionally small prey items of their diet, and that, proportionally, the biggest prey items are ingested by the smallest snakes. Relatively large prey items are manipulated before ingestion and oriented headfirst, whereas relatively small prey were swallowed head- or tail- first

    Reprodução de Pseudis minuta (Anura, Hylidae) no sul do Brasil

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    Reproduction of Pseudis minuta (Anura, Hylidae) in southern Brazil.This study was based on individuals of Pseudis minuta captured or observed in the municipality of Candiota, Campanha region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Sampling occurred along ten non-consecutive months in 2000, 2001 and 2002. The reproductive phases were characterized based on the gonadal development stage of39 males and 50 females, and on the observation, in nature, of the seasonal distribution of calling males, occurrence of amplectant pairs, and presence of larvae, juveniles and adults. Calls were recorded from August to April, amplectant pairs from October to February (except January), tadpoles from October to March (except February), and juveniles in all the sampled months (except January). Reproductive activity was not observed in late fall and early winter, even though females with post-vitellogenic oocytes and males with spermatozoa in the seminiferous tubules were recorded in allthe seasons. Mature females were statistically larger and heavier than mature males.The smallest female with post-vitellogenic oocytes had 32.0 mm of snout-vent length,and the smallest male with spermatozoa in its seminiferous tubules had 20.6 mm. The number of post-vitellogenic oocytes was directly proportional to the mass and to the snout-vent length of females, and the length of testis was directly proportional to the snout-vent length and to the mass of males

    New records of <i>Calamodontophis paucidens</i> (Serpentes: Colubridae: Xenodontinae) from Brazil and Uruguay

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    Amaral (1935) described the new genus and species Calamodon paucidens based upon one specimen collected at 'vila Sao Simao', municipality of Cacequi (29" 53' S: 54" 49' W), state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil. The name Calamodon was preoccupied, being replaced by Calamodontophys (AmaraI,1963).Asociación Herpetológica Argentina (AHA

    Dieta e comportamento alimentar da Cobra-nariguda listrophis dorbignyi (Dumeril, Bibrón & Duméril, 1854), no litoral norte do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

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    Os dados aqui apresentados são fundamentados em 214 encontros de indivíduos de Lystrophis dorbignyi em uma área de dunas do Litoral Norte do Rio Grande do Sul, e na análise do tubo digestório de 33 espécimes procedentes da mesma região. Anfíbios anuros e ovos da lagartixa Liolaemus occipitalis foram os únicos itens alimentares registrados. Entre as serpentes observadas com presas, 94,5 % se alimentaram de anfíbios e 5,6 % se alimentaram de ovos de L. occipitalis. Os períodos de atividade e os microhábitats das espécies de anfíbios mais freqüentemente consumidas, a inclusão de ovos na dieta e a observação de sete indivíduos de L. dorbignyi se alimentando em condições naturais, indicam que esta serpente forrageia durante o dia e captura presas enterradas na areia. Alguns itens sugeridos por vários autores como presas de L. dorbignyi são descartados como tal, até que dados consistentes sejam apresentados.The data here presented are based on 214 sightings of individuals of the snake Lystrophis dorbignyi in an area of sand dunes in the north coastal plain of Rio Grande do Sul, and on the analysis of the stomach and gut contents of 33 specimens proceeding from this region. Only anurans and eggs of the lizard Liolaemus occipitalis were recorded. Among the snakes with food items, 94,5% had anurans and 5,6% had eggs of L. occipitalis. The recorded period of activity, the microhabitats of the items most frequently consumed, the addition of eggs in the diet, and the observation of seven individuals of L. dorbignyi taking preys under natural conditions, indicate that this snake forages during the day, and catches preys burrowed in the sand. Some food items suggested by many authors as being preys of L. dorbignyi are here discarded, until more consistent data were presented.Asociación Herpetológica Argentin

    New records of <i>Calamodontophis paucidens</i> (Serpentes: Colubridae: Xenodontinae) from Brazil and Uruguay

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    Amaral (1935) described the new genus and species Calamodon paucidens based upon one specimen collected at 'vila Sao Simao', municipality of Cacequi (29" 53' S: 54" 49' W), state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil. The name Calamodon was preoccupied, being replaced by Calamodontophys (AmaraI,1963).Asociación Herpetológica Argentina (AHA