7 research outputs found


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    Ammonium sulfate (ZA) has a role as nitrogen sources for the growth of bacteria acetobacter xylinum in making nata de coco. In fact, ZA food grade isexpensive and rarely sold in the market.  One of the potential ZA substitutes ismungbean sprout extract. This study aimed to compare the physically characterof nata which was processed using two different nitrogen sources, namelymungbean sprout extract and ammonium sulfate (ZA) food grade. This researchwas conducted by simple experimental using one-way classification design. Theraw materials were coconut water, acetic acid, sugar and Acetobacter xylinum,as well as mungbean sprout and ZA food grade as treatment. Nata is harvestedafter 10 days incubation. Physical characteristics is measured includethickness, wet weight, yield, moisture content and fiber content. The result of theobservation was analyzed using unpaired two sample test of Student's t-test. Theresults showed no differences in average thickness, yield, wet weight, moisturecontent, and fiber content in both groups of nata products (t test α> 5%).Utilization of 1% mungbean sprout extract can replacing  0.25%  ZA foodgrade in this study. In conclusion, the physically character of nata withmungbean sprout is not different than ZA food grade.Keywords :  mungbean sprout, nata de coco, , ZA food grade, physicalanalysi

    Assembly of a 9 ton cold storage facility at Masian Grup and Ping Loka Building Sleman Regency Yogyakarta

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    This study examines the assembly process of cold storage for frozen food business with a capacity of 9 tons. The aim of this research is to design and assemble a cold storage with dimensions of 5 m in length, 2.7 m in width, and 2.7 m in height, capable of storing frozen food products at a temperature of -18°C. The components used for the cold storage machine include a semi-hermetic Bitzer compressor, a fin and tube HD type condenser, and a wongso evaporator. The total cost for purchasing materials and assembly services for the cold storage amounts to Rp 164,776,980, including an 11% value-added tax (VAT)


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    Peraturan Menteri Kelautan Perikanan Nomor 18 tahun 2021 mengatur  tentang jaring tarik berkantong sebagai tindaklanjut larangan terhadap cantrang. Salah satu hal yang membedakan kedua alat penangkap ikan ini adalah pada cantrang bagian atas kantong menggunakan square mesh window dan pada jaring tarik berkantong menggunakan square mesh pada seluruh bagian kantong. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk komparasi rasio dimensi jaring tarik berkantong yang merupakan modifikasi cantrang serta membandingkan dengan rasio pada Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) 01-7236-2006 untuk cantrang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan pada Maret hingga Mei 2022 di Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai Tegal dengan metode obervasi dan analisis data terhadap perbandingan rasio yang mengacu SNI tersebut. Hasil studi menunjukan bahwa nilai yang diperoleh rasio jaring tarik berkantong sampel dengan tetapan SNI adalah sebagai berikut rasio f/b adalah 0,063, rasio g2/h adalah 0,731, rasio c/b adalah 0,51 dan rasio e/b adalah 0,441. Hal ini mengindikasikan ukuran jaring tarik berkantong semakin memanjang namun menyempit, jaring tersebut telah memenuhi regulasi dengan bentuk mata jaring square mesh dengan  ukuran mesh size minimal 2 inci. Namun di lapangan harus dilakukan sosialisasi serta pengawasan terhadap regulasi diatas

    Difference between the Decrease in P1NP Concentration and MRSS Within 3 Months Treatment of Systemic Sclerosis

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    Introduction: Systemic sclerosis is characterized by extensive and progressive organ fibrosis leads to organ failure and death. Progression of skin thickening is a predictor of morbidity and mortality. Due to the limitation of modified Rodnan skin score (MRSS) sensitivity in detecting small changes in skin fibrosis, thus we proposed Procollagen Type I N-Terminal Propeptide (P1NP) as potential biomarker. This study aimed to analyze the difference between the decrease in P1NP concentration and MRSS within 3 months treatment of systemic sclerosis. Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort of paired numerical comparative analytic methods, as follow up of a study done by Vincent et al. and Dewi et al. Analyzis of MRSS changes and serum P1NP concentrations were done prior to treatment (baseline), and on week 4th, 8th and 12th treatment. Result: Fifty-nine subjects were enrolled in the study. We analyzed the results of P1NP and MRSS at 4th, 8th and 12th weeks of treatment, there was a significant decrease in mean rank of P1NP and MRSS (p=0.033 and <0.001). The effect of MRSS change was greater than P1NP. The highest decreasing effect of MRSS was obtained at week 8th (?2 = 0.424, 42.4% decrease effect), and the largest decrease effect of P1NP was obtained at week 12th (?2 = 0.120; 12% decrease effect). Conclusion: There was a difference in decreasing P1NP concentrations and MRSS in systemic sclerosis within 3 months of observation. MRSS showed a larger decrease in change than P1NP after treatment

    Design of a Web-based Cold Storage Temperature Monitor with Arduino Uno for Fish Quality Maintenance: Sensor-based Methodology and Innovative Contribution

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    The development of a web-based cold storage temperature and humidity monitoring device using Arduino Uno aims to monitor room conditions, particularly in cold storage spaces, through a website. This device utilizes DHT11 and DS18B20 sensors, along with the Wemos D1 Mini module, integrated with the Arduino Uno microcontroller. Arduino configuration is performed through an application to send commands to other components. The research was conducted at PT. Indu Manis Gresik, East Java. Data collection and testing were carried out at the specified location. The test results demonstrate the device's efficient operation, transmitting testing data to the associated website. The accuracy of the DS18B20 temperature sensor testing reached 98.8%, while the DS18B20 humidity sensor achieved 99.35%


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    Tuna and skipjack are large pelagic fish that have high economic value and have a very wide export market. The need for and the high market demand for tuna and skipjack causes the intensity of catching this fish to increase. To ensure that the potential of these fish resources remains sustainable, it is necessary to properly manage fisheries.The purpose of this study was to examine several aspects of biology, aspects of capture fisheries, aspects of utilization and management of yellow fin tuna and skipjack tuna. Data collection for yellowfin tuna was focused on one location, namely PPS Bungus, while data collection for skipjack tuna was focused on 4 location points, namely PPS Bungus, PPP Carocok Terusan, PPI Kambang and PPI Tiku. Productivity and cultivation levels of yellowfin tuna in West Sumatra have tended to decline in the past 4 years (2017-2020). Skipjack tuna in the West Sumatra region caught by boat charters was indicated to be overfishing, while skipjack tuna caught by troll showed the fish caught had not spawned yet. The productivity of skipjack tuna has fluctuated over the past 5 years (2016-2020)

    Urease Levels and Gastritis Stage in Dyspeptic Patients

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    Background: Dyspepsia is a frequent main symptom of inpatients and outpatients scenario in Indonesia. However, the number of endoscopy facilities are still low, thus the use of non-invasive method to detect gastritis is necessary. We measured the relationship between urease levels and the stage of gastritis in dyspeptic adult patients. Methods: A cross-sectional study included outpatient dyspepsia patient from November 2018 to February 2019. We examined 14C-Urea Breath Test (UBT) and determined the stage of gastritis based on the Updated Sydney System classification. Results: The urease level of acute and chronic gastritis positive patients were higher than negative patients (p = 0.001, r = 0.353; p <0.0001, r = 0.433, respectively). The AUC value of 14C-UBT to detect acute, chronic, and atrophic gastritis are 0.889, 0.632 and 0.544, respectively. The best cut-off points of 14C-UBT to predict acute gastritis was ≥26.50δ‰ with sensitivity and specificity being 88.89% and 63.95%, respectively. Whereas the best cut-off points for chronic gastritis was ≥34.50δ‰ with 82.89% sensitivity, 63.16% specificity. As for atrophic gastritis, it showed very low AUC value, hence it is not a sufficient test modality to predict atrophic gastritis cases. Conclusion: 14C-UBT is sufficient for predicting acute or chronic gastritis but not for atrophic gastritis