43 research outputs found

    Clinical Terminology in Patient Health Record System - SNOMED CT Overview

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    Background of study: Patient Health Record System (PHRS) is used byphysicians for capturing patient medical records in electronic media.Standardization in PHRS arises a major challenge due to its complexities. Theused of clinical terminology is needed in order to facilitate more expressiveclinical data input, provide unambiguous encoding and support the exchange ofclinical information. One of highly specialized clinical terminology is SNOMEDCT(Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms) that able to encodeclinical data, and contains concepts that linked to clinical knowledge to enableaccurate recording of data without ambiguity. The aims of this paper is to discussthe use of clinical terminology in PHRS and identifying importance factors forapplying clinical terminology in healthcare services.Method: This study used review of literature in order to find the use of clinicalterminology in patient health record system by reviewing current used of clinicalterminology.Result: The result of the study found that clinical terminology supportsinformation exchange between healthcare providers

    Clinical Terminology in Patient Health Record System - SNOMED CT Overview

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    Background of study: Patient Health Record System (PHRS) is used by physicians for capturing patient medical records in electronic media. Standardization in PHRS arises a major challenge due to its complexities. The used of clinical terminology is needed in order to facilitate more expressive clinical data input, provide unambiguous encoding and support the exchange of clinical information. One of highly specialized clinical terminology is SNOMED CT(Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms) that able to encode clinical data, and contains concepts that linked to clinical knowledge to enable accurate recording of data without ambiguity. The aims of this paper is to discuss the use of clinical terminology in PHRS and identifying importance factors for applying clinical terminology in healthcare services. Method: This study used review of literature in order to find the use of clinical terminology in patient health record system by reviewing current used of clinical terminology. Result: The result of the study found that clinical terminology supports information exchange between healthcare provider

    NoSQL: Latar Belakang, Konsep, dan Kritik

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    Berkembangnya aplikasi berbasis web yang memerlukan pengolahan data dalam skala besar melahirkan paradigma baru dalam teknologi basis data. Beberapa website seperti Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Google, Amazon, dan SourceForge menyimpan dan mengolah data puluhan giga setiap harinya, dan total keseluruhan data yang disimpan oleh applikasi tersebut sudah mencapai ukuran petabyte. Ukuran data yang sangat besar menimbulkan permasalahan dari segi skalabilitas, karena pertambahan data yang terjadi setiap saat. Peningkatan kemampuan server secara vertikal yang dimiliki Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) terbatas pada penambahan prosesor, memori, dan media penyimpanan dalam satu node server yang terbatas. Sedangkan peningkatan kemampuan server secara horizontal yang meliputi penambahan perangkat server baru dalam suatu jaringan memerlukan biaya yang mahal dan sulit dalam pengelolaannya. Salah satu cara yang diterapkan oleh website berskala besar untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan menggunakan NoSQL, sebuah paradigma basis data yang merelaksasikan aturan-aturan konsistensi yang terdapat pada basis data relasional. Jika RDBMS menggunakan aturan Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, dan Durability (ACID) untuk penyimpanan dan pengolahan data, maka NoSQL menggunakan paradigma Basically Available, Soft State, and Eventually consistent (BASE) untuk merelaksasikan aturan tersebut. Hasilnya, NoSQL dapat mengolah data dalam jumlah besar dengan memartisi data ke dalam beberapa server secara lebih mudah. Makalah ini membahas dan menjelaskan latar belakang kemunculan, konsep dasar, dan penggunaan NoSQL. Kata kunci : Basis data, RDBMS, Skalabilitas, NoSQ

    Pengembangan Integrated Ticketing System dengan Framework Scrum untuk Meningkatkan Transparansi Pengelolaan Wisata Pantai Pasir Kencana

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    Pariwisata merupakan salah satu penggerak perekonomian masyarakat, baik lokal maupun dalam skala global. Industri pariwisata juga dapat menjadi tumpuan bagi masyarakat dalam memenuhi kebutuhan ekonomi, sehingga diperlukan pengelolaan yang baik dan transparan agar dapat bertahan dalam berbagai kondisi ekonomi global. Pantai Pasir Kencana merupakan salah satu tujuan wisata yang berada di Kota Pekalongan. Pantai Pasir Kencana saat ini dikelola oleh Dinas Perhubungan, Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Kota Pekalongan. Pengelolaan yang dilakukan meliputi penjualan tiket masuk, penjualan tiket wahana dan tiket parkir. Saat ini pengelolaan tersebut masih dilakukan secara terpisah, sehingga dapat menimbulkan kesulitan dalam pemantauan dan transparansi pengelolaan keuangan. Untuk mengatasi hal ini, diperlukan suatu sistem pengelolaan yang terintegrasi untuk memantau kinerja dan transaksi yang dilakukan setiap bagian secara realtime. Aplikasi pengelolaan yang diusulkan adalah E-tiket yang dikembangkan dengan basis Android menggunakan framework Flutter dan bahasa pemrograman Dart. Pengembangan aplikasi dilakukan dengan menerapkan pendekatan agile dan kerangka kerja scrum karena pertimbangan waktu pengerjaan yang relatif singkat. Pengujian aplikasi dilakukan dengan menerapkan black box testing sebanyak dua kali, yang terdiri dari pengujian pertama untuk fitur utama dan pengujian kedua untuk fitur Pendukung. Hasil performa pengujian pertama sebesar 78% dan 92% dipengujian kedua. Hasil pengujian ini menunjukkan bahwa Aplikasi E-tiket layak untuk digunakan dan telah berhasil diimplentasikan pada bulan April 2023 untuk petugas dan pengelola Pantai Pasir Kencana

    Level of Youth Knowledge about Exclusive Breastfeeding in Karangjati Urban Village, Blora

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    Exclusive breastfeeding is breast milk which gives to infants during the first 6 months without any additional drink or food. The Ministry of Health of Indonesia Republic targeted that the scope of exclusive breastfeeding for infants less than 6 months in 2016 by 54.0%. The efforts to increase exclusive breastfeeding coverage by improving knowledge about breast milk in early childhood. The purpose of this study is to determine the knowledge level of adolescent about breastfeeding eduaction by using Dukesi media (Module Packet of ASI). Teenagers who are members of youth and youth groups can join in “teenegers who care about exclusive breastfeeding”. The task of this group is to assist the campaign for exclusive breastfeeding to become successfull and hopefully being the successor for the next generation. This study is comparative analytic by dividing the adolescent into two groups. Total Sampling technique is the method for sampling on 68 female adolescents. Data Questionnaires are used to collect the data. The results of Mann Whitney test have an influence with the knowledge level on adolescent about breast milk. The counseling between intervention group and control group showing significant differences that is P = 0,000 or significanctly P 0,005. The conclusion of this research is the use of Dukesi media has infulenced teenagers about the knowledge level of breast milk in Karangjati Village Blora regency

    Scrum Framework Implementation of Fish Mobile Auction Module in Pasar Iwak Marketplace

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    Lelang Ikan mobile application is an online auction in the marketplace platform of Pasar Iwak based on Android platform. Scrum framework is applied and consists of determining the product backlog, creating sprint planning and sprint backlogs, and conducting sprint reviews and sprint retrospectives. The product backlog resulted 14 backlog items based on the results of system and user requirements for user auctioneers. Sprint planning and sprint backlog are divided into four sprints, namely front-end and back-end development, system integration process and system implementation. Sprint reviews are carried out by implementing two types of testing, namely blackbox testing and user acceptance testing (UAT). Blackbox testing emphasizes testing application functions or features, while UAT is applied to measure the level of user acceptance. The results of blackbox testing showed that the features provided by the application are in accordance with the predetermined requirements. Whereas UAT showed the result of 66.8%, which means that the application is in the appropriate category and can be accepted by users. The application development process ends at the sprint retrospective stage which is a suggestion or feedback after the application testing. The suggestions obtained are in the form of adding tracking features, payment features with payment gateways, and application development with the iOS platform


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    Instan e-commerce merupakan aplikasi berbasis web yang menyediakan domain bagi suatu perusahaan yang akan memasarkan dan menjual produknya secara online. Untuk kemudahan komunikasi antara penjual dan pembeli instan e-commerce juga menyediakan fasilitas messenger. Namun demikian fitur yang ditawarkan umumnya sama dengan fitur aplikasi messenger standar untuk komunikasi. Meningkatnyaintensitas komunikasi antara pemilik toko online dengan pelanggan dapat memberikan potensi informasi tentang perilaku pelanggan, trend kebutuhan, ekspektasi, serta berbagai bentuk informasi lainnya yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas bisnis. Pengelolaan informasi memerlukan subsistem yang dapat mengolah data dokumentasi dari histori percakapan teks melalui sistem messenger terintegrasi yang kemudian dihimpun untuk membentuk sebuah knowledge-base. Melalui pendekatan integratif, penelitian ini mengusulkan framework pengelolaan chat histori dengan memanfaatkan teknik transformasi teks kedalam relasional basis data. Review literatur dilakukan untuk mengetahui state of the art dari teknologi transformasi teks dan relasi tabel dinamis. Future work dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membangun sistem analis yang dapat menarik valuable informasi dari basis data yang telah terintegrasi dengan historipercakapan.Kata kunci : E-commerce, Chat History, Basis Dat


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    Abstrak: Telekomunikasi adalah salah satu industri, di mana pelanggan memerlukan perhatian khusus, oleh  karena  itu,  manajemen  di  sebuah  perusahaan  telekomunikasi  ingin  kehilangan  pelanggan  model prediksi untuk efisien memprediksi berpotensi kehilangan pelanggan. Jaringan syaraf adalah metode yang sering digunakan untuk memprediksi. Teknik yang paling populer dalam metode adalah saraf algoritma jaringan backpropagation. Namun algoritma backpropagationmemiliki kelemahan pada kebutuhan untuk data  pelatihan  besar  dan  optimasi  yang  digunakan  kurang  efisien.  Particle  Swarm  Optimization (PSO) adalah  suatu  algoritma  optimasi  yang  dapat  memecahkan  yang  efektif  masalah  pada  algoritma  neural network umumnya  menggunakan  algoritma  backpropagation.  Pengujian  model  dengan  berbasis menggunakan  Backpropagation Particle Swarm Optimizationmenggunakan data pelanggan hilang pada telekomunikasi. Model yang dihasilkan diuji untuk memperoleh akurasi dan nilai-nilai AUC dari masingmasing  algoritma  untuk  mendapatkan  tes  menggunakan  nilai  yang  diperoleh  akurasi  Backpropagation adalah 85.48% dan nilai AUC adalah 0.531. Sementarapengujian dengan menggunakan Backpropagation berbasis  Particle  Swarm  Optimization dipilih  atribut  dan  penyesuaian  nilai  parameter  yang  diperoleh 86.05% akurasi dan nilai AUC adalah 0,637. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa data pelanggan uji  hilang  dalam  telekomunikasi  menggunakan  aplikasi  Particle  Swarm  Optimization  Backpropagation dan dalam pemilihan atribut  diperoleh bahwa  metode  ini  lebih akurat dalam prediksi pelanggan  hilang telekomunikasi dibandingkan dengan Backpropagation, ditandai dengan peningkatan akurasi 00:57% dan nilai-nilai AUC dari 0.106, dengan nilai yang dimasukkan ke dalam akurasi klasifikasi cukup.Kata  Kunci:  Telekomunikasi,  Neural  Network,  Backpropagation,  Particle  Swarm  Optimization


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    Children are trustworthy and entrusted by God Almighty, so they need to be given protection, and guarded and cared for to maturity, guarded and cared for in the sense of being given protection against themselves both protection from their parents, or others who are obliged to look after it or also from society, so as not to become a victim of the abuse of the narcotics. Narcotics itself is defined as a substance or drug that comes from plants or not from plants, whether it is also synthesis or not that harms anyone and if consumed in excessive amounts can cause death. If the child as a victim of abuse of narcotics resulting from mistreatment by ordering or forcing the child to consume it, is a violation of the child's rights, which will have an impact that the child is increasingly addicted to get these items, as well as efforts to escape from depression and stress, but with inviting children or involving or also telling children to consume them is unlawful, and includes damaging their lives. Protection of children is not only limited to providing drugs, and health services but also to get restitution as stipulated in Government Regulation Number 43 Year 2017 Regarding Provision of Restitution for child victims of crime, giving restitution to children because the effect of the child as a victim greatly affects the physical and psychic to grow and develop children. Research Method, this study uses normative juridical by referring to existing laws, concepts and principles, where the result is that the implementation of restitution of children can be submitted during the investigation stage and those who can submit are victims of children, parents or guardians of the victims themselves

    Hasil Peer Review Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi SINTA 6 dengan Judul "RESTITUSI BAGI ANAK KORBAN PENYALAHGUNAAN NARKOTIKA"

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    Children are trustworthy and entrusted by God Almighty, so they need to be given protection, and guarded and cared for to maturity, guarded and cared for in the sense of being given protection against themselves both protection from their parents, or others who are obliged to look after it or also from society, so as not to become a victim of the abuse of the narcotics. Narcotics itself is defined as a substance or drug that comes from plants or not from plants, whether it is also synthesis or not that harms anyone and if consumed in excessive amounts can cause death. If the child as a victim of abuse of narcotics resulting from mistreatment by ordering or forcing the child to consume it, is a violation of the child's rights, which will have an impact that the child is increasingly addicted to get these items, as well as efforts to escape from depression and stress, but with inviting children or involving or also telling children to consume them is unlawful, and includes damaging their lives. Protection of children is not only limited to providing drugs, and health services but also to get restitution as stipulated in Government Regulation Number 43 Year 2017 Regarding Provision of Restitution for child victims of crime, giving restitution to children because the effect of the child as a victim greatly affects the physical and psychic to grow and develop children. Research Method, this study uses normative juridical by referring to existing laws, concepts and principles, where the result is that the implementation of restitution of children can be submitted during the investigation stage and those who can submit are victims of children, parents or guardians of the victims themselve