756 research outputs found

    The Misappropriation Theory and Securities Fraud Liability; Its Days Are Numbered

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    Geomatics supporting knowledge of cultural heritage aimed at recovery and restoration

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    The study presented aims a practical contribution to the use of the Terrestrial Laser Scanner and the Close Range Photogrammetry geomatic techniques and to their integration for the knowledge and development of the historical-architectural heritage, both in the step of planning a restorative conservation project, and in the subsequent step of the restoration works. In particular, these techniques and their integration were applied at the process of study, planning and execution of the restoration of the San Giovanni Battista church in Fonni (Sardinia, Italy), founded in the 16th century. The building, due to structural problems and humidity infiltrations, was subject to a serious intervention for consolidation and conservative restoration.In the first phase of the work, preliminary to the design, a TLS survey was made that allowed to obtain an accurate 3D model of the church. In a second phase, during the restoration work, CRP surveys were carried out and the accuracy of this technique was verified through a comparison with TLS surveys. The integration of the two techniques to improve the texture of point clouds detected with TLS was also tested

    Equivariant Nica-Pimsner quotients associated with strong compactly aligned product systems

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    We parametrise the gauge-invariant ideals of the Toeplitz-Nica-Pimsner algebra of a strong compactly aligned product system over Z+d\mathbb{Z}_+^d by using 2d2^d-tuples of ideals of the coefficient algebra that are invariant, partially ordered, and maximal. We give an algebraic characterisation of maximality that allows the iteration of a 2d2^d-tuple to the maximal one inducing the same gauge-invariant ideal. The parametrisation respects inclusions and intersections, while we characterise the join operation on the 2d2^d-tuples that renders the parametrisation a lattice isomorphism. The problem of the parametrisation of the gauge-invariant ideals is equivalent to the study of relative Cuntz-Nica-Pimsner algebras, for which we provide a generalised Gauge-Invariant Uniqueness Theorem. We focus further on equivariant quotients of the Cuntz-Nica-Pimsner algebra and provide applications to regular product systems, C*-dynamical systems, strong finitely aligned higher-rank graphs, and product systems on finite frames. In particular, we provide a description of the parametrisation for (possibly non-automorphic) C*-dynamical systems and row-finite higher-rank graphs, which squares with known results when restricting to crossed products and to locally convex row-finite higher-rank graphs.Comment: 104 page

    Empty nose syndrome

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    SummaryEmpty nose syndrome (ENS) is a clinical entity without consensual definition; it is a rare complication of nose or sinus surgery, and of inferior turbinectomy in particular. Physiopathology remains unclear, but probably involves disorder caused by excessive nasal permeability affecting neurosensitive receptors and inhaled air humidification and conditioning functions. Neuropsychological involvement is suspected. Symptomatology is variable and changeable, the most common sign being paradoxical nasal obstruction. Diagnosis is founded on: (1) a range of symptoms that need to be precisely collated; (2) broad post-surgical nasal permeability. Management is problematic, deploying the full range of simple nasal cavity hygiene and humidification techniques, with surgery reserved for the most severe cases; whatever the technique, surgery aims at partial filling of the nasal airway. Prevention is the most important strategy, and seeks (1) to check, before any surgery is envisaged, the reality of nasal dyspermeability resistant to medical treatment; and (2) to prefer the most conservative surgical techniques

    Cholesterol homeostasis: a key to prevent or slow down neurodegeneration

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    Neurodegeneration, a common feature for many brain disorders, has severe consequences on the mental and physical health of an individual. Typically human neurodegenerative diseases are devastating illnesses that predominantly affect elderly people, progress slowly, and lead to disability and premature death; however they may occur at all ages. Despite extensive research and investments, current therapeutic interventions against these disorders treat solely the symptoms. Therefore, since the underlying mechanisms of damage to neurons are similar, in spite of etiology and background heterogeneous, it will be of interest to identify possible trigger point of neurodegeneration enabling development of drugs and/or prevention strategies that target many disorders simultaneously. Among the factors that have been identified so far to cause neurodegeneration, failures in cholesterol homeostasis are indubitably the best investigated. The aim of this review is to critically discuss some of the main results reported in the recent years in this field mainly focusing on the mechanisms that, by recovering perturbations of cholesterol homeostasis in neuronal cells, may correct clinically relevant features occurring in different neurodegenerative disorders and, in this regard, also debate the current potential therapeutic interventions

    Laboratory tests on hydraulic lime mortar reinforced with jute fibres

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    Background: Considering the high seismic vulnerability of masonry buildings located in the Italian territory, the implementation of seismic retrofit programs is strongly needed.. With consideration for sustainable interventions, it is evident that the retrofit techniques to protect the historical heritage should be carried out with innovative green compound materials, such as mortars reinforced with natural fibres. Objective: In the current paper, laboratory tests on lime mortars strengthened with raw jute fibres have been performed. Methods: The workability of the fibre-reinforced mixture has been assessed through shaking table tests, and the mechanical resistances of standard specimens have been evaluated by bending and compression tests. Results: Considering the hygroscopic nature of jute, it has been identified that the optimal water/lime ratio and the maximum water percentage are absorbed by jute fibres. From the results, how the spreading of the mixture, which is indicative of the mortar consistency, changes with the water/lime ratio, has been evaluated. From bending tests, the effective behaviour of fibres, which provide a stitching effect of the failure crack in the investigated fibre-reinforced lime mortars, has been observed. Conclusion: Finally, the results of compression tests have shown that the examined fibre-reinforced mortars can be effectively used as building products according to the actual Italian technical code NTC 2018

    Hubungan Antara Iklim Organisasi Dengan Keterikatan Kerja Pada Karyawan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Kantor Cabang Semarang

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    Organisasi dengan iklim organisasi yang positif dapat meningkatkan motivasi, keterlibatan dan produktivitas karyawan, serta kepuasan kerja yang pada akhirnya dapat meningkatkan keterikatan kerja dalam diri karyawan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara iklim organisasi dan keterikatan kerja pada karyawan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Kantor Cabang Semarang. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 109 orang karyawan tetap PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Kantor Cabang Semarang, serta sampel penelitian berjumlah 65 karyawan. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah Skala Keterikatan Kerja (29 aitem, Ī± = 0,921) dan Skala Iklim Organisasi (31 aitem, Ī± = 0,915). Analisis regresi sederhana menunjukkan adanya hubungan positif yang signifikan antara iklim organisasi dan keterikatan kerja (r = 0,786; p < 0,001), yang berarti bahwa semakin positif iklim organisasi maka semakin tinggi keterikatan kerja karyawan, dan sebaliknya, semakin negatif iklim organisasi maka semakin rendah keterikatan kerja karyawan. Iklim organisasi memberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 61,8% pada keterikatan kerja. Kondisi tersebut menunjukkan bahwa tingkat konsistensi variabel keterikatan kerja sebesar 61,8% dapat diprediksi oleh iklim organisasi, sisanya 38,2% ditentukan oleh faktor lain yang tidak diukur dalam penelitian ini


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    scanner provides the ability to detect the geometric 3D model of a building without any physical contact with the structure. Knowledge of the 3D model will give the opportunity to study the deformation and quantify the damages. Three case studies are presented relating to damaged and/or unsafe buildings: Sivillier Castle (Villasor - Sardinia- Italy), the Bell Tower of Mores (Sardinia-Italy) and industrial building (Cagliari - Italy). The first two cases concern buildings of historical and architectural importance that present a state of compromised conservation; the last, an industrial building compromised by fire. In all cases, a laser scanner survey was carried out that not only provided valuable information but also highlighted structural metric deformation and degradation

    Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Aktif Cooperative Script untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa pada Pokok Bahasan Struktur Atom di Kelas X Mia SMA Negeri 1 Kepenuhan Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

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    Research on the application of active learning Cooperative Script method has been done in class X of SMAN Kepenuhan Kabupaten Rokan Hulu on the subject of atomic structure. Based on the results of observations conducted by researchers at the SMAN1Kepenuhan Kabupaten Rokan Hulu do known that learning is teacher centered, so that students become less active and negatively affect student achievement. The objective was to determine the increase in student achievement and increase student achievement category. The research form is an experimental research with pretest-posttest design. The sample consisted of two classes, namely class X MIA1 as the experimental group and the class X MIA2 as the control group. The experimental group is the group of students who were treated by applying the active learning of Cooperative Script method, while the control group was treated with information discussion methods. Data analysis technique used is the t-test. The results showed tarithmetic>ttable (2,07 > 1,68) and N-gain of the experimental group is 0,754 which includes the high category. Therefore, it can be concluded that the application for active learning Cooperative Script method can increase student achievement in the subject of anatomic structure in SMAN 1 Kepenuhan Kabupaten Rokan Hulu
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