185 research outputs found

    Access to Encrypted Data in Cloud Database

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    Today internet is considered as one of the basic need for human being and to make it more interactive various technologies have been developed and cloud computing is one of them. Cloud computing is a well-known technology which has become today’s important research area due to its ability to reduce the costs associated with computing. It is one of the enticing technology which provides various services to its user as per demand over the internet. Social media channels, corporate structures and individual consumers all are switching towards the magnificent world of cloud computing. This technology is having security issues of data confidentiality, data integrity and data availability. Cloud is a mere collection of tangible super computers spread across the world so authentication and authorization for data access is more than a necessity. Proposed work attempts to overcome security threats related to data in data bases over cloud. The proposed methodology suggests the encryption of the data uploaded on the cloud using various algorithms available for cloud encryption and also tries to provide an efficient access to encrypted data in database over cloud. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15017

    CEO overconfidence and dividend policy

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    We develop a model of the effect of CEO overconfidence on dividend policy and empirically examine many of its predictions. Consistent with our main prediction, we find that the level of dividend payout is lower in firms managed by overconfident CEOs. We document that this reduction in dividends associated with CEO overconfidence is greater in firms with lower growth opportunities, lower cash flow, and greater information asymmetry. We also show that the magnitude of the positive market reaction to a dividend-increase announcement is lower for firms managed by overconfident CEOs. Our overall results are consistent with the predictions of our model.Chief executive officers ; Dividends

    Biodiesel from Thevetia peruviana seed oil with dimethyl carbonate using as an active catalyst potassium-methoxide

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    The transesterification of Thevetia peruviana seed oil with dimethyl carbonate (DMC) for preparing biodiesel has been studied using as an active catalyst potassium-methoxide (KOCH3). The effects of reaction conditions: Molar ratio of dimethyl carbonate to Thevetia peruviana seed oil, catalyst concentration, reaction time and agitation speed on dimethyl esters (DMC-Tp-BioDs) yield were investigated. The highest DMC-Tp-BioDs yield could reach 97.1% at refluxing temperature for 90 min with molar ratio of DMC-to-oil 5:1 and 2.0% w/w KOCH3 (based on oil weight). The fuel properties of the produced DMC-Tp-BioDs were compared with the ASTM D6751-02 biodiesel standard

    A survey on security and privacy issues in IoV

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    As an up-and-coming branch of the internet of things, internet of vehicles (IoV) is imagined to fill in as a fundamental information detecting and processing platform for astute transportation frameworks. Today, vehicles are progressively being associated with the internet of things which empower them to give pervasive access to data to drivers and travelers while moving. Be that as it may, as the quantity of associated vehicles continues expanding, new prerequisites, (for example, consistent, secure, vigorous, versatile data trade among vehicles, people, and side of the road frameworks) of vehicular systems are developing. Right now, the unique idea of vehicular specially appointed systems is being changed into another idea called the internet of vehicles (IoV). We talk about the issues faced in implementing a secure IoV architecture. We examine the various challenges in implementing security and privacy in IoV by reviewing past papers along with pointing out research gaps and possible future work and putting forth our on inferences relating to each paper

    Prevalence and genotype distribution of human papilloma virus in cervical samples of young married women: a hospital based prospective cross-sectional study

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    Background: The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence and genotypes of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in the cervical samples of young married women at a tertiary care hospital in Chhattisgarh. A prospective cross-sectional observational study was performed in married women, aged 18 to 30 years.Methods: Relevant history was noted and cervical samples were collected and tested for HPV deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Data was compiled to calculate the prevalence of HPV and the genotypic distribution.Results: The overall prevalence of HPV in this study was 22.73% and that of type 16 and 18 either alone or in combination with other subtypes was 17.26%. They were the commonest subtypes. HPV positivity was inversely related to education levels (Chi square, p=0.05). There was a significant difference in parity of women testing positive for HPV versus those negative for HPV (one tailed Pr (t<t)=0.03, 95% CI=1.445 to 1,865 at 108 degrees of freedom). No difference was observed between education and socio economic levels of positive versus negative women. Type 16 and 18 accounted for 76% of all HPV subtypes detected.Conclusions: The prevalence of HPV infection is high in Indian women. The high risk oncogenic types are the commonest subtypes. There is an urgent need to screen for the presence of high risk HPV infections in younger women so that they may be followed up more closely to prevent cervical cancers

    Subcutaneous Zygomycosis Due to Basidiobolus ranarum: A Case Report from Maharastra, India

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    Entomophthoromycosis is a rare entity. We hereby report a case of entomophthoromycosis in a three-year-old Asian child who presented with a painless, nontender, rapidly increasing large swelling on the thigh of six months duration, which was initially misdiagnosed as a soft tissue tumor and resected. The cause of misleading diagnosis was rapid growth of the lesion in a short duration of time, indicating the possibility of a tumor. Histopathological examination revealed an inflammatory lesion with aseptate fungal hyphae and the characteristic Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon. Microbiological examination identified the fungus as Basidiobolus ranarum. Complete excision of the lesion followed by antifungal therapy was associated with complete recovery. Entomophthoromycosis should be considered early when children from endemic areas present with unusual, rapid-growing lesions of the subcutaneous region. In order to emphasize tumor-like presentation of zygomycosis, we are presenting this case

    An unusual presentation of nabothian cyst: a case report

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    Nabothian cysts are common gynecologic findings and rarely of clinical significance. They are not problematic unless they are sizeable and present secondary symptoms like in this case. Nabothian cysts are usually associated with chronic cervicitis, an inflammatory condition of cervix, and are harmless and usually disappear on their own. Here we report an interesting case of multiple large nabothian cysts presented with continuous, thin & copious watery discharge, a distressing symptom, mimicking genitourinary fistula. This case is reported for the rarity of symptoms of continuous copious thin watery discharge per vaginum. Very rarely nabothian cyst needs hysterectomy as in our case

    Bilateral synchronous spermatocytic seminoma: a rare case report from rural India and literature review

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    Spermatocytic Seminoma is an unusual germ cell tumour known to arise from testis only. It is associated with good prognosis. Testicular tumours as such are uncommon in Asia as compared to western countries. In the literature only five cases of bilateral synchronous Spermatocytic Seminoma have been reported. Fifty years male patient presented to us with bilateral scrotal swelling and evaluation revealed neoplastic aetiology of bilateral testicular enlargement. Left side radical orchidectomy was performed initially which histopathologically revealed spermatocytic seminoma. Subsequently right side radical orchidectomy was performed after intra-op frozen section confirmation of neoplastic nature. Histopathology revealed same pathology as on left side. Immunohistochemistry of specimen from both testes was again conclusive of spermatocytic seminoma. We hereby report this rare case of Bilateral Synchronous Spermatocytic Seminoma. This is the first case report from entire Asian continent except for Japan.Pan African Medical Journal 2012; 13:3
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