348 research outputs found

    Mestsamenstelling in Adviesbasis Bemesting Grasland en Voedergewassen

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    De samenstelling van mest is afhankelijk van een groot aantal factoren: de diersoort, het gevoerde rantsoen, het stalsysteem, en de hoeveelheid drink- en spoelwater die in de mest komt. Een aantal ontwikkelingen in de veehouderij kan er de oorzaak van zijn dat de gemiddelde mestsamenstelling in de laatste jaren veranderd is. In de rundveehouderij moeten we hierbij denken aan verlaging van de stikstofbemesting en een beperkt gebruik van fosfaatmeststoffen om op die manier te kunnen voldoen aan de gebruiksnormen. Bedrijven die deelnemen aan het berekenen van Bedrijfsspecifieke Excretie (BEX), voeren scherp op de behoeftenormen aan N en P. Hierdoor kan de hoeveelheid van het bedrijf af te voeren mest worden beperkt. Redenen genoeg om de mestcijfers opnieuw onder de loep te nemen

    The spin-dependent nd scattering length - a proposed high-accuracy measurement

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    The understanding of few-nucleon systems at low energies is essential, e.g. for accurate predictions of element abundances in big-bang and stellar fusion. Novel effective field theories, taking only nucleons, or nucleons and pions as explicit degrees of freedom, provide a systematic approach, permitting an estimate of theoretical uncertainties. Basic constants parameterising the short range physics are derived from only a handful of experimental values. The doublet neutron scattering length a_2 of the deuteron is particularly sensitive to a three-nucleon contact interaction, but experimentally known with only 6% accuracy. It can be deduced from the two experimentally accessible parameters of the nd scattering length. We plan to measure the poorly known "incoherent" nd scattering length a_{i,d} with 10^{-3} accuracy, using a Ramsey apparatus for pseudomagnetic precession with a cold polarised neutron beam at PSI. A polarised target containing both deuterons and protons will permit a measurement relative to the incoherent np scattering length, which is know experimentally with an accuracy of 2.4\times 10^{-4}.Comment: 5 pages LaTeX2e, 1 .eps figure. To be published in Nucl. Inst. Methods A as part of the Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Polarized Solid Targets and Techniques in Bad Honnef (Germany), 27th - 29th October 200

    In vivo imaging of brain androgen receptors in rats: a [18F]FDHT PET study

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    AbstractIntroductionSteroid hormones like androgens play an important role in the development and maintenance of several brain functions. Androgens can act through androgen receptors (AR) in the brain. This study aims to demonstrate the feasibility of positron emission tomography (PET) with 16β-[18F]fluoro-5α-dihydrotestosterone ([18F]FDHT) to image AR expression in the brain.MethodsMale Wistar rats were either orchiectomized to inhibit endogenous androgen production or underwent sham-surgery. Fifteen days after surgery, rats were subjected to a 90-min dynamic [18F]FDHT PET scan with arterial blood sampling. In a subset of orchiectomized rats, 1mg/kg dihydrotestosterone was co-injected with the tracer in order to saturate the AR. Plasma samples were analyzed for the presence of radioactive metabolites by radio-TLC. Pharmacokinetic modeling was performed to quantify brain kinetics of the tracer. After the PET scan, the animals were terminated for ex-vivo biodistribution.ResultsPET imaging and ex vivo biodistribution studies showed low [18F]FDHT uptake in all brain regions, except pituitary. [18F]FDHT uptake in the surrounding cranial bones was high and increased over time. [18F]FDHT was rapidly metabolized in rats. Metabolism was significantly faster in orchiectomized rats than in sham-orchiectomized rats. Quantitative analysis of PET data indicated substantial spill-over of activity from cranial bones into peripheral brain regions, which prevented further analysis of peripheral brain regions. Logan graphical analysis and kinetic modeling using 1- and 2-tissue compartment models showed reversible and homogenously distributed tracer uptake in central brain regions. [18F]FDHT uptake in the brain could not be blocked by endogenous androgens or administration of dihydrotestosterone.ConclusionThe results of this study indicate that imaging of AR availability in rat brain with [18F]FDHT PET is not feasible. The low AR expression in the brain, the rapid metabolism of [18F]FDHT in rats and the poor brain penetration of the tracer likely contributed to the poor performance of [18F]FDHT PET in this study

    Modular ATR FT-IR microreactor chip for optimizing reaction conditions

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    A silicon chip for attenuated total reflection (ATR) Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy in combination with a modular PDMS herringbone mixer and a microreactor has been successfully fabricated and tested. The modular design allows the chip to be used for a variety of reactions. A model synthesis of 1-butyl-2,5-dimethyl-1H-pyrrole from hexane-2,5-dione with 1-butylamine has been performed on chip. When plotting the natural logarithm of the peak area corresponding to the ketone stretch vibration at 1710cm-1, against the residence time, a linear curve can be fitted, suggesting this step to be a first order reaction

    Modular ATR FT-IR microreactor chip for optimizing reaction conditions

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    A silicon chip for attenuated total reflection (ATR) Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy in combination with a modular PDMS herringbone mixer and a microreactor has been successfully fabricated and tested. The modular design allows the chip to be used for a variety of reactions. A model synthesis of 1-butyl-2,5-dimethyl-1H-pyrrole from hexane-2,5-dione with 1-butylamine has been performed on chip. When plotting the natural logarithm of the peak area corresponding to the ketone stretch vibration at 1710cm-1, against the residence time, a linear curve can be fitted, suggesting this step to be a first order reaction

    Nanoparticle formation and dynamics in a complex (dusty) plasma: from the plasma ignition to the afterglow.

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    Complex (dusty) plasmas are a subject of growing interest. They areionized gases containing charged dust particles. In capacitively-coupled RF discharges, dust growth can occur naturally and two methods can be used to grow dust particles: chemically active plasmas or sputtering. The growth of dust particles in argon discharges by RF sputtering and the effect of dust particles on theplasma have been investigated from the plasma ignition to the afterglow. It was shown that plasma and discharge parameters are greatly affected by the dust particles. Furthermore, plasma instabilities can be triggered by the presence of the dust particles. These instabilities can be due to dust particle growth or they can be instabilities of a well established dust cloud filling the interelectrode space. When the discharge is switched off, the dust particles act like a sink for the charge carrier and consequently affect the plasma losses. It was shown that the dust particles do keep residual chargeswhich values are greatly affected by the diffusion of the charge carriers and especially the transition from ambipolar to free diffusion

    To what extent does the securitisation of asylum seekers contribute to Australia’s failure to meet its relevant international human rights obligations?

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    BACKGROUND: Although it is well established that late-life depression is associated with both systemic low-graded inflammation and cognitive impairment, the relation between inflammation and cognition in depressed older persons is still equivocal. The objective of this study is to examine the association between plasma Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin (NGAL) concentrations and cognitive functioning in late-life depression, including the potentially moderating role of sex. METHODS: A total of 369 depressed older persons (>/=60 years) from The Netherlands study of Depression in Older persons (NESDO) were included. Four cognitive domains, i.e. verbal memory, processing speed, interference control and attention were assessed with three cognitive tests (Stroop test, Wais Digit span test, and Rey's verbal learning test). Multiple linear regression analyses were applied with the four cognitive domains as dependent variables adjusted for confounders. RESULTS: The association between NGAL levels and specific cognitive domains were sex-specific. In women, higher NGAL levels were associated with impaired verbal memory and lower processing speed. In men, higher NGAL levels were associated with worse interference control. Higher NGAL levels were not associated with attention. No sex-specific associations of either high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) or interleukin-6 (IL-6) with cognitive functioning were found. CONCLUSION: This study shows sex-specific association of NGAL with cognitive functioning in late-life depression

    Randomized trial of Legflow® paclitaxel eluting balloon and stenting versus standard percutaneous transluminal angioplasty and stenting for the treatment of intermediate and long lesions of the superficial femoral artery (RAPID trial): Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Restenosis after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) of the superficial femoral artery (SFA) may occur in 45% of patients at 2 years follow-up. Paclitaxel-coated balloons have been found to reduce neointimal hyperplasia, and thus reduce restenosis. Recently, the Legflow® paclitaxel-coated balloon (Cardionovum Sp.z.o.o., Warsaw, Poland) (LPEB) has been introduced. This balloon is covered with shellac, a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved natural resin, to obtain an equally distributed tissue concentration of paclitaxel. The RAPID trial is designed to assess restenosis after PTA using the Legflow balloon combined with nitinol stenting versus uncoated balloons with nitinol stenting in SFA lesions >5 cm.Methods/Design: A total of 176 adult patients with Rutherford class 2 to class 6 symptoms due to intermediate (5-15 cm) or long (>15 cm) atherosclerotic lesions in the SFA will be randomly allocated for treatment with LPEB with nitinol stenting or uncoated balloon angioplasty with stenting. Stenting will be performed using the Supera® stent in both groups (IDEV Technologies Inc., Webster, TX). The primary endpoint is the absence of binary restenosis of the treated SFA segment. Secondary outcomes are target lesion revascularization (TLR), clinical and hemodynamic outcome, amputation rate, mortality rate, adverse events, and device-specific adverse events. Follow up consists of four visits in which ankle-brachial indices (ABI), toe pressure measurements, and duplex ultrasound (DUS) will be performed. Furthermore, a peripheral artery questionnaire (PAQ) will be completed by the patients at each follow-up. In the event that DUS reveals a symptomatic >50% restenosis, or a >75% asymptomatic restenosis, additional digital subtraction angiography will be performed with any necessary re-intervention.Discussion: The RAPID trial is a multicenter randomized controlled patient blind trial that will provide evidence concerning whether the use of the Legflow paclitaxel/shellac coated balloons with nitinol stenting significantly reduces the frequency of restenosis in intermediate and long SFA lesions compared to standard PTA and stenting.Trial registration: ISRCTN47846578