236 research outputs found

    Incidence of anthelmintic resistance in cattle farms in Northern Germany – first results

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    Anthelmintic resistance (AR) is an increasing problem worldwide especially for small ruminants and it is also rising in cattle. To maintain the efficacy of anthelmintics is an important objective. The current project aims at the investigation of the current efficacy of macrocyclic lactone anthelmintics for strongylid nematodes in first season grazing (FSG) calves in Northern Germany. On 8 participating farms in Northern Germany faecal egg count reduction tests (FECRT) with ivermectin (IVM) were performed. On 3 farms the efficacy of IVM was found to be ≤90% and on only 4 farms it was > 95% at 14 days post treatment (d.p.t.). Only 2 farms showed a reduction ≥ 95% at 21 d.p.t.. This survey reveals a rising problem of AR. The problem of drug resistance places the welfare of animals at risk. In organic farming, without a preventive treatment, livestock may harbour high worm counts. Therefore it is necessary to maintain powerful anthelmintic drugs to guarantee the welfare of animals that need salvage treatment. To investigate the AR problem in cattle more surveys with different anthelmintic drug classes are urgently needed

    Untersuchungen zur Wirksamkeit von Anthelminthika bei erstsömmrigen Rindern in Europa

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    Resistance to anthelmintics is a threat to several animal industries world wide. Nevertheless, the use of effective anthelmintics to control nematode infections in cattle still remains irreplaceable. Anthelmintic resistance in cattle has been reported in New Zealand, North and South America and England but so far not in Europe. To be able to determine the extent of anthelmintic resistance in nematodes of farm animals and to monitor the success of any resistance management requires reliable tests for the detection of anthelmintic resistance. One of the objectives of PARASOL, a European Framework 6 funded project, is to produce standard operating procedures for the running of a faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT). Standardized procedures for the FECRT have been developed and surveys with injectable ivermectin were then performed in Germany, Sweden and Belgium in 2006 and 2007. Additional tests using benzimidazoles were performed in Sweden and Germany in 2007. Furthermore, some of the refractory strains will be isolated to test whether the phenomena observed in the field was due to the evolution of anthelmintic resistance

    Structural studies of cerebral cavernous malformations 2 (CCM2) reveal a folded helical domain at its C-terminus

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    AbstractCerebral cavernous malformations (CCM) are neurovascular dysplasias affecting up to 0.5% of the population. Mutations in the CCM2 gene are associated with acquisition of CCM. We identify a previously uncharacterized domain at the C-terminus of CCM2 and determine its 1.9Ă… resolution crystal structure. Because this domain is structurally homologous to the N-terminal domain of harmonin, we name it the CCM2 harmonin-homology domain or HHD. CCM2 HHD is observed in two conformations, and we employ analytical ultracentrifugation to test its oligomerization. Additionally, CCM2 HHD contains an unusually long 13-residue 310 helix. This study provides the first structural characterization of CCM2.Structured summary of protein interactionsCCM2 binds to CCM3 by pull down (View interaction)CCM2 and CCM2 bind by X-ray crystallography (View interaction)CCM2 and CCM2 bind by molecular sieving (View interaction

    Domain Structure of the Staphylococcus aureus Collagen Adhesin

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    Sequence analysis of surface proteins from Gram-positive bacteria indicates a composite organization consisting of unique and repeated segments. Thus, these proteins may contain discrete domains that could fold independently. In this paper, we have used a panel of biophysical methods, including gel permeation chromatography, analytical ultracentrifugation, circular dichroism, and fluorescence spectroscopy, to analyze the structural organization of the Staphylococcus aureus collagen adhesin, CNA. Our results indicate that the structure, function, and folding of the ligand-binding domain (A) are not affected by the presence or absence of the other major domain (B). In addition, little or no interaction is observed between the nearly identical repeat units within the B domain. We propose that CNA is indeed a mosaic protein in which the different domains previously indicated by sequence analysis operate independently

    Anthelmintic resistance to ivermectin and moxidectin in gastrointestinal nematodes of cattle in Europe

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    Anthelmintic resistance has been increasingly reported in cattle worldwide over the last decade, although reports from Europe are more limited. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of injectable formulations of ivermectin and moxidectin at 0.2 mg per kg bodyweight against naturally acquired gastro-intestinal nematodes in cattle. A total of 753 animals on 40 farms were enrolled in Germany (12 farms), the UK (10 farms), Italy (10 farms), and France (8 farms). Animals were selected based on pre-treatment faecal egg counts and were allocated to one of the two treatment groups. Each treatment group consisted of between 7 and 10 animals. A post-treatment faecal egg count was performed 14 days (±2 days) after treatment. The observed percentage reduction was calculated for each treatment group based on the arithmetic mean faecal egg count before and after treatment. The resistance status was evaluated based on the reduction in arithmetic mean faecal egg count and both the lower and upper 95% confidence limits. A decreased efficacy was observed in half or more of the farms in Germany, France and the UK. For moxidectin, resistance was confirmed on 3 farms in France, and on 1 farm in Germany and the UK. For ivermectin, resistance was confirmed on 3 farms in the UK, and on 1 farm in Germany and France. The remaining farms with decreased efficacy were classified as having an inconclusive resistance status based on the available data. After treatment Cooperia spp. larvae were most frequently identified, though Ostertagia ostertagi was also found, in particular within the UK and Germany. The present study reports lower than expected efficacy for ivermectin and moxidectin (based on the reduction in egg excretion after treatment) on European cattle farms, with confirmed anthelmintic resistance on 12.5% of the farms

    BMI1 regulates PRC1 architecture and activity through homo- and hetero-oligomerization.

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    BMI1 is a core component of the polycomb repressive complex 1 (PRC1) and emerging data support a role of BMI1 in cancer. The central domain of BMI1 is involved in protein-protein interactions and is essential for its oncogenic activity. Here, we present the structure of BMI1 bound to the polyhomeotic protein PHC2 illustrating that the central domain of BMI1 adopts an ubiquitin-like (UBL) fold and binds PHC2 in a beta-hairpin conformation. Unexpectedly, we find that the UBL domain is involved in homo-oligomerization of BMI1. We demonstrate that both the interaction of BMI1 with polyhomeotic proteins and homo-oligomerization via UBL domain are necessary for H2A ubiquitination activity of PRC1 and for clonogenic potential of U2OS cells. Here, we also emphasize need for joint application of NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography to determine the overall structure of the BMI1-PHC2 complex

    The Open AUC Project

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    Progress in analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC) has been hindered by obstructions to hardware innovation and by software incompatibility. In this paper, we announce and outline the Open AUC Project. The goals of the Open AUC Project are to stimulate AUC innovation by improving instrumentation, detectors, acquisition and analysis software, and collaborative tools. These improvements are needed for the next generation of AUC-based research. The Open AUC Project combines on-going work from several different groups. A new base instrument is described, one that is designed from the ground up to be an analytical ultracentrifuge. This machine offers an open architecture, hardware standards, and application programming interfaces for detector developers. All software will use the GNU Public License to assure that intellectual property is available in open source format. The Open AUC strategy facilitates collaborations, encourages sharing, and eliminates the chronic impediments that have plagued AUC innovation for the last 20 years. This ultracentrifuge will be equipped with multiple and interchangeable optical tracks so that state-of-the-art electronics and improved detectors will be available for a variety of optical systems. The instrument will be complemented by a new rotor, enhanced data acquisition and analysis software, as well as collaboration software. Described here are the instrument, the modular software components, and a standardized database that will encourage and ease integration of data analysis and interpretation software

    Structure of the Polycomb Group Protein PCGF1 in Complex with BCOR Reveals Basis for Binding Selectivity of PCGF Homologs

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    SummaryPolycomb-group RING finger homologs (PCGF1, PCGF2, PCGF3, PCGF4, PCGF5, and PCGF6) are critical components in the assembly of distinct Polycomb repression complex 1 (PRC1)-related complexes. Here, we identify a protein interaction domain in BCL6 corepressor, BCOR, which binds the RING finger- and WD40-associated ubiquitin-like (RAWUL) domain of PCGF1 (NSPC1) and PCGF3 but not of PCGF2 (MEL18) or PCGF4 (BMI1). Because of the selective binding, we have named this domain PCGF Ub-like fold discriminator (PUFD). The structure of BCOR PUFD bound to PCGF1 reveals that (1) PUFD binds to the same surfaces as observed for a different Polycomb group RAWUL domain and (2) the ability of PUFD to discriminate among RAWULs stems from the identity of specific residues within these interaction surfaces. These data show the molecular basis for determining the binding preference for a PCGF homolog, which ultimately helps determine the identity of the larger PRC1-like assembly
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