153 research outputs found

    Género, raza y racismo la prohibición del velo islámico (hijab) en Francia

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    Gender and class in Britain and France

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    This article examines the treatment of women's oppression in feminist theory, focusing on the engagement of second wave feminists with the concept of class and its relation to gender. This examination is carried out with reference to British and French feminisms, identifying the main trends and shifts that have developed over the last 35 years and noting that while these are undoubtedly influenced by a particular national context they are also shaped by increasing European integration and social, political and cultural exchanges at a global level. The authors find evidence of a number of similarities in the questions that feminist theorists have asked in Britain and France but also demonstrate that there are significant differences. They conclude that areas of convergent theoretical interests will extend along with cross-border flows of peoples and information

    Transformative sensemaking: Development in Whose Image? Keyan Tomaselli and the semiotics of visual representation

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    The defining and distinguishing feature of homo sapiens is its ability to make sense of the world, i.e. to use its intellect to understand and change both itself and the world of which it is an integral part. It is against this backdrop that this essay reviews Tomaselli's 1996 text, Appropriating Images: The Semiotics of Visual Representation/ by summarizing his key perspectives, clarifying his major operational concepts and citing particular portions from his work in support of specific perspectives on sense-making. Subsequently, this essay employs his techniques of sense-making to interrogate the notion of "development". This exercise examines and confirms two interrelated hypotheses: first, a semiotic analysis of the privileged notion of "development" demonstrates its metaphysical/ ideological, and thus limiting, nature especially vis-a-vis the marginalized, excluded, and the collective other, the so-called Developing Countries. Second, the interrogative nature of semiotics allows for an alternative reading and application of human potential or skills in the quest of a more humane social and global order, highlighting thereby the transformative implications of a reflexive epistemology.Web of Scienc

    Les uns derrière les autres : comment se construit l'altérité

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    L'auteure veut montrer que la problématique de l'Autre comme explication du sexisme, du racisme, de l'homophobie ou de toute autre hiérarchie sociale non seulement ne marche pas, mais suppose déjà l'existence de cette hiérarchie. La haine du «différent» n'est pas un trait «naturel » de l'espèce humaine ; c'est la tradition occidentale, formalisée dans la philosophie, qui a posé comme élément constituant et universel du psychisme humain cette haine, et inventé le concept d'«Autre» . C'est la société qui construit cet «Autre» par des pratiques concrètes matérielles, dont font partie des pratiques idéologiques et discursives.Delphy Christine. Les uns derrière les autres : comment se construit l'altérité. In: Raison présente, n°174, 2e trimestre 2010. Racisme, race et sciences sociales. pp. 21-37


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    Rapports de sexe, genre et rapports sexuels

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    La culture française est exceptionnelle, plus exceptionnelle que les autres - comme si ce n’était pas la définition même d’une culture que d’être unique ! Les Français n’ont pas de mal à croire cette bêtise, ni à croire que le monde entier partage cette perception qui n’est que le résultat abruti d’une éducation cocardière et abrutissante. Et tout ce qui fait partie de cette culture « exceptionnelle » est à préserver jalousement du complot international visant à nous dénier notre supériorité...