16 research outputs found

    Structure-activity investigation on laccases by computational and site directed mutagenesis studies

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    Laccases belong to multi copper oxidase enzyme family (EC Their capacity to oxidíze a wide range of substrates makes them very attractive for the industry and are growing in importance for environmentally-friendly synthesis. Laccases have three different copper sites including, type 1 (T1), type 2 (T2) and type 3 (T3). The function of the T1 site is shuttling electrons from the substrate to the trinuclear copper cluster. During the catalytic cycle of laccase, four electrons are removed from four substrate molecules, which are finally transferred to reduce oxygen to two water molecules .Comparison of the kinetic parameters using several laccases and several substrates reveals that the reaction rate of laccase correlates with the redox potential difference between the T1 copper and the substrate. In recent years, the demonstrated potential of laccases in a range of applications has motivated the progress of laccase engineering efforts. Computational simulations can reveal targets for protein engineering to be explored by site-directed mutagenesis (or semi-rational approaches). In this work we used computational methods for studying interaction of different substrates with laccases and structural activity of the enzyme. The goal of the present study was to characterize the laccase binding pocket of fungal and bacterial laccases in order to establish their common pharmacophoríc characteristics. For this purpose, we first performed molecular docking studies to identify those residues involved in the interaction with diverse substrates. Our results indicate that bacterial laccase {1UVW) has less hydrophobic and aromatic residues in the activity site in comparison to other fugal structures of this study, as a result, find a pose that interacts with residues needs more energy. Subsequently, we evaluated the effect of protonation state of a conserved residue in fungal laccase, Asp/Glu, through molecular dynamics simulation. In a subsequent step, we applied QMMM-2QM-MD approach for one of the fungal laccase structure (3FU8) for calculating redox potential value. The result indicates that the difference in redox potentials changes from 7-17 to 74-92 kJ/mol if the redox state of T1Cu and DMP in the other subunit change and we correctly predict that CuT1ox/DMPred state is more stable than the CuT1red/DMPox state. After the insight gathered from computational studies we started site directed mutagenesis studies on two residues of the binding pocket in order to find their effect on the redox potential value. We made a combinatorial library for position 192 and 296 in MtlL T2. The clone contained A192P and L296W (3H12) mutation and clone contained A192P and 296L {19G8) showed activity with violuríc acid 1.23 and 1.33 fold higher than parental type, respectively. Moreover, the clone contained A192R and L296W (15H11) and clone with mutation A192R and L296L {5B4) showed higher activity with molybdenum compound in comparison to parental type. After experimental characterization of the 19G8 and 5B4 mutants, we studied the structural changes produced in the binding pocket. For this purpose we generated a three-dimensional structure of the two mutants using M.albomices laccase as template by homology modelling. Whereas the former mutant exhibits a similar binding pocket to the template, the latter appears to be smaller. In any case, subsequent docking studies did not show any differential behaviour and ligands could bind to both binding pockets in a similar way. Finally, we calculated the redox potential of the mutant A296L MaL that is similar to the former mutant, yielding a value of 167 kJ/mol. This is higher than the value obtained for MalL supporting the effect of this mutation on the redox potential.Las lacasas pertenecen a la familia de enzimas multícobre oxidadas (EC Su capacidad de oxidar una amplia gama de sustratos las hace muy atractivas para la industria y su utilización está creciendo en importancia para la síntesis respetuosa del medio ambiente. Las lacasas tienen tres tipos diferentes de cobre: tipo 1 (T1), Tipo 2 (T2) y típo 3 (T3). La función del sitio de T1 es la de transportar electrones desde el sustrato al clúster de cobre trinuclear. Durante el ciclo catalítico de la lacasa, cuatro electrones son transferidos desde cuatro moléculas de sustrato para reducir oxígeno a dos moléculas de agua. La comparación de los parámetros cinéticos utilizando varias lacasas y varios sustratos revela que la velocidad de reacción de la lacasa se correlaciona con la diferencia de potencial redox entre el cobre T1 y el sustrato. En los últimos años, el potencial demostrado por las lacasas en una gama de aplicaciones ha motivado el progreso en la ingeniería de lacasas. Las simulaciones computacionales pueden revelar residuos clave que pueden ser cambiados por mutagénesís dirigida (o enfoques semi-racionales). En este trabajo se han utilizado métodos computacionales para el estudio de la interacción de diferentes sustratos con lacasas y ver su efecto sobre la actividad. El objetivo del presente estudio fue caracterizar la unión de lacasa bolsillo de lacasas fúngícas y bacterianas con el fin de establecer sus características farmacofórícas comunes. Para este propósito, hemos realizado estudios de anclaje moleculares para identificar aquellos residuos que participan en la interacción con diversos substratos. Nuestros resultados indican que la lacasa bacteriana (1UVN) tiene un número menor de residuos hidrófobos y aromáticos que las estructuras fúngicas, como consecuencia la unión no es tan fuerte. Posteriormente, se evaluó el efecto del estado de protonación de un residuo Asp / Glu conservado en lacasas fúngicas a través de dinámica molecular. En una etapa posterior, se aplicó enfoque QMMM-2QM-MD para uno de la estructura lacasa fúngica (3FU8) para calcular el valor potencial redox. El resultado índica que la diferencia en los potenciales redox cambios 7-17 a 74-92 kJ/mol sí el estado redox de T1Cu y DMP en la otra subunidad cambio y correctamente predecir qué estado CuT1ox / DMPred es más estable que el CuT1red / estado DMPox. Después de los estudios computacionales se llevó a cabo un estudio de mutagénesis dirigida sobre dos residuos del bolsillo de unión, con el fin de encontrar su efecto sobre el valor potencial redox. Con este objetivo se llevó a cabo una biblioteca combinatoria para la posición 192 y 296 en MtL T2. El clan contenía A192P y L296W (3H 12) y el clan contenía la mutación A192P y L296L (19G8) mostraron una actividad con ácido violurico 1,23 y 1,33 veces mayor que la de tipo parental, respectivamente. Por otra parte, el clon contenía A192R y L296W (15h11) y el clon con A192R mutación y L296L (5B4) mostraron una mayor actividad con el compuesto de molibdeno en comparación con el tipo parental. Después de la caracterización experimental de los mutantes 19G8 y 5B4, estudiamos los cambios estructurales que se producen en el bolsillo de unión. Con este fin generamos una estructura tridimensional de los dos mutantes utilizando la lacasa de M.albomices como plantilla, por medio de la modelización por homología. Mientras que el primer mutante exhibe un bolsillo de unión similar al de la plantilla, éste es más pequeño en el segundo mutante. En cualquier caso, los estudios de anclaje molecular posteriores no mostraron ningún comportamiento diferencial y los ligandos podrían unirse a los dos bolsillos de unión de una manera similar. Finalmente, se calculó el potencial redox de la mutante A296L MaL que es similar al mutante 19G8, obteniéndose un valor de 167 kJ/mol. Este valor es más alto que el obtenido para MaL, apoyando el efecto que tiene esta mutacíón sobre el potencial redox

    Computational study of substrates and mediators features of lacasses

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    Laccases are enzymes of the family of the multicopper oxidases, being widely used for biotechnological applications. The enzyme catalytic cycle consists in the oxidation of the substrate with the concomitant reduction of molecular oxygen to water. In the process the substrate is converted to a free radical, that can oxidize larger substrates acting as a mediator or it can undergo polymerization. Substrate binding is not specific and there is a large diversity of substrates for laccases. Moreover, the binding site shows important differences among diverse species. The goal of the present work is to characterize the laccase binding pocket of different species in order to establish their common pharmacophoric characteristics. For this purpose we have carried out docking studies with a subset of substrates, covering the diversity of substrates using the Glide program. We have also analyze the characteristics of the binding site using diverse probes. We further have rationalized the differential values of Km found among diverse species for a specific substrate. Finally, special attention has been devoted to the binding of the mediator 2,2’-azido-di- (3-ethylbenzothiazoline) -6-sulfonic acid (ABTS), commonly used in industrial processePeer Reviewe

    Computational study of substrates and mediators features of lacasses

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    Laccases are enzymes of the family multicopper oxidases, being widely used for biotechnological applications (Canas & Camarero, 2010). The enzymes’ catalytic cycle consists of the oxidation of the substrate with the concomitant reduction of molecular oxygen to water. In this process, the substrate is converted to a free radical, that can oxidize larger substrates acting as a mediator or it can undergo polymerization. Substrate binding is not specific, and there is a large diversity of substrates for laccases. Moreover, the binding site shows important differences among diverse species. The goal of the present work is to characterize the laccase binding pocket of different species, in order to establish their common pharmacophoric characteristics. For this purpose, we have carried out docking studies with a subset of substrates, covering the diversity of substrates using the Glide program (Friesner et al., 2004). We have also analyzed the characteristics of the binding site using diverse probes. We further have rationalized the differential values of km found among diverse species for a specific substrate. Finally, special attention has been devoted to the binding of the mediator 2,2′-azido-di-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline)-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS), commonly used in industrial processes. Figure 1 shows, ABTS docked onto the fungal laccase, whereas Figure 2 shows ABTS docked onto the bacterial laccase. The analysis of the protein–ligand complex together with the corresponding optimized geometries of the possible substrate species carried out using DFT suggest that the bound species is the protonated form of ABTS as previously suggested (Enguita et al., 2004). Furthermore, the results of this study also suggest that its mechanism of oxidation occurs in a similar way to the rest of substrates/mediators, in contrast to previous suggestion

    Computational study of substrates and mediators features of lacasses

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    Laccases are enzymes of the family multicopper oxidases, being widely used for biotechnological applications (Canas & Camarero, 2010). The enzymes’ catalytic cycle consists of the oxidation of the substrate with the concomitant reduction of molecular oxygen to water. In this process, the substrate is converted to a free radical, that can oxidize larger substrates acting as a mediator or it can undergo polymerization. Substrate binding is not specific, and there is a large diversity of substrates for laccases. Moreover, the binding site shows important differences among diverse species. The goal of the present work is to characterize the laccase binding pocket of different species, in order to establish their common pharmacophoric characteristics. For this purpose, we have carried out docking studies with a subset of substrates, covering the diversity of substrates using the Glide program (Friesner et al., 2004). We have also analyzed the characteristics of the binding site using diverse probes. We further have rationalized the differential values of km found among diverse species for a specific substrate. Finally, special attention has been devoted to the binding of the mediator 2,2′-azido-di-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline)-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS), commonly used in industrial processes. Figure 1 shows, ABTS docked onto the fungal laccase, whereas Figure 2 shows ABTS docked onto the bacterial laccase. The analysis of the protein–ligand complex together with the corresponding optimized geometries of the possible substrate species carried out using DFT suggest that the bound species is the protonated form of ABTS as previously suggested (Enguita et al., 2004). Furthermore, the results of this study also suggest that its mechanism of oxidation occurs in a similar way to the rest of substrates/mediators, in contrast to previous suggestion

    A comprehensive meta-analysis to identify transcriptional signatures of abiotic stress responses in barley (Hordeum vulgare)

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    Barley, as one of the major cereals, possesses natural tolerance to major abiotic stresses such as drought and salinity, so that it is an outstanding model in abiotic stresses research. The study focuses on meta-analysis by combining different datasets of barley abiotic stress-related microarray data to identify stress-responsive genes and pathways. In addition to a thorough investigation to determine the up and downregulated gene sets under stress conditions, other analyses including gene ontology (GO) enrichment and protein–protein interaction network analysis were performed for a comprehensive study of differentially expressed genes under abiotic stresses. A total of 256 microarray samples from 14 different experiments were analyzed and 3723 probe sets were identified. The metabolic processes, cellular process, localization, biological regulation and regulation of biological process were the top enriched GO terms. Interestingly, the response to abiotic stress in the functional group contained the highest number of upregulated genes. In addition, the photosynthesis biological category included only downregulated genes. Fourteen genes in this category were related to photosystem II while only six genes belonged to photosystem I. Network analysis of DEGs revealed 52 and 57 genes as critical genes in down and upregulated networks, respectively; module analysis unveiled 28 and 23 clusters for up and downregulated networks. Regarding the GO analysis of modules, one upregulated cluster and two downregulated clusters exhibited a direct response to abiotic stress

    Feasibility of enriching anammox bacteria using sludge from two wastewater treatment plants

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    Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) is a promising biotechnology suitable for the removal of nitrogen from wastewaters. A proper choice of the seeding sludge and operational conditions is critical when dealing with the start-up of a new anammox reac tor. The objective of this research was to evaluate the feasibility of enriching anammox bacteria using two different sources of activated sludge. Both sludges were obtained from full-scale treatment plants targeting N-removal from high strength wastewater. The monitoring of the reactors was carried out according to N-compositional variables and also by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection of the functional gene encoding for the hydrazine-oxidizing enzyme (hzo), which is specific of anammox bacteria. The combined analysis of both macroscopic and microscopic data demonstrated that anammox bacteria could be enriched using activated sludge from a treatment plant processing pig slurry in CataloniaPostprint (published version

    Feasibility of enriching anammox bacteria using sludge from two wastewater treatment plants

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    Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) is a promising biotechnology suitable for the removal of nitrogen from wastewaters. A proper choice of the seeding sludge and operational conditions is critical when dealing with the start-up of a new anammox reac tor. The objective of this research was to evaluate the feasibility of enriching anammox bacteria using two different sources of activated sludge. Both sludges were obtained from full-scale treatment plants targeting N-removal from high strength wastewater. The monitoring of the reactors was carried out according to N-compositional variables and also by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection of the functional gene encoding for the hydrazine-oxidizing enzyme (hzo), which is specific of anammox bacteria. The combined analysis of both macroscopic and microscopic data demonstrated that anammox bacteria could be enriched using activated sludge from a treatment plant processing pig slurry in Cataloni