605 research outputs found

    Mapping the magnetic exchange interactions from first principles: Anisotropy anomaly and application to Fe, Ni, and Co

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    Mapping the magnetic exchange interactions from model Hamiltonian to density functional theory is a crucial step in multi-scale modeling calculations. Considering the usual magnetic force theorem but with arbitrary rotational angles of the spin moments, a spurious anisotropy in the standard mapping procedure is shown to occur provided by bilinear-like contributions of high order spin interactions. The evaluation of this anisotropy gives a hint on the strength of non-bilinear terms characterizing the system under investigation.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur

    Multilayers of Zinc-Blende Half-Metals with Semiconductors

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    We report on first-principles calculations of multilayers of zinc-blende half-metallic ferromagnets CrAs and CrSb with III-V and II-VI semiconductors, in the [001] orientation. We examine the ideal and tetragonalised structures, as well as the case of an intermixed interface. We find that, as a rule, half-metallicity can be conserved throughout the heterostructures, provided that the character of the local coordination and bonding is not disturbed. At the interfaces with semiconductors, we describe a mechanism that can give also a non-integer spin moment per interface transition atom, and derive a simple rule to evaluate it

    Ballistic Spin Injection and Detection in Fe/Semiconductor/Fe Junctions

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    We present {\it ab initio} calculations of the spin-dependent electronic transport in Fe/GaAs/Fe and Fe/ZnSe/Fe (001) junctions simulating the situation of a spin-injection experiment. We follow a ballistic Landauer-B\"uttiker approach for the calculation of the spin-dependent dc conductance in the linear-responce regime, in the limit of zero temperature. We show that the bulk band structure of the leads and of the semiconductor, and even more the electronic structure of a clean and abrupt interface, are responsible for a current polarisation and a magnetoresistance ratio of almost the ideal 100%, if the transport is ballistic. In particular we study the significance of the transmission resonances caused by the presence of two interfaces.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Surface state scattering by adatoms on noble metals

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    When surface state electrons scatter at perturbations, such as magnetic or nonmagnetic adatoms or clusters on surfaces, an electronic resonance, localized at the adatom site, can develop below the bottom of the surface state band for both spin channels. In the case of adatoms, these states have been found very recently in scanning tunneling spectroscopy experiments\cite{limot,olsson} for the Cu(111) and Ag(111) surfaces. Motivated by these experiments, we carried out a systematic theoretical investigation of the electronic structure of these surface states in the presence of magnetic and non-magnetic atoms on Cu(111). We found that Ca and all 3dd adatoms lead to a split-off state at the bottom of the surface band which is, however, not seen for the spsp elements Ga and Ge. The situation is completely reversed if the impurities are embedded in the surface: Ga and Ge are able to produce a split-off state whereas the 3dd impurities do not. The resonance arises from the s-state of the impurities and is explained in terms of strength and interaction nature (attraction or repulsion) of the perturbing potential.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors

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    Non-collinear Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker Green function method: Application to 3d nanostructures on Ni(001)

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    Magnetic nanostructures on non-magnetic or magnetic substrates have attracted strong attention due to the development of new experimental methods with atomic resolution. Motivated by this progress we have extended the full-potential Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (KKR) Green function method to treat non-collinear magnetic nanostructures on surfaces. We focus on magnetic 3d impurity nanoclusters, sitting as adatoms on or in the first surface layer on Ni(001), and investigate the size and orientation of the local moments and moreover the stabilization of non-collinear magnetic solutions. While clusters of Fe, Co, Ni atoms are magnetically collinear, non-collinear magnetic coupling is expected for Cr and Mn clusters on surfaces of elemental ferromagnets. The origin of frustration is the competition of the antiferromagnetic exchange coupling among the Cr or Mn atoms with the antiferromagnetic (for Cr) or ferromagnetic (for Mn) exchange coupling between the impurities and the substrate. We find that Cr and Mn first-neighbouring dimers and a Mn trimer on Ni(001) show non-collinear behavior nearly degenerate with the most stable collinear configuration. Increasing the distance between the dimer atoms leads to a collinear behavior, similar to the one of the single impurities. Finally, we compare some of the non-collinear {\it ab-initio} results to those obtained within a classical Heisenberg model, where the exchange constants are fitted to total energies of the collinear states; the agreement is surprisingly good.Comment: 11 page

    RKKY-like contributions to the magnetic anisotropy energy: 3d adatoms on Pt(111) surface

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    The magnetic anisotropy energy defines the energy barrier that stabilizes a magnetic moment. Utilizing density functional theory based simulations and analytical formulations, we establish that this barrier is strongly modified by long-range contributions very similar to Frieden oscillations and Rudermann-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida interactions. Thus, oscillations are expected and observed, with different decaying factors and highly anisotropic in realistic materials, which can switch non-trivially the sign of the magnetic anisotropy energy. This behavior is general and for illustration we address transition metals adatoms, Cr, Mn, Fe and Co deposited on Pt(111) surface. We explain in particular the mechanisms leading to the strong site-dependence of the magnetic anisotropy energy observed for Fe adatoms on Pt(111) surface as revealed previously via first-principles based simulations and inelastic scanning tunneling spectroscopy (A. A. Khajetoorians et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 157204 (2013)). The same mechanisms are probably active for the site-dependence of the magnetic anisotropy energy obtained for Fe adatoms on Pd or Rh(111) surfaces and for Co adatoms on Rh(111) surface (P. Blonski et al. Phys. Rev. B 81, 104426 (2010)).Comment: published manuscript with additional figures and comment