78 research outputs found

    George Duke, Aristotle and Law. The politics of Nomos, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2020, 192 pp. [RECENSIÓN]

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    Vinculación conceptual entre el derecho y la moral. Tensiones entre una teoría de la razón práctica y una concepción autónoma del derecho en la propuesta iusfilosófica de John Finnis

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    The present work aims to analyze the problem of the conceptual link between law and morality in the philosophical thought of Oxford professor John Finnis. This analysis recognizes, as a starting point, the objection formulated some years ago by Robert Alexy in which he tries to show that Finnis would maintain criteria typical of positivism in order to solve possible tensions between both normative orders. Specifically, I intend to analyze the different writings that Professor Finnis dedicates to the problem of the conceptual link between law and morality, in order to elucidate his true position around the aforementioned question, and confront it with the rest of his elaboration theoretical in order to verify if it is consistent in a systemic key.El presente trabajo tiene por objeto analizar el problema de la vinculación conceptual entre el derecho y la moral en el pensamiento iusfilosófico del profesor de Oxford, John Finnis. Este análisis reconoce, como punto de partida, la objeción formulada hace algunos años por Robert Alexy en el que intenta demostrar que Finnis mantendría criterios propios del positivismo en orden a solucionar posibles tensiones entre ambos órdenes normativos. En concreto, pretendo analizar los distintos escritos que el profesor Finnis le dedica al problema de la vinculación conceptual entre el derecho y la moral, con el fin de dilucidar su verdadero posicionamiento en torno a la cuestión aludida, y confrontarlo con el resto de su elaboración teórica a fin de verificar si el mismo es consistente en clave sistémica

    Effect of synbiotic supplementation in children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis: a randomized controlled clinical trial

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    BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES:Cystic fibrosis (CF) is characterized by excessive activation of immune processes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of synbiotic supplementation on the inflammatory response in children/adolescents with CF. SUBJECTS/METHODS:A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, clinical-trial was conducted with control group (CG, n = 17), placebo-CF-group (PCFG, n = 19), synbiotic CF-group (SCFG, n = 22), PCFG negative (n = 8) and positive (n = 11) bacteriology, and SCFG negative (n = 12) and positive (n = 10) bacteriology. Markers of lung function (FEV1), nutritional status [body mass index-for age (BMI/A), height-for-age (H/A), weight-for-age (W/A), upper-arm fat area (UFA), upper-arm muscle area (UMA), body fat (%BF)], and inflammation [interleukin (IL)-12, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), IL-10, IL-6, IL-1β, IL-8, myeloperoxidase (MPO), nitric oxide metabolites (NOx)] were evaluated before and after 90-day of supplementation with a synbiotic. RESULTS:No significance difference was found between the baseline and end evaluations of FEV1 and nutricional status markers. A significant interaction (time vs. group) was found for IL-12 (p = 0.010) and myeloperoxidase (p = 0.036) between PCFG and SCFG, however, the difference was not maintained after assessing the groups individually. NOx diminished significantly after supplementation in the SCFG (p = 0.030). In the SCFG with positive bacteriology, reductions were found in IL-6 (p = 0.033) and IL-8 (p = 0.009) after supplementation. CONCLUSIONS: Synbiotic supplementation shown promise at diminishing the pro-inflammatory markers IL-6, IL-8 in the SCFG with positive bacteriology and NOx in the SCFG in children/adolescents with CF

    Inspeção e Recuperação de Estrutura de Concreto em Edificação Escolar: Estudo de Caso / Inspection and Recovery of Concrete Structure in School Building: Case Study

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    Com o objetivo de mitigar manifestações patológicas encontradas em estruturas de concreto armado, principalmente aquelas relacionadas a corrosão da armadura, o presente trabalho ressalta a importância de propagar a cultura de periodicamente inspecionar e realizar as devidas manutenções nas edificações desse perfil. Para isso retoma conceitos, como o dos principais agentes causadores desses problemas, alertando para o perigo que eles podem oferecer, e demonstra o processo de reparo e recuperação da estrutura já danificadas. Além de apresentar um estudo avaliativo em dois componentes estruturais de uma edificação situada na Escola Politécnica de Pernambuco, Recife-PE. Tal análise foi composta por ensaios de profundidade de carbonatação, ensaio de presença de cloretos por aspersão de nitrato de prata e ensaio de dureza superficial com esclerômetro de reflexão. Tomando como base os resultados obtidos, é apresentada a devida recuperação utilizada nos pilares, e recomenda-se que, devido ao estágio alcançado pelas estruturas estudadas, os demais componentes estruturais sejam submetidos a procedimentos avaliativos, bem como a manutenções periódicas

    Viabilidade da substituição parcial do resíduo de construção civil pelo agregado miúdo nas propriedades físicas e mecânicas do concreto / Feasibility of partial replacement of construction waste by the small aggregate in the physical and mechanical properties of concrete

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    O crescimento das construções está cada vez mais frequente e, em função disto, há um aumento na geração dos resíduos decorrentes da falta de gestão para devido destino e, também, a reutilização desses dejetos. Para garantir os efeitos de reutilização, o objetivo desta pesquisa é propor a substituição dos agregados naturais pelos resíduos da construção civil gerado em demolições e/ou construções, com a finalidade de analisar métodos sustentáveis, a fim de avaliar sua resistência a compressão axial em laboratório. Foram moldados 10 CP’s de referência, 10 CP’s com 50% de substituição e 10 CP’s com 100% de substituição do agregado miúdo pelo RCC com dimensões de (10 cm x 20 cm). De acordo com os resultados obtidos, foi constatado um aumento na resistência média dos corpos de provas de concreto com 50% de substituição com 32,48 MPa, sendo 20,86% e 4,38% maior do que a resistência a compressão de 100% e 0% (referência) respectivamente. Em suma, observa-se que os resultados foram satisfatórios, mas é necessárias realizações de outros ensaios para que possa garantir a utilização técnica do RCC nas obras, minimizando os impactos ambientais e desenvolvendo métodos que direcione o uso correto desses materiais.  

    Psychological treatments and psychotherapies in the neurorehabilitation of pain. Evidences and recommendations from the italian consensus conference on pain in neurorehabilitation

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    BACKGROUND: It is increasingly recognized that treating pain is crucial for effective care within neurological rehabilitation in the setting of the neurological rehabilitation. The Italian Consensus Conference on Pain in Neurorehabilitation was constituted with the purpose identifying best practices for us in this context. Along with drug therapies and physical interventions, psychological treatments have been proven to be some of the most valuable tools that can be used within a multidisciplinary approach for fostering a reduction in pain intensity. However, there is a need to elucidate what forms of psychotherapy could be effectively matched with the specific pathologies that are typically addressed by neurorehabilitation teams. OBJECTIVES: To extensively assess the available evidence which supports the use of psychological therapies for pain reduction in neurological diseases. METHODS: A systematic review of the studies evaluating the effect of psychotherapies on pain intensity in neurological disorders was performed through an electronic search using PUBMED, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Based on the level of evidence of the included studies, recommendations were outlined separately for the different conditions. RESULTS: The literature search yielded 2352 results and the final database included 400 articles. The overall strength of the recommendations was medium/low. The different forms of psychological interventions, including Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, cognitive or behavioral techniques, Mindfulness, hypnosis, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Brief Interpersonal Therapy, virtual reality interventions, various forms of biofeedback and mirror therapy were found to be effective for pain reduction in pathologies such as musculoskeletal pain, fibromyalgia, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Central Post-Stroke pain, Phantom Limb Pain, pain secondary to Spinal Cord Injury, multiple sclerosis and other debilitating syndromes, diabetic neuropathy, Medically Unexplained Symptoms, migraine and headache. CONCLUSIONS: Psychological interventions and psychotherapies are safe and effective treatments that can be used within an integrated approach for patients undergoing neurological rehabilitation for pain. The different interventions can be specifically selected depending on the disease being treated. A table of evidence and recommendations from the Italian Consensus Conference on Pain in Neurorehabilitation is also provided in the final part of the pape

    Vaccination against hepatitis b virus: are Italian medical students sufficiently protected after the public vaccination programme?

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    The development of a vaccine against hepatitis B virus (HBV) has been a major achievement in terms of prevention of HBV infection. For the present study, we analysed the long-term immunogenicity and effectiveness of HBV vaccination among healthcare students with different working seniorities.Background: The development of a vaccine against hepatitis B virus (HBV) has been a major achievement in terms of prevention of HBV infection. For the present study, we analysed the long-term immunogenicity and effectiveness of HBV vaccination among healthcare students with different working seniorities. Methods: A cross-sectional study of undergraduate and postgraduate students attending the Medical School of the Second University of Naples was conducted between September 2012 and December 2014. HBV serum markers were determined and multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to identify factors associated with the level of long-term immunogenicity. Results: Of the 2,932 subjects evaluated, only 33 (1.1 %) declared no history of vaccination. All vaccinated subjects were HBsAg/anti-HBc negative, 459 of which had an anti-HBs titre <10 IU/L. The latter were younger, more likely to be attending a healthcare profession school (i.e., dental hygienists, nursing, paediatric nursing, radiography and midwifery) than a medical school (at either undergraduate or postgraduate level) and more likely to have been vaccinated in infancy. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that assessment of HBV serum markers in workers potentially exposed to hospital infections is useful to identify small numbers of unvaccinated subjects or vaccinated subjects with low antibody titre, all of whom should be referred to a booster series of vaccinations