31,809 research outputs found

    Specificity in Personality Measurement

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    Born, M.P.H. [Promotor]Vries, R.E. de [Copromotor

    Beyond-the-Standard-Model matrix elements with the gradient flow

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    At the Forschungszentrum Juelich (FZJ) we have started a long-term program that aims to determine beyond-the-Standard-Model (BSM) matrix elements using the gradient flow, and to understand the impact of BSM physics in nucleon and nuclear observables. Using the gradient flow, we propose to calculate the QCD component of key beyond the Standard Model (BSM) matrix elements related to quark and strong theta CP violation and the strange content within the nucleon. The former set of matrix elements impacts our understanding of Electric Dipole Moments (EDMs) of nucleons and nuclei (a key signature of BSM physics), while the latter contributes to elastic recoil of Dark Matter particles off nucleons and nuclei. If successful, these results will lay the foundation for extraction of BSM observables from future low-energy, high-intensity and high-accuracy experimental measurements.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, presented at the 32nd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2014). Correct version of proceedings. Different wording of few paragraphs and different notation on few formulas. Added 1 referenc

    First-principle calculations of Dark Matter scattering off light nuclei

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    We study the scattering of Dark Matter particles off various light nuclei within the framework of chiral effective field theory. We focus on scalar interactions and include one- and two-nucleon scattering processes whose form and strength are dictated by chiral symmetry. The nuclear wave functions are calculated from chiral effective field theory interactions as well and we investigate the convergence pattern of the chiral expansion in the nuclear potential and the Dark Matter-nucleus currents. This allows us to provide a systematic uncertainty estimate of our calculations. We provide results for 2{}^2H, 3{}^3H, and 3{}^3He nuclei which are theoretically interesting and the latter is a potential target for experiments. We show that two-nucleon currents can be systematically included but are generally smaller than predicted by power counting and suffer from significant theoretical uncertainties even in light nuclei. We demonstrate that accurate high-order wave functions are necessary in order to incorporate two-nucleon currents. We discuss scenarios in which one-nucleon contributions are suppressed such that higher-order currents become dominant

    Self-reported energy intake by FFQ compared with actual energy intake to maintain body weight in 516 adults

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    It is generally assumed that a FFQ is not suitable to estimate the absolute levels of individual energy intake. However, in epidemiological studies, reported nutrients by FFQ are often corrected for this intake. The objective of the present study was to assess how accurately participants report their energy intakes by FFQ. We compared reported energy intake with actual energy intake needed to maintain stable body weights during eleven controlled dietary trials. FFQ were developed to capture at least 90 % of energy intake. Participants, 342 women and 174 men, with a mean BMI of 22·8 (sd 3·1) kg/m2 filled out the FFQ just before the trials. Energy intakes during the trials were calculated from provided foods and reported free-food items, representing 90 and 10 % of energy intake, respectively. Mean reported energy intake was 97·5 (sd 12·7) % of actual energy intake during the trials; it was 98·9 (sd 15·2) % for women and 94·7 (sd 16·3) % for men (P = 0·004 for difference between sexes). Correlation coefficients between reported and actual energy intakes were 0·82 for all participants, 0·74 for women and 0·80 for men. Individual reported energy intake as a percentage of actual intake ranged from 56·3 to 159·6 % in women and from 43·8 to 151·0 % in men. In conclusion, the FFQ appeared to be accurate for estimating the mean level of energy intakes of these participants and for ranking them according to their intake. However, the large differences found on the individual level may affect the results of epidemiological studies in an unknown direction if nutrients are corrected for energy intakes reported by FF

    Models of Dynamic Data for Emergency Response: A Comparative Study

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    The first hours after a disaster happens are very chaotic and difficult but perhaps the most important for successfully fighting the consequences, saving human lives and reducing damages in private and public properties. Despite some advances, complete inventory of the information needed during the emergency response remains challenging. In the last years several nationally and internationally funded projects have concentrated on inventory of emergency response processes, structures for storing dynamic information and standards and services for accessing needed data sets. A good inventory would clarify many aspects of the information exchange such as data sets, models, representations; a good structuring would facilitate the fast access to a desired piece of information, as well as the automation of analysis of the information. Consequently the information can be used better in the decision-making process.\ud This paper presents our work on models for dynamic data for different disasters and incidents in Europe. The Dutch data models are derived from a thorough study on emergency response procedure in the Netherlands. Two more models developed within the project HUMBOLDT reflect several cross border disaster management scenarios in Europe. These models are compared with the Geospatial Data Model of the Department of Homeland Security in USA. The paper draws conclusions about the type of geographical information needed to perform emergency response operations and the possibility to have a generic model to be used world-wide

    Massive galaxies with very young AGN

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    Gigahertz Peaked Spectrum (GPS) radio galaxies are generally thought to be the young counterparts of classical extended radio sources and live in massive ellipticals. GPS sources are vital for studying the early evolution of radio-loud AGN, the trigger of their nuclear activity, and the importance of feedback in galaxy evolution. We study the Parkes half-Jansky sample of GPS radio galaxies of which now all host galaxies have been identified and 80% has their redshifts determined (0.122 < z < 1.539). Analysis of the absolute magnitudes of the GPS host galaxies show that at z > 1 they are on average a magnitude fainter than classical 3C radio galaxies. This suggests that the AGN in young radio galaxies have not yet much influenced the overall properties of the host galaxy. However their restframe UV luminosities indicate that there is a low level of excess as compared to passive evolution models.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of "Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Bulges", IAUS 245; M. Bureau, E. Athanassoula & B. Barbuy, ed

    Three electrode current voltage measurements on erbia stabilized bismuth oxide with co-pressed gold gauze electrodes

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    The polarization behaviour of (Bi2O3)0.75(Er2O3)0.25(BE25) with a co-pressed gold gauze electrode was studied as a function of temperature and oxygen partial pressure in a three electrode cell. The anodic polarization is smaller than the cathodic polarization. The cathodic charge transfer coefficient, αc, is about 0.5 while the anodic one, αa, is about 1.5. The exchange current density shows a (PO2) dependence for partial pressures below 1 atm with an activation enthalpy of ˜126 kJ mol−1. These values compare well with results obtained from 18O exchange experiments. Current densities for the co-pressed gold gauze electrodes are about a factor of 5 to 10 larger than found for the previously reported porous sputtered gold electrodes. Analysis of the electrode impedance shows strong influence of surface diffusion on the electrode reaction, which must take place at the surface of the electrolyte

    Disordering to Order: de Vries behavior from a Landau theory for smectics

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    We show that Landau theory for the isotropic, nematic, smectic A, and smectic C phases generically, but not ubiquitously, implies de Vries behavior. I.e., a continuous AC transition can occur with little layer contraction; the birefringence decreases as temperature T is lowered above this transition, and increases again below the transition. This de Vries behavior occurs in models with unusually small orientational order, and is preceded by a first order I &#8722; A transition. A first order AC transition with elements of de Vries behavior can also occur. These results correspond well with experimental work to date.Comment: 4 pages, 2 page appendi