48 research outputs found

    Can a rabbit be a scientist? Stimulating philosophical dialogue in science classes

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    Philosophical dialogue requires an approach to teaching and learning in science that is focused on problem posing and provides space for meaning making, finding new ways of thinking and understanding and for linking science with broader human experiences. This article explores the role that philosophical dialogue can play in science lessons and the contribution it can make to breaking down barriers between disciplines (why use philosophical dialogue). It then provides some examples of questions to stimulate philosophical dialogue and suggests some moves that teachers can make to facilitate discussion in whole-class situations (how science teachers can use philosophical dialogue). It is argued that facilitated discussion of philosophical questions can help students to build connections between science, philosophy, and their own interests and experiences in science, other disciplines, and their lives

    Are we allowed to tinker with (human) DNA? Addressing socioscientific issues through philosophical dialogue - the case of genetic engineering.

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    Education about socioscientific issues (SSIs) can be challenging as underlying tensions can surface. When discussing the topic of genetic engineering, these tensions can be related to (1) the molecular biology of genetics and genetic engineering, (2) the evolutionary aspects of genetic engineering, (3) the nature of science and (4) the ethical understanding of this SSI. Such tensions may lead to confrontation, either between students or between students and teachers. The practice of ‘philosophical inquiry’ provides a pedagogical approach to help explore these tensions and engage in dialogues. Philosophical inquiry entails a dialogic approach in which a facilitator helps a group of students uncover hidden presuppositions and elicit an argumentative conversation. Stimuli such as pictures, cases or quotes provide a context to help students engage in dialogues about philosophical questions. Thus, students can reflect upon the relationship between science and evolution, the nature of science and the tensions between genetic engineering and society. In this chapter, we first explore different sensitivities related to genetic engineering. Then, we showcase learning material for secondary school students to cope with these issues. We focus on an approach to using big questions and stimulating dialogue to explore sensitivities. Ultimately, we provide tips to consider when addressing SSIs through philosophical dialogue

    Reflectie in de wetenschapsklas

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    Het Vlaamse wetenschapsonderwijs heeft nood aan goed geschoolde leraars om leerlingen te laten reflecteren over wetenschap en kennis. In het bijzonder is er nood aan leermateriaal om aan de slag te gaan met ‘nature of science’. Daarom ontwerpen we voor de lerarenopleiding nieuw leermateriaal om het inzicht in het wetenschappelijke proces te vergroten bij toekomstige leraars wetenschappen en wereldoriëntatie. We ontwikkelen een didactiek geïnspireerd op dialogische gesprekstechnieken die de lerarenopleider en de aspirant-leraar zal toelaten reflectie bij lerenden op te wekken.status: publishe

    An evolutionary and cognitive neuroscience perspective on moral modularity

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